
302 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"author": "Grafana Labs",
"license": "Apache-2.0",
2018-12-20 02:25:04 -06:00
"private": true,
2014-01-19 09:13:28 -06:00
"name": "grafana",
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2020-01-07 04:59:11 -06:00
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2019-05-15 07:41:31 -05:00
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2019-06-03 04:22:54 -05:00
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2019-05-15 07:41:31 -05:00
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2019-05-15 07:41:31 -05:00
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2014-02-01 04:26:22 -06:00
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2018-12-25 13:18:38 -06:00
"husky": {
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"pre-commit": "lint-staged && npm run precommit"
2018-12-25 13:18:38 -06:00
2017-12-19 06:23:09 -06:00
"lint-staged": {
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2018-12-25 02:59:23 -06:00
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2014-02-01 04:26:22 -06:00
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2014-05-31 00:46:39 -05:00
"dependencies": {
"@braintree/sanitize-url": "4.0.0",
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"@reduxjs/toolkit": "1.2.1",
"@torkelo/react-select": "3.0.8",
"@types/md5": "^2.1.33",
"@types/react-loadable": "5.5.2",
"@types/react-virtualized-auto-sizer": "1.0.0",
Templating: Migrates some variable types from Angular to React/Redux (#22434) * Refactor: Adds variables in state to TemplateSrv * Refactor: Introduces some typings and structures * Refactor: Introduces picker to adapter * Refactor: Removes useState and introduces contains instead * Refactor: Introduces Variable Editor * Refactor: Adds uuid and simplifies state * Refactor: Consolidates to VariableRenderer * Refactor: Adds name change capability * Refactor: Adds variableMiddleware * Refactor: Adds ability to change Angular type to type in State * Fix: Fixes so we check for duplicate names * Refactor: Adds ability to change State type to type in Angular * Refactor: Updates name in dashboard templating list * Refactor: Adds label change to VariableEditor * Refactor: Adds hide change to VariableEditor * Refactor: Adds update ability * Refactor: Adds tooltip * Refactor: Adds SelectionOptionsEditor * Refactor: Adds query editor and validation * Refactor: Adds regex and sort to editor * Refactor: Adds Selection options * Refactor: Adds Varible Values Previewer * Refactor: Changes from array in state to Record * Refactor: Removes getVariableAtIndex from templateSrv * Tests: Fixs broken tests * Chore: Fixes duplicate merge import * Refactor: Removes strict null errors * Refactor: Adds duplicate variable * Refactor: Adds remove variable * Refactor: Adds change order of variables * Refactor: Adds add new variable * Chore: Fixes Prettier formatting * Refactor: Adds VariablePicker * Fixed so sub menu is displayed when we only have redux template variables. * removed unused variable. * tags will be visibile in the new react picker. * added some nice colors to the tags. * Added thunk for selecting a tag. * Refactor: Cleans up templating state when dashboard unloads * Refactor: Adds save capabilities for variables in state * added possibility to select tag. * Added so you can deselect a tag. * Fixed issue with coloring on top. * minor refactoring to make the code more slim. * Refactor: Fixes dispatch return and copy of variable * selecting options when tag i selected * small refactoring. * fixed so we use options. * Refactor: Adds getValueForUrl capabilities * first implementation of keyboard navigation on picker. * removed comment. * fixed so you can toggle all options. * Refactor: Simplified state handling using Redux Toolkit and flat reducer structure * Refactor: Adds sharedTemplatingReducer and queryVariableReducer * Tests: Fixs broken tests * Chore: Removes some strict null errors * Tests: Fix broken tests * Refactor: Splitted QueryVariablePicker into smaller components * Refactor: Moves linktext and selected tags to component instead * Fix: Fixes the ability to have multiple dropdowns opened at same time * Fix: Fixes onKeyDown from prev refactor * Refactor: Adds searchfilter searching * Tests: Fixes after running e2e tests * Refactor: Adds an attempt to solve dependencies at startup * Refactor: Adds feature toggle * Refactor: Resets all angular files to master * Refactor: Move stuff to query folder * Refactor: Initial commit for SubMenu component * Refactor: Updated DashboardModel with new list * Refactor: Adds feature toggle to dashboard model and friends * Refactor: Adds picker to SubMenu * Refactor: Fixes styling on SubMenu * Refactor: Fixes processvariables * Refactor: Initial EditorList skeleton * Refactor: Refactors out VariableEditorList and VariableEditorContainer * Refactor: Adds New variable functionality * Refactor: Adds registred types * Refactor: Adds edit existing variable functionality * Refactor: Changes params to thunks * Refactor: Small fix for cleaning up state when clicking update/add * Refactor: Better typings for outer containers * Refactor: Adds change order functionality * Refactor: Removed notify angular args * Change so the url is in sync with the redux template variables. * Adding support for saving proper values and checking changes. * Refactor: Adds duplicate variable functionality * Feature: Adds remove variable functionality * Refactor: Small refactor so e2e tests work as before * Refactor: Returns null if no visible variables * Refactor: Adds annotations to SubMenu * Refactor: Fixes toggling of annotations in SubMenu * added dashboard links to new submehu. * Refactor: Small refactor breaking up into smaller components * Fix: Fixes infinite recursive loop when changing varible name * Templating: Do not mutate location query state * Refactor: Fixes minor timing issue when adding new variable * Refactor: removes initialization in variable_srv constructor * Refactor: Suggestion on how to handle templating.list in DashboardExporter * Refactor: Adds getVariables typings and changes ChangeTracker and ShareSnapshotCtrl * Refactor: Adds getVariable on DashboardModel and changes DashboardMigrator * Fix: Fixes repeated panels * wip: starting to add custom variable type. * Refactor: Merging two different toVariablePayload functions * Tests: Fixes broken tests * Fix: Reduces strict null errors * Tests: Initial commit and fixes strange dependency order * Tests: Covers sharedTemplatingReducer with tests * Refactor: Rename state/index.ts => state/reducers.ts as every where else * Refactor: Renames and moves adapters.ts * Tests: Adds tests for templatingReducer * Tests: Adds intitial tests for queryVariableReducer * starting to ad custom variable. * Tests: Adds more queryVariableReducer tests * Added support for custom variable. Next up applying some DRY principles and refactoring. * fixed compile issue. * added todo. * Tests: Fixes broken test * Tests: Covers queryVariableReducer with tests and fixed a couple of bugs * Fix: Fixes broken test * Fix: Reduces strict null errors * change so custom won't be depending on anything elese. * fixed descriptions. * removed unused dependency. * Fixed issue when adding a new variable and editor is being unmount twice. * fixed issue with select option loop. * changed so we update query on typing in editor and removed it from component state. * Moved runQuery up one level in the component tree. * renamed action and moved it to custom actions. * moved applyStateChanges to shared code. * removed todo comment. * first stab on moving picker to more general. * Refactor: Changes so we always show variables type * removed duplicate code regarding picker. * Did some renamings. * Feature: Adds text box variable type * moved tests from query reducer to picker reducer. * Removed picker from VariableState. * removed reference to picker. * Some more refactorings of the picker reducer + actions. * Chore: Refactors away editor state to its own state slice (#22515) * Refactor: Inital move, tests not working * Tests: Adds editorReducer tests * Refactor: Cleaning up * Refactor: Moves logic to thunk instead * Refactor: Initial commit * Refactor: Combines reducers to one state * Refactor: Adds combine reducers * moved navigation logic flow to a thunk instead of in the component. * fixed issue with rendering picker link. * Refactor: Removes variable prop from templating.variables * refactored and removed some more code. * Feature: adds Constant variable type * fixed so tags can be selected. * Fix: fixes default hide for constant and enum order * fixed so tags works again. * Fix: fixes so we use Angular editor when newVariables is not defined * Fix: fixes wrong hide default for Constant variable * Fix: fixes bug when using duplicate button * Fix: changes action id * Tests: prepares for newVariables * Chore: reduces strict null errors * Refactor: removes uuidInEditorReducer for simplification * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: uses getConfig instead of config * Tests: fixes so e2e tests check for feature toggle and fixed initLock bug * Refactor: changes so sharedReducer uses createSlice instead * Refactor: changes textBoxVariableReducer to use creactSlice instead * Refactor: changes queryBoxVariableReducer to use creactSlice instead * Refactor: changes customVariableReducer to use creactSlice instead * Refactor: changes constantVariableReducer to use creactSlice instead * Refactor: moves types to specific types.ts files instead * changed so we use queryValue stored on the variable to populate options input when opening picker. * Feature: adds the ability to test templating thunks using real store and middleware * Chore: cleans up unused import * excluded queryValue from the getSaveModel * Refactor: adds whenAsyncActionIsDispatched to reduxTester * Tests: adds initial tests for processVariables * Added reducer tests for constant variable. * added tests for custom reducer. * added tets for texbox reducer. * Tests: adds more tests for ProcessVariable * Refactor: fixes processVariable flow so we do notrun updateOptions twice * Tests: finishes tests for processVariables and removed skip test * added actions tests for custom and constant. * Tests: adds tests for setOptionFromUrl * Tests: adds a naive variable mock builder * Tests: adds tests for validateVariableSelectionState * added tests for query variable actions. * added last test for query actions. * added more tests. * some more tests. * fixed typing errors. * Fixed issues with variable tags. Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <>
2020-03-10 02:53:41 -05:00
"@types/uuid": "3.4.7",
"abortcontroller-polyfill": "1.4.0",
"angular": "1.6.9",
"angular-bindonce": "0.3.1",
"angular-native-dragdrop": "1.2.2",
"angular-route": "1.6.6",
"angular-sanitize": "1.6.6",
"baron": "3.0.3",
"brace": "0.10.0",
"calculate-size": "1.1.1",
"classnames": "2.2.6",
"clipboard": "2.0.4",
"core-js": "3.6.4",
2020-01-07 04:59:11 -06:00
"d3": "5.15.0",
"d3-scale-chromatic": "1.5.0",
"emotion": "10.0.27",
"eventemitter3": "2.0.3",
"fast-text-encoding": "^1.0.0",
2019-05-13 02:38:19 -05:00
"file-saver": "1.3.8",
"hoist-non-react-statics": "3.3.0",
"immutable": "3.8.2",
"is-hotkey": "0.1.4",
"jquery": "3.4.1",
"lodash": "4.17.15",
"lru-cache": "^5.1.1",
"marked": "0.6.2",
"md5": "^2.2.1",
"memoize-one": "5.1.1",
"moment": "2.24.0",
"mousetrap": "1.6.3",
"mousetrap-global-bind": "1.1.0",
"nodemon": "1.18.10",
"papaparse": "4.6.3",
"prismjs": "1.16.0",
"prop-types": "15.7.2",
"rc-cascader": "0.17.5",
"re-resizable": "^6.2.0",
"react": "16.12.0",
"react-dom": "16.12.0",
"react-grid-layout": "0.17.1",
"react-highlight-words": "0.11.0",
"react-loadable": "5.5.0",
"react-popper": "1.3.3",
"react-redux": "7.1.1",
"react-sizeme": "2.5.2",
"react-split-pane": "0.1.89",
"react-transition-group": "2.6.1",
"react-use": "12.8.0",
"react-virtualized-auto-sizer": "1.0.2",
"react-window": "1.7.1",
"redux": "4.0.4",
"redux-logger": "3.0.6",
"redux-thunk": "2.3.0",
"regenerator-runtime": "0.13.3",
"reselect": "4.0.0",
2017-12-29 14:49:54 -06:00
"rst2html": "github:thoward/rst2html#990cb89",
Chore: Remove angular dependency from backendSrv (#20999) * Chore: Remove angular dependency from backendSrv * Refactor: Naive soultion for logging out unauthorized users * Refactor: Restructures to different streams * Refactor: Restructures datasourceRequest * Refactor: Flipped back if statement * Refactor: Extracted getFromFetchStream * Refactor: Extracts toFailureStream operation * Refactor: Fixes issue when options.params contains arrays * Refactor: Fixes broken test (but we need a lot more) * Refactor: Adds explaining comments * Refactor: Adds latest RxJs version so cancellations work * Refactor: Cleans up the takeUntil code * Refactor: Adds tests for request function * Refactor: Separates into smaller functions * Refactor: Adds last error tests * Started to changed so we require getBackendSrv from the @grafana-runtime when applicable. * Using the getBackendSrv from @grafana/runtime. * Changed so we use the getBackendSrv from the @grafana-runtime when possible. * Fixed so Server Admin -> Orgs works again. * Removed unused dependency. * Fixed digest issues on the Server Admin -> Users page. * Fix: Fixes digest problems in Playlists * Fix: Fixes digest issues in VersionHistory * Tests: Fixes broken tests * Fix: Fixes digest issues in Alerting => Notification channels * Fixed digest issues on the Intive page. * Fixed so we run digest after password reset email sent. * Fixed digest issue when trying to sign up account. * Fixed so the Server Admin -> Edit Org works with backendSrv * Fixed so Server Admin -> Users works with backend srv. * Fixed digest issues in Server Admin -> Orgs * Fix: Fixes digest issues in DashList plugin * Fixed digest issues on Server Admin -> users. * Fix: Fixes digest issues with Snapshots * Fixed digest issue when deleting a user. * Fix: Fixes digest issues with dashLink * Chore: Changes RxJs version to 6.5.4 which includes the same cancellation fix * Fix: Fixes digest issue when toggling folder in manage dashboards * Fix: Fixes bug in executeInOrder * Fix: Fixes digest issue with CreateFolderCtrl and FolderDashboardsCtrl * Fix: Fixes tslint error in test * Refactor: Changes default behaviour for emitted messages as before migration * Fix: Fixes various digest issues when saving, starring or deleting dashboards * Fix: Fixes digest issues with FolderPickerCtrl * Fixed digest issue. * Fixed digest issues. * Fixed issues with angular digest. * Removed the this.digest pattern. Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Marcus Andersson <>
2020-01-21 03:08:07 -06:00
"rxjs": "6.5.4",
"search-query-parser": "1.5.2",
"slate": "0.47.8",
"slate-plain-serializer": "0.7.10",
"tether": "1.4.5",
"tether-drop": "",
"tinycolor2": "1.4.1",
"tti-polyfill": "0.2.2",
Templating: Migrates some variable types from Angular to React/Redux (#22434) * Refactor: Adds variables in state to TemplateSrv * Refactor: Introduces some typings and structures * Refactor: Introduces picker to adapter * Refactor: Removes useState and introduces contains instead * Refactor: Introduces Variable Editor * Refactor: Adds uuid and simplifies state * Refactor: Consolidates to VariableRenderer * Refactor: Adds name change capability * Refactor: Adds variableMiddleware * Refactor: Adds ability to change Angular type to type in State * Fix: Fixes so we check for duplicate names * Refactor: Adds ability to change State type to type in Angular * Refactor: Updates name in dashboard templating list * Refactor: Adds label change to VariableEditor * Refactor: Adds hide change to VariableEditor * Refactor: Adds update ability * Refactor: Adds tooltip * Refactor: Adds SelectionOptionsEditor * Refactor: Adds query editor and validation * Refactor: Adds regex and sort to editor * Refactor: Adds Selection options * Refactor: Adds Varible Values Previewer * Refactor: Changes from array in state to Record * Refactor: Removes getVariableAtIndex from templateSrv * Tests: Fixs broken tests * Chore: Fixes duplicate merge import * Refactor: Removes strict null errors * Refactor: Adds duplicate variable * Refactor: Adds remove variable * Refactor: Adds change order of variables * Refactor: Adds add new variable * Chore: Fixes Prettier formatting * Refactor: Adds VariablePicker * Fixed so sub menu is displayed when we only have redux template variables. * removed unused variable. * tags will be visibile in the new react picker. * added some nice colors to the tags. * Added thunk for selecting a tag. * Refactor: Cleans up templating state when dashboard unloads * Refactor: Adds save capabilities for variables in state * added possibility to select tag. * Added so you can deselect a tag. * Fixed issue with coloring on top. * minor refactoring to make the code more slim. * Refactor: Fixes dispatch return and copy of variable * selecting options when tag i selected * small refactoring. * fixed so we use options. * Refactor: Adds getValueForUrl capabilities * first implementation of keyboard navigation on picker. * removed comment. * fixed so you can toggle all options. * Refactor: Simplified state handling using Redux Toolkit and flat reducer structure * Refactor: Adds sharedTemplatingReducer and queryVariableReducer * Tests: Fixs broken tests * Chore: Removes some strict null errors * Tests: Fix broken tests * Refactor: Splitted QueryVariablePicker into smaller components * Refactor: Moves linktext and selected tags to component instead * Fix: Fixes the ability to have multiple dropdowns opened at same time * Fix: Fixes onKeyDown from prev refactor * Refactor: Adds searchfilter searching * Tests: Fixes after running e2e tests * Refactor: Adds an attempt to solve dependencies at startup * Refactor: Adds feature toggle * Refactor: Resets all angular files to master * Refactor: Move stuff to query folder * Refactor: Initial commit for SubMenu component * Refactor: Updated DashboardModel with new list * Refactor: Adds feature toggle to dashboard model and friends * Refactor: Adds picker to SubMenu * Refactor: Fixes styling on SubMenu * Refactor: Fixes processvariables * Refactor: Initial EditorList skeleton * Refactor: Refactors out VariableEditorList and VariableEditorContainer * Refactor: Adds New variable functionality * Refactor: Adds registred types * Refactor: Adds edit existing variable functionality * Refactor: Changes params to thunks * Refactor: Small fix for cleaning up state when clicking update/add * Refactor: Better typings for outer containers * Refactor: Adds change order functionality * Refactor: Removed notify angular args * Change so the url is in sync with the redux template variables. * Adding support for saving proper values and checking changes. * Refactor: Adds duplicate variable functionality * Feature: Adds remove variable functionality * Refactor: Small refactor so e2e tests work as before * Refactor: Returns null if no visible variables * Refactor: Adds annotations to SubMenu * Refactor: Fixes toggling of annotations in SubMenu * added dashboard links to new submehu. * Refactor: Small refactor breaking up into smaller components * Fix: Fixes infinite recursive loop when changing varible name * Templating: Do not mutate location query state * Refactor: Fixes minor timing issue when adding new variable * Refactor: removes initialization in variable_srv constructor * Refactor: Suggestion on how to handle templating.list in DashboardExporter * Refactor: Adds getVariables typings and changes ChangeTracker and ShareSnapshotCtrl * Refactor: Adds getVariable on DashboardModel and changes DashboardMigrator * Fix: Fixes repeated panels * wip: starting to add custom variable type. * Refactor: Merging two different toVariablePayload functions * Tests: Fixes broken tests * Fix: Reduces strict null errors * Tests: Initial commit and fixes strange dependency order * Tests: Covers sharedTemplatingReducer with tests * Refactor: Rename state/index.ts => state/reducers.ts as every where else * Refactor: Renames and moves adapters.ts * Tests: Adds tests for templatingReducer * Tests: Adds intitial tests for queryVariableReducer * starting to ad custom variable. * Tests: Adds more queryVariableReducer tests * Added support for custom variable. Next up applying some DRY principles and refactoring. * fixed compile issue. * added todo. * Tests: Fixes broken test * Tests: Covers queryVariableReducer with tests and fixed a couple of bugs * Fix: Fixes broken test * Fix: Reduces strict null errors * change so custom won't be depending on anything elese. * fixed descriptions. * removed unused dependency. * Fixed issue when adding a new variable and editor is being unmount twice. * fixed issue with select option loop. * changed so we update query on typing in editor and removed it from component state. * Moved runQuery up one level in the component tree. * renamed action and moved it to custom actions. * moved applyStateChanges to shared code. * removed todo comment. * first stab on moving picker to more general. * Refactor: Changes so we always show variables type * removed duplicate code regarding picker. * Did some renamings. * Feature: Adds text box variable type * moved tests from query reducer to picker reducer. * Removed picker from VariableState. * removed reference to picker. * Some more refactorings of the picker reducer + actions. * Chore: Refactors away editor state to its own state slice (#22515) * Refactor: Inital move, tests not working * Tests: Adds editorReducer tests * Refactor: Cleaning up * Refactor: Moves logic to thunk instead * Refactor: Initial commit * Refactor: Combines reducers to one state * Refactor: Adds combine reducers * moved navigation logic flow to a thunk instead of in the component. * fixed issue with rendering picker link. * Refactor: Removes variable prop from templating.variables * refactored and removed some more code. * Feature: adds Constant variable type * fixed so tags can be selected. * Fix: fixes default hide for constant and enum order * fixed so tags works again. * Fix: fixes so we use Angular editor when newVariables is not defined * Fix: fixes wrong hide default for Constant variable * Fix: fixes bug when using duplicate button * Fix: changes action id * Tests: prepares for newVariables * Chore: reduces strict null errors * Refactor: removes uuidInEditorReducer for simplification * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: uses getConfig instead of config * Tests: fixes so e2e tests check for feature toggle and fixed initLock bug * Refactor: changes so sharedReducer uses createSlice instead * Refactor: changes textBoxVariableReducer to use creactSlice instead * Refactor: changes queryBoxVariableReducer to use creactSlice instead * Refactor: changes customVariableReducer to use creactSlice instead * Refactor: changes constantVariableReducer to use creactSlice instead * Refactor: moves types to specific types.ts files instead * changed so we use queryValue stored on the variable to populate options input when opening picker. * Feature: adds the ability to test templating thunks using real store and middleware * Chore: cleans up unused import * excluded queryValue from the getSaveModel * Refactor: adds whenAsyncActionIsDispatched to reduxTester * Tests: adds initial tests for processVariables * Added reducer tests for constant variable. * added tests for custom reducer. * added tets for texbox reducer. * Tests: adds more tests for ProcessVariable * Refactor: fixes processVariable flow so we do notrun updateOptions twice * Tests: finishes tests for processVariables and removed skip test * added actions tests for custom and constant. * Tests: adds tests for setOptionFromUrl * Tests: adds a naive variable mock builder * Tests: adds tests for validateVariableSelectionState * added tests for query variable actions. * added last test for query actions. * added more tests. * some more tests. * fixed typing errors. * Fixed issues with variable tags. Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <>
2020-03-10 02:53:41 -05:00
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2018-12-20 02:25:04 -06:00
2018-12-25 02:59:23 -06:00
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2018-12-25 01:55:44 -06:00
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2018-12-25 01:55:44 -06:00