2. Clone an example plugin into ```/var/lib/grafana/plugins``` or `data/plugins` (relative to grafana git repo if your running development version from source dir)
Since everything turns into javascript it's up to you to choose which language you want. That said it's probably a good idea to choose es6 or typescript since we use es6 classes in Grafana. So it's easier to get inspiration from the Grafana repo is you choose one of those languages.
You can use any build system you like that support systemjs. All the built content should end up in a folder named ```dist``` and committed to the repository.By committing the dist folder the person who installs your plugin does not have to run any buildscript.
1. Setup a Grafana development environment. [(described here)](http://docs.grafana.org/project/building_from_source/) and place your plugin in the ```data/plugins``` folder.
2. Install Grafana and place your plugin in the plugins directory which is set in your [config file](../installation/configuration.md). By default this is `/var/lib/grafana/plugins` on Linux systems.
3. Place your plugin directory anywhere you like and specify it grafana.ini.