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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
New classes for user and group names provide a convenient way to access the uid and primary gid of a user / gid of a group. The classes also provide chown() and chgrp() methods to simplify common operations. The wrappers are subclasses of builtin str type and behave like ordinary strings with additional features. The pwd and grp structs are retrieved once and then cached. Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com> Reviewed-By: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
344 lines
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344 lines
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# Authors:
# Martin Nagy <mnagy@redhat.com>
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
All constants centralised in one file.
import os
import socket
from ipaplatform.constants import constants as _constants
from ipapython.dn import DN
from ipapython.version import VERSION, API_VERSION
FQDN = socket.getfqdn()
except Exception:
FQDN = socket.gethostname()
except Exception:
FQDN = None
# TLS related constants
# * SSL2 and SSL3 are broken.
# * TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 are no longer state of the art.
# * TLS1.2 and 1.3 are secure and working properly
# * Crypto policies restrict TLS range to 1.2 and 1.3. Python 3.6 cannot
# override the crypto policy.
# regular expression NameSpace member names must match:
NAME_REGEX = r'^[a-z][_a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]$|^[a-z]$'
# Format for ValueError raised when name does not match above regex:
NAME_ERROR = "name must match '%s'; got '%s'"
# Standard format for TypeError message:
TYPE_ERROR = '%s: need a %r; got %r (a %r)'
# Stardard format for TypeError message when a callable is expected:
CALLABLE_ERROR = '%s: need a callable; got %r (which is a %r)'
# Standard format for Exception message when overriding an attribute:
OVERRIDE_ERROR = 'cannot override %s.%s value %r with %r'
# Standard format for AttributeError message when a read-only attribute is
# already locked:
SET_ERROR = 'locked: cannot set %s.%s to %r'
DEL_ERROR = 'locked: cannot delete %s.%s'
# Used for a tab (or indentation level) when formatting for CLI:
CLI_TAB = ' ' # Two spaces
# The section to read in the config files, i.e. [global]
# The default configuration for api.env
# This is a tuple instead of a dict so that it is immutable.
# To create a dict with this config, just "d = dict(DEFAULT_CONFIG)".
('api_version', API_VERSION),
('version', VERSION),
# Domain, realm, basedn:
# Following values do not have any reasonable default.
# Do not initialize them so the code which depends on them blows up early
# and does not do crazy stuff with default values instead of real ones.
# ('domain', 'example.com'),
# ('realm', 'EXAMPLE.COM'),
# ('basedn', DN(('dc', 'example'), ('dc', 'com'))),
# LDAP containers:
('container_accounts', DN(('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_user', DN(('cn', 'users'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_deleteuser', DN(('cn', 'deleted users'), ('cn', 'accounts'), ('cn', 'provisioning'))),
('container_stageuser', DN(('cn', 'staged users'), ('cn', 'accounts'), ('cn', 'provisioning'))),
('container_group', DN(('cn', 'groups'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_service', DN(('cn', 'services'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_host', DN(('cn', 'computers'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_hostgroup', DN(('cn', 'hostgroups'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_rolegroup', DN(('cn', 'roles'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_permission', DN(('cn', 'permissions'), ('cn', 'pbac'))),
('container_privilege', DN(('cn', 'privileges'), ('cn', 'pbac'))),
('container_automount', DN(('cn', 'automount'))),
('container_policies', DN(('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_configs', DN(('cn', 'configs'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_roles', DN(('cn', 'roles'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_applications', DN(('cn', 'applications'), ('cn', 'configs'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_policygroups', DN(('cn', 'policygroups'), ('cn', 'configs'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_policylinks', DN(('cn', 'policylinks'), ('cn', 'configs'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_netgroup', DN(('cn', 'ng'), ('cn', 'alt'))),
('container_hbac', DN(('cn', 'hbac'))),
('container_hbacservice', DN(('cn', 'hbacservices'), ('cn', 'hbac'))),
('container_hbacservicegroup', DN(('cn', 'hbacservicegroups'), ('cn', 'hbac'))),
('container_dns', DN(('cn', 'dns'))),
('container_vault', DN(('cn', 'vaults'), ('cn', 'kra'))),
('container_virtual', DN(('cn', 'virtual operations'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_sudorule', DN(('cn', 'sudorules'), ('cn', 'sudo'))),
('container_sudocmd', DN(('cn', 'sudocmds'), ('cn', 'sudo'))),
('container_sudocmdgroup', DN(('cn', 'sudocmdgroups'), ('cn', 'sudo'))),
('container_automember', DN(('cn', 'automember'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_selinux', DN(('cn', 'usermap'), ('cn', 'selinux'))),
('container_s4u2proxy', DN(('cn', 's4u2proxy'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_cifsdomains', DN(('cn', 'ad'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_trusts', DN(('cn', 'trusts'))),
('container_adtrusts', DN(('cn', 'ad'), ('cn', 'trusts'))),
('container_ranges', DN(('cn', 'ranges'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_dna', DN(('cn', 'dna'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_dna_posix_ids', DN(('cn', 'posix-ids'), ('cn', 'dna'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_realm_domains', DN(('cn', 'Realm Domains'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_otp', DN(('cn', 'otp'))),
('container_radiusproxy', DN(('cn', 'radiusproxy'))),
('container_views', DN(('cn', 'views'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_masters', DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_certprofile', DN(('cn', 'certprofiles'), ('cn', 'ca'))),
('container_topology', DN(('cn', 'topology'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_caacl', DN(('cn', 'caacls'), ('cn', 'ca'))),
('container_locations', DN(('cn', 'locations'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_ca', DN(('cn', 'cas'), ('cn', 'ca'))),
('container_dnsservers', DN(('cn', 'servers'), ('cn', 'dns'))),
('container_custodia', DN(('cn', 'custodia'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_sysaccounts', DN(('cn', 'sysaccounts'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_certmap', DN(('cn', 'certmap'))),
('container_certmaprules', DN(('cn', 'certmaprules'), ('cn', 'certmap'))),
DN(('cn', 'ca_renewal'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
# Ports, hosts, and URIs:
# Following values do not have any reasonable default.
# Do not initialize them so the code which depends on them blows up early
# and does not do crazy stuff with default values instead of real ones.
# ('server', 'localhost'),
# ('xmlrpc_uri', 'http://localhost:8888/ipa/xml'),
# ('jsonrpc_uri', 'http://localhost:8888/ipa/json'),
# ('ldap_uri', 'ldap://localhost:389'),
('rpc_protocol', 'jsonrpc'),
# Define an inclusive range of SSL/TLS version support
('tls_version_min', TLS_VERSION_DEFAULT_MIN),
('tls_version_max', TLS_VERSION_DEFAULT_MAX),
# Time to wait for a service to start, in seconds.
# Note that systemd has a DefaultTimeoutStartSec of 90 seconds. Higher
# values are not effective unless systemd is reconfigured, too.
('startup_timeout', 120),
# How long http connection should wait for reply [seconds].
('http_timeout', 30),
# How long to wait for an entry to appear on a replica
('replication_wait_timeout', 300),
# How long to wait for a certmonger request to finish
('certmonger_wait_timeout', 300),
# Web Application mount points
('mount_ipa', '/ipa/'),
# WebUI stuff:
('webui_prod', True),
# Session stuff:
('kinit_lifetime', None),
# Debugging:
('verbose', 0),
('debug', False),
('startup_traceback', False),
('mode', 'production'),
('wait_for_dns', 0),
# CA plugin:
('ca_host', FQDN), # Set in Env._finalize_core()
('ca_port', 80),
('ca_agent_port', 443),
# For the following ports, None means a default specific to the installed
# Dogtag version.
('ca_install_port', None),
# Topology plugin
('recommended_max_agmts', 4), # Recommended maximum number of replication
# agreements
# Special CLI:
('prompt_all', False),
('interactive', True),
('fallback', True),
('delegate', False),
# Enable certain optional plugins:
('enable_ra', False),
('ra_plugin', 'selfsign'),
('dogtag_version', 9),
# Used when verifying that the API hasn't changed. Not for production.
('validate_api', False),
# Skip client vs. server API version checking. Can lead to errors/strange
# behavior when newer clients talk to older servers. Use with caution.
('skip_version_check', False),
# Ignore TTL. Perform schema call and download schema if not in cache.
('force_schema_check', False),
# ********************************************************
# The remaining keys are never set from the values here!
# ********************************************************
# Env._bootstrap() or Env._finalize_core() will have filled in all the keys
# below by the time DEFAULT_CONFIG is merged in, so the values below are
# never actually used. They are listed both to provide a big picture and
# also so DEFAULT_CONFIG contains at least all the keys that should be
# present after Env._finalize_core() is called.
# Each environment variable below is sent to ``object``, which just happens
# to be an invalid value for an environment variable, so if for some reason
# any of these keys were set from the values here, an exception will be
# raised.
# Non-overridable vars set in Env._bootstrap():
('host', FQDN),
('ipalib', object), # The directory containing ipalib/__init__.py
('site_packages', object), # The directory contaning ipalib
('script', object), # sys.argv[0]
('bin', object), # The directory containing the script
('home', object), # os.path.expanduser('~')
# Vars set in Env._bootstrap():
('in_tree', object), # Whether or not running in-tree (bool)
('dot_ipa', object), # ~/.ipa directory
('context', object), # Name of context, default is 'default'
('confdir', object), # Directory containing config files
('env_confdir', None), # conf dir specified by IPA_CONFDIR env variable
('conf', object), # File containing context specific config
('conf_default', object), # File containing context independent config
('plugins_on_demand', object), # Whether to finalize plugins on-demand (bool)
('nss_dir', object), # Path to nssdb, default {confdir}/nssdb
('tls_ca_cert', object), # Path to CA cert file
# Set in Env._finalize_core():
('in_server', object), # Whether or not running in-server (bool)
('logdir', object), # Directory containing log files
('log', object), # Path to context specific log file
# domains levels
DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 = 0 # compat
DOMAIN_LEVEL_1 = 1 # replica promotion, topology plugin
# Constants used in generation of replication agreements and as topology
# defaults
# List of attributes that need to be excluded from replication initialization.
# List of attributes that need to be excluded from normal replication.
REPL_AGMT_EXCLUDES = ('memberof', 'idnssoaserial') + REPL_AGMT_TOTAL_EXCLUDES
# List of attributes that are not updated on empty replication
REPL_AGMT_STRIP_ATTRS = ('modifiersName',
IPA_CA_CN = u'ipa'
IPA_CA_RECORD = "ipa-ca"
IPA_CA_NICKNAME = 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca'
RENEWAL_CA_NAME = 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent'
RENEWAL_REUSE_CA_NAME = 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-reuse'
RENEWAL_SELFSIGNED_CA_NAME = 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-selfsigned'
# The RA agent cert is used for client cert authentication. In the past IPA
# used caServerCert profile, which adds clientAuth and serverAuth EKU. The
# serverAuth EKU caused trouble with NamedConstraints, see RHBZ#1670239.
RA_AGENT_PROFILE = 'caSubsystemCert'
# How long dbus clients should wait for CA certificate RPCs [seconds]
# Maximum hostname length in Linux
# regexp definitions
# Kerberos Anonymous principal name
# IPA API Framework user
# Use cache path
os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME') or
# Apache's mod_ssl SSLVerifyDepth value (Maximum depth of CA
# Certificates in Client Certificate verification)