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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Even though Pytest supports xunit style setups, unittest and nose tests, this support is limited and may be dropped in the future releases. Worst of all is that the mixing of various test frameworks results in weird conflicts and of course, is not widely tested. This is a part of work to remove the mixing of test idioms in the IPA's test suite: 1) replace unittest.TestCase subclasses 2) replace unittest test controls (SkipTest, fail, etc.) 3) replace unittest assertions Related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7989 Signed-off-by: Stanislav Levin <slev@altlinux.org> Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
500 lines
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500 lines
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# Authors:
# John Dennis <jdennis@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import datetime
import email.utils
import calendar
from ipapython.cookie import Cookie
import pytest
pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0
class TestParse:
def test_parse(self):
# Empty string
s = ''
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 0
# Invalid single token
s = 'color'
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
# Invalid single token that's keyword
s = 'HttpOnly'
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
# Invalid key/value pair whose key is a keyword
s = 'domain=example.com'
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
# 1 cookie with empty value
s = 'color='
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 1
cookie = cookies[0]
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == ''
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color="
assert cookie.http_cookie() == "color=;"
# 1 cookie with name/value
s = 'color=blue'
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 1
cookie = cookies[0]
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue"
assert cookie.http_cookie() == "color=blue;"
# 1 cookie with whose value is quoted
# Use "get by name" utility to extract specific cookie
s = 'color="blue"'
cookie = Cookie.get_named_cookie_from_string(s, 'color')
assert cookie is not None, Cookie
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue"
assert cookie.http_cookie() == "color=blue;"
# 1 cookie with name/value and domain, path attributes.
# Change up the whitespace a bit.
s = 'color =blue; domain= example.com ; path = /toplevel '
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 1
cookie = cookies[0]
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain == 'example.com'
assert cookie.path == '/toplevel'
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; Domain=example.com; Path=/toplevel"
assert cookie.http_cookie() == "color=blue;"
# 2 cookies, various attributes
s = 'color=blue; Max-Age=3600; temperature=hot; HttpOnly'
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 2
cookie = cookies[0]
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age == 3600
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; Max-Age=3600"
assert cookie.http_cookie() == "color=blue;"
cookie = cookies[1]
assert cookie.key == 'temperature'
assert cookie.value == 'hot'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is True
assert str(cookie) == "temperature=hot; HttpOnly"
assert cookie.http_cookie() == "temperature=hot;"
class TestExpires:
def expires_setup(self):
# Force microseconds to zero because cookie timestamps only have second resolution
self.now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
self.now_timestamp = calendar.timegm(self.now.utctimetuple())
self.now_string = email.utils.formatdate(self.now_timestamp, usegmt=True)
self.max_age = 3600 # 1 hour
self.age_expiration = self.now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.max_age)
self.age_timestamp = calendar.timegm(self.age_expiration.utctimetuple())
self.age_string = email.utils.formatdate(self.age_timestamp, usegmt=True)
self.expires = self.now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) # 1 day
self.expires_timestamp = calendar.timegm(self.expires.utctimetuple())
self.expires_string = email.utils.formatdate(self.expires_timestamp, usegmt=True)
def test_expires(self):
# 1 cookie with name/value and no Max-Age and no Expires
s = 'color=blue;'
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 1
cookie = cookies[0]
# Force timestamp to known value
cookie.timestamp = self.now
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue"
assert cookie.get_expiration() is None
# Normalize
assert cookie.normalize_expiration() is None
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue"
# 1 cookie with name/value and Max-Age
s = 'color=blue; max-age=%d' % (self.max_age)
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 1
cookie = cookies[0]
# Force timestamp to known value
cookie.timestamp = self.now
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age == self.max_age
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; Max-Age=%d" % (self.max_age)
assert cookie.get_expiration() == self.age_expiration
# Normalize
assert cookie.normalize_expiration() == self.age_expiration
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires == self.age_expiration
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; Expires=%s" % (self.age_string)
# 1 cookie with name/value and Expires
s = 'color=blue; Expires=%s' % (self.expires_string)
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 1
cookie = cookies[0]
# Force timestamp to known value
cookie.timestamp = self.now
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires == self.expires
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; Expires=%s" % (self.expires_string)
assert cookie.get_expiration() == self.expires
# Normalize
assert cookie.normalize_expiration() == self.expires
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires == self.expires
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; Expires=%s" % (self.expires_string)
# 1 cookie with name/value witht both Max-Age and Expires, Max-Age takes precedence
s = 'color=blue; Expires=%s; max-age=%d' % (self.expires_string, self.max_age)
cookies = Cookie.parse(s)
assert len(cookies) == 1
cookie = cookies[0]
# Force timestamp to known value
cookie.timestamp = self.now
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age == self.max_age
assert cookie.expires == self.expires
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
expected = "color=blue; Max-Age={}; Expires={}".format(
self.max_age, self.expires_string)
assert str(cookie) == expected
assert cookie.get_expiration() == self.age_expiration
# Normalize
assert cookie.normalize_expiration() == self.age_expiration
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires == self.age_expiration
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; Expires=%s" % (self.age_string)
# Verify different types can be assigned to the timestamp and
# expires attribute.
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
cookie.timestamp = self.now
assert cookie.timestamp == self.now
cookie.timestamp = self.now_timestamp
assert cookie.timestamp == self.now
cookie.timestamp = self.now_string
assert cookie.timestamp == self.now
assert cookie.expires is None
cookie.expires = self.expires
assert cookie.expires == self.expires
cookie.expires = self.expires_timestamp
assert cookie.expires == self.expires
cookie.expires = self.expires_string
assert cookie.expires == self.expires
class TestInvalidAttributes:
def test_invalid(self):
# Invalid Max-Age
s = 'color=blue; Max-Age=over-the-hill'
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cookie.max_age = 'over-the-hill'
# Invalid Expires
s = 'color=blue; Expires=Sun, 06 Xxx 1994 08:49:37 GMT'
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
cookie.expires = 'Sun, 06 Xxx 1994 08:49:37 GMT'
class TestAttributes:
def test_attributes(self):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
assert cookie.key == 'color'
assert cookie.value == 'blue'
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
assert cookie.max_age is None
assert cookie.expires is None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert cookie.httponly is None
cookie.domain = 'example.com'
assert cookie.domain == 'example.com'
cookie.domain = None
assert cookie.domain is None
cookie.path = '/toplevel'
assert cookie.path == '/toplevel'
cookie.path = None
assert cookie.path is None
cookie.max_age = 400
assert cookie.max_age == 400
cookie.max_age = None
assert cookie.max_age is None
cookie.expires = 'Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT'
assert cookie.expires == datetime.datetime(1994, 11, 6, 8, 49, 37)
cookie.expires = None
assert cookie.expires is None
cookie.secure = True
assert cookie.secure is True
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; Secure"
cookie.secure = False
assert cookie.secure is False
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue"
cookie.secure = None
assert cookie.secure is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue"
cookie.httponly = True
assert cookie.httponly is True
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue; HttpOnly"
cookie.httponly = False
assert cookie.httponly is False
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue"
cookie.httponly = None
assert cookie.httponly is None
assert str(cookie) == "color=blue"
class TestHTTPReturn:
def http_return_setup(self):
self.url = 'http://www.foo.bar.com/one/two'
def test_no_attributes(self):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
def test_domain(self):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', domain='www.foo.bar.com')
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', domain='.foo.bar.com')
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', domain='.bar.com')
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', domain='bar.com')
with pytest.raises(Cookie.URLMismatch):
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', domain='bogus.com')
with pytest.raises(Cookie.URLMismatch):
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', domain='www.foo.bar.com')
with pytest.raises(Cookie.URLMismatch):
assert cookie.http_return_ok('')
def test_path(self):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', path='/')
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', path='/one')
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', path='/oneX')
with pytest.raises(Cookie.URLMismatch):
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
def test_expires(self):
now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
# expires 1 day from now
expires = now + datetime.timedelta(days=1)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', expires=expires)
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
# expired 1 day ago
expires = now + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', expires=expires)
with pytest.raises(Cookie.Expired):
assert cookie.http_return_ok(self.url)
def test_httponly(self):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', httponly=True)
assert cookie.http_return_ok('http://example.com')
assert cookie.http_return_ok('https://example.com')
with pytest.raises(Cookie.URLMismatch):
assert cookie.http_return_ok('ftp://example.com')
def test_secure(self):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', secure=True)
assert cookie.http_return_ok('https://Xexample.com')
with pytest.raises(Cookie.URLMismatch):
assert cookie.http_return_ok('http://Xexample.com')
class TestNormalization:
def normalization_setup(self):
# Force microseconds to zero because cookie timestamps only have second resolution
self.now = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
self.now_timestamp = calendar.timegm(self.now.utctimetuple())
self.now_string = email.utils.formatdate(self.now_timestamp, usegmt=True)
self.max_age = 3600 # 1 hour
self.age_expiration = self.now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.max_age)
self.age_timestamp = calendar.timegm(self.age_expiration.utctimetuple())
self.age_string = email.utils.formatdate(self.age_timestamp, usegmt=True)
self.expires = self.now + datetime.timedelta(days=1) # 1 day
self.expires_timestamp = calendar.timegm(self.expires.utctimetuple())
self.expires_string = email.utils.formatdate(self.expires_timestamp, usegmt=True)
def test_path_normalization(self):
assert Cookie.normalize_url_path('') == '/'
assert Cookie.normalize_url_path('foo') == '/'
assert Cookie.normalize_url_path('foo/') == '/'
assert Cookie.normalize_url_path('/foo') == '/'
assert Cookie.normalize_url_path('/foo/') == '/foo'
assert Cookie.normalize_url_path('/Foo/bar') == '/foo'
assert Cookie.normalize_url_path('/foo/baR/') == '/foo/bar'
def test_normalization(self):
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', expires=self.expires)
cookie.timestamp = self.now_timestamp
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
url = 'http://example.COM/foo'
assert cookie.domain == 'example.com'
assert cookie.path == '/'
assert cookie.expires == self.expires
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue', max_age=self.max_age)
cookie.timestamp = self.now_timestamp
assert cookie.domain is None
assert cookie.path is None
url = 'http://example.com/foo/'
assert cookie.domain == 'example.com'
assert cookie.path == '/foo'
assert cookie.expires == self.age_expiration
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
url = 'http://example.com/foo'
assert cookie.domain == 'example.com'
assert cookie.path == '/'
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
url = 'http://example.com/foo/bar'
assert cookie.domain == 'example.com'
assert cookie.path == '/foo'
cookie = Cookie('color', 'blue')
url = 'http://example.com/foo/bar/'
assert cookie.domain == 'example.com'
assert cookie.path == '/foo/bar'