Rob Crittenden 23ffab533f Make the old entry option in update_*, check for empty parameters and
fix some problems reported by pychecker.
2007-12-11 17:34:15 -05:00

1967 lines
72 KiB

# Authors: Rob Crittenden <>
# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import sys
import krbV
import ldap
import ldap.dn
import ipaserver.dsinstance
import ipaserver.ipaldap
import copy
import attrs
from ipa import ipaerror
from ipa import ipautil
from urllib import quote,unquote
from ipa import radius_util
import string
from types import *
import re
import logging
import subprocess
from threading import Lock
except ImportError:
from dummy_threading import Lock
# Need a global to store this between requests
_LDAPPool = None
ACIContainer = "cn=accounts"
DefaultUserContainer = "cn=users,cn=accounts"
DefaultGroupContainer = "cn=groups,cn=accounts"
DefaultServiceContainer = "cn=services,cn=accounts"
# Apache runs in multi-process mode so each process will have its own
# connection. This could theoretically drive the total number of connections
# very high but since this represents just the administrative interface
# this is not anticipated.
# The pool consists of two things, a dictionary keyed on the principal name
# that contains the connection and a list that is used to keep track of the
# order. If the list fills up just pop the top entry off and you've got
# the least recently used.
# maxsize = 0 means no limit
class IPAConnPool:
def __init__(self, maxsize = 0):
self._dict = {}
self._lru = []
self._lock = Lock()
self._maxsize = maxsize
self._ctx = krbV.default_context()
def getConn(self, host, port, krbccache=None, debug=None):
conn = None
ccache = krbV.CCache(name=krbccache, context=self._ctx)
cprinc = ccache.principal()
conn = ipaserver.ipaldap.IPAdmin(host,port,None,None,None,debug)
# This will bind the connection
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONNECTION_UNWILLING)
return conn
def releaseConn(self, conn):
if conn is None:
class IPAServer:
def __init__(self):
global _LDAPPool
# FIXME, this needs to be auto-discovered = 'localhost'
self.port = 389
self.sslport = 636
self.bindcert = "/usr/share/ipa/cert.pem"
self.bindkey = "/usr/share/ipa/key.pem"
self.bindca = "/usr/share/ipa/cacert.asc"
self.krbctx = krbV.default_context()
self.realm = self.krbctx.default_realm
if _LDAPPool is None:
_LDAPPool = IPAConnPool(128)
self.basedn = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(self.realm)
self.scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
self.princ = None
self.krbccache = None
def set_principal(self, princ):
self.princ = princ
def set_krbccache(self, krbccache):
self.krbccache = krbccache
def get_dn_from_principal(self, princ, debug):
"""Given a kerberos principal get the LDAP uid"""
global _LDAPPool
princ = self.__safe_filter(princ)
searchfilter = "(krbPrincipalName=" + princ + ")"
# The only anonymous search we should have
conn = _LDAPPool.getConn(,self.sslport,self.bindca,self.bindcert,self.bindkey,None,None,debug)
ent = conn.getEntry(self.basedn, self.scope, searchfilter, ['dn'])
return "dn:" + ent.dn
def __setup_connection(self, opts):
"""Set up common things done in the connection.
If there is a Kerberos credentials cache then return None as the
proxy dn and the ccache otherwise return the proxy dn and None as
the ccache.
We only want one or the other used at one time and we prefer
the Kerberos credentials cache. So if there is a ccache, return
that and None for proxy dn to make calling getConn() easier.
debug = "Off"
if opts is not None:
debug = opts.get('ipadebug')
if opts.get('krbccache'):
# The caller should have already set the principal or the
# krbccache. If not they'll get an authentication error later.
if self.princ is not None:
return self.get_dn_from_principal(self.princ, debug), None, debug
return None, self.krbccache, debug
def getConnection(self, opts):
"""Wrapper around IPAConnPool.getConn() so we don't have to pass
around self.* every time a connection is needed.
For SASL connections (where we have a krbccache) we can't set
the SSL variables for certificates. It confuses the ldap
global _LDAPPool
(proxy_dn, krbccache, debug) = self.__setup_connection(opts)
if krbccache is not None:
bindca = None
bindcert = None
bindkey = None
port = self.port
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONNECTION_NO_CCACHE)
conn = _LDAPPool.getConn(,port,krbccache,debug)
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONNECTION_GSSAPI_CREDENTIALS, nested_exception=e)
if conn is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONNECTION_NO_CONN)
return conn
def releaseConnection(self, conn):
global _LDAPPool
def convert_entry(self, ent):
entry = dict(
entry['dn'] = ent.dn
# For now convert single entry lists to a string for the ui.
# TODO: we need to deal with multi-values better
for key,value in entry.iteritems():
if isinstance(value,list) or isinstance(value,tuple):
if len(value) == 0:
entry[key] = ''
elif len(value) == 1:
entry[key] = value[0]
return entry
# TODO: rethink the get_entry vs get_list API calls.
# they currently restrict the data coming back without
# restricting scope. For now adding a __get_base/sub_entry()
# calls, but the API isn't great.
def __get_entry (self, base, scope, searchfilter, sattrs=None, opts=None):
"""Get a specific entry (with a parametized scope).
Return as a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
ent = conn.getEntry(base, scope, searchfilter, sattrs)
return self.convert_entry(ent)
def __get_base_entry (self, base, searchfilter, sattrs=None, opts=None):
"""Get a specific entry (with a scope of BASE).
Return as a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
return self.__get_entry(base, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
def __get_sub_entry (self, base, searchfilter, sattrs=None, opts=None):
"""Get a specific entry (with a scope of SUB).
Return as a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
return self.__get_entry(base, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
def __get_list (self, base, searchfilter, sattrs=None, opts=None):
"""Gets a list of entries. Each is converted to a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
entries = []
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
entries = conn.getList(base, self.scope, searchfilter, sattrs)
return map(self.convert_entry, entries)
def __update_entry (self, oldentry, newentry, opts=None):
"""Update an LDAP entry
oldentry is a dict
newentry is a dict
oldentry = self.convert_scalar_values(oldentry)
newentry = self.convert_scalar_values(newentry)
# Should be able to get this from either the old or new entry
# but just in case someone has decided to try changing it, use the
# original
moddn = oldentry['dn']
except KeyError:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_MISSING_DN)
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.updateEntry(moddn, oldentry, newentry)
return res
def __safe_filter(self, criteria):
"""Make sure any arguments used when creating a filter are safe."""
# TODO: this escaper assumes the python-ldap library will error out
# on invalid codepoints. we need to check malformed utf-8 input
# where the second byte in a multi-byte character
# is (illegally) ')' and make sure python-ldap
# bombs out.
criteria = re.sub(r'[\(\)\\\*]', ldap_search_escape, criteria)
return criteria
def __generate_match_filters(self, search_fields, criteria_words):
"""Generates a search filter based on a list of words and a list
of fields to search against.
Returns a tuple of two filters: (exact_match, partial_match)"""
# construct search pattern for a single word
# (|(f1=word)(f2=word)...)
search_pattern = "(|"
for field in search_fields:
search_pattern += "(" + field + "=%(match)s)"
search_pattern += ")"
gen_search_pattern = lambda word: search_pattern % {'match':word}
# construct the giant match for all words
exact_match_filter = "(&"
partial_match_filter = "(|"
for word in criteria_words:
exact_match_filter += gen_search_pattern(word)
partial_match_filter += gen_search_pattern("*%s*" % word)
exact_match_filter += ")"
partial_match_filter += ")"
return (exact_match_filter, partial_match_filter)
def __get_schema(self, opts=None):
"""Retrieves the current LDAP schema from the LDAP server."""
schema_entry = self.__get_base_entry("", "objectclass=*", ['dn','subschemasubentry'], opts)
schema_cn = schema_entry.get('subschemasubentry')
schema = self.__get_base_entry(schema_cn, "objectclass=*", ['*'], opts)
return schema
def __get_objectclasses(self, opts=None):
"""Returns a list of available objectclasses that the LDAP
server supports. This parses out the syntax, attributes, etc
and JUST returns a lower-case list of the names."""
schema = self.__get_schema(opts)
objectclasses = schema.get('objectclasses')
# Convert this list into something more readable
result = []
for i in range(len(objectclasses)):
oc = objectclasses[i].lower().split(" ")
return result
# Higher-level API
def get_aci_entry(self, sattrs, opts=None):
"""Returns the entry containing access control ACIs."""
dn="%s,%s" % (ACIContainer, self.basedn)
return self.get_entry_by_dn(dn, sattrs, opts)
# General searches
def get_entry_by_dn (self, dn, sattrs, opts=None):
"""Get a specific entry. Return as a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
if not dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
searchfilter = "(objectClass=*)"
return self.__get_base_entry(dn, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
def get_entry_by_cn (self, cn, sattrs, opts=None):
"""Get a specific entry by cn. Return as a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
if not cn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
cn = self.__safe_filter(cn)
searchfilter = "(cn=" + cn + ")"
return self.__get_sub_entry(self.basedn, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
def update_entry (self, oldentry, newentry, opts=None):
"""Update an entry in LDAP
oldentry and newentry are XML-RPC structs.
If oldentry is not empty then it is used when determine what
has changed.
If oldentry is empty then the value of newentry is compared
to the current value of oldentry.
if not newentry:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
if not oldentry:
oldentry = self.get_entry_by_dn(newentry.get('dn'), None, opts)
if oldentry is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
return self.__update_entry(oldentry, newentry, opts)
# User support
def __is_user_unique(self, uid, opts):
"""Return True if the uid is unique in the tree, False otherwise."""
uid = self.__safe_filter(uid)
searchfilter = "(&(uid=%s)(objectclass=posixAccount))" % uid
entry = self.__get_sub_entry(self.basedn, searchfilter, ['dn','uid'], opts)
return False
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
return True
def get_user_by_uid (self, uid, sattrs, opts=None):
"""Get a specific user's entry. Return as a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
if not uid:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
uid = self.__safe_filter(uid)
searchfilter = "(uid=" + uid + ")"
return self.__get_sub_entry(self.basedn, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
def get_user_by_principal(self, principal, sattrs, opts=None):
"""Get a user entry searching by Kerberos Principal Name.
Return as a dict of values. Multi-valued fields are
represented as lists.
if not principal:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
searchfilter = "(krbPrincipalName="+self.__safe_filter(principal)+")"
return self.__get_sub_entry(self.basedn, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
def get_user_by_email (self, email, sattrs, opts=None):
"""Get a specific user's entry. Return as a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
if not email:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
email = self.__safe_filter(email)
searchfilter = "(mail=" + email + ")"
return self.__get_sub_entry(self.basedn, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
def get_users_by_manager (self, manager_dn, sattrs, opts=None):
"""Gets the users that report to a particular manager.
if not manager_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
manager_dn = self.__safe_filter(manager_dn)
searchfilter = "(&(objectClass=person)(manager=%s))" % manager_dn
return self.__get_list(self.basedn, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
return []
def add_user (self, user, user_container, opts=None):
"""Add a user in LDAP. Takes as input a dict where the key is the
attribute name and the value is either a string or in the case
of a multi-valued field a list of values. user_container sets
where in the tree the user is placed.
if not user:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
if not user_container:
user_container = DefaultUserContainer
if not self.__is_user_unique(user['uid'], opts):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_DUPLICATE)
# dn is set here, not by the user
del user['dn']
except KeyError:
# No need to set empty fields, and they can cause issues when they
# get to LDAP, like:
# TypeError: ('expected a string in the list', None)
for k in user.keys():
if not user[k] or len(user[k]) == 0 or (len(user[k]) == 1 and '' in user[k]):
del user[k]
dn="uid=%s,%s,%s" % (ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(user['uid']),
entry = ipaserver.ipaldap.Entry(dn)
# FIXME: This should be dynamic and can include just about anything
# Get our configuration
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
# Let us add in some missing attributes
if user.get('homedirectory') is None:
user['homedirectory'] = '%s/%s' % (config.get('ipahomesrootdir'), user.get('uid'))
user['homedirectory'] = user['homedirectory'].replace('//', '/')
user['homedirectory'] = user['homedirectory'].rstrip('/')
if user.get('loginshell') is None:
user['loginshell'] = config.get('ipadefaultloginshell')
if user.get('gecos') is None:
user['gecos'] = user['uid']
# If uidnumber is blank the the FDS dna_plugin will automatically
# assign the next value. So we don't have to do anything with it.
group_dn="cn=%s,%s,%s" % (config.get('ipadefaultprimarygroup'), DefaultGroupContainer, self.basedn)
default_group = self.get_entry_by_dn(group_dn, ['dn','gidNumber'], opts)
if default_group:
user['gidnumber'] = default_group.get('gidnumber')
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR):
# Fake an LDAP error so we can return something useful to the user
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND, "No default group for new users can be found.")
if user.get('krbprincipalname') is None:
user['krbprincipalname'] = "%s@%s" % (user.get('uid'), self.realm)
# FIXME. This is a hack so we can request separate First and Last
# name in the GUI.
if user.get('cn') is None:
user['cn'] = "%s %s" % (user.get('givenname'),
if user.get('gn'):
del user['gn']
# some required objectclasses
entry.setValues('objectClass', (config.get('ipauserobjectclasses')))
# fill in our new entry with everything sent by the user
for u in user:
entry.setValues(u, user[u])
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.addEntry(entry)
except TypeError, e:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR, "There is a problem with one of the data types.")
except Exception, e:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR, e)
self.add_user_to_group(user.get('uid'), group_dn, opts)
except Exception, e:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR, "The user was created but adding to group %s failed" % group_dn)
return res
def get_custom_fields (self, opts=None):
"""Get the list of custom user fields.
A schema is a list of dict's of the form:
label: The label dispayed to the user
field: the attribute name
required: true/false
It is displayed to the user in the order of the list.
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
fields = config.get('ipacustomfields')
if fields is None or fields == '':
return []
fl = fields.split('$')
schema = []
for x in range(len(fl)):
vals = fl[x].split(',')
if len(vals) != 3:
# Raise?
print "Invalid field, skipping"
d = dict(label=unquote(vals[0]), field=unquote(vals[1]), required=unquote(vals[2]))
return schema
# radius support
# clients
def get_radius_client_by_ip_addr(self, ip_addr, container=None, sattrs=None, opts=None):
filter = radius_util.radius_client_filter(ip_addr)
basedn = radius_util.radius_clients_basedn(container, self.basedn)
return self.__get_sub_entry(basedn, filter, sattrs, opts)
def __radius_client_exists(self, ip_addr, container, opts):
filter = radius_util.radius_client_filter(ip_addr)
basedn = radius_util.radius_clients_basedn(container, self.basedn)
entry = self.__get_sub_entry(basedn, filter, ['dn','uid'], opts)
return True
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
return False
def add_radius_client (self, client, container=None, opts=None):
if container is None:
container = radius_util.clients_container
ip_addr = client['radiusClientIPAddress']
if self.__radius_client_exists(ip_addr, container, opts):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_DUPLICATE)
dn = radius_util.radius_client_dn(ip_addr, container, self.basedn)
entry = ipaserver.ipaldap.Entry(dn)
# some required objectclasses
entry.setValues('objectClass', 'top', 'radiusClientProfile')
# fill in our new entry with everything sent by the client
for attr in client:
entry.setValues(attr, client[attr])
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.addEntry(entry)
return res
def update_radius_client(self, oldentry, newentry, opts=None):
return self.update_entry(oldentry, newentry, opts)
def delete_radius_client(self, ip_addr, container=None, opts=None):
client = self.get_radius_client_by_ip_addr(ip_addr, container, ['dn', 'cn'], opts)
if client is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.deleteEntry(client['dn'])
return res
def find_radius_clients(self, ip_attrs, container=None, sattrs=None, searchlimit=0, timelimit=-1, opts=None):
def gen_filter(objectclass, attr, values):
'''Given ('myclass', 'myattr', [v1, v2]) returns
# Don't use __safe_filter, prevents wildcarding
#attrs = ''.join(['(%s=%s)' % (attr, self.__safe_filter(val)) for val in values])
attrs = ''.join(['(%s=%s)' % (attr, val) for val in values])
filter = "(&(objectclass=%s)(|%s))" % (objectclass, attrs)
return filter
basedn = radius_util.radius_clients_basedn(container, self.basedn)
filter = gen_filter('radiusClientProfile', 'radiusClientIPAddress', ip_attrs)
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
results = conn.getListAsync(basedn, self.scope, filter, sattrs, 0, None, None, timelimit, searchlimit)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
results = [0]
counter = results[0]
results = results[1:]
radius_clients = [counter]
for radius_client in results:
return radius_clients
# profiles
def get_radius_profile_by_uid(self, uid, user_profile=True, sattrs=None, opts=None):
if user_profile:
container = DefaultUserContainer
container = radius_util.profiles_container
uid = self.__safe_filter(uid)
filter = radius_util.radius_profile_filter(uid)
basedn = radius_util.radius_profiles_basedn(container, self.basedn)
return self.__get_sub_entry(basedn, filter, sattrs, opts)
def __radius_profile_exists(self, uid, user_profile, opts):
if user_profile:
container = DefaultUserContainer
container = radius_util.profiles_container
uid = self.__safe_filter(uid)
filter = radius_util.radius_profile_filter(uid)
basedn = radius_util.radius_profiles_basedn(container, self.basedn)
entry = self.__get_sub_entry(basedn, filter, ['dn','uid'], opts)
return True
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
return False
def add_radius_profile (self, profile, user_profile=True, opts=None):
uid = profile['uid']
if self.__radius_profile_exists(uid, user_profile, opts):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_DUPLICATE)
if user_profile:
container = DefaultUserContainer
container = radius_util.profiles_container
dn = radius_util.radius_profile_dn(uid, container, self.basedn)
entry = ipaserver.ipaldap.Entry(dn)
# some required objectclasses
entry.setValues('objectClass', 'top', 'radiusprofile')
# fill in our new entry with everything sent by the profile
for attr in profile:
entry.setValues(attr, profile[attr])
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.addEntry(entry)
return res
def update_radius_profile(self, oldentry, newentry, opts=None):
return self.update_entry(oldentry, newentry, opts)
def delete_radius_profile(self, uid, user_profile, opts=None):
profile = self.get_radius_profile_by_uid(uid, user_profile, ['dn', 'cn'], opts)
if profile is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.deleteEntry(profile['dn'])
return res
def find_radius_profiles(self, uids, user_profile=True, sattrs=None, searchlimit=0, timelimit=-1, opts=None):
def gen_filter(objectclass, attr, values):
'''Given ('myclass', 'myattr', [v1, v2]) returns
# Don't use __safe_filter, prevents wildcarding
#attrs = ''.join(['(%s=%s)' % (attr, self.__safe_filter(val)) for val in values])
attrs = ''.join(['(%s=%s)' % (attr, val) for val in values])
filter = "(&(objectclass=%s)(|%s))" % (objectclass, attrs)
return filter
if user_profile:
container = DefaultUserContainer
container = radius_util.profiles_container
filter = gen_filter('radiusprofile', 'uid', uids)
basedn="%s,%s" % (container, self.basedn)
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
results = conn.getListAsync(basedn, self.scope, filter, sattrs, 0, None, None, timelimit, searchlimit)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
results = [0]
counter = results[0]
results = results[1:]
radius_profiles = [counter]
for radius_profile in results:
return radius_profiles
def set_custom_fields (self, schema, opts=None):
"""Set the list of custom user fields.
A schema is a list of dict's of the form:
label: The label dispayed to the user
field: the attribute name
required: true/false
It is displayed to the user in the order of the list.
if not schema:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
# The schema is stored as:
# label,field,required$label,field,required$...
# quote() from urilib is used to ensure that it is easy to unparse
stored_schema = ""
for i in range(len(schema)):
entry = schema[i]
entry = quote(entry.get('label')) + "," + quote(entry.get('field')) + "," + quote(entry.get('required'))
if stored_schema != "":
stored_schema = stored_schema + "$" + entry
stored_schema = entry
new_config = copy.deepcopy(config)
new_config['ipacustomfields'] = stored_schema
return self.update_entry(config, new_config, opts)
def get_all_users (self, opts=None):
"""Return a list containing a User object for each
existing user.
searchfilter = "(objectclass=posixAccount)"
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
all_users = conn.getList(self.basedn, self.scope, searchfilter, None)
users = []
for u in all_users:
return users
def find_users (self, criteria, sattrs, searchlimit=-1, timelimit=-1,
"""Returns a list: counter followed by the results.
If the results are truncated, counter will be set to -1."""
logging.debug("IPA: find users %s" % criteria)
if not criteria:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
if timelimit < 0:
timelimit = float(config.get('ipasearchtimelimit'))
if searchlimit < 0:
searchlimit = float(config.get('ipasearchrecordslimit'))
# Assume the list of fields to search will come from a central
# configuration repository. A good format for that would be
# a comma-separated list of fields
search_fields_conf_str = config.get('ipausersearchfields')
search_fields = string.split(search_fields_conf_str, ",")
criteria = self.__safe_filter(criteria)
criteria_words = re.split(r'\s+', criteria)
criteria_words = filter(lambda value:value!="", criteria_words)
if len(criteria_words) == 0:
return [0]
(exact_match_filter, partial_match_filter) = self.__generate_match_filters(
search_fields, criteria_words)
# further constrain search to just the objectClass
# TODO - need to parameterize this into generate_match_filters,
# and work it into the field-specification search feature
exact_match_filter = "(&(objectClass=person)%s)" % exact_match_filter
partial_match_filter = "(&(objectClass=person)%s)" % partial_match_filter
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
exact_results = conn.getListAsync(self.basedn, self.scope,
exact_match_filter, sattrs, 0, None, None, timelimit,
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
exact_results = [0]
partial_results = conn.getListAsync(self.basedn, self.scope,
partial_match_filter, sattrs, 0, None, None, timelimit,
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
partial_results = [0]
exact_counter = exact_results[0]
partial_counter = partial_results[0]
exact_results = exact_results[1:]
partial_results = partial_results[1:]
# Remove exact matches from the partial_match list
exact_dns = set(map(lambda e: e.dn, exact_results))
partial_results = filter(lambda e: e.dn not in exact_dns,
if (exact_counter == -1) or (partial_counter == -1):
counter = -1
counter = len(exact_results) + len(partial_results)
users = [counter]
for u in exact_results + partial_results:
return users
def convert_scalar_values(self, orig_dict):
"""LDAP update dicts expect all values to be a list (except for dn).
This method converts single entries to a list."""
if not orig_dict or not isinstance(orig_dict, dict):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
for (k,v) in orig_dict.iteritems():
if not isinstance(v, list) and k != 'dn':
v = [v]
new_dict[k] = v
return new_dict
def update_user (self, oldentry, newentry, opts=None):
"""Wrapper around update_entry with user-specific handling.
oldentry and newentry are XML-RPC structs.
If oldentry is not empty then it is used when determine what
has changed.
If oldentry is empty then the value of newentry is compared
to the current value of oldentry.
If you want to change the RDN of a user you must use
this function. update_entry will fail.
if not newentry:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
if not oldentry:
oldentry = self.get_entry_by_dn(newentry.get('dn'), None, opts)
if oldentry is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
newrdn = 0
if oldentry.get('uid') != newentry.get('uid'):
# RDN change
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.updateRDN(oldentry.get('dn'), "uid=" + newentry.get('uid'))
newdn = oldentry.get('dn')
newdn = newdn.replace("uid=%s" % oldentry.get('uid'), "uid=%s" % newentry.get('uid'))
# Now fix up the dns and uids so they aren't seen as having
# changed.
oldentry['dn'] = newdn
newentry['dn'] = newdn
oldentry['uid'] = newentry['uid']
newrdn = 1
# Get our configuration
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
# Make sure we have the latest object classes
newentry['objectclass'] = uniq_list(newentry.get('objectclass') + config.get('ipauserobjectclasses'))
rv = self.update_entry(oldentry, newentry, opts)
return rv
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
# This means that there was just an rdn change, nothing else.
if newrdn == 1:
return "Success"
def mark_entry_active (self, dn, opts=None):
"""Mark an entry as active in LDAP."""
# This can be tricky. The entry itself can be marked inactive
# by being in the inactivated group. It can also be inactivated by
# being the member of an inactive group.
# First we try to remove the entry from the inactivated group. Then
# if it is still inactive we have to add it to the activated group
# which will override the group membership.
logging.debug("IPA: activating entry %s" % dn)
if not dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
res = ""
# First, check the entry status
entry = self.get_entry_by_dn(dn, ['dn', 'nsAccountlock'], opts)
if entry.get('nsaccountlock', 'false') == "false":
logging.debug("IPA: already active")
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST)
group = self.get_entry_by_cn("inactivated", None, opts)
res = self.remove_member_from_group(entry.get('dn'), group.get('dn'), opts)
# Now they aren't a member of inactivated directly, what is the status
# now?
entry = self.get_entry_by_dn(dn, ['dn', 'nsAccountlock'], opts)
if entry.get('nsaccountlock', 'false') == "false":
# great, we're done
logging.debug("IPA: removing from inactivated did it.")
return res
# So still inactive, add them to activated
group = self.get_entry_by_cn("activated", None, opts)
res = self.add_member_to_group(dn, group.get('dn'), opts)
logging.debug("IPA: added to activated.")
return res
def mark_entry_inactive (self, dn, opts=None):
"""Mark an entry as inactive in LDAP."""
logging.debug("IPA: inactivating entry %s" % dn)
if not dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
entry = self.get_entry_by_dn(dn, ['dn', 'nsAccountlock', 'memberOf'], opts)
if entry.get('nsaccountlock', 'false') == "true":
logging.debug("IPA: already marked as inactive")
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST)
# First see if they are in the activated group as this will override
# the our inactivation.
group = self.get_entry_by_cn("activated", None, opts)
self.remove_member_from_group(dn, group.get('dn'), opts)
# Now add them to inactivated
group = self.get_entry_by_cn("inactivated", None, opts)
res = self.add_member_to_group(dn, group.get('dn'), opts)
return res
def mark_user_active(self, uid, opts=None):
"""Mark a user as active"""
if not uid:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
user = self.get_user_by_uid(uid, ['dn', 'uid'], opts)
return self.mark_entry_active(user.get('dn'))
def mark_user_inactive(self, uid, opts=None):
"""Mark a user as inactive"""
if not uid:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
user = self.get_user_by_uid(uid, ['dn', 'uid'], opts)
return self.mark_entry_inactive(user.get('dn'))
def delete_user (self, uid, opts=None):
"""Delete a user. Not to be confused with inactivate_user. This
makes the entry go away completely.
uid is the uid of the user to delete
The memberOf plugin handles removing the user from any other
if not uid:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
user = self.get_user_by_uid(uid, ['dn', 'uid', 'objectclass'], opts)
if user is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.deleteEntry(user['dn'])
return res
def modifyPassword (self, principal, oldpass, newpass, opts=None):
"""Set/Reset a user's password
uid tells us who's password to change
oldpass is the old password (if available)
newpass is the new password
if not principal or not newpass:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
user = self.get_user_by_principal(principal, ['krbprincipalname'], opts)
if user is None or user['krbprincipalname'] != principal:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.modifyPassword(user['dn'], oldpass, newpass)
return res
# Group support
def __is_group_unique(self, cn, opts):
"""Return True if the cn is unique in the tree, False otherwise."""
cn = self.__safe_filter(cn)
searchfilter = "(&(cn=%s)(objectclass=posixGroup))" % cn
entry = self.__get_sub_entry(self.basedn, searchfilter, ['dn','cn'], opts)
return False
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
return True
def get_groups_by_member (self, member_dn, sattrs, opts=None):
"""Get a specific group's entry. Return as a dict of values.
Multi-valued fields are represented as lists.
if not member_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
member_dn = self.__safe_filter(member_dn)
searchfilter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(member=%s))" % member_dn
return self.__get_list(self.basedn, searchfilter, sattrs, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
return []
def add_group (self, group, group_container, opts=None):
"""Add a group in LDAP. Takes as input a dict where the key is the
attribute name and the value is either a string or in the case
of a multi-valued field a list of values. group_container sets
where in the tree the group is placed."""
if not group:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
if not group_container:
group_container = DefaultGroupContainer
if not self.__is_group_unique(group['cn'], opts):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_DUPLICATE)
# Get our configuration
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
dn="cn=%s,%s,%s" % (ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(group['cn']),
entry = ipaserver.ipaldap.Entry(dn)
# some required objectclasses
entry.setValues('objectClass', (config.get('ipagroupobjectclasses')))
# No need to explicitly set gidNumber. The dna_plugin will do this
# for us if the value isn't provided by the user.
# fill in our new entry with everything sent by the user
for g in group:
entry.setValues(g, group[g])
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.addEntry(entry)
def find_groups (self, criteria, sattrs, searchlimit=-1, timelimit=-1,
"""Return a list containing a User object for each
existing group that matches the criteria.
if not criteria:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
if timelimit < 0:
timelimit = float(config.get('ipasearchtimelimit'))
if searchlimit < 0:
searchlimit = float(config.get('ipasearchrecordslimit'))
# Assume the list of fields to search will come from a central
# configuration repository. A good format for that would be
# a comma-separated list of fields
search_fields_conf_str = config.get('ipagroupsearchfields')
search_fields = string.split(search_fields_conf_str, ",")
criteria = self.__safe_filter(criteria)
criteria_words = re.split(r'\s+', criteria)
criteria_words = filter(lambda value:value!="", criteria_words)
if len(criteria_words) == 0:
return [0]
(exact_match_filter, partial_match_filter) = self.__generate_match_filters(
search_fields, criteria_words)
# further constrain search to just the objectClass
# TODO - need to parameterize this into generate_match_filters,
# and work it into the field-specification search feature
exact_match_filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)%s)" % exact_match_filter
partial_match_filter = "(&(objectClass=posixGroup)%s)" % partial_match_filter
# TODO - copy/paste from find_users. needs to be refactored
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
exact_results = conn.getListAsync(self.basedn, self.scope,
exact_match_filter, sattrs, 0, None, None, timelimit,
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
exact_results = [0]
partial_results = conn.getListAsync(self.basedn, self.scope,
partial_match_filter, sattrs, 0, None, None, timelimit,
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
partial_results = [0]
exact_counter = exact_results[0]
partial_counter = partial_results[0]
exact_results = exact_results[1:]
partial_results = partial_results[1:]
# Remove exact matches from the partial_match list
exact_dns = set(map(lambda e: e.dn, exact_results))
partial_results = filter(lambda e: e.dn not in exact_dns,
if (exact_counter == -1) or (partial_counter == -1):
counter = -1
counter = len(exact_results) + len(partial_results)
groups = [counter]
for u in exact_results + partial_results:
return groups
def add_member_to_group(self, member_dn, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Add a member to an existing group.
if not member_dn or not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
old_group = self.get_entry_by_dn(group_dn, None, opts)
if old_group is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
new_group = copy.deepcopy(old_group)
# check to make sure member_dn exists
member_entry = self.__get_base_entry(member_dn, "(objectClass=*)", ['dn','uid'], opts)
if not member_entry:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
if new_group.get('member') is not None:
if ((isinstance(new_group.get('member'), str)) or (isinstance(new_group.get('member'), unicode))):
new_group['member'] = [new_group['member']]
new_group['member'] = member_dn
ret = self.__update_entry(old_group, new_group, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
return ret
def add_members_to_group(self, member_dns, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Given a list of dn's, add them to the group cn denoted by group
Returns a list of the member_dns that were not added to the group.
if not member_dns or not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
failed = []
if (isinstance(member_dns, str)):
member_dns = [member_dns]
for member_dn in member_dns:
self.add_member_to_group(member_dn, group_dn, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
# User is already in the group
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
# User or the group does not exist
return failed
def remove_member_from_group(self, member_dn, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Remove a member_dn from an existing group.
if not member_dn or not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
old_group = self.get_entry_by_dn(group_dn, None, opts)
if old_group is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
new_group = copy.deepcopy(old_group)
if new_group.get('member') is not None:
if ((isinstance(new_group.get('member'), str)) or (isinstance(new_group.get('member'), unicode))):
new_group['member'] = [new_group['member']]
except ValueError:
# member is not in the group
# FIXME: raise more specific error?
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
# Nothing to do if the group has no members
return "Success"
ret = self.__update_entry(old_group, new_group, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
return ret
def remove_members_from_group(self, member_dns, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Given a list of member dn's remove them from the group.
Returns a list of the members not removed from the group.
if not member_dns or not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
failed = []
if (isinstance(member_dns, str)):
member_dns = [member_dns]
for member_dn in member_dns:
self.remove_member_from_group(member_dn, group_dn, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
# member is not in the group
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
# member_dn or the group does not exist
return failed
def add_user_to_group(self, user_uid, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Add a user to an existing group.
if not user_uid or not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
user = self.get_user_by_uid(user_uid, ['dn', 'uid', 'objectclass'], opts)
if user is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
return self.add_member_to_group(user['dn'], group_dn, opts)
def add_users_to_group(self, user_uids, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Given a list of user uid's add them to the group cn denoted by group
Returns a list of the users were not added to the group.
if not user_uids or not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
failed = []
if (isinstance(user_uids, str)):
user_uids = [user_uids]
for user_uid in user_uids:
self.add_user_to_group(user_uid, group_dn, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
# User is already in the group
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
# User or the group does not exist
return failed
def remove_user_from_group(self, user_uid, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Remove a user from an existing group.
if not user_uid or not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
user = self.get_user_by_uid(user_uid, ['dn', 'uid', 'objectclass'], opts)
if user is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
return self.remove_member_from_group(user['dn'], group_dn, opts)
def remove_users_from_group(self, user_uids, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Given a list of user uid's remove them from the group
Returns a list of the user uids not removed from the group.
if not user_uids or not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
failed = []
if (isinstance(user_uids, str)):
user_uids = [user_uids]
for user_uid in user_uids:
self.remove_user_from_group(user_uid, group_dn, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
# User is not in the group
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
# User or the group does not exist
return failed
def add_groups_to_user(self, group_dns, user_dn, opts=None):
"""Given a list of group dn's add them to the user.
Returns a list of the group dns that were not added.
if not group_dns or not user_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
failed = []
if (isinstance(group_dns, str)):
group_dns = [group_dns]
for group_dn in group_dns:
self.add_member_to_group(user_dn, group_dn, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
# User is already in the group
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
# User or the group does not exist
return failed
def remove_groups_from_user(self, group_dns, user_dn, opts=None):
"""Given a list of group dn's remove them from the user.
Returns a list of the group dns that were not removed.
if not group_dns or not user_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
failed = []
if (isinstance(group_dns, str)):
group_dns = [group_dns]
for group_dn in group_dns:
self.remove_member_from_group(user_dn, group_dn, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
# User is not in the group
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
# User or the group does not exist
return failed
def update_group (self, oldentry, newentry, opts=None):
"""Wrapper around update_entry with group-specific handling.
oldentry and newentry are XML-RPC structs.
If oldentry is not empty then it is used when determine what
has changed.
If oldentry is empty then the value of newentry is compared
to the current value of oldentry.
If you want to change the RDN of a group you must use
this function. update_entry will fail.
if not newentry:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
if not oldentry:
oldentry = self.get_entry_by_dn(newentry.get('dn'), None, opts)
if oldentry is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
newrdn = 0
if isinstance(oldcn, str):
oldcn = [oldcn]
if isinstance(newcn, str):
newcn = [newcn]
if oldcn != newcn:
# RDN change
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.updateRDN(oldentry.get('dn'), "cn=" + newcn[0])
newdn = oldentry.get('dn')
newcn = newentry.get('cn')
if isinstance(newcn, str):
newcn = [newcn]
# Ick. Need to find the exact cn used in the old DN so we'll
# walk the list of cns and skip the obviously bad ones:
for c in oldentry.get('dn').split("cn="):
if c and c != "groups" and not c.startswith("accounts"):
newdn = newdn.replace("cn=%s" % c, "cn=%s," % newcn[0])
# Now fix up the dns and cns so they aren't seen as having
# changed.
oldentry['dn'] = newdn
newentry['dn'] = newdn
oldentry['cn'] = newentry.get('cn')
newrdn = 1
# Get our configuration
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
# Make sure we have the latest object classes
newentry['objectclass'] = uniq_list(newentry.get('objectclass') + config.get('ipagroupobjectclasses'))
rv = self.update_entry(oldentry, newentry, opts)
return rv
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
if newrdn == 1:
# This means that there was just the rdn change, no other
# attributes
return "Success"
def delete_group (self, group_dn, opts=None):
"""Delete a group
group_dn is the DN of the group to delete
The memberOf plugin handles removing the group from any other
if not group_dn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
group = self.get_entry_by_dn(group_dn, ['dn', 'cn'], opts)
if group is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
# We have 2 special groups, don't allow them to be removed
if "admins" in group.get('cn') or "editors" in group.get('cn'):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONFIG_REQUIRED_GROUPS)
# Don't allow the default user group to be removed
default_group = self.get_entry_by_cn(config.get('ipadefaultprimarygroup'), None, opts)
if group_dn == default_group.get('dn'):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONFIG_DEFAULT_GROUP)
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
res = conn.deleteEntry(group_dn)
return res
def add_group_to_group(self, group, tgroup, opts=None):
"""Add a user to an existing group.
group is a DN of the group to add
tgroup is the DN of the target group to be added to
if not group or not tgroup:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
old_group = self.get_entry_by_dn(tgroup, None, opts)
if old_group is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
new_group = copy.deepcopy(old_group)
group_dn = self.get_entry_by_dn(group, ['dn', 'cn', 'objectclass'], opts)
if group_dn is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
if new_group.get('member') is not None:
if ((isinstance(new_group.get('member'), str)) or (isinstance(new_group.get('member'), unicode))):
new_group['member'] = [new_group['member']]
new_group['member'] = group_dn['dn']
ret = self.__update_entry(old_group, new_group, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST):
return ret
def attrs_to_labels(self, attr_list, opts=None):
"""Take a list of LDAP attributes and convert them to more friendly
label_list = {}
for a in attr_list:
label_list[a] = attrs.attr_label_list.get(a,a)
return label_list
def group_members(self, groupdn, attr_list, opts=None):
"""Do a memberOf search of groupdn and return the attributes in
attr_list (an empty list returns everything)."""
if not groupdn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
timelimit = float(config.get('ipasearchtimelimit'))
searchlimit = float(config.get('ipasearchrecordslimit'))
groupdn = self.__safe_filter(groupdn)
searchfilter = "(memberOf=%s)" % groupdn
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
results = conn.getListAsync(self.basedn, self.scope,
searchfilter, attr_list, 0, None, None, timelimit,
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
results = [0]
counter = results[0]
results = results[1:]
entries = [counter]
for e in results:
return entries
def mark_group_active(self, cn, opts=None):
"""Mark a group as active"""
if not cn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
group = self.get_entry_by_cn(cn, ['dn', 'cn'], opts)
return self.mark_entry_active(group.get('dn'))
def mark_group_inactive(self, cn, opts=None):
"""Mark a group as inactive"""
if not cn:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
group = self.get_entry_by_cn(cn, ['dn', 'uid'], opts)
return self.mark_entry_inactive(group.get('dn'))
def __is_service_unique(self, name, opts):
"""Return True if the uid is unique in the tree, False otherwise."""
name = self.__safe_filter(name)
searchfilter = "(&(krbprincipalname=%s)(objectclass=krbPrincipal))" % name
entry = self.__get_sub_entry(self.basedn, searchfilter, ['dn','krbprincipalname'], opts)
return False
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
return True
def add_service_principal(self, name, opts=None):
"""Given a name of the form: service/FQDN create a service
principal for it in the default realm."""
if not name:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
service_container = DefaultServiceContainer
princ_name = name + "@" + self.realm
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
if not self.__is_service_unique(name, opts):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_DUPLICATE)
dn = "krbprincipalname=%s,%s,%s" % (ldap.dn.escape_dn_chars(princ_name),
entry = ipaserver.ipaldap.Entry(dn)
entry.setValues('objectclass', 'krbPrincipal', 'krbPrincipalAux', 'krbTicketPolicyAux')
entry.setValues('krbprincipalname', princ_name)
res = conn.addEntry(entry)
return res
def find_service_principal(self, criteria, sattrs, searchlimit=-1,
timelimit=-1, opts=None):
"""Returns a list: counter followed by the results.
If the results are truncated, counter will be set to -1."""
if not criteria:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
config = self.get_ipa_config(opts)
if timelimit < 0:
timelimit = float(config.get('ipasearchtimelimit'))
if searchlimit < 0:
searchlimit = float(config.get('ipasearchrecordslimit'))
search_fields = ["krbprincipalname"]
criteria = self.__safe_filter(criteria)
criteria_words = re.split(r'\s+', criteria)
criteria_words = filter(lambda value:value!="", criteria_words)
if len(criteria_words) == 0:
return [0]
(exact_match_filter, partial_match_filter) = self.__generate_match_filters(
search_fields, criteria_words)
# further constrain search to just the objectClass
# TODO - need to parameterize this into generate_match_filters,
# and work it into the field-specification search feature
exact_match_filter = "(&(objectclass=krbPrincipalAux)(!(objectClass=person))(!(krbprincipalname=kadmin/*))%s)" % exact_match_filter
partial_match_filter = "(&(objectclass=krbPrincipalAux)(!(objectClass=person))(!(krbprincipalname=kadmin/*))%s)" % partial_match_filter
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
exact_results = conn.getListAsync(self.basedn, self.scope,
exact_match_filter, sattrs, 0, None, None, timelimit,
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
exact_results = [0]
partial_results = conn.getListAsync(self.basedn, self.scope,
partial_match_filter, sattrs, 0, None, None, timelimit,
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
partial_results = [0]
exact_counter = exact_results[0]
partial_counter = partial_results[0]
exact_results = exact_results[1:]
partial_results = partial_results[1:]
# Remove exact matches from the partial_match list
exact_dns = set(map(lambda e: e.dn, exact_results))
partial_results = filter(lambda e: e.dn not in exact_dns,
if (exact_counter == -1) or (partial_counter == -1):
counter = -1
counter = len(exact_results) + len(partial_results)
entries = [counter]
for e in exact_results + partial_results:
return entries
def get_keytab(self, name, opts=None):
"""Return a keytab for an existing service principal. Note that
this increments the secret thus invalidating any older keys."""
if not name:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
princ_name = name + "@" + self.realm
conn = self.getConnection(opts)
if conn.principal != "admin@" + self.realm:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONNECTION_GSSAPI_CREDENTIALS)
princs = conn.getList(self.basedn, self.scope, "krbprincipalname=" + princ_name, None)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
return None
# This is ugly - call out to a C wrapper around kadmin.local
p = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/ipa-keytab-util", princ_name, self.realm],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout,stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
return None
return stdout
# Configuration support
def get_ipa_config(self, opts=None):
"""Retrieve the IPA configuration"""
config = self.get_entry_by_cn("ipaconfig", None, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NO_CONFIG)
return config
def update_ipa_config(self, oldconfig, newconfig, opts=None):
"""Update the IPA configuration.
oldconfig and newconfig are XML-RPC structs.
If oldconfig is not empty then it is used when determine what
has changed.
If oldconfig is empty then the value of newconfig is compared
to the current value of oldconfig.
if not newconfig:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
if not oldconfig:
oldconfig = self.get_entry_by_dn(newconfig.get('dn'), None, opts)
if oldconfig is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
# The LDAP routines want strings, not ints, so convert a few
# things. Otherwise it sees a string -> int conversion as a change.
newconfig['ipapwdexpadvnotify'] = str(newconfig.get('ipapwdexpadvnotify'))
newconfig['ipasearchtimelimit'] = str(newconfig.get('ipasearchtimelimit'))
newconfig['ipasearchrecordslimit'] = str(newconfig.get('ipasearchrecordslimit'))
newconfig['ipamaxusernamelength'] = str(newconfig.get('ipamaxusernamelength'))
except KeyError:
# These should all be there but if not, let things proceed
# Ensure that the default group for users exists
group = self.get_entry_by_cn(newconfig.get('ipadefaultprimarygroup'), None, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
# Run through the list of User and Group object classes to make
# sure they are all valid. This doesn't handle dependencies but it
# will at least catch typos.
classes = self.__get_objectclasses(opts)
oc = newconfig['ipauserobjectclasses']
for i in range(len(oc)):
if not oc[i].lower() in classes:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONFIG_INVALID_OC)
oc = newconfig['ipagroupobjectclasses']
for i in range(len(oc)):
if not oc[i].lower() in classes:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.CONFIG_INVALID_OC)
return self.update_entry(oldconfig, newconfig, opts)
def get_password_policy(self, opts=None):
"""Retrieve the IPA password policy"""
policy = self.get_entry_by_cn("accounts", None, opts)
except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NO_CONFIG)
# convert some values for display purposes
policy['krbmaxpwdlife'] = str(int(policy.get('krbmaxpwdlife')) / 86400)
policy['krbminpwdlife'] = str(int(policy.get('krbminpwdlife')) / 3600)
return policy
def update_password_policy(self, oldpolicy, newpolicy, opts=None):
"""Update the IPA configuration
oldpolicy and newpolicy are XML-RPC structs.
If oldpolicy is not empty then it is used when determine what
has changed.
If oldpolicy is empty then the value of newpolicy is compared
to the current value of oldpolicy.
if not newpolicy:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.INPUT_INVALID_PARAMETER)
if not oldpolicy:
oldpolicy = self.get_entry_by_dn(newpolicy.get('dn'), None, opts)
if oldpolicy is None:
raise ipaerror.gen_exception(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND)
# The LDAP routines want strings, not ints, so convert a few
# things. Otherwise it sees a string -> int conversion as a change.
for k in oldpolicy.iterkeys():
if k.startswith("krb", 0, 3):
oldpolicy[k] = str(oldpolicy[k])
for k in newpolicy.iterkeys():
if k.startswith("krb", 0, 3):
newpolicy[k] = str(newpolicy[k])
# Convert hours and days to seconds
oldpolicy['krbmaxpwdlife'] = str(int(oldpolicy.get('krbmaxpwdlife')) * 86400)
oldpolicy['krbminpwdlife'] = str(int(oldpolicy.get('krbminpwdlife')) * 3600)
newpolicy['krbmaxpwdlife'] = str(int(newpolicy.get('krbmaxpwdlife')) * 86400)
newpolicy['krbminpwdlife'] = str(int(newpolicy.get('krbminpwdlife')) * 3600)
except KeyError:
# These should all be there but if not, let things proceed
# Anything else raise an error
return self.update_entry(oldpolicy, newpolicy, opts)
def ldap_search_escape(match):
"""Escapes out nasty characters from the ldap search.
See RFC 2254."""
value =
if (len(value) != 1):
return ""
if value == "(":
return "\\28"
elif value == ")":
return "\\29"
elif value == "\\":
return "\\5c"
elif value == "*":
# drop '*' from input. search performs its own wildcarding
return ""
elif value =='\x00':
return r'\00'
return value
def uniq_list(x):
"""Return a unique list, preserving order and ignoring case"""
set = {}
return [set.setdefault(e,e) for e in x if e.lower() not in set]