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# Authors:
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Base classes for all front-end plugins.
import re
import inspect
import plugable
from plugable import lock, check_name
import errors
from errors import check_type, check_isinstance, raise_TypeError
import ipa_types
RULE_FLAG = 'validation_rule'
def rule(obj):
assert not hasattr(obj, RULE_FLAG)
setattr(obj, RULE_FLAG, True)
return obj
def is_rule(obj):
return callable(obj) and getattr(obj, RULE_FLAG, False) is True
class DefaultFrom(plugable.ReadOnly):
Derive a default value from other supplied values.
For example, say you wanted to create a default for the user's login from
the user's first and last names. It could be implemented like this:
>>> login = DefaultFrom(lambda first, last: first[0] + last)
>>> login(first='John', last='Doe')
If you do not explicitly provide keys when you create a DefaultFrom
instance, the keys are implicitly derived from your callback by
inspecting ``callback.func_code.co_varnames``. The keys are available
through the ``DefaultFrom.keys`` instance attribute, like this:
>>> login.keys
('first', 'last')
The callback is available through the ``DefaultFrom.callback`` instance
attribute, like this:
>>> login.callback
<function <lambda> at 0x7fdd225cd7d0>
>>> login.callback.func_code.co_varnames # The keys
('first', 'last')
The keys can be explicitly provided as optional positional arguments after
the callback. For example, this is equivalent to the ``login`` instance
>>> login2 = DefaultFrom(lambda a, b: a[0] + b, 'first', 'last')
>>> login2.keys
('first', 'last')
>>> login2.callback.func_code.co_varnames # Not the keys
('a', 'b')
>>> login2(first='John', last='Doe')
If any keys are missing when calling your DefaultFrom instance, your
callback is not called and None is returned. For example:
>>> login(first='John', lastname='Doe') is None
>>> login() is None
Any additional keys are simply ignored, like this:
>>> login(last='Doe', first='John', middle='Whatever')
As above, because `DefaultFrom.__call__` takes only pure keyword
arguments, they can be supplied in any order.
Of course, the callback need not be a lambda expression. This third
example is equivalent to both the ``login`` and ``login2`` instances
>>> def get_login(first, last):
... return first[0] + last
>>> login3 = DefaultFrom(get_login)
>>> login3.keys
('first', 'last')
>>> login3.callback.func_code.co_varnames
('first', 'last')
>>> login3(first='John', last='Doe')
def __init__(self, callback, *keys):
:param callback: The callable to call when all keys are present.
:param keys: Optional keys used for source values.
if not callable(callback):
raise TypeError('callback must be callable; got %r' % callback)
self.callback = callback
if len(keys) == 0:
self.keys = callback.func_code.co_varnames
self.keys = keys
for key in self.keys:
if type(key) is not str:
raise_TypeError(key, str, 'keys')
def __call__(self, **kw):
If all keys are present, calls the callback; otherwise returns None.
:param kw: The keyword arguments.
vals = tuple(kw.get(k, None) for k in self.keys)
if None in vals:
return self.callback(*vals)
except StandardError:
def parse_param_spec(spec):
Parse a param spec into to (name, kw).
The ``spec`` string determines the param name, whether the param is
required, and whether the param is multivalue according the following
====== ===== ======== ==========
Spec Name Required Multivalue
====== ===== ======== ==========
'var' 'var' True False
'var?' 'var' False False
'var*' 'var' False True
'var+' 'var' True True
====== ===== ======== ==========
For example,
>>> parse_param_spec('login')
('login', {'required': True, 'multivalue': False})
>>> parse_param_spec('gecos?')
('gecos', {'required': False, 'multivalue': False})
>>> parse_param_spec('telephone_numbers*')
('telephone_numbers', {'required': False, 'multivalue': True})
>>> parse_param_spec('group+')
('group', {'required': True, 'multivalue': True})
:param spec: A spec string.
if type(spec) is not str:
raise_TypeError(spec, str, 'spec')
if len(spec) < 2:
raise ValueError(
'param spec must be at least 2 characters; got %r' % spec
_map = {
'?': dict(required=False, multivalue=False),
'*': dict(required=False, multivalue=True),
'+': dict(required=True, multivalue=True),
end = spec[-1]
if end in _map:
return (spec[:-1], _map[end])
return (spec, dict(required=True, multivalue=False))
class Param(plugable.ReadOnly):
A parameter accepted by a `Command`.
============ ================= ==================
Keyword Type Default
============ ================= ==================
type ipa_type.Type ipa_type.Unicode()
doc str ''
required bool True
multivalue bool False
primary_key bool False
normalize callable None
default same as type.type None
default_from callable None
============ ================= ==================
__nones = (None, '', tuple(), [])
__defaults = dict(
def __init__(self, name, **override):
if not ('required' in override or 'multivalue' in override):
(name, kw_from_spec) = parse_param_spec(name)
kw = dict(self.__defaults)
if not set(kw).issuperset(override):
extra = sorted(set(override) - set(kw))
raise TypeError(
'Param.__init__() takes no such kwargs: %s' % ', '.join(extra)
self.__kw = kw
self.name = check_name(name)
self.type = self.__check_isinstance(ipa_types.Type, 'type')
self.doc = self.__check_type(str, 'doc')
self.required = self.__check_type(bool, 'required')
self.multivalue = self.__check_type(bool, 'multivalue')
self.default = kw['default']
df = kw['default_from']
if callable(df) and not isinstance(df, DefaultFrom):
df = DefaultFrom(df)
self.default_from = check_type(df, DefaultFrom, 'default_from',
self.__normalize = kw['normalize']
self.rules = self.__check_type(tuple, 'rules')
self.all_rules = (self.type.validate,) + self.rules
self.primary_key = self.__check_type(bool, 'primary_key')
def __clone__(self, **override):
Return a new `Param` instance similar to this one.
kw = dict(self.__kw)
return self.__class__(self.name, **kw)
def __check_type(self, type_, name, allow_none=False):
value = self.__kw[name]
return check_type(value, type_, name, allow_none)
def __check_isinstance(self, type_, name, allow_none=False):
value = self.__kw[name]
return check_isinstance(value, type_, name, allow_none)
def __dispatch(self, value, scalar):
Helper method used by `normalize` and `convert`.
if value in self.__nones:
if self.multivalue:
if type(value) in (tuple, list):
return tuple(
scalar(v, i) for (i, v) in enumerate(value)
return (scalar(value, 0),) # tuple
return scalar(value)
def __normalize_scalar(self, value, index=None):
Normalize a scalar value.
This method is called once with each value in multivalue.
if not isinstance(value, basestring):
return value
return self.__normalize(value)
except StandardError:
return value
def normalize(self, value):
Normalize ``value`` using normalize callback.
If this `Param` instance does not have a normalize callback,
``value`` is returned unchanged.
If this `Param` instance has a normalize callback and ``value`` is
a basestring, the normalize callback is called and its return value
is returned.
If ``value`` is not a basestring, or if an exception is caught
when calling the normalize callback, ``value`` is returned unchanged.
:param value: A proposed value for this parameter.
if self.__normalize is None:
return value
return self.__dispatch(value, self.__normalize_scalar)
def __convert_scalar(self, value, index=None):
Convert a scalar value.
This method is called once with each value in multivalue.
if value in self.__nones:
converted = self.type(value)
if converted is None:
raise errors.ConversionError(
self.name, value, self.type, index=index
return converted
def convert(self, value):
Convert/coerce ``value`` to Python type for this `Param`.
If ``value`` can not be converted, ConversionError is raised, which
is as subclass of ValidationError.
If ``value`` is None, conversion is not attempted and None is
:param value: A proposed value for this parameter.
return self.__dispatch(value, self.__convert_scalar)
def __validate_scalar(self, value, index=None):
Validate a scalar value.
This method is called once with each value in multivalue.
if type(value) is not self.type.type:
raise_TypeError(value, self.type.type, 'value')
for rule in self.rules:
error = rule(value)
if error is not None:
raise errors.RuleError(
self.name, value, error, rule, index=index
def validate(self, value):
Check validity of a value.
Each validation rule is called in turn and if any returns and error,
RuleError is raised, which is a subclass of ValidationError.
:param value: A proposed value for this parameter.
if value is None:
if self.required:
raise errors.RequirementError(self.name)
if self.multivalue:
if type(value) is not tuple:
raise_TypeError(value, tuple, 'value')
for (i, v) in enumerate(value):
self.__validate_scalar(v, i)
def get_default(self, **kw):
Return a default value for this parameter.
If this `Param` instance does not have a default_from() callback, this
method always returns the static Param.default instance attribute.
On the other hand, if this `Param` instance has a default_from()
callback, the callback is called and its return value is returned
(assuming that value is not None).
If the default_from() callback returns None, or if an exception is
caught when calling the default_from() callback, the static
Param.default instance attribute is returned.
:param kw: Optional keyword arguments to pass to default_from().
if self.default_from is not None:
default = self.default_from(**kw)
if default is not None:
return self.convert(self.normalize(default))
except errors.ValidationError:
return None
return self.default
def get_values(self):
if self.type.name in ('Enum', 'CallbackEnum'):
return self.type.values
return tuple()
def __call__(self, value, **kw):
if value in self.__nones:
value = self.get_default(**kw)
value = self.convert(self.normalize(value))
return value
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(%r, %s())' % (
def create_param(spec):
Create a `Param` instance from a param spec.
If ``spec`` is a `Param` instance, ``spec`` is returned unchanged.
If ``spec`` is an str instance, then ``spec`` is parsed and an
appropriate `Param` instance is created and returned.
See `parse_param_spec` for the definition of the spec syntax.
:param spec: A spec string or a `Param` instance.
if type(spec) is Param:
return spec
if type(spec) is not str:
raise TypeError(
'create_param() takes %r or %r; got %r' % (str, Param, spec)
return Param(spec)
class Command(plugable.Plugin):
__public__ = frozenset((
takes_options = tuple()
takes_args = tuple()
args = None
options = None
params = None
def finalize(self):
self.args = plugable.NameSpace(self.__create_args(), sort=False)
if len(self.args) == 0 or not self.args[-1].multivalue:
self.max_args = len(self.args)
self.max_args = None
self.options = plugable.NameSpace(self.__create_options(), sort=False)
self.params = plugable.NameSpace(
tuple(self.args()) + tuple(self.options()), sort=False
super(Command, self).finalize()
def get_args(self):
return self.takes_args
def get_options(self):
return self.takes_options
def __create_args(self):
optional = False
multivalue = False
for arg in self.get_args():
arg = create_param(arg)
if optional and arg.required:
raise ValueError(
'%s: required argument after optional' % arg.name
if multivalue:
raise ValueError(
'%s: only final argument can be multivalue' % arg.name
if not arg.required:
optional = True
if arg.multivalue:
multivalue = True
yield arg
def __create_options(self):
for option in self.get_options():
yield create_param(option)
def convert(self, **kw):
return dict(
(k, self.params[k].convert(v)) for (k, v) in kw.iteritems()
def normalize(self, **kw):
return dict(
(k, self.params[k].normalize(v)) for (k, v) in kw.iteritems()
def __get_default_iter(self, kw):
for param in self.params():
if param.required and kw.get(param.name, None) is None:
yield (param.name, param.get_default(**kw))
def get_default(self, **kw):
return dict(self.__get_default_iter(kw))
def validate(self, **kw):
for param in self.params():
value = kw.get(param.name, None)
if value is not None:
elif param.required:
raise errors.RequirementError(param.name)
def execute(self, *args, **kw):
print '%s.execute():' % self.name
print ' args =', args
print ' kw =', kw
def forward(self, *args, **kw):
Forward call over XML-RPC.
return self.api.Backend.xmlrpc.forward_call(self.name, *args, **kw)
def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
if len(args) > 0:
arg_kw = self.args_to_kw(*args)
assert set(arg_kw).intersection(kw) == set()
kw = self.normalize(**kw)
kw = self.convert(**kw)
args = tuple(kw.pop(name) for name in self.args)
return self.run(*args, **kw)
def run(self, *args, **kw):
if self.api.env.server_context:
target = self.execute
target = self.forward
object.__setattr__(self, 'run', target)
return target(*args, **kw)
def args_to_kw(self, *values):
if self.max_args is not None and len(values) > self.max_args:
if self.max_args == 0:
raise errors.ArgumentError(self, 'takes no arguments')
if self.max_args == 1:
raise errors.ArgumentError(self, 'takes at most 1 argument')
raise errors.ArgumentError(self,
'takes at most %d arguments' % len(self.args)
return dict(self.__args_to_kw_iter(values))
def __args_to_kw_iter(self, values):
multivalue = False
for (i, arg) in enumerate(self.args()):
assert not multivalue
if len(values) > i:
if arg.multivalue:
multivalue = True
yield (arg.name, values[i:])
yield (arg.name, values[i])
def kw_to_args(self, **kw):
return tuple(kw.get(name, None) for name in self.args)
class Object(plugable.Plugin):
__public__ = frozenset((
backend = None
methods = None
properties = None
params = None
primary_key = None
params_minus_pk = None
# Can override in subclasses:
backend_name = None
takes_params = tuple()
def set_api(self, api):
super(Object, self).set_api(api)
self.methods = plugable.NameSpace(
self.__get_attrs('Method'), sort=False
self.properties = plugable.NameSpace(
self.__get_attrs('Property'), sort=False
self.params = plugable.NameSpace(
self.__get_params(), sort=False
pkeys = filter(lambda p: p.primary_key, self.params())
if len(pkeys) > 1:
raise ValueError(
'%s (Object) has multiple primary keys: %s' % (
', '.join(p.name for p in pkeys),
if len(pkeys) == 1:
self.primary_key = pkeys[0]
self.params_minus_pk = plugable.NameSpace(
filter(lambda p: not p.primary_key, self.params()), sort=False
if 'Backend' in self.api and self.backend_name in self.api.Backend:
self.backend = self.api.Backend[self.backend_name]
def __get_attrs(self, name):
if name not in self.api:
namespace = self.api[name]
assert type(namespace) is plugable.NameSpace
for proxy in namespace(): # Equivalent to dict.itervalues()
if proxy.obj_name == self.name:
yield proxy.__clone__('attr_name')
def __get_params(self):
props = self.properties.__todict__()
for spec in self.takes_params:
if type(spec) is str:
key = spec.rstrip('?*+')
assert type(spec) is Param
key = spec.name
if key in props:
yield props.pop(key).param
yield create_param(spec)
def get_key(p):
if p.param.required:
if p.param.default_from is None:
return 0
return 1
return 2
for prop in sorted(props.itervalues(), key=get_key):
yield prop.param
class Attribute(plugable.Plugin):
__public__ = frozenset((
__obj = None
def __init__(self):
m = re.match(
assert m
self.__obj_name = m.group(1)
self.__attr_name = m.group(2)
def __get_obj_name(self):
return self.__obj_name
obj_name = property(__get_obj_name)
def __get_attr_name(self):
return self.__attr_name
attr_name = property(__get_attr_name)
def __get_obj(self):
Returns the obj instance this attribute is associated with, or None
if no association has been set.
return self.__obj
obj = property(__get_obj)
def set_api(self, api):
self.__obj = api.Object[self.obj_name]
super(Attribute, self).set_api(api)
class Method(Attribute, Command):
__public__ = Attribute.__public__.union(Command.__public__)
def __init__(self):
class Property(Attribute):
__public__ = frozenset((
type = ipa_types.Unicode()
required = False
multivalue = False
default = None
default_from = None
normalize = None
def __init__(self):
super(Property, self).__init__()
self.rules = tuple(sorted(
key=lambda f: getattr(f, '__name__'),
self.param = Param(self.attr_name,
def __rules_iter(self):
Iterates through the attributes in this instance to retrieve the
methods implementing validation rules.
for name in dir(self.__class__):
if name.startswith('_'):
base_attr = getattr(self.__class__, name)
if is_rule(base_attr):
attr = getattr(self, name)
if is_rule(attr):
yield attr
class Application(Command):
Base class for commands register by an external application.
Special commands that only apply to a particular application built atop
`ipalib` should subclass from ``Application``.
Because ``Application`` subclasses from `Command`, plugins that subclass
from ``Application`` with be available in both the ``api.Command`` and
``api.Application`` namespaces.
__public__ = frozenset((
__application = None
def __get_application(self):
Returns external ``application`` object.
return self.__application
application = property(__get_application)
def set_application(self, application):
Sets the external application object to ``application``.
if self.__application is not None:
raise AttributeError(
'%s.application can only be set once' % self.name
if application is None:
raise TypeError(
'%s.application cannot be None' % self.name
object.__setattr__(self, '_Application__application', application)
assert self.application is application