2021-05-19 01:16:05 -05:00
import React , { FunctionComponent , useMemo } from 'react' ;
import { SelectableValue } from '@grafana/data' ;
import { RadioButtonGroup } from '@grafana/ui' ;
import { MetricDescriptor , MetricKind , MetricQuery , PreprocessorType , ValueTypes } from '../types' ;
import { getAlignmentPickerData } from '../functions' ;
import { QueryEditorRow } from '.' ;
const NONE_OPTION = { label : 'None' , value : PreprocessorType.None } ;
export interface Props {
metricDescriptor? : MetricDescriptor ;
onChange : ( query : MetricQuery ) = > void ;
query : MetricQuery ;
export const Preprocessor : FunctionComponent < Props > = ( { query , metricDescriptor , onChange } ) = > {
const options = useOptions ( metricDescriptor ) ;
return (
< QueryEditorRow
label = "Pre-processing"
tooltip = "Preprocessing options are displayed when the selected metric has a metric kind of delta or cumulative. The specific options available are determined by the metic's value type. If you select 'Rate', data points are aligned and converted to a rate per time series. If you select 'Delta', data points are aligned by their delta (difference) per time series"
< RadioButtonGroup
onChange = { ( value : PreprocessorType ) = > {
const { valueType , metricKind , perSeriesAligner : psa } = query ;
const { perSeriesAligner } = getAlignmentPickerData ( valueType , metricKind , psa , value ) ;
onChange ( { . . . query , preprocessor : value , perSeriesAligner } ) ;
} }
value = { query . preprocessor ? ? PreprocessorType . None }
options = { options }
> < / RadioButtonGroup >
< / QueryEditorRow >
) ;
} ;
2021-07-23 09:33:53 -05:00
const useOptions = ( metricDescriptor? : MetricDescriptor ) : Array < SelectableValue < PreprocessorType > > = > {
2021-05-19 01:16:05 -05:00
const metricKind = metricDescriptor ? . metricKind ;
const valueType = metricDescriptor ? . valueType ;
return useMemo ( ( ) = > {
if ( ! metricKind || metricKind === MetricKind . GAUGE || valueType === ValueTypes . DISTRIBUTION ) {
return [ NONE_OPTION ] ;
const options = [
label : 'Rate' ,
value : PreprocessorType.Rate ,
description : 'Data points are aligned and converted to a rate per time series' ,
} ,
] ;
return metricKind === MetricKind . CUMULATIVE
? [
. . . options ,
label : 'Delta' ,
value : PreprocessorType.Delta ,
description : 'Data points are aligned by their delta (difference) per time series' ,
} ,
: options ;
} , [ metricKind , valueType ] ) ;
} ;