Grafana uses [Docker]( to make the task of setting up databases a little easier. If you do not have it already, make sure you [install Docker]( before proceeding to the next step.
for some databases there are multiple images with different versions. Some blocks such as `slow_proxy_mac` or `apache_proxy_mac` are specifically for Macs.
Jaeger block runs both Jaeger and Loki container. Loki container sends traces to Jaeger and also logs its own logs into itself so it is possible to setup derived field for traceID from Loki to Jaeger. You need to install a docker plugin for the self logging to work, without it the container won't start. See for installation instructions.
An example of launch.json is provided in `devenv/vscode/launch.json`. It basically does what Makefile and .bra.toml do. The 'program' field is set to the folder name so VS Code loads all *.go files in it instead of just main.go.
### Containers that read from log files fail to start (Mac OS)
If you are running Mac OSX, containers that read from the log files (e.g. Telegraf, Fileabeat, Promtail) can fail to start. This is because the default Docker for Mac does not have permission to create `grafana` folder at the `/var/log` location, as it runs as the current user. To solve this issue, manually create the folder `/var/log/grafana`, then start the containers again.