2022-06-14 03:54:19 -05:00
package prefimpl
import (
pref "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/services/preference"
// preferenceKey represents the primarily used index to access
// preferences.
// Preferences are typically either addressed by just OrgID;
// OrgID and UserID; or OrgID and UserID. Since all these IDs are one
// or more, using zero to represent "not relevant" replicates how the
// equivalent database index is structured.
type preferenceKey struct {
OrgID int64
TeamID int64
UserID int64
// inmemStore implements an implementation of store appropriate for
// testing without needing a full SQL database.
type inmemStore struct {
preference map [ preferenceKey ] pref . Preference
idMap map [ int64 ] preferenceKey
nextID int64
func ( s * inmemStore ) Get ( ctx context . Context , preference * pref . Preference ) ( * pref . Preference , error ) {
res , ok := s . preference [ preferenceKey {
OrgID : preference . OrgID ,
TeamID : preference . TeamID ,
UserID : preference . UserID ,
} ]
if ! ok {
return nil , pref . ErrPrefNotFound
return & res , nil
// List returns, in order, preferences relevant to the Organization,
// Org+Teams, and Org+User from the preference argument. The order is
// important, since later elements will override earlier when used
// in GetWithDefaults.
// Global preferences are not stored in the storage, but rather in the
// settings.Cfg structure, and are not returned by List.
func ( s * inmemStore ) List ( ctx context . Context , preference * pref . Preference ) ( [ ] * pref . Preference , error ) {
res := [ ] * pref . Preference { }
// Org
p , ok := s . preference [ preferenceKey {
OrgID : preference . OrgID ,
} ]
if ok {
res = append ( res , & p )
// Org + Teams (teams are numerically ordered)
sort . Slice ( preference . Teams , func ( i , j int ) bool {
return preference . Teams [ i ] < preference . Teams [ j ]
} )
for _ , t := range preference . Teams {
p , ok := s . preference [ preferenceKey {
OrgID : preference . OrgID ,
TeamID : t ,
} ]
if ! ok {
res = append ( res , & p )
// Org + UserID
if preference . UserID != 0 { // avoid adding the org preferences twice
p , ok := s . preference [ preferenceKey {
OrgID : preference . OrgID ,
UserID : preference . UserID ,
} ]
if ok {
res = append ( res , & p )
return res , nil
func ( s * inmemStore ) Insert ( ctx context . Context , preference * pref . Preference ) ( int64 , error ) {
key := preferenceKey {
OrgID : preference . OrgID ,
TeamID : preference . TeamID ,
UserID : preference . UserID ,
var p = * preference
p . ID = s . nextID
s . nextID ++
if _ , exists := s . preference [ key ] ; exists {
return 0 , fmt . Errorf ( "conflict in fake, preference for [orgid=%d, userid=%d, teamid=%d] already exists" , preference . OrgID , preference . UserID , preference . TeamID )
s . preference [ key ] = p
s . idMap [ p . ID ] = key
return p . ID , nil
func ( s * inmemStore ) Update ( ctx context . Context , preference * pref . Preference ) error {
key , ok := s . idMap [ preference . ID ]
if ! ok {
return pref . ErrPrefNotFound
s . preference [ key ] = * preference
return nil
2022-07-15 11:06:44 -05:00
func ( s * inmemStore ) DeleteByUser ( ctx context . Context , userID int64 ) error {
panic ( "not yet implemented" )