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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Enables support for trusted domains users for old clients through Schema Compatibility plugin. SSSD supports trusted domains natively starting with version 1.9 platform. For platforms that lack SSSD or run older SSSD version one needs to use this option. When enabled, slapi-nis package needs to be installed and schema-compat-plugin will be configured to provide lookup of users and groups from trusted domains via SSSD on IPA server. These users and groups will be available under cn=users,cn=compat,$SUFFIX and cn=groups,cn=compat,$SUFFIX trees. SSSD will normalize names of users and groups to lower case. In addition to providing these users and groups through the compat tree, this option enables authentication over LDAP for trusted domain users with DN under compat tree, i.e. using bind DN uid=administrator@ad.domain,cn=users,cn=compat,$SUFFIX. This authentication is related to PAM stack using 'system-auth' PAM service. If you have disabled HBAC rule 'allow_all', then make sure there is special service called 'system-auth' created and HBAC rule to allow access to anyone to this rule on IPA masters is added. Please note that system-auth PAM service is not used directly by any other application, therefore it is safe to create one specifically to support trusted domain users via compatibility path. https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/3567
426 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
426 lines
17 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/python
# Authors: Sumit Bose <sbose@redhat.com>
# Based on ipa-server-install by Karl MacMillan <kmacmillan@mentalrootkit.com>
# and ipa-dns-install by Martin Nagy
# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from ipaserver.install import adtrustinstance
from ipaserver.install.installutils import *
from ipaserver.install import service
from ipapython import version
from ipapython import ipautil, sysrestore
from ipalib import api, errors, util
from ipapython.config import IPAOptionParser
import krbV
from ipapython.ipa_log_manager import *
from ipapython.dn import DN
log_file_name = "/var/log/ipaserver-install.log"
def parse_options():
parser = IPAOptionParser(version=version.VERSION)
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true",
default=False, help="print debugging information")
parser.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_address",
type="ip", ip_local=True, help="Master Server IP Address")
parser.add_option("--netbios-name", dest="netbios_name",
help="NetBIOS name of the IPA domain")
parser.add_option("--no-msdcs", dest="no_msdcs", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Do not create DNS service records " \
"for Windows in managed DNS server")
parser.add_option("--rid-base", dest="rid_base", type=int, default=1000,
help="Start value for mapping UIDs and GIDs to RIDs")
parser.add_option("--secondary-rid-base", dest="secondary_rid_base",
type=int, default=100000000,
help="Start value of the secondary range for mapping " \
"UIDs and GIDs to RIDs")
parser.add_option("-U", "--unattended", dest="unattended", action="store_true",
default=False, help="unattended installation never prompts the user")
parser.add_option("-a", "--admin-password",
sensitive=True, dest="admin_password",
help="admin user kerberos password")
parser.add_option("-A", "--admin-name",
sensitive=True, dest="admin_name", default='admin',
help="admin user principal")
parser.add_option("--add-sids", dest="add_sids", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Add SIDs for existing users and" \
" groups as the final step")
dest="enable_compat", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Enable support for trusted domains for old clients")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
safe_options = parser.get_safe_opts(options)
return safe_options, options
def netbios_name_error(name):
print "\nIllegal NetBIOS name [%s].\n" % name
print "Up to 15 characters and only uppercase ASCII letter and digits are allowed."
def read_netbios_name(netbios_default):
netbios_name = ""
print "Enter the NetBIOS name for the IPA domain."
print "Only up to 15 uppercase ASCII letters and digits are allowed."
print "Example: EXAMPLE."
print ""
print ""
if not netbios_default:
netbios_default = "EXAMPLE"
while True:
netbios_name = ipautil.user_input("NetBIOS domain name", netbios_default, allow_empty = False)
print ""
if adtrustinstance.check_netbios_name(netbios_name):
return netbios_name
def read_admin_password(admin_name):
print "Configuring cross-realm trusts for IPA server requires password for user '%s'." % (admin_name)
print "This user is a regular system account used for IPA server administration."
print ""
admin_password = read_password(admin_name, confirm=False, validate=None)
return admin_password
def set_and_check_netbios_name(netbios_name, unattended):
Depending if trust in already configured or not a given NetBIOS domain
name must be handled differently.
If trust is not configured the given NetBIOS is used or the NetBIOS is
generated if none was given on the command line.
If trust is already configured the given NetBIOS name is used to reset
the stored NetBIOS name it it differs from the current one.
flat_name_attr = 'ipantflatname'
cur_netbios_name = None
gen_netbios_name = None
reset_netbios_name = False
dom_dn = None
(dom_dn, entry) = api.Backend.ldap2.get_entry(DN(('cn', api.env.domain),
except errors.NotFound:
# trust not configured
cur_netbios_name = entry.get(flat_name_attr)[0]
if cur_netbios_name and not netbios_name:
# keep the current NetBIOS name
netbios_name = cur_netbios_name
reset_netbios_name = False
elif cur_netbios_name and cur_netbios_name != netbios_name:
# change the NetBIOS name
print "Current NetBIOS domain name is %s, new name is %s.\n" % \
(cur_netbios_name, netbios_name)
print "Please note that changing the NetBIOS name might " \
"break existing trust relationships."
if unattended:
reset_netbios_name = True
print "NetBIOS domain name will be changed to %s.\n" % \
print "Say 'yes' if the NetBIOS shall be changed and " \
"'no' if the old one shall be kept."
reset_netbios_name = ipautil.user_input(
'Do you want to reset the NetBIOS domain name?',
default = False, allow_empty = False)
if not reset_netbios_name:
netbios_name = cur_netbios_name
elif cur_netbios_name and cur_netbios_name == netbios_name:
# keep the current NetBIOS name
reset_netbios_name = False
elif not cur_netbios_name:
if not netbios_name:
gen_netbios_name = adtrustinstance.make_netbios_name(api.env.domain)
if dom_dn:
# Fix existing trust configuration
print "Trust is configured but no NetBIOS domain name found, " \
"setting it now."
reset_netbios_name = True
# initial trust configuration
reset_netbios_name = False
# all possible cases should be covered above
raise Exception('Unexpected state while checking NetBIOS domain name')
if not adtrustinstance.check_netbios_name(netbios_name):
if unattended and not gen_netbios_name:
sys.exit("Aborting installation.")
if netbios_name:
netbios_name = None
if not unattended and not netbios_name:
netbios_name = read_netbios_name(gen_netbios_name)
if unattended and not netbios_name and gen_netbios_name:
netbios_name = gen_netbios_name
return (netbios_name, reset_netbios_name)
def ensure_admin_kinit(admin_name, admin_password):
ipautil.run(['kinit', admin_name], stdin=admin_password+'\n')
except ipautil.CalledProcessError, e:
print "There was error to automatically re-kinit your admin user ticket."
return False
return True
def enable_compat_tree():
print "Do you want to enable support for trusted domains in Schema Compatibility plugin?"
print "This will allow clients older than SSSD 1.9 and non-Linux clients to work with trusted users."
print ""
enable_compat = ipautil.user_input("Enable trusted domains support in slapi-nis?", default = False, allow_empty = False)
print ""
return enable_compat
def main():
safe_options, options = parse_options()
if os.getegid() != 0:
sys.exit("Must be root to setup AD trusts on server")
standard_logging_setup(log_file_name, debug=options.debug, filemode='a')
print "\nThe log file for this installation can be found in %s" % log_file_name
root_logger.debug('%s was invoked with options: %s' % (sys.argv[0], safe_options))
root_logger.debug("missing options might be asked for interactively later\n")
global fstore
fstore = sysrestore.FileStore('/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore')
print "=============================================================================="
print "This program will setup components needed to establish trust to AD domains for"
print "the FreeIPA Server."
print ""
print "This includes:"
print " * Configure Samba"
print " * Add trust related objects to FreeIPA LDAP server"
#print " * Add a SID to all users and Posix groups"
print ""
print "To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key."
print ""
# Check if samba packages are installed
if not adtrustinstance.check_inst():
sys.exit("Aborting installation.")
# Initialize the ipalib api
cfg = dict(
if adtrustinstance.ipa_smb_conf_exists():
if not options.unattended:
while True:
print "IPA generated smb.conf detected."
if not ipautil.user_input("Overwrite smb.conf?", default = False, allow_empty = False):
sys.exit("Aborting installation.")
if not options.unattended and not options.enable_compat:
options.enable_compat = enable_compat_tree()
# Check we have a public IP that is associated with the hostname
ip = None
hostaddr = resolve_host(api.env.host)
if len(hostaddr) > 1:
print >> sys.stderr, "The server hostname resolves to more than one address:"
for addr in hostaddr:
print >> sys.stderr, " %s" % addr
if options.ip_address:
if str(options.ip_address) not in hostaddr:
print >> sys.stderr, "Address passed in --ip-address did not match any resolved"
print >> sys.stderr, "address!"
print "Selected IP address:", str(options.ip_address)
ip = options.ip_address
if options.unattended:
print >> sys.stderr, "Please use --ip-address option to specify the address"
ip = read_ip_address(api.env.host, fstore)
ip = hostaddr and ipautil.CheckedIPAddress(hostaddr[0], match_local=True)
except Exception, e:
print "Error: Invalid IP Address %s: %s" % (ip, e)
print "Aborting installation"
ip_address = str(ip)
root_logger.debug("will use ip_address: %s\n", ip_address)
admin_password = options.admin_password
if not (options.unattended or admin_password):
admin_password = read_admin_password(options.admin_name)
admin_kinited = None
if admin_password:
admin_kinited = ensure_admin_kinit(options.admin_name, admin_password)
if not admin_kinited:
print "Proceeding with credentials that existed before"
ctx = krbV.default_context()
ccache = ctx.default_ccache()
principal = ccache.principal()
except krbV.Krb5Error, e:
sys.exit("Must have Kerberos credentials to setup AD trusts on server")
except errors.ACIError, e:
sys.exit("Outdated Kerberos credentials. Use kdestroy and kinit to update your ticket")
except errors.DatabaseError, e:
sys.exit("Cannot connect to the LDAP database. Please check if IPA is running")
user = api.Command.user_show(unicode(principal[0]))['result']
group = api.Command.group_show(u'admins')['result']
if not (user['uid'][0] in group['member_user'] and
group['cn'][0] in user['memberof_group']):
raise errors.RequirementError(name='admins group membership')
except errors.RequirementError, e:
sys.exit("Must have administrative privileges to setup AD trusts on server")
except Exception, e:
sys.exit("Unrecognized error during check of admin rights: %s" % (str(e)))
(netbios_name, reset_netbios_name) = \
if not options.add_sids:
# The filter corresponds to ipa_sidgen_task.c LDAP search filter
filter = '(&(objectclass=ipaobject)(!(objectclass=mepmanagedentry))' \
'(|(objectclass=posixaccount)(objectclass=posixgroup)' \
base_dn = api.env.basedn
root_logger.debug("Searching for objects with missing SID with "
"filter=%s, base_dn=%s", filter, base_dn)
(entries, truncated) = api.Backend.ldap2.find_entries(filter=filter,
base_dn=base_dn, attrs_list=[''])
except errors.NotFound:
# All objects have SIDs assigned
except (errors.DatabaseError, errors.NetworkError), e:
print "Could not retrieve a list of objects that need a SID identifier assigned:"
print unicode(e)
object_count = len(entries)
if object_count > 0:
print ""
print "WARNING: %d existing users or groups do not have a SID identifier assigned." \
% len(entries)
print "Installer can run a task to have ipa-sidgen Directory Server plugin generate"
print "the SID identifier for all these users. Please note, the in case of a high"
print "number of users and groups, the operation might lead to high replication"
print "traffic and performance degradation. Refer to ipa-adtrust-install(1) man page"
print "for details."
print ""
if options.unattended:
print "Unattended mode was selected, installer will NOT run ipa-sidgen task!"
if ipautil.user_input("Do you want to run the ipa-sidgen task?", default=False,
options.add_sids = True
if not options.unattended:
print ""
print "The following operations may take some minutes to complete."
print "Please wait until the prompt is returned."
print ""
smb = adtrustinstance.ADTRUSTInstance(fstore)
smb.realm = api.env.realm
smb.autobind = service.ENABLED
smb.setup(api.env.host, ip_address, api.env.realm, api.env.domain,
netbios_name, reset_netbios_name,
options.rid_base, options.secondary_rid_base,
options.no_msdcs, options.add_sids,
enable_compat = options.enable_compat)
print """
Setup complete
You must make sure these network ports are open:
\tTCP Ports:
\t * 138: netbios-dgm
\t * 139: netbios-ssn
\t * 445: microsoft-ds
\tUDP Ports:
\t * 138: netbios-dgm
\t * 139: netbios-ssn
\t * 389: (C)LDAP
\t * 445: microsoft-ds
Additionally you have to make sure the FreeIPA LDAP server is not reachable
by any domain controller in the Active Directory domain by closing down
the following ports for these servers:
\tTCP Ports:
\t * 389, 636: LDAP/LDAPS
You may want to choose to REJECT the network packets instead of DROPing
them to avoid timeouts on the AD domain controllers.
if admin_password:
admin_kinited = ensure_admin_kinit(options.admin_name, admin_password)
if not admin_kinited:
print """
WARNING: you MUST re-kinit admin user before using 'ipa trust-*' commands
family in order to re-generate Kerberos tickets to include AD-specific
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
run_script(main, log_file_name=log_file_name,