Grafana includes support for Prometheus Datasources. While the process of adding the datasource is similar to adding a Graphite or OpenTSDB datasource type, Prometheus does have a few different options for building queries.
> Proxy access means that the Grafana backend will proxy all requests from the browser, and send them on to the Data Source. This is useful because it can eliminate CORS (Cross Origin Site Resource) issues, as well as eliminate the need to disseminate authentication details to the Data Source to the browser.
> Direct access is still supported because in some cases it may be useful to access a Data Source directly depending on the use case and topology of Grafana, the user, and the Data Source.
## Query editor
Open a graph in edit mode by click the title.

For details on Prometheus metric queries check out the Prometheus documentation
Prometheus Datasource Plugin provides the following functions in `Variables values query` field in Templating Editor to query `metric names` and `labels names` on the Prometheus server.
Name | Description
------- | --------
`label_values(label)` | Returns a list of label values for the `label` in every metric.
`label_values(metric, label)` | Returns a list of label values for the `label` in the specified metric.
`metrics(metric)` | Returns a list of metrics matching the specified `metric` regex.
For details of `metric names`&`label names`, and `label values`, please refer to the [Prometheus documentation](