
268 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Do not edit this file. It is automatically generated by API Documenter.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
title = "@grafana/ui"
keywords = ["grafana","documentation","sdk","@grafana/ui"]
type = "docs"
## @grafana/ui package
A library containing the different design components of the Grafana ecosystem.
## Classes
| Class | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [ansicolor](./ansicolor/) | Represents an ANSI-escaped string. |
| [BarGauge](./bargauge/) | |
| [BigValue](./bigvalue/) | |
| [Cascader](./cascader/) | |
| [ClickOutsideWrapper](./clickoutsidewrapper/) | |
| [ClipboardButton](./clipboardbutton/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [CustomScrollbar](./customscrollbar/) | Wraps component into <Scrollbars> component from <code>react-custom-scrollbars</code> |
| [ErrorBoundary](./errorboundary/) | |
| [ErrorBoundaryAlert](./errorboundaryalert/) | |
| [Gauge](./gauge/) | |
| [Graph](./graph/) | |
| [GraphSeriesToggler](./graphseriestoggler/) | |
| [JsonExplorer](./jsonexplorer/) | JsonExplorer<!-- -->JsonExplorer allows you to render JSON objects in HTML with a \*\*collapsible\*\* navigation. |
| [JSONFormatter](./jsonformatter/) | |
| [List](./list/) | |
| [ModalsProvider](./modalsprovider/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [PieChart](./piechart/) | |
| [Popover](./popover/) | |
| [PopoverController](./popovercontroller/) | |
| [Portal](./portal/) | |
| [QueryField](./queryfield/) | Renders an editor field. Pass initial value as initialQuery and listen to changes in props.onValueChanged. This component can only process strings. Internally it uses Slate Value. Implement props.onTypeahead to use suggestions, see PromQueryField.tsx as an example. |
| [SetInterval](./setinterval/) | |
| [StatsPicker](./statspicker/) | |
| [TableInputCSV](./tableinputcsv/) | Expects the container div to have size set and will fill it 100% |
| [TagsInput](./tagsinput/) | |
| [ToggleButtonGroup](./togglebuttongroup/) | |
| [UnitPicker](./unitpicker/) | |
| [VizRepeater](./vizrepeater/) | |
## Enumerations
| Enumeration | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [BarGaugeDisplayMode](./bargaugedisplaymode/) | |
| [BigValueColorMode](./bigvaluecolormode/) | |
| [BigValueGraphMode](./bigvaluegraphmode/) | |
| [BigValueJustifyMode](./bigvaluejustifymode/) | |
| [CompletionItemKind](./completionitemkind/) | |
| [EventsWithValidation](./eventswithvalidation/) | |
| [LegacyInputStatus](./legacyinputstatus/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [LegendDisplayMode](./legenddisplaymode/) | |
| [PieChartType](./piecharttype/) | |
| [TableCellDisplayMode](./tablecelldisplaymode/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
## Functions
| Function | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [AsyncMultiSelect(props)](./asyncmultiselect/) | |
| [AsyncSelect(props)](./asyncselect/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [BracesPlugin()](./bracesplugin/) | |
| [ButtonSelect({ placeholder, icon, variant, size, className, disabled, ...selectProps })](./buttonselect/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [calculateFontSize(text, width, height, lineHeight, maxSize)](./calculatefontsize/) | |
| [ClearPlugin()](./clearplugin/) | |
| [ClipboardPlugin()](./clipboardplugin/) | |
| [convertOldAngularValueMapping(panel)](./convertoldangularvaluemapping/) | Convert the angular single stat mapping to new react style |
| [FadeTransition(props)](./fadetransition/) | |
| [Form({ defaultValues, onSubmit, validateOnMount, validateFieldsOnMount, children, validateOn, maxWidth, })](./form/) | |
| [getTagColor(index)](./gettagcolor/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [getTagColorsFromName(name)](./gettagcolorsfromname/) | Returns tag badge background and border colors based on hashed tag name. |
| [IndentationPlugin()](./indentationplugin/) | |
| [measureText(text, fontSize)](./measuretext/) | |
| [MultiSelect(props)](./multiselect/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [NewlinePlugin()](./newlineplugin/) | |
| [RadioButtonGroup({ options, value, onChange, disabled, disabledOptions, size, fullWidth, })](./radiobuttongroup/) | |
| [renderOrCallToRender(itemToRender, props)](./renderorcalltorender/) | Given react node or function returns element accordingly |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [resetSelectStyles()](./resetselectstyles/) | |
| [RunnerPlugin({ handler })](./runnerplugin/) | |
| [Segment({ options, value, onChange, Component, className, allowCustomValue, placeholder, })](./segment/) | |
| [SegmentAsync({ value, onChange, loadOptions, Component, className, allowCustomValue, placeholder, })](./segmentasync/) | |
| [SegmentInput({ value: initialValue, onChange, Component, className, placeholder, autofocus, })](./segmentinput/) | |
| [SegmentSelect({ value, options, onChange, onClickOutside, width, noOptionsMessage, allowCustomValue, })](./segmentselect/) | |
| [Select(props)](./select/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [SelectionShortcutsPlugin()](./selectionshortcutsplugin/) | |
| [SelectValueEditor({ value, onChange, item, })](./selectvalueeditor/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [sharedSingleStatMigrationHandler(panel)](./sharedsinglestatmigrationhandler/) | |
| [sharedSingleStatPanelChangedHandler(panel, prevPluginId, prevOptions)](./sharedsinglestatpanelchangedhandler/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [SlatePrism(optsParam)](./slateprism/) | A Slate plugin to highlight code syntax. |
| [SlideOutTransition(props)](./slideouttransition/) | |
| [stylesFactory(stylesCreator)](./stylesfactory/) | Creates memoized version of styles creator |
| [SuggestionsPlugin({ onTypeahead, cleanText, onWillApplySuggestion, portalOrigin, })](./suggestionsplugin/) | |
| [useTheme()](./usetheme/) | |
| [ValuePicker({ label, icon, options, onChange, variant, size, isFullWidth, })](./valuepicker/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
## Interfaces
| Interface | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [BigValueSparkline](./bigvaluesparkline/) | |
| [CascaderOption](./cascaderoption/) | |
| [CompletionItem](./completionitem/) | |
| [CompletionItemGroup](./completionitemgroup/) | |
| [ContextMenuGroup](./contextmenugroup/) | |
| [ContextMenuItem](./contextmenuitem/) | |
| [ContextMenuProps](./contextmenuprops/) | |
| [GraphSeriesTogglerAPI](./graphseriestogglerapi/) | |
| [GraphTooltipOptions](./graphtooltipoptions/) | |
| [LegendBasicOptions](./legendbasicoptions/) | |
| [LegendItem](./legenditem/) | |
| [LegendOptions](./legendoptions/) | |
| [LegendRenderOptions](./legendrenderoptions/) | |
| [SingleStatBaseOptions](./singlestatbaseoptions/) | |
| [StyleProps](./styleprops/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [SuggestionsState](./suggestionsstate/) | |
| [Themeable](./themeable/) | |
| [Token](./token/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [TypeaheadInput](./typeaheadinput/) | |
| [TypeaheadOutput](./typeaheadoutput/) | |
| [ValidationEvents](./validationevents/) | |
| [ValidationRule](./validationrule/) | |
| [VizRepeaterRenderValueProps](./vizrepeaterrendervalueprops/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
## Namespaces
| Namespace | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [DOMUtil](./domutil/) | |
| [RadioButtonGroup](./radiobuttongroup/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [styleMixins](./stylemixins/) | |
## Variables
| Variable | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [Alert](./alert/) | |
| [ALERTING\_COLOR](./alerting_color/) | |
| [AlphaNotice](./alphanotice/) | |
| [Button](./button/) | |
| [ButtonCascader](./buttoncascader/) | |
| [CallToActionCard](./calltoactioncard/) | |
| [Chart](./chart/) | |
| [Checkbox](./checkbox/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [Collapse](./collapse/) | |
| [ColorPicker](./colorpicker/) | |
| [colors](./colors/) | |
| [ConfirmButton](./confirmbutton/) | |
| [ConfirmModal](./confirmmodal/) | |
| [Container](./container/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [ContextMenu](./contextmenu/) | |
| [ControlledCollapse](./controlledcollapse/) | |
| [Counter](./counter/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [DataLinkInput](./datalinkinput/) | |
| [DataLinksContextMenu](./datalinkscontextmenu/) | |
| [DataLinksInlineEditor](./datalinksinlineeditor/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [DataSourceHttpSettings](./datasourcehttpsettings/) | |
| [DEFAULT\_ANNOTATION\_COLOR](./default_annotation_color/) | |
| [DeleteButton](./deletebutton/) | |
| [Drawer](./drawer/) | |
| [EmptySearchResult](./emptysearchresult/) | |
| [ErrorWithStack](./errorwithstack/) | |
| [Field](./field/) | |
| [FieldConfigItemHeaderTitle](./fieldconfigitemheadertitle/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [fieldMatchersUI](./fieldmatchersui/) | |
| [Forms](./forms/) | |
| [FullWidthButtonContainer](./fullwidthbuttoncontainer/) | |
| [getAvailableIcons](./getavailableicons/) | |
| [getButtonStyles](./getbuttonstyles/) | |
| [getFormStyles](./getformstyles/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [getLogRowStyles](./getlogrowstyles/) | |
| [getStandardFieldConfigs](./getstandardfieldconfigs/) | Returns collection of common field config properties definitions |
| [getStandardOptionEditors](./getstandardoptioneditors/) | Returns collection of standard option editors definitions |
| [getStandardTransformers](./getstandardtransformers/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [getTheme](./gettheme/) | |
| [GraphContextMenu](./graphcontextmenu/) | |
| [GraphLegend](./graphlegend/) | |
| [graphTimeFormat](./graphtimeformat/) | |
| [graphTimeFormatter](./graphtimeformatter/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [GraphWithLegend](./graphwithlegend/) | |
| [hasValidationEvent](./hasvalidationevent/) | |
| [HorizontalGroup](./horizontalgroup/) | |
| [Icon](./icon/) | |
| [IconButton](./iconbutton/) | |
| [InlineFormLabel](./inlineformlabel/) | |
| [Input](./input/) | |
| [Label](./label/) | |
| [LegacyForms](./legacyforms/) | |
| [Legend](./legend/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [LegendList](./legendlist/) | |
| [LegendTable](./legendtable/) | |
| [LinkButton](./linkbutton/) | |
| [linkModelToContextMenuItems](./linkmodeltocontextmenuitems/) | Delays creating links until we need to open the ContextMenu |
| [LoadingPlaceholder](./loadingplaceholder/) | |
| [LogLabels](./loglabels/) | |
| [LogRows](./logrows/) | |
| [makeFragment](./makefragment/) | |
| [makeValue](./makevalue/) | |
| [mockTheme](./mocktheme/) | |
| [mockThemeContext](./mockthemecontext/) | Enables theme context mocking |
| [Modal](./modal/) | |
| [ModalHeader](./modalheader/) | |
| [ModalRoot](./modalroot/) | |
| [ModalsController](./modalscontroller/) | |
| [ModalTabContent](./modaltabcontent/) | |
| [ModalTabsHeader](./modaltabsheader/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [NO\_DATA\_COLOR](./no_data_color/) | |
| [NumberValueEditor](./numbervalueeditor/) | |
| [OK\_COLOR](./ok_color/) | |
| [Pagination](./pagination/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [PALETTE\_COLUMNS](./palette_columns/) | |
| [PALETTE\_ROWS](./palette_rows/) | |
| [PanelOptionsGrid](./paneloptionsgrid/) | |
| [PanelOptionsGroup](./paneloptionsgroup/) | |
| [PENDING\_COLOR](./pending_color/) | |
| [RefreshPicker](./refreshpicker/) | |
| [regexValidation](./regexvalidation/) | |
| [REGION\_FILL\_ALPHA](./region_fill_alpha/) | |
| [SCHEMA](./schema/) | |
| [selectThemeVariant](./selectthemevariant/) | |
| [SeriesColorPicker](./seriescolorpicker/) | |
| [SeriesColorPickerPopover](./seriescolorpickerpopover/) | |
| [SeriesColorPickerPopoverWithTheme](./seriescolorpickerpopoverwiththeme/) | |
| [SeriesIcon](./seriesicon/) | |
| [Slider](./slider/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [sortedColors](./sortedcolors/) | |
| [Spinner](./spinner/) | |
| [StringValueEditor](./stringvalueeditor/) | |
| [Switch](./switch/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [Tab](./tab/) | |
| [TabContent](./tabcontent/) | |
| [Table](./table/) | |
| [TabsBar](./tabsbar/) | |
| [Tag](./tag/) | |
| [TagList](./taglist/) | |
| [TextArea](./textarea/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [ThemeContext](./themecontext/) | |
| [TimeOfDayPicker](./timeofdaypicker/) | |
| [TimeRangePicker](./timerangepicker/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [ToggleButton](./togglebutton/) | |
| [Tooltip](./tooltip/) | |
| [validate](./validate/) | |
| [VerticalGroup](./verticalgroup/) | |
| [withTheme](./withtheme/) | |
## Type Aliases
| Type Alias | Description |
| --- | --- |
| [AlertVariant](./alertvariant/) | |
| [ButtonProps](./buttonprops/) | |
| [ButtonVariant](./buttonvariant/) | |
| [FormAPI](./formapi/) | |
| [FormInputSize](./forminputsize/) | |
| [IconName](./iconname/) | |
| [IconSize](./iconsize/) | |
| [IconType](./icontype/) | |
Docs: adding first version of the auto-generated packages API docs. (#22107) * trying out api-extractor. * works with our setup of build. * wip. * changed the packages so it works better with the api-extractor. * Changes to make the api-extractor to work. * cleaned up the api-extractor config files. * added some more documentation. * added tsdoc-metadata to gitignore. * removed the generated docs (will do that in another PR). * added execute permission to script for generating dosc. * added so we will push generated docs to branch. * will clean packages_api on abort. * Fixed failing tests. * fixed formatting issue with typedoc comment. * temporarily disabled tslint rules about namespace until is resolved * temporary enabled bable namespaces. * updated build script. * updated script. * updated script with some colors. * changed to camelCase. * removed spacing. * Starting to add documentation guidelines. * added examples headline. * added menu options. * added parameters and return values. * Fixed merge error. * Added first version of auto-generated docs. * changed so we use the eslint ignore syntax. * changed to correct eslint ingnore comment. * fixed some spelling errors reported by codespell. * added script to generate docs in current folder. * updated api docs. * lerna bootstrap. * added eror to the ingore words list. * removed file that should be ignored. * updated locKFILE. * referenced the code comments guidelines. * updated packages. * updated deps. * updated the autogenerated dosc. * adding missing new line.
2020-02-26 03:03:53 -06:00
| [LegendPlacement](./legendplacement/) | |
| [PopoverContent](./popovercontent/) | |
| [Renderable](./renderable/) | |
| [RenderFunction](./renderfunction/) | |