2018-09-11 07:06:46 -05:00
package stackdriver
import (
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
2018-09-11 07:06:46 -05:00
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
2018-10-02 08:45:54 -05:00
2018-09-11 07:06:46 -05:00
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
func TestStackdriver ( t * testing . T ) {
Convey ( "Stackdriver" , t , func ( ) {
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
executor := & StackdriverExecutor { }
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
Convey ( "Parse queries from frontend and build Stackdriver API queries" , func ( ) {
2018-09-11 07:06:46 -05:00
fromStart := time . Date ( 2018 , 3 , 15 , 13 , 0 , 0 , 0 , time . UTC ) . In ( time . Local )
tsdbQuery := & tsdb . TsdbQuery {
TimeRange : & tsdb . TimeRange {
From : fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , fromStart . Unix ( ) * 1000 ) ,
To : fmt . Sprintf ( "%v" , fromStart . Add ( 34 * time . Minute ) . Unix ( ) * 1000 ) ,
} ,
Queries : [ ] * tsdb . Query {
Model : simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
"metricType" : "a/metric/type" ,
2018-09-13 16:51:45 -05:00
"view" : "FULL" ,
2018-09-23 15:04:24 -05:00
"aliasBy" : "testalias" ,
2018-09-24 09:02:35 -05:00
"type" : "timeSeriesQuery" ,
2018-09-11 07:06:46 -05:00
} ) ,
RefId : "A" ,
} ,
} ,
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
Convey ( "and query has no aggregation set" , func ( ) {
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( queries ) , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . RefID , ShouldEqual , "A" )
2018-09-27 03:13:32 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Target , ShouldEqual , "aggregation.alignmentPeriod=%2B60s&aggregation.crossSeriesReducer=REDUCE_NONE&aggregation.perSeriesAligner=ALIGN_MEAN&filter=metric.type%3D%22a%2Fmetric%2Ftype%22&interval.endTime=2018-03-15T13%3A34%3A00Z&interval.startTime=2018-03-15T13%3A00%3A00Z&view=FULL" )
2018-09-17 09:33:38 -05:00
So ( len ( queries [ 0 ] . Params ) , ShouldEqual , 7 )
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "interval.startTime" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "2018-03-15T13:00:00Z" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "interval.endTime" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "2018-03-15T13:34:00Z" )
2018-09-17 09:33:38 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.perSeriesAligner" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "ALIGN_MEAN" )
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "filter" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "metric.type=\"a/metric/type\"" )
2018-09-13 16:51:45 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "view" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "FULL" )
2018-09-23 15:04:24 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . AliasBy , ShouldEqual , "testalias" )
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
} )
2018-09-14 09:20:51 -05:00
Convey ( "and query has filters" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"metricType" : "a/metric/type" ,
"filters" : [ ] interface { } { "key" , "=" , "value" , "AND" , "key2" , "=" , "value2" } ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( queries ) , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "filter" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` metric.type="a/metric/type" key="value" key2="value2" ` )
} )
2018-09-26 08:44:09 -05:00
Convey ( "and alignmentPeriod is set to grafana-auto" , func ( ) {
2018-09-27 02:19:24 -05:00
Convey ( "and IntervalMs is larger than 60000" , func ( ) {
2018-09-26 11:04:04 -05:00
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . IntervalMs = 1000000
2018-09-17 09:30:06 -05:00
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
2018-09-26 08:44:09 -05:00
"alignmentPeriod" : "grafana-auto" ,
2018-09-17 09:30:06 -05:00
"filters" : [ ] interface { } { "key" , "=" , "value" , "AND" , "key2" , "=" , "value2" } ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` +1000s ` )
} )
2018-09-27 02:19:24 -05:00
Convey ( "and IntervalMs is less than 60000" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . IntervalMs = 30000
2018-09-17 09:30:06 -05:00
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
2018-09-26 08:44:09 -05:00
"alignmentPeriod" : "grafana-auto" ,
2018-09-17 09:30:06 -05:00
"filters" : [ ] interface { } { "key" , "=" , "value" , "AND" , "key2" , "=" , "value2" } ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` +60s ` )
} )
} )
2018-09-27 03:20:01 -05:00
Convey ( "and alignmentPeriod is set to stackdriver-auto" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "and range is two hours" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . TimeRange . From = "1538033322461"
tsdbQuery . TimeRange . To = "1538040522461"
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"target" : "target" ,
"alignmentPeriod" : "stackdriver-auto" ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` +60s ` )
} )
Convey ( "and range is 22 hours" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . TimeRange . From = "1538034524922"
tsdbQuery . TimeRange . To = "1538113724922"
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"target" : "target" ,
"alignmentPeriod" : "stackdriver-auto" ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` +60s ` )
} )
Convey ( "and range is 23 hours" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . TimeRange . From = "1538034567985"
tsdbQuery . TimeRange . To = "1538117367985"
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"target" : "target" ,
"alignmentPeriod" : "stackdriver-auto" ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` +300s ` )
} )
Convey ( "and range is 7 days" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . TimeRange . From = "1538036324073"
tsdbQuery . TimeRange . To = "1538641124073"
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"target" : "target" ,
"alignmentPeriod" : "stackdriver-auto" ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` +3600s ` )
} )
} )
2018-09-17 10:13:06 -05:00
Convey ( "and alignmentPeriod is set in frontend" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "and alignment period is too big" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . IntervalMs = 1000
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"alignmentPeriod" : "+360000s" ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` +3600s ` )
} )
Convey ( "and alignment period is within accepted range" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . IntervalMs = 1000
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"alignmentPeriod" : "+600s" ,
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , ` +600s ` )
} )
} )
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
Convey ( "and query has aggregation mean set" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"metricType" : "a/metric/type" ,
"primaryAggregation" : "REDUCE_MEAN" ,
2018-09-13 16:51:45 -05:00
"view" : "FULL" ,
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( queries ) , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . RefID , ShouldEqual , "A" )
2018-09-27 03:13:32 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Target , ShouldEqual , "aggregation.alignmentPeriod=%2B60s&aggregation.crossSeriesReducer=REDUCE_MEAN&aggregation.perSeriesAligner=ALIGN_MEAN&filter=metric.type%3D%22a%2Fmetric%2Ftype%22&interval.endTime=2018-03-15T13%3A34%3A00Z&interval.startTime=2018-03-15T13%3A00%3A00Z&view=FULL" )
2018-09-13 16:51:45 -05:00
So ( len ( queries [ 0 ] . Params ) , ShouldEqual , 7 )
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "interval.startTime" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "2018-03-15T13:00:00Z" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "interval.endTime" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "2018-03-15T13:34:00Z" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.crossSeriesReducer" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "REDUCE_MEAN" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.perSeriesAligner" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "ALIGN_MEAN" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.alignmentPeriod" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "+60s" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "filter" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "metric.type=\"a/metric/type\"" )
2018-09-13 16:51:45 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "view" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "FULL" )
2018-09-11 17:24:59 -05:00
} )
2018-09-13 04:02:31 -05:00
Convey ( "and query has group bys" , func ( ) {
tsdbQuery . Queries [ 0 ] . Model = simplejson . NewFromAny ( map [ string ] interface { } {
"metricType" : "a/metric/type" ,
"primaryAggregation" : "REDUCE_NONE" ,
"groupBys" : [ ] interface { } { "metric.label.group1" , "metric.label.group2" } ,
2018-09-13 16:51:45 -05:00
"view" : "FULL" ,
2018-09-13 04:02:31 -05:00
} )
queries , err := executor . buildQueries ( tsdbQuery )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( queries ) , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . RefID , ShouldEqual , "A" )
2018-09-27 03:13:32 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Target , ShouldEqual , "aggregation.alignmentPeriod=%2B60s&aggregation.crossSeriesReducer=REDUCE_NONE&aggregation.groupByFields=metric.label.group1&aggregation.groupByFields=metric.label.group2&aggregation.perSeriesAligner=ALIGN_MEAN&filter=metric.type%3D%22a%2Fmetric%2Ftype%22&interval.endTime=2018-03-15T13%3A34%3A00Z&interval.startTime=2018-03-15T13%3A00%3A00Z&view=FULL" )
2018-09-17 09:33:38 -05:00
So ( len ( queries [ 0 ] . Params ) , ShouldEqual , 8 )
2018-09-13 04:02:31 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "interval.startTime" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "2018-03-15T13:00:00Z" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "interval.endTime" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "2018-03-15T13:34:00Z" )
2018-09-17 09:33:38 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.perSeriesAligner" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "ALIGN_MEAN" )
2018-09-13 04:02:31 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.groupByFields" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "metric.label.group1" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "aggregation.groupByFields" ] [ 1 ] , ShouldEqual , "metric.label.group2" )
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "filter" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "metric.type=\"a/metric/type\"" )
2018-09-13 16:51:45 -05:00
So ( queries [ 0 ] . Params [ "view" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "FULL" )
2018-09-13 04:02:31 -05:00
} )
2018-09-11 07:06:46 -05:00
} )
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
Convey ( "Parse stackdriver response in the time series format" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "when data from query aggregated to one time series" , func ( ) {
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00
data , err := loadTestFile ( "./test-data/1-series-response-agg-one-metric.json" )
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( data . TimeSeries ) , ShouldEqual , 1 )
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
res := & tsdb . QueryResult { Meta : simplejson . New ( ) , RefId : "A" }
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00
query := & StackdriverQuery { }
err = executor . parseResponse ( res , data , query )
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
So ( len ( res . Series ) , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "serviceruntime.googleapis.com/api/request_count" )
So ( len ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
2018-09-11 18:03:16 -05:00
Convey ( "timestamps should be in ascending order" , func ( ) {
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 0.05 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 0 ] [ 1 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1536670020000 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1.05 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 1 ] [ 1 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1536670080000 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 2 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1.0666666666667 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 2 ] [ 1 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1536670260000 )
} )
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
} )
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
Convey ( "when data from query with no aggregation" , func ( ) {
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00
data , err := loadTestFile ( "./test-data/2-series-response-no-agg.json" )
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( data . TimeSeries ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
res := & tsdb . QueryResult { Meta : simplejson . New ( ) , RefId : "A" }
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00
query := & StackdriverQuery { }
err = executor . parseResponse ( res , data , query )
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
Convey ( "Should add labels to metric name" , func ( ) {
So ( len ( res . Series ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time collector-asia-east-1" )
So ( res . Series [ 1 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time collector-europe-west-1" )
So ( res . Series [ 2 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time collector-us-east-1" )
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00
} )
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00
Convey ( "Should parse to time series" , func ( ) {
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
So ( len ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
2018-09-11 18:03:16 -05:00
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 9.8566497180145 )
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 9.7323568146676 )
2018-09-11 18:03:16 -05:00
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 2 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 9.7730520330369 )
2018-09-11 15:41:24 -05:00
} )
2018-09-13 04:02:31 -05:00
Convey ( "Should add meta for labels to the response" , func ( ) {
2018-09-13 09:01:03 -05:00
metricLabels := res . Meta . Get ( "metricLabels" ) . Interface ( ) . ( map [ string ] [ ] string )
So ( metricLabels , ShouldNotBeNil )
So ( len ( metricLabels [ "instance_name" ] ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
So ( metricLabels [ "instance_name" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "collector-asia-east-1" )
So ( metricLabels [ "instance_name" ] [ 1 ] , ShouldEqual , "collector-europe-west-1" )
So ( metricLabels [ "instance_name" ] [ 2 ] , ShouldEqual , "collector-us-east-1" )
resourceLabels := res . Meta . Get ( "resourceLabels" ) . Interface ( ) . ( map [ string ] [ ] string )
So ( resourceLabels , ShouldNotBeNil )
So ( len ( resourceLabels [ "zone" ] ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
So ( resourceLabels [ "zone" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "asia-east1-a" )
So ( resourceLabels [ "zone" ] [ 1 ] , ShouldEqual , "europe-west1-b" )
So ( resourceLabels [ "zone" ] [ 2 ] , ShouldEqual , "us-east1-b" )
So ( len ( resourceLabels [ "project_id" ] ) , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( resourceLabels [ "project_id" ] [ 0 ] , ShouldEqual , "grafana-prod" )
2018-09-13 04:02:31 -05:00
} )
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
} )
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00
Convey ( "when data from query with no aggregation and group bys" , func ( ) {
data , err := loadTestFile ( "./test-data/2-series-response-no-agg.json" )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( data . TimeSeries ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
res := & tsdb . QueryResult { Meta : simplejson . New ( ) , RefId : "A" }
query := & StackdriverQuery { GroupBys : [ ] string { "metric.label.instance_name" , "resource.label.zone" } }
err = executor . parseResponse ( res , data , query )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
Convey ( "Should add instance name and zone labels to metric name" , func ( ) {
So ( len ( res . Series ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time collector-asia-east-1 asia-east1-a" )
So ( res . Series [ 1 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time collector-europe-west-1 europe-west1-b" )
So ( res . Series [ 2 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time collector-us-east-1 us-east1-b" )
} )
} )
2018-09-20 04:44:17 -05:00
2018-09-23 15:04:24 -05:00
Convey ( "when data from query with no aggregation and alias by" , func ( ) {
data , err := loadTestFile ( "./test-data/2-series-response-no-agg.json" )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( data . TimeSeries ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
res := & tsdb . QueryResult { Meta : simplejson . New ( ) , RefId : "A" }
Convey ( "and the alias pattern is for metric type, a metric label and a resource label" , func ( ) {
query := & StackdriverQuery { AliasBy : "{{metric.type}} - {{metric.label.instance_name}} - {{resource.label.zone}}" , GroupBys : [ ] string { "metric.label.instance_name" , "resource.label.zone" } }
err = executor . parseResponse ( res , data , query )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
Convey ( "Should use alias by formatting and only show instance name" , func ( ) {
So ( len ( res . Series ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time - collector-asia-east-1 - asia-east1-a" )
So ( res . Series [ 1 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time - collector-europe-west-1 - europe-west1-b" )
So ( res . Series [ 2 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/usage_time - collector-us-east-1 - us-east1-b" )
} )
} )
Convey ( "and the alias pattern is for metric name" , func ( ) {
2018-09-28 10:15:55 -05:00
query := & StackdriverQuery { AliasBy : "metric {{metric.name}} service {{metric.service}}" , GroupBys : [ ] string { "metric.label.instance_name" , "resource.label.zone" } }
2018-09-23 15:04:24 -05:00
err = executor . parseResponse ( res , data , query )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
Convey ( "Should use alias by formatting and only show instance name" , func ( ) {
So ( len ( res . Series ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
2018-09-28 10:15:55 -05:00
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "metric instance/cpu/usage_time service compute" )
So ( res . Series [ 1 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "metric instance/cpu/usage_time service compute" )
So ( res . Series [ 2 ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "metric instance/cpu/usage_time service compute" )
2018-09-23 15:04:24 -05:00
} )
} )
} )
2018-10-02 08:45:54 -05:00
Convey ( "when data from query is distribution" , func ( ) {
data , err := loadTestFile ( "./test-data/3-series-response-distribution.json" )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( data . TimeSeries ) , ShouldEqual , 1 )
res := & tsdb . QueryResult { Meta : simplejson . New ( ) , RefId : "A" }
query := & StackdriverQuery { AliasBy : "{{bucket}}" }
err = executor . parseResponse ( res , data , query )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( len ( res . Series ) , ShouldEqual , 11 )
for i := 0 ; i < 11 ; i ++ {
if i == 0 {
So ( res . Series [ i ] . Name , ShouldEqual , "0" )
} else {
So ( res . Series [ i ] . Name , ShouldEqual , strconv . FormatInt ( int64 ( math . Pow ( float64 ( 2 ) , float64 ( i - 1 ) ) ) , 10 ) )
So ( len ( res . Series [ i ] . Points ) , ShouldEqual , 3 )
Convey ( "timestamps should be in ascending order" , func ( ) {
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 0 ] [ 1 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1536668940000 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 1 ] [ 1 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1536669000000 )
So ( res . Series [ 0 ] . Points [ 2 ] [ 1 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1536669060000 )
} )
Convey ( "value should be correct" , func ( ) {
So ( res . Series [ 8 ] . Points [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( res . Series [ 9 ] . Points [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( res . Series [ 10 ] . Points [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( res . Series [ 8 ] . Points [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 0 )
So ( res . Series [ 9 ] . Points [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 0 )
So ( res . Series [ 10 ] . Points [ 1 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( res . Series [ 8 ] . Points [ 2 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 0 )
So ( res . Series [ 9 ] . Points [ 2 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 1 )
So ( res . Series [ 10 ] . Points [ 2 ] [ 0 ] . Float64 , ShouldEqual , 0 )
} )
} )
2018-09-11 08:52:37 -05:00
} )
2018-10-02 10:29:51 -05:00
Convey ( "when interpolating filter wildcards" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "and wildcard is used in the beginning and the end of the word" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "and theres no wildcard in the middle of the word" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "*-central1*" )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` has_substring("-central1") ` )
} )
Convey ( "and there is a wildcard in the middle of the word" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "*-cent*ral1*" )
So ( value , ShouldNotStartWith , ` has_substring ` )
} )
} )
2018-10-02 10:52:26 -05:00
Convey ( "and wildcard is used in the beginning of the word" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "and there is not a wildcard elsewhere in the word" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "*-central1" )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` ends_with("-central1") ` )
} )
Convey ( "and there is a wildcard elsewhere in the word" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "*-cent*al1" )
So ( value , ShouldNotStartWith , ` ends_with ` )
} )
} )
Convey ( "and wildcard is used at the end of the word" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "and there is not a wildcard elsewhere in the word" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "us-central*" )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` starts_with("us-central") ` )
} )
Convey ( "and there is a wildcard elsewhere in the word" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "*us-central*" )
So ( value , ShouldNotStartWith , ` starts_with ` )
} )
} )
Convey ( "and wildcard is used in the middle of the word" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "and there is only one wildcard" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "us-ce*tral1-b" )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tral1\\-b$") ` )
} )
Convey ( "and there is more than one wildcard" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "us-ce*tra*1-b" )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tra.*1\\-b$") ` )
} )
} )
Convey ( "and wildcard is used in the middle of the word and in the beginning of the word" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "*s-ce*tral1-b" )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` monitoring.regex.full_match("^.*s\\-ce.*tral1\\-b$") ` )
} )
Convey ( "and wildcard is used in the middle of the word and in the ending of the word" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "us-ce*tral1-*" )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` monitoring.regex.full_match("^us\\-ce.*tral1\\-.*$") ` )
} )
2018-10-02 10:58:31 -05:00
Convey ( "and no wildcard is used" , func ( ) {
value := interpolateFilterWildcards ( "us-central1-a}" )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` us-central1-a} ` )
} )
2018-10-02 10:29:51 -05:00
} )
2018-10-02 10:58:31 -05:00
2018-10-02 11:09:42 -05:00
Convey ( "when building filter string" , func ( ) {
2018-10-08 04:08:14 -05:00
Convey ( "and theres no regex operator" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "and there are wildcards in a filter value" , func ( ) {
filterParts := [ ] interface { } { "zone" , "=" , "*-central1*" }
value := buildFilterString ( "somemetrictype" , filterParts )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` metric.type="somemetrictype" zone=has_substring("-central1") ` )
} )
Convey ( "and there are no wildcards in any filter value" , func ( ) {
filterParts := [ ] interface { } { "zone" , "!=" , "us-central1-a" }
value := buildFilterString ( "somemetrictype" , filterParts )
So ( value , ShouldEqual , ` metric.type="somemetrictype" zone!="us-central1-a" ` )
} )
2018-10-02 11:09:42 -05:00
} )
2018-10-08 04:08:14 -05:00
Convey ( "and there is a regex operator" , func ( ) {
filterParts := [ ] interface { } { "zone" , "=~" , "us-central1-a~" }
2018-10-02 11:09:42 -05:00
value := buildFilterString ( "somemetrictype" , filterParts )
2018-10-08 04:08:14 -05:00
Convey ( "it should remove the ~ character from the operator that belongs to the value" , func ( ) {
So ( value , ShouldNotContainSubstring , ` =~ ` )
So ( value , ShouldContainSubstring , ` zone= ` )
} )
Convey ( "it should insert monitoring.regex.full_match before filter value" , func ( ) {
So ( value , ShouldContainSubstring , ` zone=monitoring.regex.full_match("us-central1-a~") ` )
} )
2018-10-02 11:09:42 -05:00
} )
} )
2018-09-11 07:06:46 -05:00
} )
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00
func loadTestFile ( path string ) ( StackdriverResponse , error ) {
var data StackdriverResponse
jsonBody , err := ioutil . ReadFile ( path )
if err != nil {
return data , err
err = json . Unmarshal ( jsonBody , & data )
2018-09-30 11:40:58 -05:00
return data , err
2018-09-19 17:52:14 -05:00