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# Authors: John Dennis <jdennis@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import sys
import os
import re
import ldap
import getpass
import ldap.filter
from ipa import ipautil
from ipa.entity import Entity
import ipa.ipavalidate as ipavalidate
__all__ = [
RADIUS_PKG_NAME = 'freeradius'
RADIUS_PKG_CONFIG_DIR = '/etc/raddb'
RADIUS_USER = 'radiusd'
RADIUSD_CONF_FILEPATH = os.path.join(RADIUS_PKG_CONFIG_DIR, 'radiusd.conf')
RADIUSD_CONF_TEMPLATE_FILEPATH = os.path.join(ipautil.PLUGINS_SHARE_DIR, 'radius.radiusd.conf.template')
RADIUSD = '/usr/sbin/radiusd'
dotted_octet_re = re.compile(r"^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(/(\d+))?$")
dns_re = re.compile(r"^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$")
# secret, name, nastype all have 31 char max in freeRADIUS, max ip address len is 255
valid_secret_len = (1,31)
valid_name_len = (1,31)
valid_nastype_len = (1,31)
valid_ip_addr_len = (1,255)
valid_ip_addr_msg = '''\
IP address must be either a DNS name (letters,digits,dot,hyphen, beginning with
a letter),or a dotted octet followed by an optional mask (e.g'''
valid_desc_msg = "Description must text string"
class RadiusClient(Entity):
def __init2__(self):
class RadiusProfile(Entity):
def __init2__(self):
def reverse_map_dict(src_dict):
reverse_dict = {}
for k,v in src_dict.items():
if reverse_dict.has_key(v):
raise ValueError("reverse_map_dict: collision on (%s) with values (%s),(%s)" % \
v, reverse_dict[v], src_dict[k])
reverse_dict[v] = k
return reverse_dict
radius_client_ldap_attr_to_radius_attr = ipautil.CIDict({
'radiusClientIPAddress' : 'Client-IP-Address',
'radiusClientSecret' : 'Secret',
'radiusClientNASType' : 'NAS-Type',
'radiusClientShortName' : 'Name',
'description' : 'Description',
radius_client_attr_to_ldap_attr = reverse_map_dict(radius_client_ldap_attr_to_radius_attr)
radius_profile_ldap_attr_to_radius_attr = ipautil.CIDict({
'uid' : 'UID',
'radiusArapFeatures' : 'Arap-Features',
'radiusArapSecurity' : 'Arap-Security',
'radiusArapZoneAccess' : 'Arap-Zone-Access',
'radiusAuthType' : 'Auth-Type',
'radiusCallbackId' : 'Callback-Id',
'radiusCallbackNumber' : 'Callback-Number',
'radiusCalledStationId' : 'Called-Station-Id',
'radiusCallingStationId' : 'Calling-Station-Id',
'radiusClass' : 'Class',
'radiusClientIPAddress' : 'Client-IP-Address',
'radiusExpiration' : 'Expiration',
'radiusFilterId' : 'Filter-Id',
'radiusFramedAppleTalkLink' : 'Framed-AppleTalk-Link',
'radiusFramedAppleTalkNetwork' : 'Framed-AppleTalk-Network',
'radiusFramedAppleTalkZone' : 'Framed-AppleTalk-Zone',
'radiusFramedCompression' : 'Framed-Compression',
'radiusFramedIPAddress' : 'Framed-IP-Address',
'radiusFramedIPNetmask' : 'Framed-IP-Netmask',
'radiusFramedIPXNetwork' : 'Framed-IPX-Network',
'radiusFramedMTU' : 'Framed-MTU',
'radiusFramedProtocol' : 'Framed-Protocol',
'radiusFramedRoute' : 'Framed-Route',
'radiusFramedRouting' : 'Framed-Routing',
'radiusGroupName' : 'Group-Name',
'radiusHint' : 'Hint',
'radiusHuntgroupName' : 'Huntgroup-Name',
'radiusIdleTimeout' : 'Idle-Timeout',
'radiusLoginIPHost' : 'Login-IP-Host',
'radiusLoginLATGroup' : 'Login-LAT-Group',
'radiusLoginLATNode' : 'Login-LAT-Node',
'radiusLoginLATPort' : 'Login-LAT-Port',
'radiusLoginLATService' : 'Login-LAT-Service',
'radiusLoginService' : 'Login-Service',
'radiusLoginTCPPort' : 'Login-TCP-Port',
'radiusLoginTime' : 'Login-Time',
'radiusNASIpAddress' : 'NAS-IP-Address',
'radiusPasswordRetry' : 'Password-Retry',
'radiusPortLimit' : 'Port-Limit',
'radiusProfileDn' : 'Profile-Dn',
'radiusPrompt' : 'Prompt',
'radiusProxyToRealm' : 'Proxy-To-Realm',
'radiusRealm' : 'Realm',
'radiusReplicateToRealm' : 'Replicate-To-Realm',
'radiusReplyMessage' : 'Reply-Message',
'radiusServiceType' : 'Service-Type',
'radiusSessionTimeout' : 'Session-Timeout',
'radiusSimultaneousUse' : 'Simultaneous-Use',
'radiusStripUserName' : 'Strip-User-Name',
'radiusTerminationAction' : 'Termination-Action',
'radiusTunnelAssignmentId' : 'Tunnel-Assignment-Id',
'radiusTunnelClientEndpoint' : 'Tunnel-Client-Endpoint',
'radiusTunnelMediumType' : 'Tunnel-Medium-Type',
'radiusTunnelPassword' : 'Tunnel-Password',
'radiusTunnelPreference' : 'Tunnel-Preference',
'radiusTunnelPrivateGroupId' : 'Tunnel-Private-Group-Id',
'radiusTunnelServerEndpoint' : 'Tunnel-Server-Endpoint',
'radiusTunnelType' : 'Tunnel-Type',
'radiusUserCategory' : 'User-Category',
'radiusVSA' : 'VSA',
radius_profile_attr_to_ldap_attr = reverse_map_dict(radius_profile_ldap_attr_to_radius_attr)
clients_container = 'cn=clients,cn=radius'
def radius_clients_basedn(container, suffix):
if container is None: container = clients_container
return '%s,%s' % (container, suffix)
def radius_client_filter(ip_addr):
return "(&(radiusClientIPAddress=%s)(objectclass=radiusClientProfile))" % \
def radius_client_dn(client, container, suffix):
if container is None: container = clients_container
return 'radiusClientIPAddress=%s,%s,%s' % (ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(client), container, suffix)
# --
profiles_container = 'cn=profiles,cn=radius'
def radius_profiles_basedn(container, suffix):
if container is None: container = profiles_container
return '%s,%s' % (container, suffix)
def radius_profile_filter(uid):
return "(&(uid=%s)(objectclass=radiusprofile))" % \
def radius_profile_dn(uid, container, suffix):
if container is None: container = profiles_container
return 'uid=%s,%s,%s' % (ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(uid), container, suffix)
def get_ldap_attr_translations():
comment_re = re.compile('#.*$')
radius_attr_to_ldap_attr = {}
ldap_attr_to_radius_attr = {}
for line in f.readlines():
line = comment_re.sub('', line).strip()
if not line: continue
attr_type, radius_attr, ldap_attr = line.split()
print 'type="%s" radius="%s" ldap="%s"' % (attr_type, radius_attr, ldap_attr)
radius_attr_to_ldap_attr[radius_attr] = {'ldap_attr':ldap_attr, 'attr_type':attr_type}
ldap_attr_to_radius_attr[ldap_attr] = {'radius_attr':radius_attr, 'attr_type':attr_type}
except Exception, e:
logging.error('cold not read radius ldap attribute map file (%s): %s', LDAP_ATTR_MAP_FILEPATH, e)
pass # FIXME
#for k,v in radius_attr_to_ldap_attr.items():
# print '%s --> %s' % (k,v)
#for k,v in ldap_attr_to_radius_attr.items():
# print '%s --> %s' % (k,v)
def get_secret():
valid = False
while (not valid):
secret = getpass.getpass("Enter Secret: ")
confirm = getpass.getpass("Confirm Secret: ")
if (secret != confirm):
print "Secrets do not match"
valid = True
return secret
def valid_ip_addr(text):
# is it a dotted octet? If so there should be 4 integers seperated
# by a dot and each integer should be between 0 and 255
# there may be an optional mask preceded by a slash (e.g.
match = dotted_octet_re.search(text)
if match:
# dotted octet notation
i = 1
while i <= 4:
octet = int(match.group(i))
if octet > 255: return False
i += 1
if match.group(5):
mask = int(match.group(6))
if mask <= 32:
return True
return False
return True
# DNS name, can contain letters, numbers, dot and hypen, must start with a letter
if dns_re.search(text): return True
return False
def validate_length(value, limits):
length = len(value)
if length < limits[0] or length > limits[1]:
return False
return True
def valid_length_msg(name, limits):
return "%s length must be at least %d and not more than %d" % (name, limits[0], limits[1])
def err_msg(variable, variable_name=None):
if variable_name is None: variable_name = 'value'
print "ERROR: %s = %s" % (variable_name, variable)
def validate_ip_addr(ip_addr, variable_name=None):
if not validate_length(ip_addr, valid_ip_addr_len):
err_msg(ip_addr, variable_name)
print valid_length_msg('ip address', valid_ip_addr_len)
return False
if not valid_ip_addr(ip_addr):
err_msg(ip_addr, variable_name)
print valid_ip_addr_msg
return False
return True
def validate_secret(secret, variable_name=None):
if not validate_length(secret, valid_secret_len):
err_msg(secret, variable_name)
print valid_length_msg('secret', valid_secret_len)
return False
return True
def validate_name(name, variable_name=None):
if not validate_length(name, valid_name_len):
err_msg(name, variable_name)
print valid_length_msg('name', valid_name_len)
return False
return True
def validate_nastype(nastype, variable_name=None):
if not validate_length(nastype, valid_nastype_len):
err_msg(nastype, variable_name)
print valid_length_msg('NAS Type', valid_nastype_len)
return False
return True
def validate_desc(desc, variable_name=None):
if ipavalidate.Plain(desc) != 0:
print valid_desc_msg
return False
return True
def validate(attribute, value):
if attribute == 'Client-IP-Address':
return validate_ip_addr(value, attribute)
if attribute == 'Secret':
return validate_secret(value, attribute)
if attribute == 'NAS-Type':
return validate_nastype(value, attribute)
if attribute == 'Name':
return validate_name(value, attribute)
if attribute == 'Description':
return validate_desc(value, attribute)
return True