You can share a panel as a direct link, as a snapshot or as an embedded link. You can also create library panels using the “Share” option for any panel.
- **tz:** timezone in the format `UTC%2BHH%3AMM` where HH and MM are offset in hours and minutes after UTC
- **timeout:** number of seconds. The timeout can be increased if the query for the panel needs more than the default 30 seconds.
- **scale:** numeric value to configure device scale factor. Default is 1. Use a higher value to produce more detailed images (higher DPI). Supported in Grafana v7.0+.
A panel snapshot shares an interactive panel publicly. Grafana strips sensitive data leaving only the visible metric data and series names embedded into your dashboard. Panel snapshots can be accessed by anyone with the link.
You can publish snapshots to your local instance or to []( The latter is a free service provided by [Grafana Labs](, that allows you to publish dashboard snapshots to an external Grafana instance. You can optionally set an expiration time if you want the snapshot to be removed after a certain time period.
{{<figuresrc="/static/img/docs/library-panels/create-lib-panel-8-0.png"class="docs-image--no-shadow"max-width="900px"caption="Screenshot of the create library panel dialog">}}
1. In **Library panel name**, enter the name.
1. In **Save in folder**, select the folder to save the library panel. By default, the General folder is selected.
1. Click **Create library panel** to save your changes.