Text entered in this field is displayed at the top of your panel in the panel editor and in the dashboard. You can use [variables you have defined]({{< relref "../variables/_index.md" >}}) in either field, but not [global variables]({{< relref "../variables/variable-types/global-variables.md" >}}).
## Description
Text entered in this field is displayed in a tooltip in the upper left corner of the panel. Write a description of the panel and the data you are displaying. Pretend you are explaining it to a new user six months from now, when it is no longer fresh in your mind. Future editors (possibly yourself) will thank you.
You can use [variables you have defined]({{< relref "../variables/_index.md" >}}) in either field, but not [global variables]({{< relref "../variables/variable-types/global-variables.md" >}}).
## Transparent background
Toggle the transparent background option on your panel display.
## Panel links
For more information, refer to [Panel links]({{< relref "../linking/panel-links.md" >}}).
## Repeat options
For more information, refer to [Repeat panels or rows]({{< relref "./repeat-panels-or-rows.md" >}}).