
333 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package api
import (
2015-02-05 03:37:13 -06:00
m ""
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// Register adds http routes
func (hs *HttpServer) registerRoutes() {
r := hs.macaron
reqSignedIn := middleware.Auth(&middleware.AuthOptions{ReqSignedIn: true})
reqGrafanaAdmin := middleware.Auth(&middleware.AuthOptions{ReqSignedIn: true, ReqGrafanaAdmin: true})
reqEditorRole := middleware.RoleAuth(m.ROLE_EDITOR, m.ROLE_ADMIN)
reqOrgAdmin := middleware.RoleAuth(m.ROLE_ADMIN)
quota := middleware.Quota
bind := binding.Bind
2016-08-29 07:45:28 -05:00
// automatically set HEAD for every GET
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// not logged in views
r.Get("/", reqSignedIn, Index)
2015-01-29 08:46:54 -06:00
r.Get("/logout", Logout)
r.Post("/login", quota("session"), bind(dtos.LoginCommand{}), wrap(LoginPost))
r.Get("/login/:name", quota("session"), OAuthLogin)
r.Get("/login", LoginView)
r.Get("/invite/:code", Index)
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// authed views
2015-01-19 12:10:29 -06:00
r.Get("/profile/", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/profile/password", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/profile/switch-org/:id", reqSignedIn, ChangeActiveOrgAndRedirectToHome)
r.Get("/org/", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/org/new", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/datasources/", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/datasources/new", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/datasources/edit/*", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/org/users/", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/org/apikeys/", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/dashboard/import/", reqSignedIn, Index)
2016-03-03 16:05:08 -06:00
r.Get("/admin", reqGrafanaAdmin, Index)
r.Get("/admin/settings", reqGrafanaAdmin, Index)
r.Get("/admin/users", reqGrafanaAdmin, Index)
r.Get("/admin/users/create", reqGrafanaAdmin, Index)
r.Get("/admin/users/edit/:id", reqGrafanaAdmin, Index)
r.Get("/admin/orgs", reqGrafanaAdmin, Index)
r.Get("/admin/orgs/edit/:id", reqGrafanaAdmin, Index)
2016-01-24 23:18:17 -06:00
r.Get("/admin/stats", reqGrafanaAdmin, Index)
r.Get("/styleguide", reqSignedIn, Index)
2016-02-29 05:54:36 -06:00
r.Get("/plugins", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/plugins/:id/edit", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/plugins/:id/page/:page", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/dashboard/*", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/dashboard-solo/snapshot/*", Index)
r.Get("/dashboard-solo/*", reqSignedIn, Index)
2016-05-03 09:40:21 -05:00
r.Get("/import/dashboard", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/dashboards/*", reqSignedIn, Index)
2014-12-16 05:04:08 -06:00
r.Get("/playlists/", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/playlists/*", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/alerting/", reqSignedIn, Index)
r.Get("/alerting/*", reqSignedIn, Index)
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// sign up
r.Get("/signup", Index)
r.Get("/api/user/signup/options", wrap(GetSignUpOptions))
r.Post("/api/user/signup", quota("user"), bind(dtos.SignUpForm{}), wrap(SignUp))
r.Post("/api/user/signup/step2", bind(dtos.SignUpStep2Form{}), wrap(SignUpStep2))
// invited
r.Get("/api/user/invite/:code", wrap(GetInviteInfoByCode))
r.Post("/api/user/invite/complete", bind(dtos.CompleteInviteForm{}), wrap(CompleteInvite))
// reset password
r.Get("/user/password/send-reset-email", Index)
r.Get("/user/password/reset", Index)
r.Post("/api/user/password/send-reset-email", bind(dtos.SendResetPasswordEmailForm{}), wrap(SendResetPasswordEmail))
r.Post("/api/user/password/reset", bind(dtos.ResetUserPasswordForm{}), wrap(ResetPassword))
2015-03-21 07:53:16 -05:00
// dashboard snapshots
r.Get("/dashboard/snapshot/*", Index)
2016-01-19 07:05:24 -06:00
r.Get("/dashboard/snapshots/", reqSignedIn, Index)
2016-01-19 07:05:24 -06:00
// api for dashboard snapshots
r.Post("/api/snapshots/", bind(m.CreateDashboardSnapshotCommand{}), CreateDashboardSnapshot)
r.Get("/api/snapshot/shared-options/", GetSharingOptions)
2015-03-21 07:53:16 -05:00
r.Get("/api/snapshots/:key", GetDashboardSnapshot)
2016-03-18 03:13:34 -05:00
r.Get("/api/snapshots-delete/:key", reqEditorRole, DeleteDashboardSnapshot)
2015-03-21 07:53:16 -05:00
// api renew session based on remember cookie
r.Get("/api/login/ping", quota("session"), LoginApiPing)
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// authed api
r.Group("/api", func() {
// user (signed in)
r.Group("/user", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(GetSignedInUser))
r.Put("/", bind(m.UpdateUserCommand{}), wrap(UpdateSignedInUser))
r.Post("/using/:id", wrap(UserSetUsingOrg))
r.Get("/orgs", wrap(GetSignedInUserOrgList))
r.Post("/stars/dashboard/:id", wrap(StarDashboard))
r.Delete("/stars/dashboard/:id", wrap(UnstarDashboard))
r.Put("/password", bind(m.ChangeUserPasswordCommand{}), wrap(ChangeUserPassword))
r.Get("/quotas", wrap(GetUserQuotas))
r.Put("/helpflags/:id", wrap(SetHelpFlag))
// For dev purpose
r.Get("/helpflags/clear", wrap(ClearHelpFlags))
2016-04-01 19:34:30 -05:00
r.Get("/preferences", wrap(GetUserPreferences))
r.Put("/preferences", bind(dtos.UpdatePrefsCmd{}), wrap(UpdateUserPreferences))
// users (admin permission required)
r.Group("/users", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(SearchUsers))
r.Get("/search", wrap(SearchUsersWithPaging))
r.Get("/:id", wrap(GetUserById))
2015-05-19 02:09:21 -05:00
r.Get("/:id/orgs", wrap(GetUserOrgList))
// query parameters /users/lookup?
r.Get("/lookup", wrap(GetUserByLoginOrEmail))
r.Put("/:id", bind(m.UpdateUserCommand{}), wrap(UpdateUser))
r.Post("/:id/using/:orgId", wrap(UpdateUserActiveOrg))
}, reqGrafanaAdmin)
// org information available to all users.
2015-02-23 11:29:01 -06:00
r.Group("/org", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(GetOrgCurrent))
r.Get("/quotas", wrap(GetOrgQuotas))
// current org
r.Group("/org", func() {
r.Put("/", bind(dtos.UpdateOrgForm{}), wrap(UpdateOrgCurrent))
r.Put("/address", bind(dtos.UpdateOrgAddressForm{}), wrap(UpdateOrgAddressCurrent))
r.Post("/users", quota("user"), bind(m.AddOrgUserCommand{}), wrap(AddOrgUserToCurrentOrg))
r.Get("/users", wrap(GetOrgUsersForCurrentOrg))
r.Patch("/users/:userId", bind(m.UpdateOrgUserCommand{}), wrap(UpdateOrgUserForCurrentOrg))
r.Delete("/users/:userId", wrap(RemoveOrgUserForCurrentOrg))
// invites
r.Get("/invites", wrap(GetPendingOrgInvites))
r.Post("/invites", quota("user"), bind(dtos.AddInviteForm{}), wrap(AddOrgInvite))
r.Patch("/invites/:code/revoke", wrap(RevokeInvite))
// prefs
r.Get("/preferences", wrap(GetOrgPreferences))
r.Put("/preferences", bind(dtos.UpdatePrefsCmd{}), wrap(UpdateOrgPreferences))
}, reqOrgAdmin)
// create new org
r.Post("/orgs", quota("org"), bind(m.CreateOrgCommand{}), wrap(CreateOrg))
// search all orgs
r.Get("/orgs", reqGrafanaAdmin, wrap(SearchOrgs))
// orgs (admin routes)
r.Group("/orgs/:orgId", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(GetOrgById))
r.Put("/", bind(dtos.UpdateOrgForm{}), wrap(UpdateOrg))
r.Put("/address", bind(dtos.UpdateOrgAddressForm{}), wrap(UpdateOrgAddress))
r.Delete("/", wrap(DeleteOrgById))
r.Get("/users", wrap(GetOrgUsers))
r.Post("/users", bind(m.AddOrgUserCommand{}), wrap(AddOrgUser))
r.Patch("/users/:userId", bind(m.UpdateOrgUserCommand{}), wrap(UpdateOrgUser))
r.Delete("/users/:userId", wrap(RemoveOrgUser))
r.Get("/quotas", wrap(GetOrgQuotas))
r.Put("/quotas/:target", bind(m.UpdateOrgQuotaCmd{}), wrap(UpdateOrgQuota))
}, reqGrafanaAdmin)
2016-01-12 15:50:56 -06:00
// orgs (admin routes)
r.Group("/orgs/name/:name", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(GetOrgByName))
}, reqGrafanaAdmin)
2015-01-27 01:26:11 -06:00
// auth api keys
r.Group("/auth/keys", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(GetApiKeys))
r.Post("/", quota("api_key"), bind(m.AddApiKeyCommand{}), wrap(AddApiKey))
r.Delete("/:id", wrap(DeleteApiKey))
}, reqOrgAdmin)
2016-03-17 01:35:06 -05:00
// Preferences
r.Group("/preferences", func() {
r.Post("/set-home-dash", bind(m.SavePreferencesCommand{}), wrap(SetHomeDashboard))
2016-03-11 08:30:05 -06:00
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// Data sources
r.Group("/datasources", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(GetDataSources))
r.Post("/", quota("data_source"), bind(m.AddDataSourceCommand{}), AddDataSource)
r.Put("/:id", bind(m.UpdateDataSourceCommand{}), wrap(UpdateDataSource))
r.Delete("/:id", DeleteDataSourceById)
r.Delete("/name/:name", DeleteDataSourceByName)
r.Get("/:id", wrap(GetDataSourceById))
2016-03-10 03:31:10 -06:00
r.Get("/name/:name", wrap(GetDataSourceByName))
}, reqOrgAdmin)
2016-03-10 03:31:10 -06:00
r.Get("/datasources/id/:name", wrap(GetDataSourceIdByName), reqSignedIn)
2016-03-07 14:25:26 -06:00
r.Get("/plugins", wrap(GetPluginList))
r.Get("/plugins/:pluginId/settings", wrap(GetPluginSettingById))
r.Get("/plugins/:pluginId/readme", wrap(GetPluginReadme))
r.Group("/plugins", func() {
r.Get("/:pluginId/dashboards/", wrap(GetPluginDashboards))
r.Post("/:pluginId/settings", bind(m.UpdatePluginSettingCmd{}), wrap(UpdatePluginSetting))
}, reqOrgAdmin)
r.Get("/frontend/settings/", GetFrontendSettings)
r.Any("/datasources/proxy/:id/*", reqSignedIn, hs.ProxyDataSourceRequest)
r.Any("/datasources/proxy/:id", reqSignedIn, hs.ProxyDataSourceRequest)
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// Dashboard
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
r.Group("/dashboards", func() {
2017-08-02 10:33:06 -05:00
r.Get("/db/:slug", GetDashboard)
r.Delete("/db/:slug", reqEditorRole, DeleteDashboard)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
r.Get("/id/:dashboardId/versions", wrap(GetDashboardVersions))
r.Get("/id/:dashboardId/versions/:id", wrap(GetDashboardVersion))
r.Post("/id/:dashboardId/restore", reqEditorRole, bind(dtos.RestoreDashboardVersionCommand{}), wrap(RestoreDashboardVersion))
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
r.Post("/calculate-diff", bind(dtos.CalculateDiffOptions{}), wrap(CalculateDashboardDiff))
r.Post("/db", reqEditorRole, bind(m.SaveDashboardCommand{}), wrap(PostDashboard))
r.Get("/file/:file", GetDashboardFromJsonFile)
r.Get("/home", wrap(GetHomeDashboard))
r.Get("/tags", GetDashboardTags)
r.Post("/import", bind(dtos.ImportDashboardCommand{}), wrap(ImportDashboard))
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
2016-01-19 07:05:24 -06:00
// Dashboard snapshots
r.Group("/dashboard/snapshots", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(SearchDashboardSnapshots))
// Playlist
r.Group("/playlists", func() {
r.Get("/", wrap(SearchPlaylists))
r.Get("/:id", ValidateOrgPlaylist, wrap(GetPlaylist))
2016-01-12 07:36:04 -06:00
r.Get("/:id/items", ValidateOrgPlaylist, wrap(GetPlaylistItems))
r.Get("/:id/dashboards", ValidateOrgPlaylist, wrap(GetPlaylistDashboards))
r.Delete("/:id", reqEditorRole, ValidateOrgPlaylist, wrap(DeletePlaylist))
r.Put("/:id", reqEditorRole, bind(m.UpdatePlaylistCommand{}), ValidateOrgPlaylist, wrap(UpdatePlaylist))
r.Post("/", reqEditorRole, bind(m.CreatePlaylistCommand{}), wrap(CreatePlaylist))
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// Search
r.Get("/search/", Search)
2015-01-14 07:25:12 -06:00
// metrics
r.Post("/tsdb/query", bind(dtos.MetricRequest{}), wrap(QueryMetrics))
r.Get("/tsdb/testdata/scenarios", wrap(GetTestDataScenarios))
2017-03-30 13:23:40 -05:00
r.Get("/tsdb/testdata/gensql", reqGrafanaAdmin, wrap(GenerateSqlTestData))
r.Get("/tsdb/testdata/random-walk", wrap(GetTestDataRandomWalk))
2016-06-03 08:06:57 -05:00
// metrics
r.Get("/metrics", wrap(GetInternalMetrics))
2016-07-14 06:32:16 -05:00
r.Group("/alerts", func() {
r.Post("/test", bind(dtos.AlertTestCommand{}), wrap(AlertTest))
r.Post("/:alertId/pause", bind(dtos.PauseAlertCommand{}), wrap(PauseAlert), reqEditorRole)
2016-07-14 06:32:16 -05:00
r.Get("/:alertId", ValidateOrgAlert, wrap(GetAlert))
r.Get("/", wrap(GetAlerts))
r.Get("/states-for-dashboard", wrap(GetAlertStatesForDashboard))
2016-07-14 06:32:16 -05:00
r.Get("/alert-notifications", wrap(GetAlertNotifications))
r.Get("/alert-notifiers", wrap(GetAlertNotifiers))
2016-07-14 06:32:16 -05:00
r.Group("/alert-notifications", func() {
r.Post("/test", bind(dtos.NotificationTestCommand{}), wrap(NotificationTest))
2016-07-14 06:32:16 -05:00
r.Post("/", bind(m.CreateAlertNotificationCommand{}), wrap(CreateAlertNotification))
r.Put("/:notificationId", bind(m.UpdateAlertNotificationCommand{}), wrap(UpdateAlertNotification))
r.Get("/:notificationId", wrap(GetAlertNotificationById))
r.Delete("/:notificationId", wrap(DeleteAlertNotification))
}, reqEditorRole)
2016-07-14 06:32:16 -05:00
r.Get("/annotations", wrap(GetAnnotations))
r.Post("/annotations/mass-delete", reqOrgAdmin, bind(dtos.DeleteAnnotationsCmd{}), wrap(DeleteAnnotations))
r.Group("/annotations", func() {
r.Post("/", bind(dtos.PostAnnotationsCmd{}), wrap(PostAnnotation))
}, reqEditorRole)
// error test
r.Get("/metrics/error", wrap(GenerateError))
}, reqSignedIn)
// admin api
r.Group("/api/admin", func() {
r.Get("/settings", AdminGetSettings)
r.Post("/users", bind(dtos.AdminCreateUserForm{}), AdminCreateUser)
r.Put("/users/:id/password", bind(dtos.AdminUpdateUserPasswordForm{}), AdminUpdateUserPassword)
r.Put("/users/:id/permissions", bind(dtos.AdminUpdateUserPermissionsForm{}), AdminUpdateUserPermissions)
r.Delete("/users/:id", AdminDeleteUser)
r.Get("/users/:id/quotas", wrap(GetUserQuotas))
r.Put("/users/:id/quotas/:target", bind(m.UpdateUserQuotaCmd{}), wrap(UpdateUserQuota))
2016-01-24 23:18:17 -06:00
r.Get("/stats", AdminGetStats)
r.Post("/pause-all-alerts", bind(dtos.PauseAllAlertsCommand{}), wrap(PauseAllAlerts))
}, reqGrafanaAdmin)
// rendering
r.Get("/render/*", reqSignedIn, RenderToPng)
2016-04-08 15:42:33 -05:00
// proxy
r.Any("/api/gnet/*", reqSignedIn, ProxyGnetRequest)
// Gravatar service.
avt := avatar.CacheServer()
r.Get("/avatar/:hash", avt.ServeHTTP)
2016-03-03 16:05:08 -06:00
// Websocket
r.Any("/ws", hs.streamManager.Serve)
2016-03-03 16:05:08 -06:00
2016-03-14 10:18:07 -05:00
// streams
//r.Post("/api/streams/push", reqSignedIn, bind(dtos.StreamMessage{}), liveConn.PushToStream)
2016-03-14 10:18:07 -05:00
2016-01-21 11:15:04 -06:00
2016-11-16 10:08:49 -06:00