mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
This is to make initial installation and testing easier. Use the --no_hbac_allow option on the command-line to disable this when doing an install. To remove it from a running server do: ipa hbac-del allow_all
866 lines
33 KiB
Executable File
866 lines
33 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/python -E
# Authors: Karl MacMillan <kmacmillan@mentalrootkit.com>
# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
# requires the following packages:
# fedora-ds-base
# openldap-clients
# nss-tools
import sys
import os
import socket
import errno
import logging
import pwd
import subprocess
import signal
import shutil
import glob
import traceback
from optparse import OptionParser
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser
import random
from ipaserver.install import dsinstance
from ipaserver.install import krbinstance
from ipaserver.install import bindinstance
from ipaserver.install import httpinstance
from ipaserver.install import ntpinstance
from ipaserver.install import certs
from ipaserver.install import cainstance
from ipaserver.install import service
from ipapython import version
from ipaserver.install.installutils import *
from ipaserver.plugins.ldap2 import ldap2
from ipapython import sysrestore
from ipapython.ipautil import *
from ipalib import api, errors, util
import ipawebui
pw_name = None
uninstalling = False
# Used to determine the the highest possible uid/gid
MAXINT_32BIT = 2147483648
ASSETS_DIR = '/var/cache/ipa/assets'
def parse_options():
namespace = random.randint(1000000, (MAXINT_32BIT - 1000000))
parser = OptionParser(version=version.VERSION)
parser.add_option("-u", "--user", dest="ds_user",
help="ds user")
parser.add_option("-r", "--realm", dest="realm_name",
help="realm name")
parser.add_option("-n", "--domain", dest="domain_name",
help="domain name")
parser.add_option("-p", "--ds-password", dest="dm_password",
help="admin password")
parser.add_option("-P", "--master-password", dest="master_password",
help="kerberos master password (normally autogenerated)")
parser.add_option("-a", "--admin-password", dest="admin_password",
help="admin user kerberos password")
parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true",
default=False, help="print debugging information")
parser.add_option("", "--selfsign", dest="selfsign", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Configure a self-signed CA instance rather than a dogtag CA")
parser.add_option("", "--external-ca", dest="external_ca", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Generate a CSR to be signed by an external CA")
parser.add_option("", "--external_cert_file", dest="external_cert_file",
help="File containing PKCS#10 certificate")
parser.add_option("", "--external_ca_file", dest="external_ca_file",
help="File containing PKCS#10 of the external CA chain")
parser.add_option("--hostname", dest="host_name", help="fully qualified name of server")
parser.add_option("--ip-address", dest="ip_address", help="Master Server IP Address")
parser.add_option("--setup-dns", dest="setup_dns", action="store_true",
default=False, help="configure bind with our zone")
parser.add_option("--forwarder", dest="forwarders", action="append",
help="Add a DNS forwarder")
parser.add_option("--no-forwarders", dest="no_forwarders", action="store_true",
default=False, help="Do not add any DNS forwarders, use root servers instead")
parser.add_option("-U", "--unattended", dest="unattended", action="store_true",
default=False, help="unattended installation never prompts the user")
parser.add_option("", "--uninstall", dest="uninstall", action="store_true",
default=False, help="uninstall an existing installation")
parser.add_option("-N", "--no-ntp", dest="conf_ntp", action="store_false",
help="do not configure ntp", default=True)
parser.add_option("--dirsrv_pkcs12", dest="dirsrv_pkcs12",
help="PKCS#12 file containing the Directory Server SSL certificate")
parser.add_option("--http_pkcs12", dest="http_pkcs12",
help="PKCS#12 file containing the Apache Server SSL certificate")
parser.add_option("--dirsrv_pin", dest="dirsrv_pin",
help="The password of the Directory Server PKCS#12 file")
parser.add_option("--http_pin", dest="http_pin",
help="The password of the Apache Server PKCS#12 file")
parser.add_option("--no-host-dns", dest="no_host_dns", action="store_true",
help="Do not use DNS for hostname lookup during installation")
parser.add_option("--uidstart", dest="uidstart", default=namespace, type=int,
help="The starting uid value (default random)")
parser.add_option("--gidstart", dest="gidstart", default=namespace, type=int,
help="The starting gid value (default random)")
parser.add_option("--subject", dest="subject", default="O=IPA",
help="The certificate subject base (default O=IPA)")
parser.add_option("--no_hbac_allow", dest="hbac_allow", default=False,
help="Don't install allow_all HBAC rule")
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if not options.setup_dns:
if options.forwarders:
parser.error("You cannot specify a --forwarder option without the --setup-dns option")
if options.no_forwarders:
parser.error("You cannot specify a --no-forwarders option without the --setup-dns option")
elif options.forwarders and options.no_forwarders:
parser.error("You cannot specify a --forwarder option together with --no-forwarders")
if options.uninstall:
if (options.ds_user or options.realm_name or
options.admin_password or options.master_password):
parser.error("In uninstall mode, -u, r and -P options are not allowed")
elif options.unattended:
if (not options.ds_user or not options.realm_name or
not options.dm_password or not options.admin_password):
parser.error("In unattended mode you need to provide at least -u, -r, -p and -a options")
if options.setup_dns:
if not options.forwarders and not options.no_forwarders:
parser.error("You must specify at least one --forwarder option or --no-forwarders option")
# If any of the PKCS#12 options are selected, all are required. Create a
# list of the options and count it to enforce that all are required without
# having a huge set of it blocks.
pkcs12 = [options.dirsrv_pkcs12, options.http_pkcs12, options.dirsrv_pin, options.http_pin]
cnt = pkcs12.count(None)
if cnt > 0 and cnt < 4:
parser.error("All PKCS#12 options are required if any are used.")
if (options.external_cert_file or options.external_ca_file) and options.selfsign:
parser.error("--selfsign cannot be used with the external CA options.")
if ((options.external_cert_file and not options.external_ca_file) or
(not options.external_cert_file and options.external_ca_file)):
parser.error("if either external option is used, both are required.")
if (options.external_ca_file and not os.path.isabs(options.external_ca_file)):
parser.error("--external-ca-file must use an absolute path")
if (options.external_cert_file and not os.path.isabs(options.external_cert_file)):
parser.error("--external-cert-file must use an absolute path")
return options
def signal_handler(signum, frame):
global ds
print "\nCleaning up..."
if ds:
print "Removing configuration for %s instance" % ds.serverid
if ds.serverid:
dsinstance.erase_ds_instance_data (ds.serverid)
ANSWER_CACHE = "/root/.ipa_cache"
def read_cache():
Returns a dict of cached answers or None if no cache file exists.
if not ipautil.file_exists(ANSWER_CACHE):
return {}
parser = RawConfigParser()
fp = open(ANSWER_CACHE, "r")
optlist = parser.items('options')
# this is one-use only
except IOError, e:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine serial number: %s" % str(e))
for opt in optlist:
value = opt[1]
if value.lower() in ['true', 'false']:
value = value.lower() == 'true'
if value == 'None':
value = None
optdict[opt[0]] = value
# These are the only ones that may be overridden
if 'external_ca_file' in optdict:
del optdict['external_ca_file']
if 'external_cert_file' in optdict:
del optdict['external_cert_file']
return optdict
def write_cache(options):
Takes a dict as input and writes a cached file of answers
# convert the options instance into a dict
optdict = eval(str(options))
parser = RawConfigParser()
fp = open(ANSWER_CACHE, "w")
for opt in optdict:
parser.set('options', opt, optdict[opt])
except IOError, e:
raise RuntimeError("Unable to cache command-line options %s" % str(e))
def read_host_name(host_default,no_host_dns=False):
host_name = ""
print "Enter the fully qualified domain name of the computer"
print "on which you're setting up server software. Using the form"
print "<hostname>.<domainname>"
print "Example: master.example.com."
print ""
print ""
if host_default == "":
host_default = "master.example.com"
while True:
host_name = user_input("Server host name", host_default, allow_empty = False)
print ""
except Exception, e:
raise e
return host_name
def resolve_host(host_name):
ip = ""
ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name)
if ip == "" or ip == "::1":
print "The hostname resolves to the localhost address ("
print "Please change your /etc/hosts file so that the hostname"
print "resolves to the ip address of your network interface."
print "The KDC service does not listen on localhost"
print ""
print "Please fix your /etc/hosts file and restart the setup program"
return None
print "Unable to lookup the IP address of the provided host"
return ip
def read_ds_user():
print "The server must run as a specific user in a specific group."
print "It is strongly recommended that this user should have no privileges"
print "on the computer (i.e. a non-root user). The set up procedure"
print "will give this user/group some permissions in specific paths/files"
print "to perform server-specific operations."
print ""
ds_user = ""
print "A user account named 'dirsrv' already exists. This is the user id"
print "that the Directory Server will run as."
print ""
if user_input("Do you want to use the existing 'dirsrv' account?", True):
ds_user = "dirsrv"
print ""
ds_user = user_input_plain("Which account name do you want to use for the DS instance?", allow_empty = False, allow_spaces = False)
print ""
except KeyError:
ds_user = "dirsrv"
return ds_user
def read_domain_name(domain_name, unattended):
print "The domain name has been calculated based on the host name."
print ""
if not unattended:
domain_name = user_input("Please confirm the domain name", domain_name)
print ""
return domain_name
def read_realm_name(domain_name, unattended):
print "The kerberos protocol requires a Realm name to be defined."
print "This is typically the domain name converted to uppercase."
print ""
if unattended:
return domain_name.upper()
realm_name = user_input("Please provide a realm name", domain_name.upper())
upper_dom = realm_name.upper()
if upper_dom != realm_name:
print "An upper-case realm name is required."
if not user_input("Do you want to use " + upper_dom + " as realm name?", True):
print ""
print "An upper-case realm name is required. Unable to continue."
realm_name = upper_dom
print ""
return realm_name
def read_dm_password():
print "Certain directory server operations require an administrative user."
print "This user is referred to as the Directory Manager and has full access"
print "to the Directory for system management tasks and will be added to the"
print "instance of directory server created for IPA."
print "The password must be at least 8 characters long."
print ""
#TODO: provide the option of generating a random password
dm_password = read_password("Directory Manager")
return dm_password
def read_admin_password():
print "The IPA server requires an administrative user, named 'admin'."
print "This user is a regular system account used for IPA server administration."
print ""
#TODO: provide the option of generating a random password
admin_password = read_password("IPA admin")
return admin_password
def check_dirsrv(unattended):
serverids = dsinstance.check_existing_installation()
if serverids:
print ""
print "An existing Directory Server has been detected."
if unattended or not user_input("Do you wish to remove it and create a new one?", False):
print ""
print "Only a single Directory Server instance is allowed on an IPA"
print "server, the one used by IPA itself."
for serverid in serverids:
(ds_unsecure, ds_secure) = dsinstance.check_ports()
if not ds_unsecure or not ds_secure:
print "IPA requires ports 389 and 636 for the Directory Server."
print "These are currently in use:"
if not ds_unsecure:
print "\t389"
if not ds_secure:
print "\t636"
def uninstall(dm_password=None):
if dm_password:
api.Backend.ldap2.connect(bind_dn="cn=Directory Manager", bind_pw=dm_password)
run(["/usr/sbin/ipa-client-install", "--on-master", "--unattended", "--uninstall"])
except Exception, e:
print "Uninstall of client side components failed!"
print "ipa-client-install returned: " + str(e)
if cainstance.CADSInstance().is_configured():
if cainstance.CAInstance().is_configured():
except Exception:
# ipa-client-install removes /etc/ipa/default.conf
return 0
def render_assets():
Render CSS and JavaScript assets.
ui = ipawebui.create_wsgi_app(api)
def set_subject_in_config(host_name, dm_password, suffix, subject_base):
ldapuri = 'ldap://%s' % host_name
conn = ldap2(shared_instance=False, ldap_uri=ldapuri, base_dn=suffix)
conn.connect(bind_dn='cn=directory manager', bind_pw=dm_password)
except errors.ExecutionError, e:
logging.critical("Could not connect to the Directory Server on %s" % host_name)
raise e
(dn, entry_attrs) = conn.get_ipa_config()
if 'ipacertificatesubjectbase' not in entry_attrs:
mod = {'ipacertificatesubjectbase': subject_base}
conn.update_entry(dn, mod)
def main():
global ds
global pw_name
global uninstalling
ds = None
options = parse_options()
if os.getegid() != 0:
print "Must be root to set up server"
return 1
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
if options.uninstall:
uninstalling = True
standard_logging_setup("/var/log/ipaserver-uninstall.log", options.debug)
standard_logging_setup("/var/log/ipaserver-install.log", options.debug)
print "\nThe log file for this installation can be found in /var/log/ipaserver-install.log"
if dsinstance.DsInstance().is_configured() or cainstance.CADSInstance().is_configured():
sys.exit("IPA server is already configured on this system.")
global fstore
fstore = sysrestore.FileStore('/var/lib/ipa/sysrestore')
# Configuration for ipalib, we will bootstrap and finalize later, after
# we are sure we have the configuration file ready.
cfg = dict(
if options.uninstall:
dm_password = options.dm_password
# We will need at least api.env, finalize api now. This system is
# already installed, so the configuration file is there.
if not options.unattended:
print "\nThis is a NON REVERSIBLE operation and will delete all data and configuration!\n"
if not user_input("Are you sure you want to continue with the uninstall procedure?", False):
print ""
print "Aborting uninstall operation."
if not dm_password:
if user_input("Do you want to remove old SRV and NS records?", False):
dm_password = read_password("Directory Manager", confirm=False, validate=False)
# Try out the password
ldapuri = 'ldap://%s' % api.env.host
conn = ldap2(shared_instance=False, ldap_uri=ldapuri)
conn.connect(bind_dn='cn=directory manager', bind_pw=dm_password)
except errors.ACIError:
sys.exit("\nThe password provided is incorrect for LDAP server %s" % api.env.host)
except errors.ExecutionError:
sys.exit("\nUnable to connect to LDAP server %s" % api.env.host)
return uninstall(dm_password)
# This will override any settings passed in on the cmdline
print "=============================================================================="
print "This program will set up the FreeIPA Server."
print ""
print "This includes:"
if options.conf_ntp:
print " * Configure the Network Time Daemon (ntpd)"
print " * Create and configure an instance of Directory Server"
print " * Create and configure a Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC)"
print " * Configure Apache (httpd)"
print " * Render web UI JavaScript and CSS assets"
if options.setup_dns:
print " * Configure DNS (bind)"
if not options.conf_ntp:
print ""
print "Excluded by options:"
print " * Configure the Network Time Daemon (ntpd)"
print ""
print "To accept the default shown in brackets, press the Enter key."
print ""
if not options.external_ca:
ds_user = ""
realm_name = ""
host_name = ""
domain_name = ""
ip_address = ""
master_password = ""
dm_password = ""
admin_password = ""
# check bind packages are installed
if options.setup_dns:
if not bindinstance.check_inst(options.unattended):
print "Aborting installation"
return 1
# check the hostname is correctly configured, it must be as the kldap
# utilities just use the hostname as returned by gethostbyname to set
# up some of the standard entries
host_default = ""
if options.host_name:
host_default = options.host_name
host_default = get_fqdn()
if options.unattended:
except RuntimeError, e:
logging.error(str(e) + "\n")
return 1
host_name = host_default
host_name = read_host_name(host_default,options.no_host_dns)
host_name = host_name.lower()
if not options.domain_name:
domain_name = read_domain_name(host_name[host_name.find(".")+1:], options.unattended)
domain_name = options.domain_name
domain_name = domain_name.lower()
# Check we have a public IP that is associated with the hostname
ip = resolve_host(host_name)
if ip is None:
if options.ip_address:
ip = options.ip_address
if ip is None and options.unattended:
print "Unable to resolve IP address for host name"
return 1
if not verify_ip_address(ip):
ip = ""
if options.unattended:
return 1
if options.ip_address and options.ip_address != ip:
if options.setup_dns:
ip = options.ip_address
print "Error: the hostname resolves to an IP address that is different"
print "from the one provided on the command line. Please fix your DNS"
print "or /etc/hosts file and restart the installation."
return 1
if options.unattended:
if not ip:
print "Unable to resolve IP address"
return 1
if not ip:
ip = read_ip_address(host_name, fstore)
ip_address = ip
print "The IPA Master Server will be configured with"
print "Hostname: " + host_name
print "IP address: " + ip_address
print "Domain name: " + domain_name
print ""
if not options.ds_user:
ds_user = read_ds_user()
if ds_user == "":
return 1
ds_user = options.ds_user
if not options.realm_name:
realm_name = read_realm_name(domain_name, options.unattended)
realm_name = options.realm_name.upper()
if not options.dm_password:
dm_password = read_dm_password()
dm_password = options.dm_password
if not options.master_password:
master_password = ipa_generate_password()
master_password = options.master_password
if not options.admin_password:
admin_password = read_admin_password()
admin_password = options.admin_password
if options.setup_dns:
if options.no_forwarders:
dns_forwarders = ()
elif options.forwarders:
dns_forwarders = options.forwarders
dns_forwarders = read_dns_forwarders()
dns_forwarders = ()
# Create the management framework config file and finalize api
fd = open("/etc/ipa/default.conf", "w")
fd.write("basedn=" + util.realm_to_suffix(realm_name) + "\n")
fd.write("realm=" + realm_name + "\n")
fd.write("domain=" + domain_name + "\n")
fd.write("xmlrpc_uri=https://%s/ipa/xml\n" % host_name)
fd.write("ldap_uri=ldapi://%%2fvar%%2frun%%2fslapd-%s.socket\n" % dsinstance.realm_to_serverid(realm_name))
if not options.selfsign:
fd.write('webui_assets_dir=' + ASSETS_DIR + '\n')
if not options.unattended:
print ""
print "The following operations may take some minutes to complete."
print "Please wait until the prompt is returned."
print ""
if options.dirsrv_pin:
[pw_fd, pw_name] = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write(pw_fd, options.dirsrv_pin)
if not options.selfsign:
# Clean up any previous self-signed CA that may exist
# Figure out what state we're in. See cainstance.py for more info on
# the 3 states.
external = 0
if options.external_ca:
external = 1
if external and ipautil.file_exists("/root/ipa.csr"):
external = 2
if options.external_cert_file is None or options.external_ca_file is None:
print "You already have a CA signing request for this server (/root/ipa.csr), you need to include --external_cert_file and --external_ca_file"
if external and options.external_cert_file and not ipautil.file_exists(options.external_cert_file):
print "%s does not exist" % options.external_cert_file
if external and options.external_ca_file and not ipautil.file_exists(options.external_ca_file):
print "%s does not exist" % options.external_ca_file
if options.external_cert_file is None:
cs = cainstance.CADSInstance()
cs.create_instance(ds_user, realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password)
ca = cainstance.CAInstance()
if external == 0:
ca.configure_instance("pkiuser", host_name, dm_password, dm_password, subject_base=options.subject)
elif external == 1:
options.realm_name = realm_name
options.domain_name = domain_name
options.ds_user = ds_user
options.master_password = master_password
options.host_name = host_default
options.unattended = True
ca.configure_instance("pkiuser", host_name, dm_password, dm_password, csr_file="/root/ipa.csr", subject_base=options.subject)
ca.configure_instance("pkiuser", host_name, dm_password, dm_password, cert_file=options.external_cert_file, cert_chain_file=options.external_ca_file, subject_base=options.subject)
# Configure ntpd
if options.conf_ntp:
ntp = ntpinstance.NTPInstance(fstore)
# Create a directory server instance
ds = dsinstance.DsInstance()
if options.dirsrv_pkcs12:
pkcs12_info = (options.dirsrv_pkcs12, pw_name)
ds.create_instance(ds_user, realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password, pkcs12_info, subject_base=options.subject, hbac_allow=not options.hbac_allow)
ds.create_instance(ds_user, realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password, self_signed_ca=options.selfsign, uidstart=options.uidstart, gidstart=options.gidstart, subject_base=options.subject, hbac_allow=not options.hbac_allow)
# Create a kerberos instance
krb = krbinstance.KrbInstance(fstore)
krb.create_instance(ds_user, realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password, master_password)
# The DS instance is created before the keytab, add the SSL cert we
# generated
# Render webui assets:
ipautil.run(["/sbin/restorecon", ASSETS_DIR])
# Create a HTTP instance
if options.http_pin:
[pw_fd, pw_name] = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write(pw_fd, options.http_pin)
http = httpinstance.HTTPInstance(fstore)
if options.http_pkcs12:
pkcs12_info = (options.http_pkcs12, pw_name)
http.create_instance(realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password, autoconfig=False, pkcs12_info=pkcs12_info, subject_base=options.subject)
http.create_instance(realm_name, host_name, domain_name, dm_password, autoconfig=True, self_signed_ca=options.selfsign, subject_base=options.subject)
ipautil.run(["/sbin/restorecon", "/var/cache/ipa/sessions"])
set_subject_in_config(host_name, dm_password, util.realm_to_suffix(realm_name), options.subject)
if not options.selfsign:
service.print_msg("Setting the certificate subject base")
# Apply any LDAP updates. Needs to be done after the configuration file
# is created
service.print_msg("Applying LDAP updates")
# Restart ds and krb after configurations have been changed
service.print_msg("restarting the directory server")
service.print_msg("restarting the KDC")
# Restart httpd to pick up the new IPA configuration
service.print_msg("restarting the web server")
# Create a BIND instance
bind = bindinstance.BindInstance(fstore, dm_password)
bind.setup(host_name, ip_address, realm_name, domain_name, dns_forwarders, options.conf_ntp)
if options.setup_dns:
api.Backend.ldap2.connect(bind_dn="cn=Directory Manager", bind_pw=dm_password)
# Set the admin user kerberos password
# Call client install script
run(["/usr/sbin/ipa-client-install", "--on-master", "--unattended", "--domain", domain_name, "--server", host_name, "--realm", realm_name])
except Exception, e:
print "Configuration of client side components failed!"
print "ipa-client-install returned: " + str(e)
return 1
print "=============================================================================="
print "Setup complete"
print ""
print "Next steps:"
print "\t1. You must make sure these network ports are open:"
print "\t\tTCP Ports:"
print "\t\t * 80, 443: HTTP/HTTPS"
print "\t\t * 389, 636: LDAP/LDAPS"
print "\t\t * 88, 464: kerberos"
if options.setup_dns:
print "\t\t * 53: bind"
print "\t\tUDP Ports:"
print "\t\t * 88, 464: kerberos"
if options.setup_dns:
print "\t\t * 53: bind"
if options.conf_ntp:
print "\t\t * 123: ntp"
print ""
print "\t2. You can now obtain a kerberos ticket using the command: 'kinit admin'"
print "\t This ticket will allow you to use the IPA tools (e.g., ipa user-add)"
print "\t and the web user interface."
if not service.is_running("ntpd"):
print "\t3. Kerberos requires time synchronization between clients"
print "\t and servers for correct operation. You should consider enabling ntpd."
print ""
if options.http_pkcs12:
print "In order for Firefox autoconfiguration to work you will need to"
print "use a SSL signing certificate. See the IPA documentation for more details."
print "You also need to install a PEM copy of the CA certificate into"
print "/usr/share/ipa/html/ca.crt"
if options.selfsign:
print "Be sure to back up the CA certificate stored in /etc/httpd/alias/cacert.p12"
print "The password for this file is in /etc/httpd/alias/pwdfile.txt"
print "Be sure to back up the CA certificate stored in /root/cacert.p12"
print "This file is required to create replicas. The password for this"
print "file is the Directory Manager password"
return 0
except SystemExit, e:
except Exception, e:
if uninstalling:
message = "Unexpected error - see ipaserver-uninstall.log for details:\n %s" % str(e)
message = "Unexpected error - see ipaserver-install.log for details:\n %s" % str(e)
print message
message = str(e)
for str in traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]):
message = message + "\n" + str
if pw_name and ipautil.file_exists(pw_name):