> NOTE: If you're not seeing the `Data Sources` link in your side menu it means that your current user does not have the `Admin` role for the current organization.
Proxy access means that the Grafana backend will proxy all requests from the browser, and send them on to the Data Source. This is useful because it can eliminate CORS (Cross Origin Site Resource) issues, as well as eliminate the need to disseminate authentication to the browser.
Be sure to specify your Elasticsearch version in the version selection dropdown. This is very important as there are differences how queries are composed. Currently only 2.x and 5.x
The Elasticsearch query editor allows you to select multiple metrics and group by multiple terms or filters. Use the plus and minus icons to the right to add/remove
metrics or group by clauses. Some metrics and group by clauses haves options, click the option text to expand the row to view and edit metric or group by options.
Some metric aggregations are called Pipeline aggregations, for example, *Moving Average* and *Derivative*. Elasticsearch pipeline metrics require another metric to be based on. Use the eye icon next to the metric to hide metrics from appearing in the graph. This is useful for metrics you only have in the query for use in a pipeline metric.
The Elasticsearch data source supports two types of queries you can use in the *Query* field of *Query* variables. The query is written using a custom JSON string.
*{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "size": 1000}* | Returns a list of values for a field using term aggregation. Query will user current dashboard time range as time range for query.
*{"find": "terms", "field": "@hostname", "query": '<lucenequery>'}* | Returns a list of values for a field using term aggregation & and a specified lucene query filter. Query will use current dashboard time range as time range for query.
In the above example, we use another variable named `$source` inside the query definition. Whenever you change, via the dropdown, the current value of the ` $source` variable, it will trigger an update of the `$host` variable so it now only contains hostnames filtered by in this case the
Why two ways? The first syntax is easier to read and write but does not allow you to use a variable in the middle of a word. When the *Multi-value* or *Include all value*
options are enabled, Grafana converts the labels from plain text to a lucene compatible condition.
In the above example, we have a lucene query that filters documents based on the `@hostname` property using a variable named `$hostname`. It is also using
It's now possible to configure datasources using config files with Grafanas provisioning system. You can read more about how it works and all the settings you can set for datasources on the [provisioning docs page](/administration/provisioning/#datasources)