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synced 2025-02-25 18:55:28 -06:00
Prevent false positive errors reported by `ipatests/i18n.py` and `ipatests/test_ipalib/test_text.py` when LANGUAGE env variable is set in the environment. Additionally, also set LC_ALL and LC_MESSAGES during checks to further improve the robustness. https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/6512 Reviewed-By: Martin Basti <mbasti@redhat.com>
410 lines
13 KiB
410 lines
13 KiB
# Authors:
# Jason Gerard DeRose <jderose@redhat.com>
# Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat
# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty contextrmation
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Test the `ipalib.text` module.
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
import nose
import six
import pytest
from ipatests.i18n import create_po, po_file_iterate
from ipalib.request import context
from ipalib import text
from ipapython.ipautil import file_exists
if six.PY3:
unicode = str
pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0
singular = '%(count)d goose makes a %(dish)s'
plural = '%(count)d geese make a %(dish)s'
def test_create_translation():
f = text.create_translation
key = ('foo', None)
t = f(key)
assert context.__dict__[key] is t
class test_TestLang(object):
lang_env_vars = {'LC_ALL', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'LANGUAGE', 'LANG'}
def setup_lang(self):
Set all env variables used by gettext to localize translation files
to xh_ZA
self.lang = 'xh_ZA'
self.saved_locale = {
k: v for k, v in os.environ.items() if k in self.lang_env_vars}
{env_var: self.lang for env_var in self.lang_env_vars}
def teardown_lang(self):
Revert the locale settings to original values. If the original env
variable was not set before, it will be popped off os.environ
for env_var in self.lang_env_vars:
if env_var not in self.saved_locale:
os.environ.pop(env_var, None)
def setup(self):
self.tmp_dir = None
self.domain = 'ipa'
self.pot_basename = '%s.pot' % self.domain
self.po_basename = '%s.po' % self.lang
self.mo_basename = '%s.mo' % self.domain
self.tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.locale_dir = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, 'test_locale')
self.msg_dir = os.path.join(self.locale_dir, self.lang, 'LC_MESSAGES')
if not os.path.exists(self.msg_dir):
self.pot_file = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), 'data', self.pot_basename)
self.mo_file = os.path.join(self.msg_dir, self.mo_basename)
self.po_file = os.path.join(self.tmp_dir, self.po_basename)
result = create_po(self.pot_file, self.po_file, self.mo_file)
if result:
raise nose.SkipTest('Unable to create po file "%s" & mo file "%s" from pot file "%s"' %
(self.po_file, self.mo_file, self.pot_file))
if not file_exists(self.po_file):
raise nose.SkipTest(
'Test po file unavailable: {}'.format(self.po_file))
if not file_exists(self.mo_file):
raise nose.SkipTest(
'Test mo file unavailable: {}'.format(self.mo_file))
self.po_file_iterate = po_file_iterate
def teardown(self):
if self.tmp_dir is not None:
def test_test_lang(self):
# The test installs the test message catalog under the xh_ZA
# (e.g. Zambia Xhosa) language by default. It would be nice to
# use a dummy language not associated with any real language,
# but the setlocale function demands the locale be a valid
# known locale, Zambia Xhosa is a reasonable choice :)
# Create a gettext translation object specifying our domain as
# 'ipa' and the locale_dir as 'test_locale' (i.e. where to
# look for the message catalog). Then use that translation
# object to obtain the translation functions.
def get_msgstr(msg):
gt = text.GettextFactory(localedir=self.locale_dir)(msg)
return unicode(gt)
def get_msgstr_plural(singular, plural, count):
ng = text.NGettextFactory(localedir=self.locale_dir)(singular, plural, count)
return ng(count)
result = self.po_file_iterate(self.po_file, get_msgstr, get_msgstr_plural)
assert result == 0
class test_LazyText(object):
klass = text.LazyText
def test_init(self):
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
assert inst.key == ('foo', 'bar')
class test_FixMe(object):
klass = text.FixMe
def test_init(self):
inst = self.klass('user.label')
assert inst.msg == 'user.label'
assert inst.domain is None
assert inst.localedir is None
def test_repr(self):
inst = self.klass('user.label')
assert repr(inst) == "FixMe('user.label')"
def test_unicode(self):
inst = self.klass('user.label')
assert unicode(inst) == u'<user.label>'
assert type(unicode(inst)) is unicode
class test_Gettext(object):
klass = text.Gettext
def test_init(self):
inst = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
assert inst.msg is 'what up?'
assert inst.args == ('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
def test_repr(self):
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
assert repr(inst) == "Gettext('foo', domain='bar', localedir='baz')"
def test_unicode(self):
inst = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
assert unicode(inst) == u'what up?'
def test_mod(self):
inst = self.klass('hello %(adj)s nurse', 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst % dict(adj='naughty', stuff='junk') == 'hello naughty nurse'
def test_eq(self):
inst1 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
inst2 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
inst3 = self.klass('Hello world', 'foo', 'bar')
inst4 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'baz')
assert (inst1 == inst1) is True
assert (inst1 == inst2) is True
assert (inst1 == inst3) is False
assert (inst1 == inst4) is False
# Test with args flipped
assert (inst2 == inst1) is True
assert (inst3 == inst1) is False
assert (inst4 == inst1) is False
def test_ne(self):
inst1 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
inst2 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'bar')
inst3 = self.klass('Hello world', 'foo', 'bar')
inst4 = self.klass('what up?', 'foo', 'baz')
assert (inst1 != inst2) is False
assert (inst1 != inst2) is False
assert (inst1 != inst3) is True
assert (inst1 != inst4) is True
# Test with args flipped
assert (inst2 != inst1) is False
assert (inst3 != inst1) is True
assert (inst4 != inst1) is True
class test_NGettext(object):
klass = text.NGettext
def test_init(self):
inst = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst.singular is singular
assert inst.plural is plural
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
assert inst.args == (singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
def test_repr(self):
inst = self.klass('sig', 'plu', 'foo', 'bar')
assert repr(inst) == \
"NGettext('sig', 'plu', domain='foo', localedir='bar')"
def test_call(self):
inst = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst(0) == plural
assert inst(1) == singular
assert inst(2) == plural
assert inst(3) == plural
def test_mod(self):
inst = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
assert inst % dict(count=0, dish='frown') == '0 geese make a frown'
assert inst % dict(count=1, dish='stew') == '1 goose makes a stew'
assert inst % dict(count=2, dish='pie') == '2 geese make a pie'
def test_eq(self):
inst1 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
inst2 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
inst3 = self.klass(singular, '%(count)d thingies', 'foo', 'bar')
inst4 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'baz')
assert (inst1 == inst1) is True
assert (inst1 == inst2) is True
assert (inst1 == inst3) is False
assert (inst1 == inst4) is False
# Test with args flipped
assert (inst2 == inst1) is True
assert (inst3 == inst1) is False
assert (inst4 == inst1) is False
def test_ne(self):
inst1 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
inst2 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'bar')
inst3 = self.klass(singular, '%(count)d thingies', 'foo', 'bar')
inst4 = self.klass(singular, plural, 'foo', 'baz')
assert (inst1 != inst2) is False
assert (inst1 != inst2) is False
assert (inst1 != inst3) is True
assert (inst1 != inst4) is True
# Test with args flipped
assert (inst2 != inst1) is False
assert (inst3 != inst1) is True
assert (inst4 != inst1) is True
class test_GettextFactory(object):
klass = text.GettextFactory
def test_init(self):
# Test with defaults:
inst = self.klass()
assert inst.domain == 'ipa'
assert inst.localedir is None
# Test with overrides:
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
def test_repr(self):
# Test with defaults:
inst = self.klass()
assert repr(inst) == "GettextFactory(domain='ipa', localedir=None)"
# Test with overrides:
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert repr(inst) == "GettextFactory(domain='foo', localedir='bar')"
def test_call(self):
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
g = inst('what up?')
assert type(g) is text.Gettext
assert g.msg is 'what up?'
assert g.domain == 'foo'
assert g.localedir == 'bar'
class test_NGettextFactory(object):
klass = text.NGettextFactory
def test_init(self):
# Test with defaults:
inst = self.klass()
assert inst.domain == 'ipa'
assert inst.localedir is None
# Test with overrides:
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert inst.domain == 'foo'
assert inst.localedir == 'bar'
def test_repr(self):
# Test with defaults:
inst = self.klass()
assert repr(inst) == "NGettextFactory(domain='ipa', localedir=None)"
# Test with overrides:
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
assert repr(inst) == "NGettextFactory(domain='foo', localedir='bar')"
def test_call(self):
inst = self.klass('foo', 'bar')
ng = inst(singular, plural, 7)
assert type(ng) is text.NGettext
assert ng.singular is singular
assert ng.plural is plural
assert ng.domain == 'foo'
assert ng.localedir == 'bar'
class test_ConcatenatedText(object):
klass = text.ConcatenatedLazyText
def test_init(self):
lst = ['a', 'b', 'c', 3]
inst = self.klass(*lst)
assert inst.components == lst
assert unicode(inst) == 'abc3'
def test_repr(self):
lazytext = text.Gettext('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
inst = self.klass(lazytext)
assert repr(inst) == "ConcatenatedLazyText([%r])" % lazytext
def test_unicode(self):
inst = self.klass('[', text.Gettext('green', 'foo', 'bar'), 1, ']')
assert unicode(inst) == u'[green1]'
def test_mod(self):
inst = self.klass('[', text.Gettext('%(color)s', 'foo', 'bar'), ']')
assert inst % dict(color='red', stuff='junk') == '[red]'
def test_add(self):
inst = (text.Gettext('pale ', 'foo', 'bar') +
text.Gettext('blue', 'foo', 'bar'))
assert unicode(inst) == 'pale blue'
inst = (text.Gettext('bright ', 'foo', 'bar') +
text.Gettext('pale ', 'foo', 'bar') +
text.Gettext('blue', 'foo', 'bar'))
assert unicode(inst) == 'bright pale blue'
inst = text.Gettext('yellow', 'foo', 'bar') + '!'
assert unicode(inst) == 'yellow!'
inst = '!' + text.Gettext('yellow', 'foo', 'bar')
assert unicode(inst) == '!yellow'
inst = '!' + ('!' + text.Gettext('yellow', 'foo', 'bar'))
assert unicode(inst) == '!!yellow'
inst = (text.Gettext('yellow', 'foo', 'bar') + '!') + '!'
assert unicode(inst) == 'yellow!!'