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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Teach pylint or skip newly exposed no-members. Fixes: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/9117 Signed-off-by: Stanislav Levin <slev@altlinux.org> Reviewed-By: Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
634 lines
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634 lines
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# Authors:
# Martin Nagy <mnagy@redhat.com>
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Test the `ipalib.config` module.
from os import path
import site
import sys
from ipatests.util import raises, delitem, ClassChecker
from ipatests.util import getitem
from ipatests.util import TempDir, TempHome
from ipalib.constants import OVERRIDE_ERROR, SET_ERROR, DEL_ERROR
from ipalib.constants import NAME_REGEX, NAME_ERROR
from ipalib import config, constants, base
import pytest
pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0
# Valid environment variables in (key, raw, value) tuples:
# key: the name of the environment variable
# raw: the value being set (possibly a string repr)
# value: the expected value after the lightweight conversion
good_vars = (
('a_string', u'Hello world!', u'Hello world!'),
('trailing_whitespace', u' value ', u'value'),
('an_int', 42, 42),
('int_repr', ' 42 ', 42),
('not_a_float', '3.14', u'3.14'),
('true', True, True),
('true_repr', ' True ', True),
('false', False, False),
('false_repr', ' False ', False),
('none', None, None),
('none_repr', ' None ', None),
('empty', '', None),
# These verify that the implied conversion is case-sensitive:
('not_true', u' true ', u'true'),
('not_false', u' false ', u'false'),
('not_none', u' none ', u'none'),
bad_names = (
('CamelCase', u'value'),
('_leading_underscore', u'value'),
('trailing_underscore_', u'value'),
# Random base64-encoded data to simulate a misbehaving config file.
config_bad = """
# A config file that tries to override some standard vars:
config_override = """
key0 = var0
home = /home/sweet/home
key1 = var1
site_packages = planet
key2 = var2
key3 = var3
# A config file that tests the automatic type conversion
config_good = """
string = Hello world!
null = None
yes = True
no = False
number = 42
floating = 3.14
# A default config file to make sure it does not overwrite the explicit one
config_default = """
yes = Hello
not_in_other = foo_bar
class test_Env(ClassChecker):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env` class.
_cls = config.Env
def test_init(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__init__` method.
o = self.cls()
assert list(o) == []
assert len(o) == 0
assert o.__islocked__() is False
def test_lock(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__lock__` method.
o = self.cls()
assert o.__islocked__() is False
assert o.__islocked__() is True
e = raises(Exception, o.__lock__)
assert str(e) == 'Env.__lock__() already called'
# Also test with base.lock() function:
o = self.cls()
assert o.__islocked__() is False
assert base.lock(o) is o
assert o.__islocked__() is True
e = raises(AssertionError, base.lock, o)
assert str(e) == 'already locked: %r' % o
def test_islocked(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__islocked__` method.
o = self.cls()
assert o.__islocked__() is False
assert base.islocked(o) is False
assert o.__islocked__() is True
assert base.islocked(o) is True
def test_setattr(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__setattr__` method.
o = self.cls()
for (name, raw, value) in good_vars:
# Test setting the value:
setattr(o, name, raw)
result = getattr(o, name)
assert type(result) is type(value)
assert result == value
assert result is o[name]
# Test that value cannot be overridden once set:
e = raises(AttributeError, setattr, o, name, raw)
assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % ('Env', name, value, raw)
# Test that values cannot be set once locked:
o = self.cls()
for (name, raw, value) in good_vars:
e = raises(AttributeError, setattr, o, name, raw)
assert str(e) == SET_ERROR % ('Env', name, raw)
# Test that name is tested with check_name():
o = self.cls()
for (name, value) in bad_names:
e = raises(ValueError, setattr, o, name, value)
assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, name)
def test_setitem(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__setitem__` method.
o = self.cls()
for (key, raw, value) in good_vars:
# Test setting the value:
o[key] = raw
result = o[key]
assert type(result) is type(value)
assert result == value
assert result is getattr(o, key)
# Test that value cannot be overridden once set:
e = raises(AttributeError, o.__setitem__, key, raw)
assert str(e) == OVERRIDE_ERROR % ('Env', key, value, raw)
# Test that values cannot be set once locked:
o = self.cls()
for (key, raw, value) in good_vars:
e = raises(AttributeError, o.__setitem__, key, raw)
assert str(e) == SET_ERROR % ('Env', key, raw)
# Test that name is tested with check_name():
o = self.cls()
for (key, value) in bad_names:
e = raises(ValueError, o.__setitem__, key, value)
assert str(e) == NAME_ERROR % (NAME_REGEX, key)
def test_getitem(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__getitem__` method.
o = self.cls()
value = u'some value'
o.key = value
assert o.key is value
assert o['key'] is value
for name in ('one', 'two'):
e = raises(KeyError, getitem, o, name)
assert str(e) == repr(name)
def test_delattr(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__delattr__` method.
This also tests that ``__delitem__`` is not implemented.
o = self.cls()
o.one = 1
assert o.one == 1
for key in ('one', 'two'):
e = raises(AttributeError, delattr, o, key)
assert str(e) == DEL_ERROR % ('Env', key)
e = raises(AttributeError, delitem, o, key)
assert str(e) == '__delitem__'
def test_contains(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__contains__` method.
o = self.cls()
items = [
('one', 1),
('two', 2),
('three', 3),
('four', 4),
for (key, value) in items:
assert key not in o
o[key] = value
assert key in o
def test_len(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__len__` method.
o = self.cls()
assert len(o) == 0
for i in range(1, 11):
key = 'key%d' % i
value = u'value %d' % i
o[key] = value
assert o[key] is value
assert len(o) == i
def test_iter(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env.__iter__` method.
o = self.cls()
default_keys = tuple(o)
keys = ('one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five')
for key in keys:
o[key] = 'the value'
assert list(o) == sorted(keys + default_keys)
def test_merge(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env._merge` method.
group1 = (
('key1', u'value 1'),
('key2', u'value 2'),
('key3', u'value 3'),
('key4', u'value 4'),
group2 = (
('key0', u'Value 0'),
('key2', u'Value 2'),
('key4', u'Value 4'),
('key5', u'Value 5'),
o = self.cls()
assert o._merge(**dict(group1)) == (4, 4)
assert len(o) == 4
assert list(o) == list(key for (key, value) in group1)
for (key, value) in group1:
assert getattr(o, key) is value
assert o[key] is value
assert o._merge(**dict(group2)) == (2, 4)
assert len(o) == 6
expected = dict(group2)
assert list(o) == sorted(expected)
assert expected['key2'] == 'value 2' # And not 'Value 2'
for (key, value) in expected.items():
assert getattr(o, key) is value
assert o[key] is value
assert o._merge(**expected) == (0, 6)
assert len(o) == 6
assert list(o) == sorted(expected)
def test_merge_from_file(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env._merge_from_file` method.
tmp = TempDir()
assert callable(tmp.join)
# Test a config file that doesn't exist
no_exist = tmp.join('no_exist.conf')
assert not path.exists(no_exist)
o = self.cls()
keys = tuple(o)
orig = dict((k, o[k]) for k in o)
assert o._merge_from_file(no_exist) is None
assert tuple(o) == keys
# Test an empty config file
empty = tmp.touch('empty.conf')
assert path.isfile(empty)
assert o._merge_from_file(empty) == (0, 0)
assert tuple(o) == keys
# Test a mal-formed config file:
bad = tmp.join('bad.conf')
open(bad, 'w').write(config_bad)
assert path.isfile(bad)
assert o._merge_from_file(bad) is None
assert tuple(o) == keys
# Test a valid config file that tries to override
override = tmp.join('override.conf')
open(override, 'w').write(config_override)
assert path.isfile(override)
assert o._merge_from_file(override) == (4, 6)
for (k, v) in orig.items():
assert o[k] is v
assert list(o) == sorted(keys + ('key0', 'key1', 'key2', 'key3', 'config_loaded'))
for i in range(4):
assert o['key%d' % i] == ('var%d' % i)
keys = tuple(o)
# Test a valid config file with type conversion
good = tmp.join('good.conf')
open(good, 'w').write(config_good)
assert path.isfile(good)
assert o._merge_from_file(good) == (6, 6)
added = ('string', 'null', 'yes', 'no', 'number', 'floating')
assert list(o) == sorted(keys + added)
# pylint: disable=no-member
assert o.string == 'Hello world!'
assert o.null is None
assert o.yes is True
assert o.no is False
assert o.number == 42
assert o.floating == '3.14'
# pylint: enable=no-member
def new(self, in_tree=False):
Set os.environ['HOME'] to a tempdir.
Returns tuple with new Env instance and the TempHome instance. This
helper method is used in testing the bootstrap related methods below.
home = TempHome()
o = self.cls()
if in_tree:
o.in_tree = True
return (o, home)
def bootstrap(self, **overrides):
Helper method used in testing bootstrap related methods below.
(o, home) = self.new()
assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is False
assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is True
e = raises(Exception, o._bootstrap)
assert str(e) == 'Env._bootstrap() already called'
return (o, home)
def test_bootstrap(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env._bootstrap` method.
# Test defaults created by _bootstrap():
(o, home) = self.new()
ipalib = path.dirname(path.abspath(config.__file__))
assert o.ipalib == ipalib
assert o.site_packages == path.dirname(ipalib)
assert o.script == path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
assert o.bin == path.dirname(path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
assert o.home == home.path
assert o.dot_ipa == home.join('.ipa')
assert o.context == 'default'
if (
# venv site module doesn't have getsitepackages()
not hasattr(site, "getsitepackages")
or o.site_packages in site.getsitepackages()
assert o.in_tree is False
assert o.confdir == '/etc/ipa'
assert o.conf == '/etc/ipa/default.conf'
assert o.conf_default == o.conf
assert o.in_tree is True
assert o.confdir == o.dot_ipa
assert o.conf == home.join('.ipa/default.conf')
assert o.conf_default == o.conf
# Test overriding values created by _bootstrap()
(o, home) = self.bootstrap(in_tree='True', context='server')
assert o.in_tree is True
assert o.context == 'server'
assert o.conf == home.join('.ipa', 'server.conf')
o, home = self.bootstrap(
conf='/my/wacky/whatever.conf', in_tree=False
assert o.in_tree is False
assert o.context == 'default'
assert o.conf == '/my/wacky/whatever.conf'
assert o.conf_default == '/etc/ipa/default.conf'
o, home = self.bootstrap(
conf_default='/my/wacky/default.conf', in_tree=False
assert o.in_tree is False
assert o.context == 'default'
assert o.conf == '/etc/ipa/default.conf'
assert o.conf_default == '/my/wacky/default.conf'
# Test various overrides and types conversion
kw = dict(
msg='Hello, world!',
override = dict(
(k, u' %s ' % v) for (k, v) in kw.items()
(o, home) = self.new()
for key in kw:
assert key not in o
for (key, value) in kw.items():
assert getattr(o, key) == value
assert o[key] == value
def finalize_core(self, ctx, **defaults):
Helper method used in testing `Env._finalize_core`.
# We must force in_tree=True so we don't load possible config files in
# /etc/ipa/, whose contents could break this test:
(o, home) = self.new(in_tree=True)
if ctx:
o.context = ctx
# Check that calls cascade down the chain:
set_here = ('in_server', 'logdir', 'log')
assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is False
assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is False
assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False
for key in set_here:
assert key not in o
assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is True
assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is True
assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False # Should not cascade
for key in set_here:
assert key in o
# Check that it can't be called twice:
e = raises(Exception, o._finalize_core)
assert str(e) == 'Env._finalize_core() already called'
return (o, home)
def test_finalize_core(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env._finalize_core` method.
# Test that correct defaults are generated:
(o, home) = self.finalize_core(None)
assert o.in_server is False
assert o.logdir == home.join('.ipa', 'log')
assert o.log == home.join('.ipa', 'log', 'default.log')
# Test with context='server'
(o, home) = self.finalize_core('server')
assert o.in_server is True
assert o.logdir == home.join('.ipa', 'log')
assert o.log == home.join('.ipa', 'log', 'server.log')
# Test that **defaults can't set in_server, logdir, nor log:
(o, home) = self.finalize_core(None,
assert o.in_server is False
assert o.logdir == home.join('.ipa', 'log')
assert o.log == home.join('.ipa', 'log', 'default.log')
# Test loading config file, plus test some in-tree stuff
(o, home) = self.bootstrap(in_tree=True, context='server')
for key in ('yes', 'no', 'number'):
assert key not in o
home.write(config_good, '.ipa', 'server.conf')
home.write(config_default, '.ipa', 'default.conf')
assert o.in_tree is True
assert o.context == 'server'
assert o.in_server is True
assert o.logdir == home.join('.ipa', 'log')
assert o.log == home.join('.ipa', 'log', 'server.log')
# pylint: disable=no-member
assert o.yes is True
assert o.no is False
assert o.number == 42
assert o.not_in_other == 'foo_bar'
# pylint: enable=no-member
# Test using DEFAULT_CONFIG:
defaults = dict(constants.DEFAULT_CONFIG)
(o, home) = self.finalize_core(None, **defaults)
list_o = [key for key in o if key != 'fips_mode']
assert list_o == sorted(defaults)
for (key, value) in defaults.items():
if value is object:
if key == 'mode':
assert o[key] == value, '%r is %r; should be %r' % (key, o[key], value)
def test_finalize(self):
Test the `ipalib.config.Env._finalize` method.
# Check that calls cascade up the chain:
o, _home = self.new(in_tree=True)
assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is False
assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is False
assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False
assert o._isdone('_bootstrap') is True
assert o._isdone('_finalize_core') is True
assert o._isdone('_finalize') is True
# Check that it can't be called twice:
e = raises(Exception, o._finalize)
assert str(e) == 'Env._finalize() already called'
# Check that _finalize() calls __lock__()
o, _home = self.new(in_tree=True)
assert o.__islocked__() is False
assert o.__islocked__() is True
e = raises(Exception, o.__lock__)
assert str(e) == 'Env.__lock__() already called'
# Check that **lastchance works
o, _home = self.finalize_core(None)
key = 'just_one_more_key'
value = u'with one more value'
lastchance = {key: value}
assert key not in o
assert o._isdone('_finalize') is False
assert key in o
assert o[key] is value