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package libraryelements
import (
2022-10-18 08:31:56 -05:00
2022-10-18 08:31:56 -05:00
acmock ""
contextmodel ""
dashboardservice ""
const userInDbName = "user_in_db"
const userInDbAvatar = "/avatar/402d08de060496d6b6874495fe20f5ad"
func TestDeleteLibraryPanelsInFolder(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to delete a folder that contains connected library elements, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
dashJSON := map[string]any{
"panels": []any{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]any{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]any{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"libraryPanel": map[string]any{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
dash := dashboards.Dashboard{
Title: "Testing DeleteLibraryElementsInFolder",
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
dashInDB := createDashboard(t, sc.sqlStore, sc.user, &dash, sc.folder.ID)
err := sc.service.ConnectElementsToDashboard(sc.reqContext.Req.Context(), sc.reqContext.SignedInUser, []string{sc.initialResult.Result.UID}, dashInDB.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = sc.service.DeleteLibraryElementsInFolder(sc.reqContext.Req.Context(), sc.reqContext.SignedInUser, sc.folder.UID)
require.EqualError(t, err, model.ErrFolderHasConnectedLibraryElements.Error())
scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to delete a folder uid that doesn't exist, it should fail",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
err := sc.service.DeleteLibraryElementsInFolder(sc.reqContext.Req.Context(), sc.reqContext.SignedInUser, sc.folder.UID+"xxxx")
require.EqualError(t, err, dashboards.ErrFolderNotFound.Error())
scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to delete a folder that contains disconnected elements, it should delete all disconnected elements too",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreateVariableCommand(sc.folder.ID, "query0")
sc.reqContext.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(command)
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
resp = sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result libraryElementsSearch
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, result.Result)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(result.Result.Elements))
err = sc.service.DeleteLibraryElementsInFolder(sc.reqContext.Req.Context(), sc.reqContext.SignedInUser, sc.folder.UID)
require.NoError(t, err)
resp = sc.service.getAllHandler(sc.reqContext)
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NotNil(t, result.Result)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(result.Result.Elements))
func TestGetLibraryPanelConnections(t *testing.T) {
scenarioWithPanel(t, "When an admin tries to get connections of library panel, it should succeed and return correct result",
func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
dashJSON := map[string]any{
"panels": []any{
"id": int64(1),
"gridPos": map[string]any{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"id": int64(2),
"gridPos": map[string]any{
"h": 6,
"w": 6,
"x": 6,
"y": 0,
"libraryPanel": map[string]any{
"uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID,
"name": sc.initialResult.Result.Name,
dash := dashboards.Dashboard{
Title: "Testing GetLibraryPanelConnections",
Data: simplejson.NewFromAny(dashJSON),
dashInDB := createDashboard(t, sc.sqlStore, sc.user, &dash, sc.folder.ID)
err := sc.service.ConnectElementsToDashboard(sc.reqContext.Req.Context(), sc.reqContext.SignedInUser, []string{sc.initialResult.Result.UID}, dashInDB.ID)
require.NoError(t, err)
var expected = func(res model.LibraryElementConnectionsResponse) model.LibraryElementConnectionsResponse {
return model.LibraryElementConnectionsResponse{
Result: []model.LibraryElementConnectionDTO{
ID: sc.initialResult.Result.ID,
Kind: sc.initialResult.Result.Kind,
ElementID: 1,
ConnectionID: dashInDB.ID,
ConnectionUID: dashInDB.UID,
Created: res.Result[0].Created,
CreatedBy: librarypanel.LibraryElementDTOMetaUser{
Id: 1,
Name: userInDbName,
AvatarUrl: userInDbAvatar,
sc.ctx.Req = web.SetURLParams(sc.ctx.Req, map[string]string{":uid": sc.initialResult.Result.UID})
resp := sc.service.getConnectionsHandler(sc.reqContext)
var result = validateAndUnMarshalConnectionResponse(t, resp)
if diff := cmp.Diff(expected(result), result, getCompareOptions()...); diff != "" {
t.Fatalf("Result mismatch (-want +got):\n%s", diff)
type libraryElement struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
OrgID int64 `json:"orgId"`
// Deprecated: use FolderUID instead
FolderID int64 `json:"folderId"`
UID string `json:"uid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Kind int64 `json:"kind"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Model map[string]any `json:"model"`
Version int64 `json:"version"`
Meta model.LibraryElementDTOMeta `json:"meta"`
type libraryElementResult struct {
Result libraryElement `json:"result"`
type libraryElementArrayResult struct {
Result []libraryElement `json:"result"`
type libraryElementsSearch struct {
Result libraryElementsSearchResult `json:"result"`
type libraryElementsSearchResult struct {
TotalCount int64 `json:"totalCount"`
Elements []libraryElement `json:"elements"`
Page int `json:"page"`
PerPage int `json:"perPage"`
func getCreatePanelCommand(folderID int64, name string) model.CreateLibraryElementCommand {
command := getCreateCommandWithModel(folderID, name, model.PanelElement, []byte(`
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"id": 1,
"title": "Text - Library Panel",
"type": "text",
"description": "A description"
return command
func getCreateVariableCommand(folderID int64, name string) model.CreateLibraryElementCommand {
command := getCreateCommandWithModel(folderID, name, model.VariableElement, []byte(`
"datasource": "${DS_GDEV-TESTDATA}",
"name": "query0",
"type": "query",
"description": "A description"
return command
func getCreateCommandWithModel(folderID int64, name string, kind model.LibraryElementKind, byteModel []byte) model.CreateLibraryElementCommand {
command := model.CreateLibraryElementCommand{
FolderID: folderID, // nolint:staticcheck
Name: name,
Model: byteModel,
Kind: int64(kind),
return command
type scenarioContext struct {
ctx *web.Context
service *LibraryElementService
reqContext *contextmodel.ReqContext
user user.SignedInUser
folder *folder.Folder
initialResult libraryElementResult
sqlStore db.DB
log log.Logger
func createDashboard(t *testing.T, sqlStore db.DB, user user.SignedInUser, dash *dashboards.Dashboard, folderID int64) *dashboards.Dashboard {
// nolint:staticcheck
dash.FolderID = folderID
dashItem := &dashboards.SaveDashboardDTO{
Dashboard: dash,
Message: "",
OrgID: user.OrgID,
User: &user,
Overwrite: false,
features := featuremgmt.WithFeatures()
cfg := setting.NewCfg()
quotaService := quotatest.New(false, nil)
dashboardStore, err := database.ProvideDashboardStore(sqlStore, cfg, features, tagimpl.ProvideService(sqlStore), quotaService)
require.NoError(t, err)
dashAlertExtractor := alerting.ProvideDashAlertExtractorService(nil, nil, nil)
ac := actest.FakeAccessControl{ExpectedEvaluate: true}
folderPermissions := acmock.NewMockedPermissionsService()
dashboardPermissions := acmock.NewMockedPermissionsService()
dashboardPermissions.On("SetPermissions", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]accesscontrol.ResourcePermission{}, nil)
folderStore := folderimpl.ProvideDashboardFolderStore(sqlStore)
service, err := dashboardservice.ProvideDashboardServiceImpl(
cfg, dashboardStore, folderStore, dashAlertExtractor,
features, folderPermissions, dashboardPermissions, ac,
require.NoError(t, err)
dashboard, err := service.SaveDashboard(context.Background(), dashItem, true)
require.NoError(t, err)
return dashboard
func createFolder(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext, title string) *folder.Folder {
features := featuremgmt.WithFeatures()
cfg := setting.NewCfg()
ac := actest.FakeAccessControl{}
quotaService := quotatest.New(false, nil)
dashboardStore, err := database.ProvideDashboardStore(sc.sqlStore, cfg, features, tagimpl.ProvideService(sc.sqlStore), quotaService)
require.NoError(t, err)
folderStore := folderimpl.ProvideDashboardFolderStore(sc.sqlStore)
s := folderimpl.ProvideService(ac, bus.ProvideBus(tracing.InitializeTracerForTest()), cfg, dashboardStore, folderStore, sc.sqlStore, features)
t.Logf("Creating folder with title and UID %q", title)
ctx := appcontext.WithUser(context.Background(), &sc.user)
folder, err := s.Create(ctx, &folder.CreateFolderCommand{
OrgID: sc.user.OrgID, Title: title, UID: title, SignedInUser: &sc.user,
require.NoError(t, err)
// Set user permissions on the newly created folder so that they can interact with library elements stored in it
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.Permissions[sc.user.OrgID][dashboards.ActionFoldersWrite] = append(sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.Permissions[sc.user.OrgID][dashboards.ActionFoldersWrite], dashboards.ScopeFoldersProvider.GetResourceScopeUID(folder.UID))
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.Permissions[sc.user.OrgID][dashboards.ActionFoldersRead] = append(sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.Permissions[sc.user.OrgID][dashboards.ActionFoldersRead], dashboards.ScopeFoldersProvider.GetResourceScopeUID(folder.UID))
sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.Permissions[sc.user.OrgID][dashboards.ActionDashboardsCreate] = append(sc.reqContext.SignedInUser.Permissions[sc.user.OrgID][dashboards.ActionDashboardsCreate], dashboards.ScopeFoldersProvider.GetResourceScopeUID(folder.UID))
return folder
func validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t *testing.T, resp response.Response) libraryElementResult {
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result = libraryElementResult{}
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
return result
func validateAndUnMarshalConnectionResponse(t *testing.T, resp response.Response) model.LibraryElementConnectionsResponse {
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result = model.LibraryElementConnectionsResponse{}
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
return result
func validateAndUnMarshalArrayResponse(t *testing.T, resp response.Response) libraryElementArrayResult {
require.Equal(t, 200, resp.Status())
var result = libraryElementArrayResult{}
err := json.Unmarshal(resp.Body(), &result)
require.NoError(t, err)
return result
func scenarioWithPanel(t *testing.T, desc string, fn func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext)) {
features := featuremgmt.WithFeatures()
sqlStore := db.InitTestDB(t)
ac := actest.FakeAccessControl{}
quotaService := quotatest.New(false, nil)
dashboardStore, err := database.ProvideDashboardStore(sqlStore, sqlStore.Cfg, features, tagimpl.ProvideService(sqlStore), quotaService)
require.NoError(t, err)
folderPermissions := acmock.NewMockedPermissionsService()
dashboardPermissions := acmock.NewMockedPermissionsService()
folderStore := folderimpl.ProvideDashboardFolderStore(sqlStore)
dashboardService, svcErr := dashboardservice.ProvideDashboardServiceImpl(
sqlStore.Cfg, dashboardStore, folderStore, nil,
features, folderPermissions, dashboardPermissions, ac,
require.NoError(t, svcErr)
guardian.InitAccessControlGuardian(sqlStore.Cfg, ac, dashboardService)
testScenario(t, desc, func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext) {
command := getCreatePanelCommand(sc.folder.ID, "Text - Library Panel")
sc.reqContext.Req.Body = mockRequestBody(command)
resp := sc.service.createHandler(sc.reqContext)
sc.initialResult = validateAndUnMarshalResponse(t, resp)
sc.log = log.New("libraryelements-test")
fn(t, sc)
// testScenario is a wrapper around t.Run performing common setup for library panel tests.
// It takes your real test function as a callback.
func testScenario(t *testing.T, desc string, fn func(t *testing.T, sc scenarioContext)) {
t.Run(desc, func(t *testing.T) {
orgID := int64(1)
role := org.RoleAdmin
usr := user.SignedInUser{
UserID: 1,
Name: "Signed In User",
Login: "signed_in_user",
Email: "",
OrgID: orgID,
OrgRole: role,
LastSeenAt: time.Now(),
// Allow user to create folders
Permissions: map[int64]map[string][]string{
1: {dashboards.ActionFoldersCreate: {}},
req := &http.Request{
Security: Sync security changes on main (#45083) * * Teams: Appropriately apply user id filter in /api/teams/:id and /api/teams/search * Teams: Ensure that users searching for teams are only able see teams they have access to * Teams: Require teamGuardian admin privileges to list team members * Teams: Prevent org viewers from administering teams * Teams: Add org_id condition to team count query * Teams: clarify permission requirements in teams api docs * Teams: expand scenarios for team search tests * Teams: mock teamGuardian in tests Co-authored-by: Dan Cech <> * remove duplicate WHERE statement * Fix for CVE-2022-21702 (cherry picked from commit 202d7c190082c094bc1dc13f7fe9464746c37f9e) * Lint and test fixes (cherry picked from commit 3e6b67d5504abf4a1d7b8d621f04d062c048e981) * check content type properly (cherry picked from commit 70b4458892bf2f776302720c10d24c9ff34edd98) * basic csrf origin check (cherry picked from commit 3adaa5ff39832364f6390881fb5b42ad47df92e1) * compare origin to host (cherry picked from commit 5443892699e8ed42836bb2b9a44744ff3e970f42) * simplify url parsing (cherry picked from commit b2ffbc9513fed75468628370a48b929d30af2b1d) * check csrf for GET requests, only compare origin (cherry picked from commit 8b81dc12d8f8a1f07852809c5b4d44f0f0b1d709) * parse content type properly (cherry picked from commit 16f76f4902e6f2188bea9606c68b551af186bdc0) * mentioned get in the comment (cherry picked from commit a7e61811ef8ae558ce721e2e3fed04ce7a5a5345) * add content-type: application/json to test HTTP requests * fix pluginproxy test * Fix linter when comparing errors Co-authored-by: Kevin Minehart <> Co-authored-by: Dan Cech <> Co-authored-by: Marcus Efraimsson <> Co-authored-by: Serge Zaitsev <> Co-authored-by: Vardan Torosyan <>
2022-02-09 06:44:38 -06:00
Header: http.Header{
"Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
ctx := appcontext.WithUser(context.Background(), &usr)
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
webCtx := web.Context{Req: req}
features := featuremgmt.WithFeatures()
sqlStore := db.InitTestDB(t)
quotaService := quotatest.New(false, nil)
dashboardStore, err := database.ProvideDashboardStore(sqlStore, sqlStore.Cfg, features, tagimpl.ProvideService(sqlStore), quotaService)
require.NoError(t, err)
ac := acimpl.ProvideAccessControl(sqlStore.Cfg)
folderPermissions := acmock.NewMockedPermissionsService()
folderPermissions.On("SetPermissions", mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return([]accesscontrol.ResourcePermission{}, nil)
dashboardPermissions := acmock.NewMockedPermissionsService()
folderStore := folderimpl.ProvideDashboardFolderStore(sqlStore)
dashService, dashSvcErr := dashboardservice.ProvideDashboardServiceImpl(
sqlStore.Cfg, dashboardStore, folderStore, nil,
features, folderPermissions, dashboardPermissions, ac,
require.NoError(t, dashSvcErr)
guardian.InitAccessControlGuardian(sqlStore.Cfg, ac, dashService)
LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle (#33839) * WIP: intial structure * Refactor: adds create library element endpoint * Feature: adds delete library element * wip * Refactor: adds get api * Refactor: adds get all api * Refactor: adds patch api * Refactor: changes to library_element_connection * Refactor: add get connections api * wip: in the middle of refactor * wip * Refactor: consolidating both api:s * Refactor: points front end to library elements api * Tests: Fixes broken test * LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle * Fix: fixes delete library elements in folder and adds tests * Tests: fixes snapshot * Refactor: adds service interfaces so they can be easily mocked * Refactor: changes order of tabs in manage folder * Refactor: fixes so link does not cover whole card * Refactor: fixes index string name * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements_permissions_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/database.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Chore: changes after PR comments * Update libraryelements.go * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: updates after PR comments * Chore: trying to fix build error * Refactor: fixed stupid mistake * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: tries to fix build errors * Refactor: trying to fix MySQL key length * Update libraryelements.go * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Tests: fixes tests * Refactor: renames connections to connectedDashboards Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-05-12 01:48:17 -05:00
service := LibraryElementService{
Cfg: sqlStore.Cfg,
features: featuremgmt.WithFeatures(),
SQLStore: sqlStore,
folderService: folderimpl.ProvideService(ac, bus.ProvideBus(tracing.InitializeTracerForTest()), sqlStore.Cfg, dashboardStore, folderStore, sqlStore, features),
LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle (#33839) * WIP: intial structure * Refactor: adds create library element endpoint * Feature: adds delete library element * wip * Refactor: adds get api * Refactor: adds get all api * Refactor: adds patch api * Refactor: changes to library_element_connection * Refactor: add get connections api * wip: in the middle of refactor * wip * Refactor: consolidating both api:s * Refactor: points front end to library elements api * Tests: Fixes broken test * LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle * Fix: fixes delete library elements in folder and adds tests * Tests: fixes snapshot * Refactor: adds service interfaces so they can be easily mocked * Refactor: changes order of tabs in manage folder * Refactor: fixes so link does not cover whole card * Refactor: fixes index string name * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements_permissions_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/database.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Chore: changes after PR comments * Update libraryelements.go * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: updates after PR comments * Chore: trying to fix build error * Refactor: fixed stupid mistake * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: tries to fix build errors * Refactor: trying to fix MySQL key length * Update libraryelements.go * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Tests: fixes tests * Refactor: renames connections to connectedDashboards Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-05-12 01:48:17 -05:00
// deliberate difference between signed in user and user in db to make it crystal clear
// what to expect in the tests
// In the real world these are identical
cmd := user.CreateUserCommand{
Email: "",
Name: "User In DB",
Login: userInDbName,
orgSvc, err := orgimpl.ProvideService(sqlStore, sqlStore.Cfg, quotaService)
require.NoError(t, err)
usrSvc, err := userimpl.ProvideService(sqlStore, orgSvc, sqlStore.Cfg, nil, nil, quotaService, supportbundlestest.NewFakeBundleService())
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = usrSvc.Create(context.Background(), &cmd)
require.NoError(t, err)
sc := scenarioContext{
user: usr,
ctx: &webCtx,
service: &service,
sqlStore: sqlStore,
reqContext: &contextmodel.ReqContext{
Context: &webCtx,
SignedInUser: &usr,
sc.folder = createFolder(t, sc, "ScenarioFolder")
fn(t, sc)
func getCompareOptions() []cmp.Option {
return []cmp.Option{
cmp.Transformer("Time", func(in time.Time) int64 {
return in.UTC().Unix()
func mockRequestBody(v any) io.ReadCloser {
b, _ := json.Marshal(v)
return io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(b))