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Even though Pytest supports xunit style setups, unittest and nose tests, this support is limited and may be dropped in the future releases. Worst of all is that the mixing of various test frameworks results in weird conflicts and of course, is not widely tested. This is a part of work to remove the mixing of test idioms in the IPA's test suite: 1) replace unittest.TestCase subclasses 2) replace unittest test controls (SkipTest, fail, etc.) 3) replace unittest assertions Related: https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7989 Signed-off-by: Stanislav Levin <slev@altlinux.org> Reviewed-By: Christian Heimes <cheimes@redhat.com>
422 lines
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422 lines
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# Authors:
# Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Base class for all XML-RPC tests
from __future__ import print_function
import datetime
import inspect
import contextlib
import pytest
import six
from ipatests.util import assert_deepequal, Fuzzy
from ipalib import api, request as ipa_request, errors
from ipapython.version import API_VERSION
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error
if six.PY3:
from collections.abc import Sequence
from collections import Sequence
# pylint: enable=no-name-in-module, import-error
# Matches a gidnumber like '1391016742'
# FIXME: Does it make more sense to return gidnumber, uidnumber, etc. as `int`
# or `long`? If not, we still need to return them as `unicode` instead of `str`.
fuzzy_digits = Fuzzy(r'^\d+$', type=str)
uuid_re = '[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}'
# Matches an ipauniqueid like u'784d85fd-eae7-11de-9d01-54520012478b'
fuzzy_uuid = Fuzzy('^%s$' % uuid_re)
# Matches an automember task DN
fuzzy_automember_dn = Fuzzy(
'^cn=%s,cn=automember rebuild membership,cn=tasks,cn=config$' % uuid_re
# base64-encoded value
fuzzy_base64 = Fuzzy('^[0-9A-Za-z/+]+={0,2}$')
def fuzzy_sequence_of(fuzzy):
"""Construct a Fuzzy for a Sequence of values matching the given Fuzzy."""
def test(xs):
if not isinstance(xs, Sequence):
return False
return all(fuzzy == x for x in xs)
return Fuzzy(test=test)
# Matches an automember task finish message
fuzzy_automember_message = Fuzzy(
r'^Automember rebuild task finished\. Processed \(\d+\) entries\.$'
# Matches trusted domain GUID, like u'463bf2be-3456-4a57-979e-120304f2a0eb'
fuzzy_guid = fuzzy_uuid
# Matches SID of a trusted domain
# SID syntax: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff632068.aspx
_sid_identifier_authority = '(0x[0-9a-f]{1,12}|[0-9]{1,10})'
fuzzy_domain_sid = Fuzzy(
'^S-1-5-21-%(idauth)s-%(idauth)s-%(idauth)s$' % dict(idauth=_sid_identifier_authority)
fuzzy_user_or_group_sid = Fuzzy(
'^S-1-5-21-%(idauth)s-%(idauth)s-%(idauth)s-%(idauth)s$' % dict(idauth=_sid_identifier_authority)
# Matches netgroup dn. Note (?i) at the beginning of the regexp is the ingnore case flag
fuzzy_netgroupdn = Fuzzy(
'(?i)ipauniqueid=%s,cn=ng,cn=alt,%s' % (uuid_re, api.env.basedn)
# Matches sudocmd dn
fuzzy_sudocmddn = Fuzzy(
'(?i)ipauniqueid=%s,cn=sudocmds,cn=sudo,%s' % (uuid_re, api.env.basedn)
# Matches caacl dn
fuzzy_caacldn = Fuzzy(
'(?i)ipauniqueid=%s,cn=caacls,cn=ca,%s' % (uuid_re, api.env.basedn)
# Matches internal CA ID
fuzzy_caid = fuzzy_uuid
# Matches fuzzy ipaUniqueID DN group (RDN)
fuzzy_ipauniqueid = Fuzzy('(?i)ipauniqueid=%s' % uuid_re)
# Matches a hash signature, not enforcing length
fuzzy_hash = Fuzzy(r'^([a-f0-9][a-f0-9]:)+[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]$', type=str)
# Matches a date, like Tue Apr 26 17:45:35 2016 UTC
fuzzy_date = Fuzzy(
r'^[a-zA-Z]{3} [a-zA-Z]{3} \d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \d{4} UTC$'
fuzzy_issuer = Fuzzy(type=str)
fuzzy_hex = Fuzzy(r'^0x[0-9a-fA-F]+$', type=str)
# Matches password - password consists of all printable characters without
# whitespaces. The only exception is space, but space cannot be at the
# beginning or end of the pwd.
fuzzy_password = Fuzzy(r'^\S([\S ]*\S)*$')
# Matches generalized time value. Time format is: %Y%m%d%H%M%SZ
fuzzy_dergeneralizedtime = Fuzzy(type=datetime.datetime)
# match any string
fuzzy_string = Fuzzy(type=str)
fuzzy_bytes = Fuzzy(type=bytes)
# case insensitive match of sets
def fuzzy_set_ci(s):
return Fuzzy(test=lambda other: set(x.lower() for x in other) == set(y.lower() for y in s))
if not api.Backend.rpcclient.isconnected():
res = api.Command['user_show'](u'notfound')
except errors.NetworkError:
server_available = False
except IOError:
server_available = False
except errors.NotFound:
server_available = True
adtrust_is_enabled = api.Command['adtrust_is_enabled']()['result']
sidgen_was_run = api.Command['sidgen_was_run']()['result']
def add_sid(d, check_sidgen=False):
if adtrust_is_enabled and (not check_sidgen or sidgen_was_run):
d['ipantsecurityidentifier'] = (fuzzy_user_or_group_sid,)
return d
def add_oc(l, oc, check_sidgen=False):
if adtrust_is_enabled and (not check_sidgen or sidgen_was_run):
return l + [oc]
return l
def assert_attr_equal(entry, key, value):
if type(entry) is not dict:
raise AssertionError(
'assert_attr_equal: entry must be a %r; got a %r: %r' % (
dict, type(entry), entry)
if key not in entry:
raise AssertionError(
'assert_attr_equal: entry has no key %r: %r' % (key, entry)
if value not in entry[key]:
raise AssertionError(
'assert_attr_equal: %r: %r not in %r' % (key, value, entry[key])
def assert_is_member(entry, value, key='member'):
if type(entry) is not dict:
raise AssertionError(
'assert_is_member: entry must be a %r; got a %r: %r' % (
dict, type(entry), entry)
if key not in entry:
raise AssertionError(
'assert_is_member: entry has no key %r: %r' % (key, entry)
for member in entry[key]:
if member.startswith(value):
raise AssertionError(
'assert_is_member: %r: %r not in %r' % (key, value, entry[key])
# Initialize the API. We do this here so that one can run the tests
# individually instead of at the top-level. If API.bootstrap()
# has already been called we continue gracefully. Other errors will be
# raised.
class XMLRPC_test:
Base class for all XML-RPC plugin tests
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class")
def xmlrpc_setup(self, request):
if not server_available:
pytest.skip('%r: Server not available: %r' %
if not api.Backend.rpcclient.isconnected():
def fin():
def failsafe_add(self, obj, pk, **options):
Delete possible leftover entry first, then add.
This helps speed us up when a partial test failure has left LDAP in a
dirty state.
:param obj: An Object like api.Object.user
:param pk: The primary key of the entry to be created
:param options: Kwargs to be passed to obj.add()
self.failsafe_del(obj, pk)
return obj.methods['add'](pk, **options)
def failsafe_del(cls, obj, pk):
Delete an entry if it exists
:param obj: An Object like api.Object.user
:param pk: The primary key of the entry to be deleted
except errors.NotFound:
IGNORE = """Command %r is missing attribute %r in output entry.
args = %r
options = %r
entry = %r"""
EXPECTED = """Expected %r to raise %s.
args = %r
options = %r
output = %r"""
UNEXPECTED = """Expected %r to raise %s, but caught different.
args = %r
options = %r
expected = %s: %s
got = %s: %s"""
KWARGS = """Command %r raised %s with wrong kwargs.
args = %r
options = %r
kw_expected = %r
kw_got = %r"""
class Declarative(XMLRPC_test):
"""A declarative-style test suite
This class is DEPRECATED. Use RPCTest instead.
See host plugin tests for an example.
A Declarative test suite is controlled by the ``tests`` and
``cleanup_commands`` class variables.
The ``tests`` is a list of dictionaries with the following keys:
A name/description of the test
A (command, args, kwargs) triple specifying the command to run
Can be either an ``errors.PublicError`` instance, in which case
the command must fail with the given error; or the
expected result.
The result is checked with ``tests.util.assert_deepequal``.
``extra_check`` (optional)
A checking function that is called with the response. It must
return true for the test to pass.
The ``cleanup_commands`` is a list of (command, args, kwargs)
triples. These are commands get run both before and after tests,
and must not fail.
default_version = API_VERSION
cleanup_commands = tuple()
tests = tuple()
@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope="class")
def declarative_setup(self, request, xmlrpc_setup):
def fin():
for command in request.cls.cleanup_commands:
def cleanup(cls, command):
(cmd, args, options) = command
print('Cleanup:', cmd, args, options)
if cmd not in api.Command:
'cleanup command %r not in api.Command' % cmd
api.Command[cmd](*args, **options)
except (errors.NotFound, errors.EmptyModlist) as e:
def test_command(self, index, declarative_test_definition):
"""Run an individual test
The arguments are provided by the pytest plugin.
if callable(declarative_test_definition):
def check(self, nice, desc, command, expected, extra_check=None):
(cmd, args, options) = command
options.setdefault('version', self.default_version)
if cmd not in api.Command:
pytest.skip('%r not in api.Command' % cmd)
if isinstance(expected, errors.PublicError):
self.check_exception(nice, cmd, args, options, expected)
elif hasattr(expected, '__call__'):
self.check_callable(nice, cmd, args, options, expected)
self.check_output(nice, cmd, args, options, expected, extra_check)
def check_exception(self, nice, cmd, args, options, expected):
klass = expected.__class__
expected_name = klass.__name__
output = api.Command[cmd](*args, **options)
except Exception as e:
got = e
raise AssertionError(
EXPECTED % (cmd, expected_name, args, options, output)
if not isinstance(got, klass):
raise AssertionError(
UNEXPECTED % (cmd, expected_name, args, options,
expected_name, expected,
got.__class__.__name__, got)
# FIXME: the XML-RPC transport doesn't allow us to return structured
# information through the exception, so we can't test the kw on the
# client side. However, if we switch to using JSON-RPC for the default
# transport, the exception is a free-form data structure (dict).
# For now just compare the strings
# pylint: disable=no-member
assert_deepequal(expected.strerror, got.strerror)
# pylint: enable=no-member
def check_callable(self, nice, cmd, args, options, expected):
expected_name = expected.__class__.__name__
expected_text = inspect.getsource(expected).strip()
except TypeError:
expected_text = str(expected)
output = dict()
got = None
output = api.Command[cmd](*args, **options)
except Exception as e:
got = e
if not expected(got, output):
raise AssertionError(
UNEXPECTED % (cmd, expected_name, args, options,
expected_name, expected_text,
got.__class__.__name__, got)
def check_output(self, nice, cmd, args, options, expected, extra_check):
got = api.Command[cmd](*args, **options)
assert_deepequal(expected, got, nice)
if extra_check and not extra_check(got):
raise AssertionError('Extra check %s failed' % extra_check)
def raises_exact(expected_exception):
"""Check that a specific PublicError is raised
Both type and message of the error are checked.
>>> with raises_exact(errors.ValidationError(name='x', error='y')):
... raise errors.ValidationError(name='x', error='y')
except errors.PublicError as got_exception:
assert type(expected_exception) is type(got_exception)
# FIXME: We should return error information in a structured way.
# For now just compare the strings
assert expected_exception.strerror == got_exception.strerror
raise AssertionError('did not raise!')