mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Implements a new option to filter out reverse zones. This patch also do some clean up in dns plugin - debug prints were accidentally left here in the last dns patch. https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/1471
1204 lines
44 KiB
1204 lines
44 KiB
# Authors:
# Pavel Zuna <pzuna@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Backend plugin for LDAP.
# Entries are represented as (dn, entry_attrs), where entry_attrs is a dict
# mapping attribute names to values. Values can be a single value or list/tuple
# of virtually any type. Each method passing these values to the python-ldap
# binding encodes them into the appropriate representation. This applies to
# everything except the CrudBackend methods, where dn is part of the entry dict.
import copy
import os
import socket
import string
import shutil
import tempfile
import time
import krbV
import logging
import ldap as _ldap
import ldap.filter as _ldap_filter
import ldap.sasl as _ldap_sasl
from ldap.controls import LDAPControl
# for backward compatibility
from ldap.functions import explode_dn
import krbV
from ipalib import api, errors
from ipalib.crud import CrudBackend
from ipalib.encoder import Encoder, encode_args, decode_retval
from ipalib.request import context
# Group Member types
# SASL authentication mechanism
SASL_AUTH = _ldap_sasl.sasl({}, 'GSSAPI')
# universal LDAPError handler
def _handle_errors(e, **kw):
Centralize error handling in one place.
e is the error to be raised
**kw is an exception-specific list of options
if not isinstance(e, _ldap.TIMEOUT):
desc = e.args[0]['desc'].strip()
info = e.args[0].get('info', '').strip()
desc = ''
info = ''
# re-raise the error so we can handle it
raise e
except _ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:
# args = kw.get('args', '')
# raise errors.NotFound(msg=notfound(args))
raise errors.NotFound(reason='no such entry')
except _ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS:
raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
# This error gets thrown by the uniqueness plugin
if info == 'Another entry with the same attribute value already exists':
raise errors.DuplicateEntry()
raise errors.DatabaseError(desc=desc, info=info)
raise errors.ACIError(info=info)
raise errors.ACIError(info="%s %s" % (info, desc))
except _ldap.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE:
# this is raised when a 'delete' attribute isn't found.
# it indicates the previous attribute was removed by another
# update, making the oldentry stale.
raise errors.MidairCollision()
except _ldap.INVALID_SYNTAX:
raise errors.InvalidSyntax(attr=info)
raise errors.ObjectclassViolation(info=info)
raise errors.LimitsExceeded()
raise errors.LimitsExceeded()
raise errors.LimitsExceeded()
except _ldap.NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN:
raise errors.NotAllowedOnRDN(attr=info)
except _ldap.FILTER_ERROR:
raise errors.BadSearchFilter(info=info)
except _ldap.SUCCESS:
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
raise errors.DatabaseError(desc=desc, info=info)
def get_schema(url, conn=None):
Perform global initialization when the module is loaded.
Retrieve the LDAP schema from the provided url and determine if
User-Private Groups (upg) are configured.
Bind using kerberos credentials. If in the context of the
in-tree "lite" server then use the current ccache. If in the context of
Apache then create a new ccache and bind using the Apache HTTP service
If a connection is provided then it the credentials bound to it are
used. The connection is not closed when the request is done.
tmpdir = None
has_conn = conn is not None
if ((not api.env.in_server or api.env.context not in ['lite', 'server'])
and conn is None):
# The schema is only needed on the server side
return None
if api.env.context == 'server' and conn is None:
# Create a new credentials cache for this Apache process
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = "tmp-")
ccache_file = 'FILE:%s/ccache' % tmpdir
krbcontext = krbV.default_context()
principal = str('HTTP/%s@%s' % (api.env.host, api.env.realm))
keytab = krbV.Keytab(name='/etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab', context=krbcontext)
principal = krbV.Principal(name=principal, context=krbcontext)
os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = ccache_file
ccache = krbV.CCache(name=ccache_file, context=krbcontext, primary_principal=principal)
ccache.init_creds_keytab(keytab=keytab, principal=principal)
except krbV.Krb5Error, e:
raise StandardError('Unable to retrieve LDAP schema. Error initializing principal %s in %s: %s' % (principal.name, '/etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab', str(e)))
if conn is None:
conn = _ldap.initialize(url)
if url.startswith('ldapi://'):
conn.set_option(_ldap.OPT_HOST_NAME, api.env.host)
conn.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', SASL_AUTH)
schema_entry = conn.search_s(
'cn=schema', _ldap.SCOPE_BASE,
attrlist=['attributetypes', 'objectclasses']
if not has_conn:
except _ldap.SERVER_DOWN:
return None
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
desc = e.args[0]['desc'].strip()
info = e.args[0].get('info', '').strip()
raise StandardError('Unable to retrieve LDAP schema: %s: %s' % (desc, info))
except IndexError:
# no 'cn=schema' entry in LDAP? some servers use 'cn=subschema'
# TODO: DS uses 'cn=schema', support for other server?
# raise a more appropriate exception
if tmpdir:
return _ldap.schema.SubSchema(schema_entry[1])
# Global schema
_schema = None
# The UPG setting will be cached the first time a module checks it
_upg = None
class ldap2(CrudBackend, Encoder):
LDAP Backend Take 2.
# attribute syntax to python type mapping, 'SYNTAX OID': type
# everything not in this dict is considered human readable unicode
'': str, # ACI item
'': str, # Audio
'': str, # Binary
'': str, # Certificate
'': str, # Certificate List
'': str, # Certificate Pair
'': str, # Fax
'': str, # JPEG
'': str, # OctetString (same as Binary)
'': str, # Supported Algorithm
'': str, # Teletext Terminal Identifier
# attributes in this list cannot be deleted by update_entry
# only MOD_REPLACE operations are generated for them
# rules for generating filters from entries
MATCH_ANY = '|' # (|(filter1)(filter2))
MATCH_ALL = '&' # (&(filter1)(filter2))
MATCH_NONE = '!' # (!(filter1)(filter2))
# search scope for find_entries()
def __init__(self, shared_instance=True, ldap_uri=None, base_dn=None,
global _schema
CrudBackend.__init__(self, shared_instance=shared_instance)
self.encoder_settings.encode_dict_keys = True
self.encoder_settings.decode_dict_keys = True
self.encoder_settings.decode_dict_vals_postprocess = False
self.encoder_settings.decode_dict_vals_table = self._SYNTAX_MAPPING
self.encoder_settings.decode_dict_vals_table_keygen = self.get_syntax
self.encoder_settings.decode_postprocessor = lambda x: string.lower(x)
self.ldap_uri = ldap_uri or api.env.ldap_uri
except AttributeError:
self.ldap_uri = 'ldap://example.com'
if base_dn is not None:
self.base_dn = base_dn
self.base_dn = api.env.basedn
except AttributeError:
self.base_dn = ''
self.schema = schema or _schema
def __del__(self):
if self.isconnected():
def __str__(self):
return self.ldap_uri
def get_syntax(self, attr, value):
if not self.schema:
obj = self.schema.get_obj(_ldap.schema.AttributeType, attr)
if obj is not None:
return obj.syntax
return None
def get_allowed_attributes(self, objectclasses):
if not self.schema:
allowed_attributes = []
for oc in objectclasses:
obj = self.schema.get_obj(_ldap.schema.ObjectClass, oc)
if obj is not None:
allowed_attributes += obj.must + obj.may
return [unicode(a).lower() for a in list(set(allowed_attributes))]
def get_single_value(self, attr):
Check the schema to see if the attribute is single-valued.
If the attribute is in the schema then returns True/False
If there is a problem loading the schema or the attribute is
not in the schema return None
if not self.schema:
obj = self.schema.get_obj(_ldap.schema.AttributeType, attr)
return obj and obj.single_value
@encode_args(2, 3, 'bind_dn', 'bind_pw')
def create_connection(self, ccache=None, bind_dn='', bind_pw='',
tls_cacertfile=None, tls_certfile=None, tls_keyfile=None,
Connect to LDAP server.
Keyword arguments:
ldapuri -- the LDAP server to connect to
ccache -- Kerberos V5 ccache name
bind_dn -- dn used to bind to the server
bind_pw -- password used to bind to the server
debug_level -- LDAP debug level option
tls_cacertfile -- TLS CA certificate filename
tls_certfile -- TLS certificate filename
tls_keyfile - TLS bind key filename
Extends backend.Connectible.create_connection.
global _schema
if tls_cacertfile is not None:
_ldap.set_option(_ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, tls_cacertfile)
if tls_certfile is not None:
_ldap.set_option(_ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CERTFILE, tls_certfile)
if tls_keyfile is not None:
_ldap.set_option(_ldap.OPT_X_TLS_KEYFILE, tls_keyfile)
if debug_level:
_ldap.set_option(_ldap.OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, debug_level)
conn = _ldap.initialize(self.ldap_uri)
if self.ldap_uri.startswith('ldapi://'):
conn.set_option(_ldap.OPT_HOST_NAME, api.env.host)
if ccache is not None:
os.environ['KRB5CCNAME'] = ccache
conn.sasl_interactive_bind_s('', SASL_AUTH)
principal = krbV.CCache(name=ccache,
setattr(context, 'principal', principal)
# no kerberos ccache, use simple bind
conn.simple_bind_s(bind_dn, bind_pw)
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
_handle_errors(e, **{})
if _schema:
object.__setattr__(self, 'schema', _schema)
return conn
def destroy_connection(self):
"""Disconnect from LDAP server."""
except _ldap.LDAPError:
# ignore when trying to unbind multiple times
def normalize_dn(self, dn):
Normalize distinguished name.
Note: You don't have to normalize DN's before passing them to
ldap2 methods. It's done internally for you.
rdns = explode_dn(dn)
if rdns:
dn = ','.join(rdns)
if not dn.endswith(self.base_dn):
dn = '%s,%s' % (dn, self.base_dn)
return dn
return self.base_dn
def get_container_rdn(self, name):
"""Get relative distinguished name of cotainer."""
env_container = 'container_%s' % name
if env_container in self.api.env:
return self.api.env[env_container]
return ''
def make_rdn_from_attr(self, attr, value):
"""Make relative distinguished name from attribute."""
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
value = value[0]
attr = _ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(attr)
value = _ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(value)
return '%s=%s' % (attr, value)
def make_dn_from_rdn(self, rdn, parent_dn=''):
Make distinguished name from relative distinguished name.
Keyword arguments:
parent_dn -- DN of the parent entry (default '')
parent_dn = self.normalize_dn(parent_dn)
return '%s,%s' % (rdn, parent_dn)
def make_dn_from_attr(self, attr, value, parent_dn=''):
Make distinguished name from attribute.
Keyword arguments:
parent_dn -- DN of the parent entry (default '')
rdn = self.make_rdn_from_attr(attr, value)
return self.make_dn_from_rdn(rdn, parent_dn)
def make_dn(self, entry_attrs, primary_key='cn', parent_dn=''):
Make distinguished name from entry attributes.
Keyword arguments:
primary_key -- attribute from which to make RDN (default 'cn')
parent_dn -- DN of the parent entry (default '')
assert primary_key in entry_attrs
rdn = self.make_rdn_from_attr(primary_key, entry_attrs[primary_key])
return self.make_dn_from_rdn(rdn, parent_dn)
@encode_args(1, 2)
def add_entry(self, dn, entry_attrs, normalize=True):
"""Create a new entry."""
if normalize:
dn = self.normalize_dn(dn)
# remove all None values, python-ldap hates'em
entry_attrs = dict(
(k, v) for (k, v) in entry_attrs.iteritems() if v
self.conn.add_s(dn, list(entry_attrs.iteritems()))
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
_handle_errors(e, **{})
# generating filters for find_entry
# some examples:
# f1 = ldap2.make_filter_from_attr(u'firstName', u'Pavel')
# f2 = ldap2.make_filter_from_attr(u'lastName', u'Zuna')
# f = ldap2.combine_filters([f1, f2], ldap2.MATCH_ALL)
# # f should be (&(firstName=Pavel)(lastName=Zuna))
# # it should be equivalent to:
# entry_attrs = {u'firstName': u'Pavel', u'lastName': u'Zuna'}
# f = ldap2.make_filter(entry_attrs, rules=ldap2.MATCH_ALL)
def combine_filters(self, filters, rules='|'):
Combine filters into one for ldap2.find_entries.
Keyword arguments:
rules -- see ldap2.make_filter
assert isinstance(filters, (list, tuple))
filters = [f for f in filters if f]
if len(filters) > 1:
flt = '(%s' % rules
flt = ''
for f in filters:
if not f.startswith('('):
f = '(%s)' % f
flt = '%s%s' % (flt, f)
if len(filters) > 1:
flt = '%s)' % flt
return flt
@encode_args(1, 2)
def make_filter_from_attr(self, attr, value, rules='|', exact=True,
leading_wildcard=True, trailing_wildcard=True):
Make filter for ldap2.find_entries from attribute.
Keyword arguments:
rules -- see ldap2.make_filter
exact -- boolean, True - make filter as (attr=value)
False - make filter as (attr=*value*)
leading_wildcard -- boolean, True - allow heading filter wildcard when exact=False
False - forbid heading filter wildcard when exact=False
trailing_wildcard -- boolean, True - allow trailing filter wildcard when exact=False
False - forbid trailing filter wildcard when exact=False
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
flts = []
if rules == self.MATCH_NONE:
for v in value:
self.make_filter_from_attr(attr, v, exact=exact,
return '(!%s)' % self.combine_filters(flts)
for v in value:
flts.append(self.make_filter_from_attr(attr, v, rules, exact,
return self.combine_filters(flts, rules)
elif value is not None:
value = _ldap_filter.escape_filter_chars(value)
if not exact:
template = '%s'
if leading_wildcard:
template = '*' + template
if trailing_wildcard:
template = template + '*'
value = template % value
if rules == self.MATCH_NONE:
return '(!(%s=%s))' % (attr, value)
return '(%s=%s)' % (attr, value)
return ''
def make_filter(self, entry_attrs, attrs_list=None, rules='|', exact=True,
leading_wildcard=True, trailing_wildcard=True):
Make filter for ldap2.find_entries from entry attributes.
Keyword arguments:
attrs_list -- list of attributes to use, all if None (default None)
rules -- specifies how to determine a match (default ldap2.MATCH_ANY)
exact -- boolean, True - make filter as (attr=value)
False - make filter as (attr=*value*)
leading_wildcard -- boolean, True - allow heading filter wildcard when exact=False
False - forbid heading filter wildcard when exact=False
trailing_wildcard -- boolean, True - allow trailing filter wildcard when exact=False
False - forbid trailing filter wildcard when exact=False
rules can be one of the following:
ldap2.MATCH_NONE - match entries that do not match any attribute
ldap2.MATCH_ALL - match entries that match all attributes
ldap2.MATCH_ANY - match entries that match any of attribute
flts = []
if attrs_list is None:
for (k, v) in entry_attrs.iteritems():
self.make_filter_from_attr(k, v, rules, exact,
leading_wildcard, trailing_wildcard)
for a in attrs_list:
value = entry_attrs.get(a, None)
if value is not None:
self.make_filter_from_attr(a, value, rules, exact,
leading_wildcard, trailing_wildcard)
return self.combine_filters(flts, rules)
@encode_args(1, 2, 3)
def find_entries(self, filter=None, attrs_list=None, base_dn='',
scope=_ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, time_limit=None, size_limit=None,
normalize=True, search_refs=False):
Return a list of entries and indication of whether the results were
truncated ([(dn, entry_attrs)], truncated) matching specified search
parameters followed by truncated flag. If the truncated flag is True,
search hit a server limit and its results are incomplete.
Keyword arguments:
attrs_list -- list of attributes to return, all if None (default None)
base_dn -- dn of the entry at which to start the search (default '')
scope -- search scope, see LDAP docs (default ldap2.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
time_limit -- time limit in seconds (default use IPA config values)
size_limit -- size (number of entries returned) limit (default use IPA config values)
normalize -- normalize the DN (default True)
search_refs -- allow search references to be returned (default skips these entries)
if normalize:
base_dn = self.normalize_dn(base_dn)
if not filter:
filter = '(objectClass=*)'
res = []
truncated = False
if time_limit is None or size_limit is None:
(cdn, config) = self.get_ipa_config()
if time_limit is None:
time_limit = config.get('ipasearchtimelimit', [-1])[0]
if size_limit is None:
size_limit = config.get('ipasearchrecordslimit', [0])[0]
if time_limit == 0:
time_limit = -1
if not isinstance(size_limit, int):
size_limit = int(size_limit)
if not isinstance(time_limit, float):
time_limit = float(time_limit)
if attrs_list:
attrs_list = list(set(attrs_list))
# pass arguments to python-ldap
id = self.conn.search_ext(
base_dn, scope, filter, attrs_list, timeout=time_limit,
while True:
(objtype, res_list) = self.conn.result(id, 0)
if not res_list:
if objtype == _ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY or \
(search_refs and objtype == _ldap.RES_SEARCH_REFERENCE):
truncated = True
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
_handle_errors(e, **{})
if not res:
raise errors.NotFound(reason='no such entry')
if attrs_list and ('memberindirect' in attrs_list or '*' in attrs_list):
for r in res:
if not 'member' in r[1]:
members = r[1]['member']
indirect = self.get_members(r[0], members, membertype=MEMBERS_INDIRECT,
time_limit=time_limit, size_limit=size_limit, normalize=normalize)
if len(indirect) > 0:
r[1]['memberindirect'] = indirect
if attrs_list and ('memberofindirect' in attrs_list or '*' in attrs_list):
for r in res:
if 'memberof' in r[1]:
memberof = r[1]['memberof']
del r[1]['memberof']
elif 'memberOf' in r[1]:
memberof = r[1]['memberOf']
del r[1]['memberOf']
(direct, indirect) = self.get_memberof(r[0], memberof, time_limit=time_limit, size_limit=size_limit, normalize=normalize)
if len(direct) > 0:
r[1]['memberof'] = direct
if len(indirect) > 0:
r[1]['memberofindirect'] = indirect
return (res, truncated)
def find_entry_by_attr(self, attr, value, object_class, attrs_list=None,
Find entry (dn, entry_attrs) by attribute and object class.
Keyword arguments:
attrs_list - list of attributes to return, all if None (default None)
base_dn - dn of the entry at which to start the search (default '')
search_kw = {attr: value, 'objectClass': object_class}
filter = self.make_filter(search_kw, rules=self.MATCH_ALL)
(entries, truncated) = self.find_entries(filter, attrs_list, base_dn)
if len(entries) > 1:
raise errors.SingleMatchExpected(found=len(entries))
return entries[0]
def get_entry(self, dn, attrs_list=None, time_limit=None,
size_limit=None, normalize=True):
Get entry (dn, entry_attrs) by dn.
Keyword arguments:
attrs_list - list of attributes to return, all if None (default None)
return self.find_entries(
None, attrs_list, dn, self.SCOPE_BASE, time_limit=time_limit,
size_limit=size_limit, normalize=normalize
config_defaults = {'ipasearchtimelimit': [2], 'ipasearchrecordslimit': [0]}
def get_ipa_config(self, attrs_list=None):
"""Returns the IPA configuration entry (dn, entry_attrs)."""
cdn = "%s,%s" % (api.Object.config.get_dn(), api.env.basedn)
config_entry = getattr(context, 'config_entry')
return (cdn, copy.deepcopy(config_entry))
except AttributeError:
# Not in our context yet
(cdn, config_entry) = self.find_entries(
None, attrs_list, base_dn=cdn, scope=self.SCOPE_BASE,
time_limit=2, size_limit=10
except errors.NotFound:
config_entry = {}
for a in self.config_defaults:
if a not in config_entry:
config_entry[a] = self.config_defaults[a]
setattr(context, 'config_entry', copy.deepcopy(config_entry))
return (cdn, config_entry)
def get_schema(self, deepcopy=False):
"""Returns either a reference to current schema or its deep copy"""
global _schema
if not _schema:
_schema = get_schema(self.ldap_uri, self.conn)
if not _schema:
raise errors.DatabaseError(desc='Unable to retrieve LDAP schema', info='Unable to proceed with request')
# explicitly use setattr here so the schema can be set after
# the object is finalized.
object.__setattr__(self, 'schema', _schema)
if (deepcopy):
return copy.deepcopy(self.schema)
return self.schema
def has_upg(self):
"""Returns True/False whether User-Private Groups are enabled.
This is determined based on whether the UPG Template exists.
We determine this at module load so we don't have to test for
it every time.
global _upg
if _upg is None:
upg_entry = self.conn.search_s(
'cn=UPG Template,cn=etc,%s' % api.env.basedn,
_upg = True
except _ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT, e:
_upg = False
return _upg
@encode_args(1, 2)
def get_effective_rights(self, dn, entry_attrs):
"""Returns the rights the currently bound user has for the given DN.
Returns 2 attributes, the attributeLevelRights for the given list of
attributes and the entryLevelRights for the entry itself.
principal = getattr(context, 'principal')
(binddn, attrs) = self.find_entry_by_attr("krbprincipalname", principal, "krbPrincipalAux")
sctrl = [LDAPControl("", True, "dn: " + binddn.encode('UTF-8'))]
self.conn.set_option(_ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, sctrl)
(dn, attrs) = self.get_entry(dn, entry_attrs)
# remove the control so subsequent operations don't include GER
self.conn.set_option(_ldap.OPT_SERVER_CONTROLS, [])
return (dn, attrs)
@encode_args(1, 2)
def can_write(self, dn, attr):
"""Returns True/False if the currently bound user has write permissions
on the attribute. This only operates on a single attribute at a time.
(dn, attrs) = self.get_effective_rights(dn, [attr])
if 'attributelevelrights' in attrs:
attr_rights = attrs.get('attributelevelrights')[0].decode('UTF-8')
(attr, rights) = attr_rights.split(':')
if 'w' in rights:
return True
return False
@encode_args(1, 2)
def can_read(self, dn, attr):
"""Returns True/False if the currently bound user has read permissions
on the attribute. This only operates on a single attribute at a time.
(dn, attrs) = self.get_effective_rights(dn, [attr])
if 'attributelevelrights' in attrs:
attr_rights = attrs.get('attributelevelrights')[0].decode('UTF-8')
(attr, rights) = attr_rights.split(':')
if 'r' in rights:
return True
return False
# Entry-level effective rights
# a - Add
# d - Delete
# n - Rename the DN
# v - View the entry
def can_delete(self, dn):
"""Returns True/False if the currently bound user has delete permissions
on the entry.
(dn, attrs) = self.get_effective_rights(dn, ["*"])
if 'entrylevelrights' in attrs:
entry_rights = attrs['entrylevelrights'][0].decode('UTF-8')
if 'd' in entry_rights:
return True
return False
def can_add(self, dn):
"""Returns True/False if the currently bound user has add permissions
on the entry.
(dn, attrs) = self.get_effective_rights(dn, ["*"])
if 'entrylevelrights' in attrs:
entry_rights = attrs['entrylevelrights'][0].decode('UTF-8')
if 'a' in entry_rights:
return True
return False
@encode_args(1, 2)
def update_entry_rdn(self, dn, new_rdn, del_old=True):
Update entry's relative distinguished name.
Keyword arguments:
del_old -- delete old RDN value (default True)
dn = self.normalize_dn(dn)
if dn.startswith(new_rdn + ","):
raise errors.EmptyModlist()
self.conn.rename_s(dn, new_rdn, delold=int(del_old))
time.sleep(.3) # Give memberOf plugin a chance to work
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
_handle_errors(e, **{})
def _generate_modlist(self, dn, entry_attrs, normalize):
# get original entry
(dn, entry_attrs_old) = self.get_entry(dn, entry_attrs.keys(), normalize=normalize)
# get_entry returns a decoded entry, encode it back
# we could call search_s directly, but this saves a lot of code at
# the expense of a little bit of performace
entry_attrs_old = self.encode(entry_attrs_old)
# generate modlist
# for multi value attributes: no MOD_REPLACE to handle simultaneous
# updates better
# for single value attribute: always MOD_REPLACE
modlist = []
for (k, v) in entry_attrs.iteritems():
if v is None and k in entry_attrs_old:
modlist.append((_ldap.MOD_DELETE, k, None))
if not isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
v = [v]
v = set(filter(lambda value: value is not None, v))
old_v = set(entry_attrs_old.get(k.lower(), []))
adds = list(v.difference(old_v))
rems = list(old_v.difference(v))
is_single_value = self.get_single_value(k)
value_count = len(old_v) + len(adds) - len(rems)
if is_single_value and value_count > 1:
raise errors.OnlyOneValueAllowed(attr=k)
force_replace = False
if k in self._FORCE_REPLACE_ON_UPDATE_ATTRS or is_single_value:
force_replace = True
elif len(v) > 0 and len(v.intersection(old_v)) == 0:
force_replace = True
if adds:
if force_replace:
modlist.append((_ldap.MOD_REPLACE, k, adds))
modlist.append((_ldap.MOD_ADD, k, adds))
if rems:
if not force_replace:
modlist.append((_ldap.MOD_DELETE, k, rems))
return modlist
@encode_args(1, 2)
def update_entry(self, dn, entry_attrs, normalize=True):
Update entry's attributes.
An attribute value set to None deletes all current values.
if normalize:
dn = self.normalize_dn(dn)
# generate modlist
modlist = self._generate_modlist(dn, entry_attrs, normalize)
if not modlist:
raise errors.EmptyModlist()
# pass arguments to python-ldap
self.conn.modify_s(dn, modlist)
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
_handle_errors(e, **{})
def delete_entry(self, dn, normalize=True):
"""Delete entry."""
if normalize:
dn = self.normalize_dn(dn)
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
_handle_errors(e, **{})
@encode_args(1, 2, 3)
def modify_password(self, dn, new_pass, old_pass=''):
"""Set user password."""
dn = self.normalize_dn(dn)
self.conn.passwd_s(dn, old_pass, new_pass)
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
_handle_errors(e, **{})
def add_entry_to_group(self, dn, group_dn, member_attr='member', allow_same=False):
Add entry designaed by dn to group group_dn in the member attribute
Adding a group as a member of itself is not allowed unless allow_same
is True.
# check if the entry exists
(dn, entry_attrs) = self.get_entry(dn, ['objectclass'])
# get group entry
(group_dn, group_entry_attrs) = self.get_entry(group_dn, [member_attr])
# check if we're not trying to add group into itself
if dn == group_dn and not allow_same:
raise errors.SameGroupError()
# add dn to group entry's `member_attr` attribute
members = group_entry_attrs.get(member_attr, [])
group_entry_attrs[member_attr] = members
# update group entry
self.update_entry(group_dn, group_entry_attrs)
except errors.EmptyModlist:
raise errors.AlreadyGroupMember()
def remove_entry_from_group(self, dn, group_dn, member_attr='member'):
"""Remove entry from group."""
# get group entry
(group_dn, group_entry_attrs) = self.get_entry(group_dn, [member_attr])
# remove dn from group entry's `member_attr` attribute
members = group_entry_attrs.get(member_attr, [])
except ValueError:
raise errors.NotGroupMember()
group_entry_attrs[member_attr] = members
# update group entry
self.update_entry(group_dn, group_entry_attrs)
def get_members(self, group_dn, members, attr_list=[], membertype=MEMBERS_ALL, time_limit=None, size_limit=None, normalize=True):
"""Do a memberOf search of groupdn and return the attributes in
attr_list (an empty list returns all attributes).
membertype = MEMBERS_ALL all members returned
membertype = MEMBERS_DIRECT only direct members are returned
membertype = MEMBERS_INDIRECT only inherited members are returned
Members may be included in a group as a result of being a member
of a group that is a member of the group being queried.
Returns a list of DNs.
return None
search_group_dn = _ldap_filter.escape_filter_chars(group_dn)
searchfilter = "(memberof=%s)" % search_group_dn
# Verify group membership
results = []
if membertype == MEMBERS_ALL or membertype == MEMBERS_INDIRECT:
checkmembers = copy.deepcopy(members)
for member in checkmembers:
(result, truncated) = self.find_entries(searchfilter,
attr_list, member, time_limit=time_limit,
size_limit=size_limit, normalize=normalize)
for m in result[0][1].get('member', []):
# This member may contain other members, add it to our
# candidate list
if m not in checkmembers:
except errors.NotFound:
if membertype == MEMBERS_ALL:
entries = []
for e in results:
return entries
(dn, group) = self.get_entry(group_dn, ['dn', 'member'],
size_limit=size_limit, time_limit=time_limit)
real_members = group.get('member')
if isinstance(real_members, basestring):
real_members = [real_members]
if real_members is None:
real_members = []
entries = []
for e in results:
if unicode(e[0]) not in real_members and unicode(e[0]) not in entries:
if membertype == MEMBERS_INDIRECT:
if membertype == MEMBERS_DIRECT:
return entries
def get_memberof(self, entry_dn, memberof, time_limit=None, size_limit=None, normalize=True):
Examine the objects that an entry is a member of and determine if they
are a direct or indirect member of that group.
entry_dn: dn of the entry we want the direct/indirect members of
memberof: the memberOf attribute for entry_dn
Returns two memberof lists: (direct, indirect)
if not type(memberof) in (list, tuple):
return ([], [])
if len(memberof) == 0:
return ([], [])
search_entry_dn = _ldap_filter.escape_filter_chars(entry_dn)
attr_list = ["dn", "memberof"]
searchfilter = "(|(member=%s)(memberhost=%s)(memberuser=%s))" % (
search_entry_dn, search_entry_dn, search_entry_dn)
# Search only the groups for which the object is a member to
# determine if it is directly or indirectly associated.
results = []
for group in memberof:
(result, truncated) = self.find_entries(searchfilter, attr_list,
group, time_limit=time_limit,size_limit=size_limit,
except errors.NotFound:
direct = []
indirect = []
# If there is an exception here, it is likely due to a failure in
# referential integrity. All members should have corresponding
# memberOf entries.
for m in memberof:
for r in results:
except ValueError, e:
logging.info('Failed to remove'
' indirect entry %s from %s' % r[0], entry_dn)
raise e
return (direct, indirect)
def set_entry_active(self, dn, active):
"""Mark entry active/inactive."""
assert isinstance(active, bool)
# get the entry in question
(dn, entry_attrs) = self.get_entry(dn, ['nsaccountlock'])
# check nsAccountLock attribute
account_lock_attr = entry_attrs.get('nsaccountlock', ['false'])
account_lock_attr = account_lock_attr[0].lower()
if active:
if account_lock_attr == 'false':
raise errors.AlreadyActive()
if account_lock_attr == 'true':
raise errors.AlreadyInactive()
# LDAP expects string instead of Bool but it also requires it to be TRUE or FALSE,
# not True or False as Python stringification does. Thus, we uppercase it.
account_lock_attr = str(not active).upper()
entry_attrs['nsaccountlock'] = account_lock_attr
self.update_entry(dn, entry_attrs)
def activate_entry(self, dn):
"""Mark entry active."""
self.set_entry_active(dn, True)
def deactivate_entry(self, dn):
"""Mark entry inactive."""
self.set_entry_active(dn, False)
def remove_principal_key(self, dn):
"""Remove a kerberos principal key."""
dn = self.normalize_dn(dn)
# We need to do this directly using the LDAP library because we
# don't have read access to krbprincipalkey so we need to delete
# it in the blind.
mod = [(_ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'krbprincipalkey', None),
(_ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'krblastpwdchange', None)]
self.conn.modify_s(dn, mod)
except _ldap.LDAPError, e:
_handle_errors(e, **{})
# CrudBackend methods
def _get_normalized_entry_for_crud(self, dn, attrs_list=None):
(dn, entry_attrs) = self.get_entry(dn, attrs_list)
entry_attrs['dn'] = dn
return entry_attrs
def create(self, **kw):
Create a new entry and return it as one dict (DN included).
Extends CrudBackend.create.
assert 'dn' in kw
dn = kw['dn']
del kw['dn']
self.add_entry(dn, kw)
return self._get_normalized_entry_for_crud(dn)
def retrieve(self, primary_key, attributes):
Get entry by primary_key (DN) as one dict (DN included).
Extends CrudBackend.retrieve.
return self._get_normalized_entry_for_crud(primary_key, attributes)
def update(self, primary_key, **kw):
Update entry's attributes and return it as one dict (DN included).
Extends CrudBackend.update.
self.update_entry(primary_key, kw)
return self._get_normalized_entry_for_crud(primary_key)
def delete(self, primary_key):
Delete entry by primary_key (DN).
Extends CrudBackend.delete.
def search(self, **kw):
Return a list of entries (each entry is one dict, DN included) matching
the specified criteria.
Keyword arguments:
filter -- search filter (default: '')
attrs_list -- list of attributes to return, all if None (default None)
base_dn -- dn of the entry at which to start the search (default '')
scope -- search scope, see LDAP docs (default ldap2.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
Extends CrudBackend.search.
# get keyword arguments
filter = kw.pop('filter', None)
attrs_list = kw.pop('attrs_list', None)
base_dn = kw.pop('base_dn', '')
scope = kw.pop('scope', self.SCOPE_SUBTREE)
# generate filter
filter_tmp = self.make_filter(kw)
if filter:
filter = self.combine_filters((filter, filter_tmp), self.MATCH_ALL)
filter = filter_tmp
if not filter:
filter = '(objectClass=*)'
# find entries and normalize the output for CRUD
output = []
(entries, truncated) = self.find_entries(
filter, attrs_list, base_dn, scope
for (dn, entry_attrs) in entries:
entry_attrs['dn'] = [dn]
if truncated:
return (-1, output)
return (len(output), output)