Grafana supports data source, panel, and app plugins. Having panels as plugins makes it easy to create and add any kind of panel, to show your data, or improve your favorite dashboards. Apps enable the bundling of data sources, panels, dashboards, and Grafana pages into a cohesive experience.
Follow the instructions on the Install tab. You can either install the plugin with a Grafana CLI command or by downloading and uncompress a .zip file into the Grafana plugins directory. We recommend using Grafana CLI in most instances. The .zip option is available if your Grafana server does not have access to the internet.
As of Grafana v8.0, a plugin catalog app was introduced in order to make managing plugins easier. For more information, refer to [Plugin catalog]({{< relref "./" >}}).
The path to the plugin directory is defined in the configuration file. For more information, refer to [Configuration]({{< relref "../administration/" >}}).