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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
This commit removes or marks unused variables as "expected to be unused" by using '_' prefix. Reviewed-By: Florence Blanc-Renaud <frenaud@redhat.com> Reviewed-By: Stanislav Laznicka <slaznick@redhat.com>
287 lines
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287 lines
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# Authors:
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Test the `ipalib.backend` module.
from __future__ import print_function
# FIXME: Pylint errors
# pylint: disable=no-member
# pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
import threading
from ipatests.util import ClassChecker, raises, create_test_api
from ipatests.data import unicode_str
from ipalib.request import context, Connection
from ipalib.frontend import Command
from ipalib import backend, plugable, errors
from ipapython.version import API_VERSION
import pytest
pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0
class test_Backend(ClassChecker):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Backend` class.
_cls = backend.Backend
def test_class(self):
assert self.cls.__bases__ == (plugable.Plugin,)
class Disconnect(object):
called = False
def __init__(self, id=None):
self.id = id
def __call__(self):
assert self.called is False
self.called = True
if self.id is not None:
delattr(context, self.id)
class test_Connectible(ClassChecker):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Connectible` class.
_cls = backend.Connectible
def test_connect(self):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Connectible.connect` method.
# Test that connection is created:
api = 'the api instance'
class example(self.cls):
def create_connection(self, *args, **kw):
object.__setattr__(self, 'args', args)
object.__setattr__(self, 'kw', kw)
return 'The connection.'
o = example(api, shared_instance=True)
args = ('Arg1', 'Arg2', 'Arg3')
kw = dict(key1='Val1', key2='Val2', key3='Val3')
assert not hasattr(context, 'example')
assert o.connect(*args, **kw) is None
conn = context.example
assert type(conn) is Connection
assert o.args == args
assert o.kw == kw
assert conn.conn == 'The connection.'
assert conn.disconnect == o.disconnect
# Test that Exception is raised if already connected:
m = "{0} is already connected ({1} in {2})"
e = raises(Exception, o.connect, *args, **kw)
assert str(e) == m.format(
'example', o.id, threading.currentThread().getName())
# Double check that it works after deleting context.example:
del context.example
assert o.connect(*args, **kw) is None
def test_create_connection(self):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Connectible.create_connection` method.
api = 'the api instance'
class example(self.cls):
for klass in (self.cls, example):
o = klass(api, shared_instance=True)
e = raises(NotImplementedError, o.create_connection)
assert str(e) == '%s.create_connection()' % klass.__name__
def test_disconnect(self):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Connectible.disconnect` method.
api = 'the api instance'
class example(self.cls):
destroy_connection = Disconnect()
o = example(api, shared_instance=True)
m = "{0} is not connected ({1} in {2})"
e = raises(Exception, o.disconnect)
assert str(e) == m.format(
'example', o.id, threading.currentThread().getName())
context.example = 'The connection.'
assert o.disconnect() is None
assert example.destroy_connection.called is True
def test_destroy_connection(self):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Connectible.destroy_connection` method.
api = 'the api instance'
class example(self.cls):
for klass in (self.cls, example):
o = klass(api, shared_instance=True)
e = raises(NotImplementedError, o.destroy_connection)
assert str(e) == '%s.destroy_connection()' % klass.__name__
def test_isconnected(self):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Connectible.isconnected` method.
api = 'the api instance'
class example(self.cls):
for klass in (self.cls, example):
o = klass(api, shared_instance=True)
assert o.isconnected() is False
conn = 'whatever'
setattr(context, klass.__name__, conn)
assert o.isconnected() is True
delattr(context, klass.__name__)
def test_conn(self):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Connectible.conn` property.
api = 'the api instance'
msg = '{0} is not connected ({1} in {2})'
class example(self.cls):
for klass in (self.cls, example):
o = klass(api, shared_instance=True)
e = raises(AttributeError, getattr, o, 'conn')
assert str(e) == msg.format(
klass.__name__, o.id, threading.currentThread().getName()
conn = Connection('The connection.', Disconnect())
setattr(context, klass.__name__, conn)
assert o.conn is conn.conn
delattr(context, klass.__name__)
class test_Executioner(ClassChecker):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Executioner` class.
_cls = backend.Executioner
def test_execute(self):
Test the `ipalib.backend.Executioner.execute` method.
api, _home = create_test_api(in_server=True)
class echo(Command):
takes_args = ('arg1', 'arg2+')
takes_options = ('option1?', 'option2?')
def execute(self, *args, **options):
assert type(args[1]) is tuple
return dict(result=args + (options,))
class good(Command):
def execute(self, **options):
raise errors.ValidationError(
error=u'Not naughty!',
class bad(Command):
def execute(self, **options):
raise ValueError('This is private.')
class with_name(Command):
Test that a kwarg named 'name' can be used.
takes_options = 'name'
def execute(self, **options):
return dict(result=options['name'].upper())
o = self.cls(api)
# Test that CommandError is raised:
conn = Connection('The connection.', Disconnect('someconn'))
context.someconn = conn
e = raises(errors.CommandError, o.execute, 'nope')
assert e.name == 'nope'
assert conn.disconnect.called is True # Make sure destroy_context() was called
assert list(context.__dict__) == []
# Test with echo command:
arg1 = unicode_str
arg2 = (u'Hello', unicode_str, u'world!')
args = (arg1,) + arg2
options = dict(option1=u'How are you?', option2=unicode_str,
conn = Connection('The connection.', Disconnect('someconn'))
context.someconn = conn
print(o.execute('echo', arg1, arg2, **options))
result=(arg1, arg2, options)
assert o.execute('echo', arg1, arg2, **options) == dict(
result=(arg1, arg2, options)
assert conn.disconnect.called is True # Make sure destroy_context() was called
assert list(context.__dict__) == []
conn = Connection('The connection.', Disconnect('someconn'))
context.someconn = conn
assert o.execute('echo', *args, **options) == dict(
result=(arg1, arg2, options)
assert conn.disconnect.called is True # Make sure destroy_context() was called
assert list(context.__dict__) == []
# Test with good command:
conn = Connection('The connection.', Disconnect('someconn'))
context.someconn = conn
e = raises(errors.ValidationError, o.execute, 'good')
assert e.name == 'nurse'
assert e.error == u'Not naughty!'
assert conn.disconnect.called is True # Make sure destroy_context() was called
assert list(context.__dict__) == []
# Test with bad command:
conn = Connection('The connection.', Disconnect('someconn'))
context.someconn = conn
e = raises(errors.InternalError, o.execute, 'bad')
assert conn.disconnect.called is True # Make sure destroy_context() was called
assert list(context.__dict__) == []
# Test with option 'name':
conn = Connection('The connection.', Disconnect('someconn'))
context.someconn = conn
expected = dict(result=u'TEST')
assert expected == o.execute('with_name', name=u'test',