mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
ipa_gethostfqdn() now returns a pointer to a statically allocated buffer or NULL in case of an error. The caller no longer has to supply a correctly allocated buffer. Rename IPA_HOST_HOST to_LEN IPA_HOST_FQDN_LEN and use IPA_HOST_FQDN_LEN wherever code copies a hostname supplied from ipa_gethostfqdn(). Clarify that MAXHOSTNAMELEN and MAXHOSTFQDNLEN are different things. Signed-off-by: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com> Reviewed-By: Fraser Tweedale <ftweedal@redhat.com>
343 lines
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343 lines
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# Authors:
# Martin Nagy <mnagy@redhat.com>
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
All constants centralised in one file.
import os
from ipaplatform.constants import constants as _constants
from ipapython.dn import DN
from ipapython.fqdn import gethostfqdn
from ipapython.version import VERSION, API_VERSION
FQDN = gethostfqdn()
# TLS related constants
# * SSL2 and SSL3 are broken.
# * TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 are no longer state of the art.
# * TLS1.2 and 1.3 are secure and working properly
# * Crypto policies restrict TLS range to 1.2 and 1.3. Python 3.6 cannot
# override the crypto policy.
# regular expression NameSpace member names must match:
NAME_REGEX = r'^[a-z][_a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]$|^[a-z]$'
# Format for ValueError raised when name does not match above regex:
NAME_ERROR = "name must match '%s'; got '%s'"
# Standard format for TypeError message:
TYPE_ERROR = '%s: need a %r; got %r (a %r)'
# Stardard format for TypeError message when a callable is expected:
CALLABLE_ERROR = '%s: need a callable; got %r (which is a %r)'
# Standard format for Exception message when overriding an attribute:
OVERRIDE_ERROR = 'cannot override %s.%s value %r with %r'
# Standard format for AttributeError message when a read-only attribute is
# already locked:
SET_ERROR = 'locked: cannot set %s.%s to %r'
DEL_ERROR = 'locked: cannot delete %s.%s'
# Used for a tab (or indentation level) when formatting for CLI:
CLI_TAB = ' ' # Two spaces
# The section to read in the config files, i.e. [global]
# The default configuration for api.env
# This is a tuple instead of a dict so that it is immutable.
# To create a dict with this config, just "d = dict(DEFAULT_CONFIG)".
('api_version', API_VERSION),
('version', VERSION),
# Domain, realm, basedn:
# Following values do not have any reasonable default.
# Do not initialize them so the code which depends on them blows up early
# and does not do crazy stuff with default values instead of real ones.
# ('domain', 'example.com'),
# ('realm', 'EXAMPLE.COM'),
# ('basedn', DN(('dc', 'example'), ('dc', 'com'))),
# LDAP containers:
('container_accounts', DN(('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_user', DN(('cn', 'users'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_deleteuser', DN(('cn', 'deleted users'), ('cn', 'accounts'), ('cn', 'provisioning'))),
('container_stageuser', DN(('cn', 'staged users'), ('cn', 'accounts'), ('cn', 'provisioning'))),
('container_group', DN(('cn', 'groups'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_service', DN(('cn', 'services'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_host', DN(('cn', 'computers'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_hostgroup', DN(('cn', 'hostgroups'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_rolegroup', DN(('cn', 'roles'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_permission', DN(('cn', 'permissions'), ('cn', 'pbac'))),
('container_privilege', DN(('cn', 'privileges'), ('cn', 'pbac'))),
('container_automount', DN(('cn', 'automount'))),
('container_policies', DN(('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_configs', DN(('cn', 'configs'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_roles', DN(('cn', 'roles'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_applications', DN(('cn', 'applications'), ('cn', 'configs'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_policygroups', DN(('cn', 'policygroups'), ('cn', 'configs'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_policylinks', DN(('cn', 'policylinks'), ('cn', 'configs'), ('cn', 'policies'))),
('container_netgroup', DN(('cn', 'ng'), ('cn', 'alt'))),
('container_hbac', DN(('cn', 'hbac'))),
('container_hbacservice', DN(('cn', 'hbacservices'), ('cn', 'hbac'))),
('container_hbacservicegroup', DN(('cn', 'hbacservicegroups'), ('cn', 'hbac'))),
('container_dns', DN(('cn', 'dns'))),
('container_vault', DN(('cn', 'vaults'), ('cn', 'kra'))),
('container_virtual', DN(('cn', 'virtual operations'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_sudorule', DN(('cn', 'sudorules'), ('cn', 'sudo'))),
('container_sudocmd', DN(('cn', 'sudocmds'), ('cn', 'sudo'))),
('container_sudocmdgroup', DN(('cn', 'sudocmdgroups'), ('cn', 'sudo'))),
('container_automember', DN(('cn', 'automember'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_selinux', DN(('cn', 'usermap'), ('cn', 'selinux'))),
('container_s4u2proxy', DN(('cn', 's4u2proxy'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_cifsdomains', DN(('cn', 'ad'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_trusts', DN(('cn', 'trusts'))),
('container_adtrusts', DN(('cn', 'ad'), ('cn', 'trusts'))),
('container_ranges', DN(('cn', 'ranges'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_dna', DN(('cn', 'dna'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_dna_posix_ids', DN(('cn', 'posix-ids'), ('cn', 'dna'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_realm_domains', DN(('cn', 'Realm Domains'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_otp', DN(('cn', 'otp'))),
('container_radiusproxy', DN(('cn', 'radiusproxy'))),
('container_views', DN(('cn', 'views'), ('cn', 'accounts'))),
('container_masters', DN(('cn', 'masters'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_certprofile', DN(('cn', 'certprofiles'), ('cn', 'ca'))),
('container_topology', DN(('cn', 'topology'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_caacl', DN(('cn', 'caacls'), ('cn', 'ca'))),
('container_locations', DN(('cn', 'locations'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_ca', DN(('cn', 'cas'), ('cn', 'ca'))),
('container_dnsservers', DN(('cn', 'servers'), ('cn', 'dns'))),
('container_custodia', DN(('cn', 'custodia'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_sysaccounts', DN(('cn', 'sysaccounts'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
('container_certmap', DN(('cn', 'certmap'))),
('container_certmaprules', DN(('cn', 'certmaprules'), ('cn', 'certmap'))),
DN(('cn', 'ca_renewal'), ('cn', 'ipa'), ('cn', 'etc'))),
# Ports, hosts, and URIs:
# Following values do not have any reasonable default.
# Do not initialize them so the code which depends on them blows up early
# and does not do crazy stuff with default values instead of real ones.
# ('server', 'localhost'),
# ('xmlrpc_uri', 'http://localhost:8888/ipa/xml'),
# ('jsonrpc_uri', 'http://localhost:8888/ipa/json'),
# ('ldap_uri', 'ldap://localhost:389'),
('rpc_protocol', 'jsonrpc'),
# Define an inclusive range of SSL/TLS version support
('tls_version_min', TLS_VERSION_DEFAULT_MIN),
('tls_version_max', TLS_VERSION_DEFAULT_MAX),
# Time to wait for a service to start, in seconds.
# Note that systemd has a DefaultTimeoutStartSec of 90 seconds. Higher
# values are not effective unless systemd is reconfigured, too.
('startup_timeout', 120),
# How long http connection should wait for reply [seconds].
('http_timeout', 30),
# How long to wait for an entry to appear on a replica
('replication_wait_timeout', 300),
# How long to wait for a certmonger request to finish
('certmonger_wait_timeout', 300),
# Web Application mount points
('mount_ipa', '/ipa/'),
# WebUI stuff:
('webui_prod', True),
# Session stuff:
('kinit_lifetime', None),
# Debugging:
('verbose', 0),
('debug', False),
('startup_traceback', False),
('mode', 'production'),
('wait_for_dns', 0),
# CA plugin:
('ca_host', FQDN), # Set in Env._finalize_core()
('ca_port', 80),
('ca_agent_port', 443),
# For the following ports, None means a default specific to the installed
# Dogtag version.
('ca_install_port', None),
# Topology plugin
('recommended_max_agmts', 4), # Recommended maximum number of replication
# agreements
# Special CLI:
('prompt_all', False),
('interactive', True),
('fallback', True),
('delegate', False),
# Enable certain optional plugins:
('enable_ra', False),
('ra_plugin', 'selfsign'),
('dogtag_version', 9),
# Used when verifying that the API hasn't changed. Not for production.
('validate_api', False),
# Skip client vs. server API version checking. Can lead to errors/strange
# behavior when newer clients talk to older servers. Use with caution.
('skip_version_check', False),
# Ignore TTL. Perform schema call and download schema if not in cache.
('force_schema_check', False),
# ********************************************************
# The remaining keys are never set from the values here!
# ********************************************************
# Env._bootstrap() or Env._finalize_core() will have filled in all the keys
# below by the time DEFAULT_CONFIG is merged in, so the values below are
# never actually used. They are listed both to provide a big picture and
# also so DEFAULT_CONFIG contains at least all the keys that should be
# present after Env._finalize_core() is called.
# Each environment variable below is sent to ``object``, which just happens
# to be an invalid value for an environment variable, so if for some reason
# any of these keys were set from the values here, an exception will be
# raised.
# Non-overridable vars set in Env._bootstrap():
('host', FQDN),
('ipalib', object), # The directory containing ipalib/__init__.py
('site_packages', object), # The directory contaning ipalib
('script', object), # sys.argv[0]
('bin', object), # The directory containing the script
('home', object), # os.path.expanduser('~')
# Vars set in Env._bootstrap():
('in_tree', object), # Whether or not running in-tree (bool)
('dot_ipa', object), # ~/.ipa directory
('context', object), # Name of context, default is 'default'
('confdir', object), # Directory containing config files
('env_confdir', None), # conf dir specified by IPA_CONFDIR env variable
('conf', object), # File containing context specific config
('conf_default', object), # File containing context independent config
('plugins_on_demand', object), # Whether to finalize plugins on-demand (bool)
('nss_dir', object), # Path to nssdb, default {confdir}/nssdb
('tls_ca_cert', object), # Path to CA cert file
# Set in Env._finalize_core():
('in_server', object), # Whether or not running in-server (bool)
('logdir', object), # Directory containing log files
('log', object), # Path to context specific log file
# domains levels
DOMAIN_LEVEL_0 = 0 # compat
DOMAIN_LEVEL_1 = 1 # replica promotion, topology plugin
# Constants used in generation of replication agreements and as topology
# defaults
# List of attributes that need to be excluded from replication initialization.
# List of attributes that need to be excluded from normal replication.
REPL_AGMT_EXCLUDES = ('memberof', 'idnssoaserial') + REPL_AGMT_TOTAL_EXCLUDES
# List of attributes that are not updated on empty replication
REPL_AGMT_STRIP_ATTRS = ('modifiersName',
IPA_CA_CN = u'ipa'
IPA_CA_RECORD = "ipa-ca"
IPA_CA_NICKNAME = 'caSigningCert cert-pki-ca'
RENEWAL_CA_NAME = 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent'
RENEWAL_REUSE_CA_NAME = 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-reuse'
RENEWAL_SELFSIGNED_CA_NAME = 'dogtag-ipa-ca-renew-agent-selfsigned'
# The RA agent cert is used for client cert authentication. In the past IPA
# used caServerCert profile, which adds clientAuth and serverAuth EKU. The
# serverAuth EKU caused trouble with NamedConstraints, see RHBZ#1670239.
RA_AGENT_PROFILE = 'caSubsystemCert'
# How long dbus clients should wait for CA certificate RPCs [seconds]
# Maximum hostname length in Linux
# It's the max length of uname's nodename and return value of gethostname().
# DNS name is 255 octets, effectively 253 ASCII characters.
# regexp definitions
# Kerberos Anonymous principal name
# IPA API Framework user
# Use cache path
os.environ.get('XDG_CACHE_HOME') or
# Apache's mod_ssl SSLVerifyDepth value (Maximum depth of CA
# Certificates in Client Certificate verification)