This topic includes the release notes for Grafana v7.3. For all details, read the full [](
Another new feature that can be seen in the image above is the new image cell display mode. If you have a field value that is an image URL or a base64 encoded image you can configure the table to display it as an image.
A new standard field [color scheme]({{< relref "../panels/field-options/" >}}) option has been added. This new option will provide a unified way for all new panels to specify how colors should be assigned.
* **Single color**: Specify a single color, useful in an override rule.
* **From thresholds**: Informs Grafana to take the color from the matching threshold.
* **Classic palette**: Grafana will assign color by looking up a color in a palette by series index. Useful for Graphs and pie charts and other categorical data visualizations.
* **Green-Yellow-Red (by value)**: This is a continuous color scheme where Grafana will interpolate a color based on the value being displayed and the field min & max values.
* **Blue-Yellow-Red (by value)**: Same as above but different colors.
* **Blues (by value)**: Same as above but color scheme go from panel background to blue.
As you can see this adds new continuous color schemes where Grafana will interpolate colors. A great use of these new color schemes is the table panel where you can color the background and get a heatmap like effect.
{{<figuresrc="/img/docs/v73/table_color_scheme.png"max-width="900px"caption="table color scheme">}}
Another thing to highlight is that all these new color schemes are theme aware and adapt to the current theme. For example here is how the new monochrome color scheme look like in the light theme:
{{<figuresrc="/img/docs/v73/table_color_scheme_mono_light.png"max-width="900px"caption="table color monochrome scheme">}}
As this new option is a standard field option it works in every panel. Here is another example from the [Bar Gauge]({{< relref "../panels/visualizations/" >}}) panel.
{{<figuresrc="/img/docs/v73/bar_gauge_gradient_color_scheme.png"max-width="900px"caption="bar gauge color scheme">}}
The updated Google Cloud monitoring data source is shipped with pre-configured dashboards for five of the most popular Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services:
To import the pre-configured dashboards, go to the configuration page of your Google Cloud Monitoring data source and click on the `Dashboards` tab. Click `Import` for the dashboard you would like to use. To customize the dashboard, we recommend to save the dashboard under a different name, because otherwise the dashboard will be overwritten when a new version of the dashboard is released.
For more details, see the [Google Cloud Monitoring docs]({{<relref "../datasources/cloudmonitoring/#out-of-the-box-dashboards">}})
This is an amazing new feature that was created in cooperation with one of our community members. The new share shortened link capability allows you to create smaller and simpler URLs of the format `/goto/:uid` instead of using longer URLs that can contain complex query parameters. In Explore, you can create a shortened link by clicking on the share button in Explore toolbar. In the dashboards, a shortened url option is available through the share panel or dashboard button.
## SigV4 authentication for AWS users
You can now configure your Elasticsearch data source to access your Amazon Elasticsearch Service domain directly from Grafana.
For more details, refer to the [Elasticsearch docs]({{<relref "../datasources/elasticsearch/#aws-signature-version-4-authentication">}}).
Thanks to a contribution from a community member, it's now possible to chain multiple pipeline aggregations together and use the results of one pipeline aggregation as the input of another. This unleashes the full power of Elasticsearch's pipeline aggregations in Grafana, allowing users to perform high order derivatives or use a pipeline aggregation result as a variable for a Bucket Script Aggregation.
Auditing tracks important changes to your Grafana instance to help you manage and mitigate suspicious activity and meet compliance requirements. Grafana logs events (as JSON) to file or directly to [loki](/oss/loki/).
For more details, see the [Auditing docs]({{<relref "../enterprise/">}}).
### Data source usage insights
Data source usage insights allows you to gain insight into how a data source is being used and how well it works. There is a new tab in the data source settings page called insights that will show you information about how the data source has been used in the past 30 days.
- Queries per day
- Errors per day
- Average load duration per day (ms)
### SAML single logout
SAML’s single logout (SLO) capability allows users to log out from all applications associated with the current identity provider (IdP) session established via SAML SSO. For more information, refer to the [docs]({{<relref "../enterprise/saml/#single-logout">}}).
### SAML IdP-initiated single sign on
IdP-initiated single sign on (SSO) allows the user to log in directly from the SAML identity provider (IdP). It is disabled by default for security reasons. For more information, refer to the [docs]({{<relref "../enterprise/saml/#idp-initiated-single-sign-on-sso">}}).
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