2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
## This is a self-documented Makefile. For usage information, run `make help`:
## For more information, refer to https://suva.sh/posts/well-documented-makefiles/
2018-05-07 05:32:18 -05:00
-include local/Makefile
2020-06-11 09:14:05 -05:00
.PHONY: all deps-go deps-js deps build-go build-server build-cli build-js build build-docker-dev build-docker-full lint-go gosec revive golangci-lint go-vet test-go test-js test run run-frontend clean devenv devenv-down revive-strict protobuf help
2019-05-15 16:29:26 -05:00
2019-07-18 04:11:05 -05:00
GO = GO111MODULE=on go
GO_FILES ?= ./pkg/...
2019-07-23 05:12:33 -05:00
SH_FILES ?= $(shell find ./scripts -name *.sh)
2019-03-27 11:53:49 -05:00
2016-04-25 11:44:26 -05:00
all: deps build
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
##@ Dependencies
deps-go: ## Install backend dependencies.
2019-07-11 13:55:35 -05:00
$(GO) run build.go setup
2016-10-11 01:51:44 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
deps-js: node_modules ## Install frontend dependencies.
deps: deps-js ## Install all dependencies.
node_modules: package.json yarn.lock ## Install node modules.
@echo "install frontend dependencies"
yarn install --pure-lockfile --no-progress
2016-04-25 11:44:26 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
##@ Building
2016-10-11 01:51:44 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
build-go: ## Build all Go binaries.
2019-03-27 11:53:49 -05:00
@echo "build go files"
2019-07-11 13:55:35 -05:00
$(GO) run build.go build
2016-10-11 01:51:44 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
build-server: ## Build Grafana server.
2019-03-27 11:53:49 -05:00
@echo "build server"
2019-07-11 13:55:35 -05:00
$(GO) run build.go build-server
2018-03-06 16:59:45 -06:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
build-cli: ## Build Grafana CLI application.
2019-03-27 11:53:49 -05:00
@echo "build in CI environment"
2019-07-11 13:55:35 -05:00
$(GO) run build.go build-cli
2018-03-06 16:59:45 -06:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
build-js: ## Build frontend assets.
2019-03-27 11:53:49 -05:00
@echo "build frontend"
2018-03-06 16:59:45 -06:00
yarn run build
2020-05-18 03:22:45 -05:00
yarn run plugins:build-bundled
2016-04-25 11:44:26 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
build: build-go build-js ## Build backend and frontend.
2016-10-11 01:51:44 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
scripts/go/bin/bra: scripts/go/go.mod
@cd scripts/go; \
$(GO) build -o ./bin/bra github.com/unknwon/bra
2018-08-02 10:42:28 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
run: scripts/go/bin/bra ## Build and run web server on filesystem changes.
@GO111MODULE=on scripts/go/bin/bra run
2018-04-20 13:28:52 -05:00
2019-11-12 04:08:40 -06:00
run-frontend: deps-js ## Fetch js dependencies and watch frontend for rebuild
yarn start
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
##@ Testing
test-go: ## Run tests for backend.
2019-03-27 11:53:49 -05:00
@echo "test backend"
2019-07-11 13:55:35 -05:00
$(GO) test -v ./pkg/...
2016-10-11 01:51:44 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
test-js: ## Run tests for frontend.
2019-03-27 11:53:49 -05:00
@echo "test frontend"
2018-03-06 16:59:45 -06:00
yarn test
2016-04-25 11:44:26 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
test: test-go test-js ## Run all tests.
2016-10-11 01:51:44 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
##@ Linting
2019-05-15 16:29:26 -05:00
scripts/go/bin/revive: scripts/go/go.mod
@cd scripts/go; \
$(GO) build -o ./bin/revive github.com/mgechev/revive
revive: scripts/go/bin/revive
2019-07-02 08:06:59 -05:00
@echo "lint via revive"
2019-05-15 16:29:26 -05:00
@scripts/go/bin/revive \
-formatter stylish \
-config ./scripts/go/configs/revive.toml \
2020-06-11 09:14:05 -05:00
revive-strict: scripts/go/bin/revive
@echo "lint via revive (strict)"
2019-06-03 03:25:58 -05:00
@scripts/go/bin/revive \
-formatter stylish \
2020-04-16 09:09:27 -05:00
-config ./scripts/go/configs/revive-strict.toml \
2020-06-11 09:14:05 -05:00
-exclude ./pkg/plugins/backendplugin/pluginextensionv2/... \
2020-04-11 14:07:07 -05:00
./pkg/services/alerting/... \
2020-04-15 01:12:52 -05:00
./pkg/services/provisioning/datasources/... \
2020-06-11 09:14:05 -05:00
./pkg/services/provisioning/dashboards/... \
2019-06-03 03:25:58 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint: scripts/go/go.mod
@cd scripts/go; \
$(GO) build -o ./bin/golangci-lint github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint
golangci-lint: scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint
@echo "lint via golangci-lint"
@scripts/go/bin/golangci-lint run \
--config ./scripts/go/configs/.golangci.yml \
scripts/go/bin/gosec: scripts/go/go.mod
@cd scripts/go; \
$(GO) build -o ./bin/gosec github.com/securego/gosec/cmd/gosec
2019-06-07 08:42:08 -05:00
# TODO recheck the rules and leave only necessary exclusions
gosec: scripts/go/bin/gosec
2019-07-02 08:06:59 -05:00
@echo "lint via gosec"
2019-06-07 08:42:08 -05:00
@scripts/go/bin/gosec -quiet \
2019-10-16 03:52:51 -05:00
-exclude=G104,G107,G108,G201,G202,G204,G301,G304,G401,G402,G501 \
2019-06-07 08:42:08 -05:00
-conf=./scripts/go/configs/gosec.json \
2019-07-02 08:06:59 -05:00
@echo "lint via go vet"
2019-07-11 13:55:35 -05:00
@$(GO) vet $(GO_FILES)
2019-07-02 08:06:59 -05:00
2020-06-11 09:14:05 -05:00
lint-go: go-vet golangci-lint revive revive-strict gosec ## Run all code checks for backend.
2019-07-02 08:06:59 -05:00
2019-07-23 05:12:33 -05:00
# with disabled SC1071 we are ignored some TCL,Expect `/usr/bin/env expect` scripts
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
shellcheck: $(SH_FILES) ## Run checks for shell scripts.
2019-07-23 05:12:33 -05:00
@docker run --rm -v "$$PWD:/mnt" koalaman/shellcheck:stable \
2019-10-02 03:11:15 -05:00
$(SH_FILES) -e SC1071 -e SC2162
2019-07-23 05:12:33 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
##@ Docker
build-docker-dev: ## Build Docker image for development (fast).
@echo "build development container"
@echo "\033[92mInfo:\033[0m the frontend code is expected to be built already."
$(GO) run build.go -goos linux -pkg-arch amd64 ${OPT} build pkg-archive latest
cp dist/grafana-latest.linux-x64.tar.gz packaging/docker
cd packaging/docker && docker build --tag grafana/grafana:dev .
build-docker-full: ## Build Docker image for development.
@echo "build docker container"
docker build --tag grafana/grafana:dev .
##@ Services
2019-07-02 08:06:59 -05:00
2019-05-24 20:38:01 -05:00
# create docker-compose file with provided sources and start them
# example: make devenv sources=postgres,openldap
2019-05-28 11:32:14 -05:00
ifeq ($(sources),)
@printf 'You have to define sources for this command \nexample: make devenv sources=postgres,openldap\n'
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
devenv: devenv-down ## Start optional services, e.g. postgres, prometheus, and elasticsearch.
2019-05-24 20:38:01 -05:00
$(eval targets := $(shell echo '$(sources)' | tr "," " "))
@cd devenv; \
2019-05-28 11:32:14 -05:00
./create_docker_compose.sh $(targets) || \
2019-07-16 01:16:11 -05:00
(rm -rf {docker-compose.yaml,conf.tmp,.env}; exit 1)
2019-05-28 11:32:14 -05:00
@cd devenv; \
2019-06-03 13:09:29 -05:00
docker-compose up -d --build
2019-05-28 11:32:14 -05:00
2019-05-24 20:38:01 -05:00
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
devenv-down: ## Stop optional services.
2019-05-28 11:32:14 -05:00
@cd devenv; \
2019-05-28 12:08:27 -05:00
test -f docker-compose.yaml && \
docker-compose down || exit 0;
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
##@ Helpers
2020-04-21 09:16:41 -05:00
# We separate the protobuf generation because most development tasks on
# Grafana do not involve changing protobuf files and protoc is not a
# go-gettable dependency and so getting it installed can be inconvenient.
# If you are working on changes to protobuf interfaces you may either use
# this target or run the individual scripts below directly.
protobuf: ## Compile protobuf definitions
bash scripts/protobuf-check.sh
bash pkg/plugins/backendplugin/pluginextensionv2/generate.sh
2019-10-22 09:03:22 -05:00
clean: ## Clean up intermediate build artifacts.
@echo "cleaning"
rm -rf node_modules
rm -rf public/build
help: ## Display this help.
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)