Martin Babinsky 974eb7b5ef ipalib: introduce Principal parameter
This patch introduces a separate Principal parameter that allows the framework
to syntactically validate incoming/outcoming principals by using a single
shared codebase.

Reviewed-By: David Kupka <>
Reviewed-By: Jan Cholasta <>
2016-07-01 09:37:25 +02:00

529 lines
16 KiB

# Copyright (C) 2016 FreeIPA Contributors see COPYING for license
import collections
import errno
import fcntl
import glob
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import types
import zipfile
import six
from ipaclient.frontend import ClientCommand, ClientMethod
from ipalib import errors, parameters, plugable
from ipalib.frontend import Object
from ipalib.output import Output
from ipalib.parameters import DefaultFrom, Flag, Password, Str
from ipapython.dn import DN
from ipapython.dnsutil import DNSName
from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import log_mgr
if six.PY3:
unicode = str
_TYPES = {
'DN': DN,
'DNSName': DNSName,
'Principal': unicode,
'NoneType': type(None),
'Sequence': collections.Sequence,
'bool': bool,
'dict': dict,
'int': int,
'list': list,
'tuple': tuple,
'unicode': unicode,
'Decimal': parameters.Decimal,
'DN': parameters.DNParam,
'DNSName': parameters.DNSNameParam,
'Principal': parameters.Principal,
'bool': parameters.Bool,
'bytes': parameters.Bytes,
'datetime': parameters.DateTime,
'dict': parameters.Dict,
'int': parameters.Int,
'str': parameters.Str,
os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME') or
SCHEMA_DIR = os.path.join(USER_CACHE_PATH, 'ipa', 'schema')
SERVERS_DIR = os.path.join(USER_CACHE_PATH, 'ipa', 'servers')
logger = log_mgr.get_logger(__name__)
class _SchemaCommand(ClientCommand):
class _SchemaMethod(ClientMethod):
def obj_name(self):
return self.api.Object[self.obj_full_name].name
def obj_version(self):
return self.api.Object[self.obj_full_name].version
class _SchemaObject(Object):
class _SchemaPlugin(object):
bases = None
schema_key = None
def __init__(self, full_name):, _slash, self.version = full_name.partition('/')
self.full_name = full_name
self.__class = None
def _create_default_from(self, api, name, keys):
cmd_name = self.full_name
def get_default(*args):
kw = dict(zip(keys, args))
result = api.Command.command_defaults(
return result.get(name)
if keys:
def callback(*args):
return get_default(*args)
def callback():
return get_default()
callback.__name__ = '{0}_{1}_default'.format(, name)
return DefaultFrom(callback, *keys)
def _create_param(self, api, schema):
name = str(schema['name'])
type_name = str(schema['type'])
sensitive = schema.get('sensitive', False)
if type_name == 'str' and sensitive:
cls = Password
sensitive = False
elif (type_name == 'bool' and
'default' in schema and schema['default'][0] == u'False' and
not schema.get('alwaysask', False)):
cls = Flag
del schema['default']
cls = _PARAMS[type_name]
except KeyError:
cls = Str
kwargs = {}
default = None
for key, value in schema.items():
if key in ('alwaysask',
kwargs[key] = value
elif key in ('cli_metavar',
kwargs[key] = str(value)
elif key == 'confirm' and issubclass(cls, Password):
kwargs[key] = value
elif key == 'default':
default = value
elif key == 'default_from_param':
keys = tuple(str(k) for k in value)
kwargs['default_from'] = (
self._create_default_from(api, name, keys))
elif key in ('exclude',
kwargs[key] = tuple(str(v) for v in value)
if default is not None:
tmp = cls(name, **dict(kwargs, no_convert=False))
if tmp.multivalue:
default = tuple(tmp._convert_scalar(d) for d in default)
default = tmp._convert_scalar(default[0])
kwargs['default'] = default
if 'default' in kwargs or 'default_from' in kwargs:
kwargs['autofill'] = not kwargs.pop('alwaysask', False)
param = cls(name, **kwargs)
if sensitive:
object.__setattr__(param, 'password', True)
return param
def _create_class(self, api, schema):
class_dict = {}
class_dict['name'] = str(schema['name'])
class_dict['version'] = str(schema['version'])
class_dict['full_name'] = str(schema['full_name'])
if 'doc' in schema:
class_dict['doc'] = schema['doc']
if 'topic_topic' in schema:
class_dict['topic'] = str(schema['topic_topic']).partition('/')[0]
class_dict['topic'] = None
class_dict['takes_params'] = tuple(self._create_param(api, s)
for s in schema.get('params', []))
return, self.bases, class_dict
def __call__(self, api):
if self.__class is None:
schema = api._schema[self.schema_key][self.full_name]
name, bases, class_dict = self._create_class(api, schema)
self.__class = type(name, bases, class_dict)
return self.__class(api)
class _SchemaCommandPlugin(_SchemaPlugin):
bases = (_SchemaCommand,)
schema_key = 'commands'
def _create_output(self, api, schema):
if schema.get('multivalue', False):
type_type = (tuple, list)
if not schema.get('required', True):
type_type = type_type + (type(None),)
type_type = _TYPES[schema['type']]
except KeyError:
type_type = None
if not schema.get('required', True):
type_type = (type_type, type(None))
kwargs = {}
kwargs['type'] = type_type
if 'doc' in schema:
kwargs['doc'] = schema['doc']
if schema.get('no_display', False):
kwargs['flags'] = ('no_display',)
return Output(str(schema['name']), **kwargs)
def _create_class(self, api, schema):
name, bases, class_dict = (
super(_SchemaCommandPlugin, self)._create_class(api, schema))
if 'obj_class' in schema or 'attr_name' in schema:
bases = (_SchemaMethod,)
if 'obj_class' in schema:
class_dict['obj_full_name'] = str(schema['obj_class'])
if 'attr_name' in schema:
class_dict['attr_name'] = str(schema['attr_name'])
if 'exclude' in schema and u'cli' in schema['exclude']:
class_dict['NO_CLI'] = True
args = set(str(s['name']) for s in schema['params']
if s.get('positional', s.get('required', True)))
class_dict['takes_args'] = tuple(
p for p in class_dict['takes_params'] if in args)
class_dict['takes_options'] = tuple(
p for p in class_dict['takes_params'] if not in args)
del class_dict['takes_params']
class_dict['has_output'] = tuple(
self._create_output(api, s) for s in schema['output'])
return name, bases, class_dict
class _SchemaObjectPlugin(_SchemaPlugin):
bases = (_SchemaObject,)
schema_key = 'classes'
def _ensure_dir_created(d):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to create cache directory: {}"
class _LockedZipFile(zipfile.ZipFile):
""" Add locking to zipfile.ZipFile
Shared lock is used with read mode, exclusive with write mode.
def __enter__(self):
if 'r' in self.mode:
fcntl.flock(self.fp, fcntl.LOCK_SH)
elif 'w' in self.mode or 'a' in self.mode:
fcntl.flock(self.fp, fcntl.LOCK_EX)
return super(_LockedZipFile, self).__enter__()
def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
fcntl.flock(self.fp, fcntl.LOCK_UN)
return super(_LockedZipFile, self).__exit__(type_, value, traceback)
class _SchemaNameSpace(collections.Mapping):
def __init__(self, schema, name): = name
self._schema = schema
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._schema.read_namespace_member(, key)
def __iter__(self):
for key in self._schema.iter_namespace(
yield key
def __len__(self):
return len(list(self._schema.iter_namespace(
class NotAvailable(Exception):
class Schema(object):
Store and provide schema for commands and topics
Create api instance
>>> from ipalib import api
>>> api.bootstrap(context='cli')
>>> api.finalize()
Get schema object
>>> m = Schema(api)
From now on we can access schema for commands stored in cache
>>> m['commands'][u'ping'][u'doc']
u'Ping a remote server.'
>>> m['topics'][u'ping'][u'doc']
u'Ping the remote IPA server to ...'
schema_path_template = os.path.join(SCHEMA_DIR, '{}')
servers_path_template = os.path.join(SERVERS_DIR, '{}')
ns_member_pattern_template = '^{}/(?P<name>.+)$'
ns_member_path_template = '{}/{}'
namespaces = {'classes', 'commands', 'topics'}
schema_info_path = 'schema'
def _list(cls):
for f in glob.glob(cls.schema_path_template.format('*')):
yield os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]
def _in_cache(cls, fingeprint):
return os.path.exists(cls.schema_path_template.format(fingeprint))
def __init__(self, api, client):
self._api = api
self._client = client
self._dict = {}
def _open_server_info(self, hostname, mode):
encoded_hostname = DNSName(hostname).ToASCII()
path = self.servers_path_template.format(encoded_hostname)
return open(path, mode)
def _get_schema(self):
client = self._client
if not client.isconnected():
fps = [unicode(f) for f in Schema._list()]
kwargs = {u'version': u'2.170'}
if fps:
kwargs[u'known_fingerprints'] = fps
schema = client.forward(u'schema', **kwargs)['result']
except errors.CommandError:
raise NotAvailable()
except errors.SchemaUpToDate as e:
fp = e.fingerprint
ttl = e.ttl
fp = schema['fingerprint']
ttl = schema['ttl']
self._store(fp, schema)
exp = ttl + time.time()
return (fp, exp)
def _ensure_cached(self):
no_info = False
# pylint: disable=access-member-before-definition
fp = self._server_schema_fingerprint
exp = self._server_schema_expiration
except AttributeError:
with self._open_server_info(self._api.env.server, 'r') as sc:
si = json.load(sc)
fp = si['fingerprint']
exp = si['expiration']
except Exception as e:
no_info = True
if not (isinstance(e, EnvironmentError) and
e.errno == errno.ENOENT): # pylint: disable=no-member
logger.warning('Failed to load server properties: {}'
if no_info or exp < time.time() or not Schema._in_cache(fp):
(fp, exp) = self._get_schema()
with self._open_server_info(self._api.env.server, 'w') as sc:
json.dump(dict(fingerprint=fp, expiration=exp), sc)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning('Failed to store server properties: {}'
if not self._dict:
self._dict['fingerprint'] = fp
schema_info = self._read(self.schema_info_path)
self._dict['version'] = schema_info['version']
for ns in self.namespaces:
self._dict[ns] = _SchemaNameSpace(self, ns)
self._server_schema_fingerprintr = fp
self._server_schema_expiration = exp
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._dict[key]
def _open_archive(self, mode, fp=None):
if not fp:
fp = self['fingerprint']
arch_path = self.schema_path_template.format(fp)
return _LockedZipFile(arch_path, mode)
def _store(self, fingerprint, schema={}):
schema_info = dict(version=schema['version'],
with self._open_archive('w', fingerprint) as zf:
# store schema information
zf.writestr(self.schema_info_path, json.dumps(schema_info))
# store namespaces
for namespace in self.namespaces:
for member in schema[namespace]:
path = self.ns_member_path_template.format(
zf.writestr(path, json.dumps(member))
def _read(self, path):
with self._open_archive('r') as zf:
return json.loads(
def read_namespace_member(self, namespace, member):
path = self.ns_member_path_template.format(namespace, member)
return self._read(path)
def iter_namespace(self, namespace):
pattern = self.ns_member_pattern_template.format(namespace)
with self._open_archive('r') as zf:
for name in zf.namelist():
r = re.match(pattern, name)
if r:
yield r.groups('name')[0]
def get_package(api, client):
schema = api._schema
except AttributeError:
schema = Schema(api, client)
object.__setattr__(api, '_schema', schema)
fingerprint = str(schema['fingerprint'])
package_name = '{}${}'.format(__name__, fingerprint)
package_dir = '{}${}'.format(os.path.splitext(__file__)[0], fingerprint)
return sys.modules[package_name]
except KeyError:
package = types.ModuleType(package_name)
package.__file__ = os.path.join(package_dir, '')
package.modules = ['plugins']
sys.modules[package_name] = package
module_name = '.'.join((package_name, 'plugins'))
module = types.ModuleType(module_name)
module.__file__ = os.path.join(package_dir, '')
module.register = plugable.Registry()
for key, plugin_cls in (('commands', _SchemaCommandPlugin),
('classes', _SchemaObjectPlugin)):
for full_name in schema[key]:
plugin = plugin_cls(full_name)
plugin = module.register()(plugin)
sys.modules[module_name] = module
for full_name, topic in six.iteritems(schema['topics']):
name = str(topic['name'])
module_name = '.'.join((package_name, name))
module = sys.modules[module_name]
except KeyError:
module = sys.modules[module_name] = types.ModuleType(module_name)
module.__file__ = os.path.join(package_dir, '{}.py'.format(name))
module.__doc__ = topic.get('doc')
if 'topic_topic' in topic:
module.topic = str(topic['topic_topic']).partition('/')[0]
module.topic = None
return package