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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Add absolute_import from __future__ so that pylint does not fail and to achieve python3 behavior in python2. Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com> Reviewed-By: Alexander Bokovoy <abokovoy@redhat.com>
516 lines
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516 lines
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# Authors:
# Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009,2013 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Test the `ipaserver/plugins/cert.py` module against a RA.
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import base64
import os
import unittest
import pytest
import six
from ipalib import api
from ipalib import errors
from ipaplatform.paths import paths
from ipapython.certdb import NSSDatabase
from ipapython.dn import DN
from ipapython.ipautil import run
from ipatests.test_xmlrpc.testcert import subject_base
from ipatests.test_xmlrpc.xmlrpc_test import XMLRPC_test
if six.PY3:
unicode = str
# So we can save the cert from issuance and compare it later
cert = None
newcert = None
sn = None
_DOMAIN = api.env.domain
_EXP_CRL_URI = ''.join(['http://ipa-ca.', _DOMAIN, '/ipa/crl/MasterCRL.bin'])
_EXP_OCSP_URI = ''.join(['http://ipa-ca.', _DOMAIN, '/ca/ocsp'])
def is_db_configured():
Raise an exception if we are testing against lite-server and the
developer cert database is configured.
aliasdir = api.env.dot_ipa + os.sep + 'alias' + os.sep + '.pwd'
if (api.env.xmlrpc_uri == u'http://localhost:8888/ipa/xml' and
not os.path.isfile(aliasdir)):
raise unittest.SkipTest('developer CA not configured in %s' % aliasdir)
# Test setup
# This test needs a configured CA behind it in order to work properly
# To test against Apache directly then no changes are required. Just be
# sure the xmlrpc_uri in ~/.ipa/default.conf points to Apache.
# To test against Dogtag CA in the lite-server:
# - Copy the 3 NSS db files from /var/lib/ipa/radb to ~/.ipa/alias
# - Copy /var/lib/ipa/radb/pwdfile.txt to ~/.ipa/alias/.pwd.
# - Change ownership of these files to be readable by you.
# The API tested depends on the value of ~/.ipa/default/ra_plugin when
# running as the lite-server.
class BaseCert(XMLRPC_test):
host_fqdn = u'ipatestcert.%s' % api.env.domain
service_princ = u'test/%s@%s' % (host_fqdn, api.env.realm)
def setup_class(cls):
super(BaseCert, cls).setup_class()
if 'cert_request' not in api.Command:
raise unittest.SkipTest('cert_request not registered')
if 'cert_show' not in api.Command:
raise unittest.SkipTest('cert_show not registered')
def setup(self):
self.nssdb = NSSDatabase()
secdir = self.nssdb.secdir
self.reqfile = os.path.join(secdir, "test.csr")
self.certfile = os.path.join(secdir, "cert.crt")
# Create our temporary NSS database
self.subject = DN(('CN', self.host_fqdn), subject_base())
def teardown(self):
self.nssdb.close() # remove tempdir
def generateCSR(self, subject):
"-R", "-s", subject,
"-o", self.reqfile,
"-z", paths.GROUP,
with open(self.reqfile, "rb") as f:
return f.read().decode('ascii')
class test_cert(BaseCert):
def setup_class(cls):
super(test_cert, cls).setup_class()
Test the `cert` plugin.
def test_0001_cert_add(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.cert_request` method without --add.
This should fail because the service principal doesn't exist
# First create the host that will use this policy
assert 'result' in api.Command['host_add'](self.host_fqdn, force=True)
csr = self.generateCSR(str(self.subject))
with pytest.raises(errors.NotFound):
api.Command['cert_request'](csr, principal=self.service_princ)
def test_0002_cert_add(self):
Test the `xmlrpc.cert_request` method with --add.
# Our host should exist from previous test
global cert, sn
csr = self.generateCSR(str(self.subject))
res = api.Command['cert_request'](csr, principal=self.service_princ, add=True)['result']
assert DN(res['subject']) == self.subject
assert 'cacn' in res
# save the cert for the service_show/find tests
cert = res['certificate'].encode('ascii')
# save cert's SN for URI test
sn = res['serial_number']
def test_0003_service_show(self):
Verify that service-show has the right certificate using service-show.
res = api.Command['service_show'](self.service_princ)['result']
assert base64.b64encode(res['usercertificate'][0]) == cert
def test_0004_service_find(self):
Verify that service-find has the right certificate using service-find.
# Assume there is only one service
res = api.Command['service_find'](self.service_princ)['result']
assert base64.b64encode(res[0]['usercertificate'][0]) == cert
def test_0005_cert_uris(self):
"""Test URI details and OCSP-URI in certificate.
See https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5881
result = api.Command.cert_show(sn, out=unicode(self.certfile))
with open(self.certfile, "rb") as f:
pem_cert = f.read().decode('ascii')
result = run([paths.OPENSSL, 'x509', '-text'],
stdin=pem_cert, capture_output=True)
assert _EXP_CRL_URI in result.output
assert _EXP_OCSP_URI in result.output
def test_0006_cert_renew(self):
Issue a new certificate for a service
global newcert
csr = self.generateCSR(str(self.subject))
res = api.Command['cert_request'](csr, principal=self.service_princ)['result']
assert DN(res['subject']) == self.subject
# save the cert for the service_show/find tests
newcert = res['certificate'].encode('ascii')
def test_0007_service_show(self):
Verify the new certificate with service-show.
res = api.Command['service_show'](self.service_princ)['result']
# Both the old and the new certs should be listed as certificates now
certs_encoded = (
base64.b64encode(usercert) for usercert in res['usercertificate']
assert set(certs_encoded) == set([cert, newcert])
def test_0008_cert_show(self):
Verify that cert-show shows CA of the certificate without --all
res = api.Command['cert_show'](sn)['result']
assert 'cacn' in res
assert 'valid_not_before' in res
assert 'valid_not_after' in res
def test_0009_cert_find(self):
Verify that cert-find shows CA of the certificate without --all
res = api.Command['cert_find'](min_serial_number=sn,
assert 'cacn' in res
assert 'valid_not_before' in res
assert 'valid_not_after' in res
def test_00010_san_in_cert(self):
Test if SAN extension is automatically added with default profile.
csr = self.generateCSR(str(self.subject))
res = api.Command[
'cert_request'](csr, principal=self.service_princ)['result']
assert 'san_dnsname' in res
def test_00011_emails_are_valid(self):
Verify the different scenarios when checking if any email addr
from DN or SAN extension does not appear in ldap entry.
from ipaserver.plugins.cert import _emails_are_valid
email_addrs = [u'any@EmAiL.CoM']
result = _emails_are_valid(email_addrs, [u'any@email.com'])
assert True == result, result
email_addrs = [u'any@EmAiL.CoM']
result = _emails_are_valid(email_addrs, [u'any@email.com',
assert True == result, result
result = _emails_are_valid([], [u'any@email.com'])
assert True == result, result
email_addrs = [u'invalidEmailAddress']
result = _emails_are_valid(email_addrs, [])
assert False == result, result
def test_99999_cleanup(self):
Clean up cert test data
# Now clean things up
# Verify that the service is gone
res = api.Command['service_find'](self.service_princ)
assert res['count'] == 0
class test_cert_find(XMLRPC_test):
def setup_class(cls):
super(test_cert_find, cls).setup_class()
if 'cert_find' not in api.Command:
raise unittest.SkipTest('cert_find not registered')
if api.env.ra_plugin != 'dogtag':
raise unittest.SkipTest('cert_find for dogtag CA only')
Test the `cert-find` command.
short = api.env.host.split('.')[0]
def test_0001_find_all(self):
Search for all certificates.
We don't know how many we'll get but there should be at least 10
by default.
res = api.Command['cert_find']()
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] >= 10
def test_0002_find_CA(self):
Search for the CA certificate.
res = api.Command['cert_find'](subject=u'Certificate Authority')
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 1
def test_0003_find_OCSP(self):
Search for the OCSP certificate.
res = api.Command['cert_find'](subject=u'OCSP Subsystem')
assert 'count' in res
assert res['count'], "No OSCP certificate found"
def test_0004_find_this_host(self):
Find all certificates for this IPA server
res = api.Command['cert_find'](subject=api.env.host)
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] > 1
def test_0005_find_this_host_exact(self):
Find all certificates for this IPA server (exact)
res = api.Command['cert_find'](subject=api.env.host, exactly=True)
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] > 1
def test_0006_find_this_short_host_exact(self):
Find all certificates for this IPA server short name (exact)
res = api.Command['cert_find'](subject=self.short, exactly=True)
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 0
# tests 0007 to 0016 removed
def test_0017_find_by_issuedon(self):
Find all certificates issued since 2008
res = api.Command['cert_find'](issuedon_from=u'2008-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 10
def test_0018_find_through_issuedon(self):
Find all certificates issued through 2008
res = api.Command['cert_find'](issuedon_to=u'2008-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 0
def test_0019_find_notvalid_before(self):
Find all certificates valid not before 2008
res = api.Command['cert_find'](validnotbefore_from=u'2008-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 10
def test_0020_find_notvalid_before(self):
Find all certificates valid not before to 2100
res = api.Command['cert_find'](validnotbefore_to=u'2100-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 10
def test_0021_find_notvalid_before(self):
Find all certificates valid not before 2100
res = api.Command['cert_find'](validnotbefore_from=u'2100-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 0
def test_0022_find_notvalid_before(self):
Find all certificates valid not before to 2008
res = api.Command['cert_find'](validnotbefore_to=u'2008-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 0
def test_0023_find_notvalid_after(self):
Find all certificates valid not after 2008
res = api.Command['cert_find'](validnotafter_from=u'2008-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 10
def test_0024_find_notvalid_after(self):
Find all certificates valid not after to 2100
res = api.Command['cert_find'](validnotafter_to=u'2100-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 10
def test_0025_find_notvalid_after(self):
Find all certificates valid not after 2100
res = api.Command['cert_find'](validnotafter_from=u'2100-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 0
def test_0026_find_notvalid_after(self):
Find all certificates valid not after to 2008
res = api.Command['cert_find'](validnotafter_to=u'2008-01-01',
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 0
def test_0027_sizelimit_zero(self):
Search with a sizelimit of 0
count_all = api.Command['cert_find']()['count']
res = api.Command['cert_find'](sizelimit=0)
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == count_all
def test_0028_find_negative_size(self):
Search with a negative sizelimit
with pytest.raises(errors.ValidationError):
def test_0029_search_for_notfound(self):
Search for a host that isn't there.
res = api.Command['cert_find'](subject=u'notfound')
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] == 0
def test_0030_search_for_testcerts(self):
Search for certs created in other tests
res = api.Command['cert_find'](subject=u'ipatestcert.%s' % api.env.domain)
assert 'count' in res and res['count'] >= 1
def test_0031_search_on_invalid_date(self):
Search using invalid date format
with pytest.raises(errors.ConversionError):
class test_cert_revocation(BaseCert):
def setup_class(cls):
super(test_cert_revocation, cls).setup_class()
# create CSR, request cert, revoke cert, check cert attributes
def revoke_cert(self, reason):
# add host
assert 'result' in api.Command['host_add'](self.host_fqdn, force=True)
# generate CSR, request certificate, obtain serial number
self.csr = self.generateCSR(str(self.subject))
res = api.Command['cert_request'](self.csr,
add=True, all=True)['result']
serial_number = res['serial_number']
# revoke created certificate
assert 'result' in api.Command['cert_revoke'](
serial_number, revocation_reason=reason)
# verify that certificate is revoked with correct reason
res2 = api.Command['cert_show'](serial_number, all=True)['result']
assert res2['revoked']
assert res2['revocation_reason'] == reason
# remove host
assert 'result' in api.Command['host_del'](self.host_fqdn)
def test_revoke_with_reason_0(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_1(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_2(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_3(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_4(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_5(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_6(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_8(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_9(self):
def test_revoke_with_reason_10(self):