A playlist displays a list of dashboards that are in a sequence. Use a playlist to build situational awareness or to present your metrics to your team or visitors. Grafana automatically scales dashboards to any resolution, which makes them perfect for big screens. This topic has the following sections:
The playlist displays each dashboard for the time specified in the `Interval` field, set when creating or editing a playlist. Once a playlist starts, you can [control](#control-a-playlist) it using the navbar at the top of your screen.
| Normal mode | <ul><li>The side menu remains visible.</li></ul><ul><li>The navbar, row, and panel controls appear at the top of the screen.</li></ul> |
| TV mode | <ul><li>The side menu and dashboard submenu (including variable drop-downs and dashboard links) are hidden or removed.</li></ul><ul><li>The navbar, row, and panel controls appear at the top of the screen.</li></ul><ul><li>Enabled automatically after one minute of user inactivity.</li></ul><ul><li>Enable it manually using the `d v` sequence shortcut, or by appending the parameter `?inactive` to the dashboard URL.</li></ul><ul><li>Disable it with any mouse movement or keyboard action.</li></ul> |
| TV mode (with auto fit panels) | <ul><li>The side menu and dashboard submenu (including variable drop-downs and dashboard links) are hidden or removed.</li></ul><ul><li>The navbar, row and panel controls appear at the top of the screen.</li></ul><ul><li>Dashboard panels automatically adjust to optimize space on screen.</li></ul><ul> |
| Kiosk mode | <ul><li>The side menu, navbar, ro and panel controls are completely hidden/removed from view.</li></ul><ul><li>You can enable it manually using the `d v` sequence shortcut after the playlist has started.</li></ul><ul><li>You can disable it manually with the same shortcut.</li></ul> |
| Kiosk mode (with auto fit panels) | <ul><li>The side menu, navbar, row, and panel controls are completely hidden/removed from view.</li></ul><ul><li>Dashboard panels automatically adjust to optimize space on screen.</li></ul> |
You can control a playlist in **Normal** or **TV** mode after it's started, using the navigation bar at the top of your screen. Press the Esc key in your keyboard to stop the playlist.
| Next (double-right arrow) | Advances to the next dashboard. |
| Back (left arrow) | Returns to the previous dashboard. |
| Stop (square) | Ends the playlist, and exits to the current dashboard. |
| Cycle view mode (monitor icon) | Rotates the display of the dashboards in different view modes. |
| Time range | Displays data within a time range. It can be set to display the last 5 minutes up to 5 years ago, or a custom time range, using the down arrow. |
| Refresh (circle arrow) | Reloads the dashboard, to display the current data. It can be set to reload automatically every 5 seconds to 1 day, using the drop-down arrow. |
1. In the **Interval** text box, enter a time interval. Grafana displays a particular dashboard for the interval of time specified here before moving on to the next dashboard.
1. In Dashboards, add existing dashboards to the playlist using **Add by title** and **Add by tag** drop-down options. The dashboards you add are listed in a sequential order.
1. If needed:
- Search for a dashboard by its name, a regular expression, or a tag.
- Filter your results by starred status or tags.
1. If needed, rearrange the order of the dashboard you have added using the up and down arrow icon.
1. Optionally, remove a dashboard from the playlist by clicking the x icon beside dashboard.
You can edit a playlist by updating its name, interval time, and by adding, removing, and rearranging the order of dashboards. On the rare occasion when you no longer need a playlist, you can delete it.