
245 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Lines starting with '#' are comments.
# Each line is a file pattern followed by one or more owners.
# More details are here:
# The '*' pattern is global owners.
# Order is important. The last matching pattern has the most precedence.
# The folders are ordered as follows:
# In each subsection folders are ordered first by depth, then alphabetically.
# This should make it easy to add new rules without breaking existing ones.
# Documentation
/docs/ @grafana/docs-squad
/contribute/ @grafana/docs-squad
/docs/sources/developers/plugins/ @grafana/docs-squad @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend @grafana/plugins-platform-backend
/docs/sources/developers/plugins/backend @grafana/docs-squad @grafana/plugins-platform-backend
# Set up, dashboards/visualization, best practices: Chris Moyer
# Alerting: Brenda Muir
2022-10-26 17:20:25 -05:00
/docs/sources/administration/ @Eve832 @GrafanaWriter
/docs/sources/alerting @brendamuir
/docs/sources/best-practices/ @chri2547
/docs/sources/dashboards/ @chri2547
2022-10-26 17:20:25 -05:00
/docs/sources/datasources/ @Eve832 @GrafanaWriter
/docs/sources/enterprise/ @Eve832 @GrafanaWriter
/docs/sources/explore/ @Eve832 @GrafanaWriter
/docs/sources/getting-started/ @chri2547
/docs/sources/old-alerting @brendamuir
/docs/sources/panels/ @chri2547
2022-10-26 17:20:25 -05:00
/docs/sources/release-notes/ @Eve832 @GrafanaWriter
/docs/sources/setup-grafana/ @chri2547
/docs/sources/visualization/ @chri2547
2022-10-26 17:20:25 -05:00
/docs/sources/whatsnew/ @Eve832 @GrafanaWriter
# Backend code
*.go @grafana/backend-platform
go.mod @grafana/backend-platform
go.sum @grafana/backend-platform
2021-10-21 07:38:28 -05:00
/.bingo @grafana/backend-platform
# Backend code, developers environment
/devenv/docker/blocks/auth @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
# Logs code, developers environment
/devenv/docker/blocks/loki* @grafana/observability-logs
/devenv/docker/blocks/elastic* @grafana/observability-logs
# Performance tests
/devenv/docker/loadtests-ts @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
# Continuous Integration
.drone.yml @grafana/grafana-release-eng @grafana/grafana-release-eng
/scripts/drone/ @grafana/grafana-release-eng
/pkg/build/ @grafana/grafana-release-eng
# Cloud Datasources backend code
/pkg/tsdb/cloudwatch @grafana/aws-plugins
/pkg/tsdb/azuremonitor @grafana/cloud-provider-plugins
/pkg/tsdb/cloudmonitoring @grafana/cloud-provider-plugins
# Observability backend code
/pkg/tsdb/prometheus @grafana/observability-metrics
/pkg/tsdb/influxdb @grafana/observability-metrics
/pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch @grafana/observability-logs
/pkg/tsdb/graphite @grafana/observability-metrics
2022-08-10 02:04:37 -05:00
/pkg/tsdb/jaeger @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/pkg/tsdb/loki @grafana/observability-logs
2022-08-10 02:04:37 -05:00
/pkg/tsdb/zipkin @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/pkg/tsdb/tempo @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/pkg/tsdb/phlare @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/pkg/tsdb/parca @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
# BI backend code
/pkg/tsdb/mysql @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/pkg/tsdb/postgres @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/pkg/tsdb/mssql @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
# Database migrations
/pkg/services/sqlstore/migrations @grafana/backend-platform @grafana/hosted-grafana-team
*_mig.go @grafana/backend-platform @grafana/hosted-grafana-team
# Grafana edge
2021-11-08 13:21:35 -06:00
/pkg/services/live/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/pkg/services/searchV2/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/pkg/services/store/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/pkg/services/querylibrary/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/pkg/services/export/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/pkg/infra/filestore/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/pkg/tsdb/testdatasource/sims/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
# Alerting
/pkg/services/ngalert @grafana/alerting-squad-backend
/pkg/services/sqlstore/migrations/ualert @grafana/alerting-squad-backend
/pkg/services/alerting @grafana/alerting-squad-backend
/pkg/tests/api/alerting @grafana/alerting-squad-backend
/public/app/features/alerting @grafana/alerting-squad-frontend
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
# Library Services
/pkg/services/libraryelements @grafana/user-essentials
/pkg/services/librarypanels @grafana/user-essentials
2021-10-21 07:38:28 -05:00
# Plugins
/pkg/api/pluginproxy @grafana/plugins-platform-backend
/pkg/plugins @grafana/plugins-platform-backend
/pkg/services/datasourceproxy @grafana/plugins-platform-backend
/pkg/services/datasources @grafana/plugins-platform-backend
/pkg/plugins/pfs @grafana/plugins-platform-backend @grafana/grafana-as-code
2021-10-21 07:38:28 -05:00
# Dashboard previews / crawler (behind feature flag)
/pkg/services/thumbs @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
# Backend code docs
/contribute/style-guides/ @grafana/backend-platform
/contribute/architecture/backend @grafana/backend-platform
/contribute/engineering/backend @grafana/backend-platform
package.json @grafana/frontend-ops
tsconfig.json @grafana/frontend-ops
/crowdin.yml @grafana/user-essentials
/public/locales @grafana/user-essentials
/public/app/core/internationalization @grafana/user-essentials
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
/e2e @grafana/user-essentials
Azure Monitor: E2E Tests (#54619) * Update credentials form with data-testids and aria-labels * Update gitignore * Add example dashboard * Stub out E2E test for creating ds and importing dashboard * Add component selectors * Remove subscription check temporarily * Appropriately set disabled prop * Fix lint issues * Update to use selectors and wait on subscriptions request * Add test for metrics panel - Add required selectors for resource picker and metrics query editor * Add logs and ARG basic query scenarios - More selector updates * Add E2E test for template variables - Tests advanced resource picker - Adds required selectors * Remove log and add annotation e2e test * Update test * Prettier/betterer updates - Remove gitignore change * Lint issues * Update betterer results * Lint issue and remove unneeded import * Don't print certain commands * Avoiding flakiness - Ensure code editor has sufficient time to load in ARG test - Avoid flakiness around correct template variable being selected by typing in resource name * Remove be.visible requirement * Update test * Update selector name * Reuse datasource * Fix datasource reuse and combine query tests * Remove import dashboard step as unneeded * Review - Randomise datasource name - Skip annotations test - Remove unused example dashboard * Update to ensure e2e test works in CI * Update e2e test - Update environment variables (process is not available in cypress) - Add wait on resource picker searches to avoid flakiness - Update subscription and resource group names * Update CODEOWNERS * Parse credentials in CI from outputs file * Update outputs file path * Fix selector * Undo selector change * Update e2e tests - Set default subscription - Fix datasource selection in variable editor - Fix resource picker search flakiness - Set subscription in ARG query test - Fix resource group selection - Update resource group * Review * Review 2
2022-11-04 05:47:54 -05:00
/e2e/cloud-plugins-suite @grafana/cloud-provider-plugins
2021-10-21 07:38:28 -05:00
/packages @grafana/user-essentials @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
/packages/grafana-e2e-selectors @grafana/user-essentials
/packages/grafana-e2e @grafana/user-essentials
2021-10-21 07:38:28 -05:00
/packages/grafana-toolkit @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend
/packages/grafana-ui/.storybook @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend
/packages/grafana-ui/src/components/DateTimePickers @grafana/user-essentials
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
/packages/grafana-ui/src/components/GraphNG @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/packages/grafana-ui/src/components/Logs @grafana/observability-logs
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
/packages/grafana-ui/src/components/Table @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/packages/grafana-ui/src/components/TimeSeries @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/packages/grafana-ui/src/components/uPlot @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
2021-10-21 07:38:28 -05:00
/packages/grafana-ui/src/utils/storybook @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend
2022-08-10 02:04:37 -05:00
/packages/jaeger-ui-components/ @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
2021-10-21 07:38:28 -05:00
/plugins-bundled @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend
# public folder
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
/public/app/core/components/TimePicker @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/core/components/Layers @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/features/canvas/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/features/comments/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/features/dimensions/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/features/geo/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/features/storage/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/features/live/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/features/query-library/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/features/explore/ @grafana/observability-experience-squad
2021-11-08 13:21:35 -06:00
/public/app/features/plugins @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend
/public/app/features/transformers/spatial @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/alertlist @grafana/alerting-squad-frontend
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
/public/app/plugins/panel/barchart @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/heatmap @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/histogram @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/logs @grafana/observability-logs
2022-08-10 02:04:37 -05:00
/public/app/plugins/panel/nodeGraph @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/public/app/plugins/panel/traces @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/public/app/plugins/panel/flamegraph @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
/public/app/plugins/panel/piechart @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/state-timeline @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/status-history @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/table @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/timeseries @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/geomap @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/canvas @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/candlestick @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/public/app/plugins/panel/icon @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
2021-10-21 07:38:28 -05:00
/scripts/build/ @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend
/scripts/ @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend
/scripts/ @grafana/user-essentials @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
2021-09-30 05:39:29 -05:00
/scripts/grunt @grafana/frontend-ops
/scripts/webpack @grafana/frontend-ops
/scripts/ @grafana/user-essentials
lerna.json @grafana/frontend-ops
.babelrc @grafana/frontend-ops
.prettierrc.js @grafana/frontend-ops
.eslintrc @grafana/frontend-ops
.pa11yci.conf.js @grafana/user-essentials
.pa11yci-pr.conf.js @grafana/user-essentials
.betterer.results @joshhunt
# @grafana/ui component documentation
*.mdx @grafana/plugins-platform-frontend
# Core datasources
/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloudwatch @grafana/aws-plugins
/public/app/plugins/datasource/elasticsearch @grafana/observability-logs
/public/app/plugins/datasource/grafana-azure-monitor-datasource @grafana/cloud-provider-plugins
/public/app/plugins/datasource/graphite @grafana/observability-metrics
/public/app/plugins/datasource/influxdb @grafana/observability-metrics
2022-08-10 02:04:37 -05:00
/public/app/plugins/datasource/jaeger @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/public/app/plugins/datasource/loki @grafana/observability-logs
/public/app/plugins/datasource/mssql @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/datasource/mysql @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/datasource/opentsdb @grafana/backend-platform
/public/app/plugins/datasource/postgres @grafana/grafana-bi-squad
/public/app/plugins/datasource/prometheus @grafana/observability-metrics
/public/app/plugins/datasource/cloud-monitoring @grafana/cloud-provider-plugins
2022-08-10 02:04:37 -05:00
/public/app/plugins/datasource/zipkin @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/public/app/plugins/datasource/tempo @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/public/app/plugins/datasource/phlare @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/public/app/plugins/datasource/parca @grafana/observability-traces-and-profiling
/public/app/plugins/datasource/alertmanager @grafana/alerting-squad
# SSE - Server Side Expressions
/pkg/expr @grafana/observability-metrics
# Cloud middleware
/grafana-mixin/ @grafana/hosted-grafana-team
# Grafana authentication and authorization
/pkg/login @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/accesscontrol @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/auth @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/dashboards/accesscontrol.go @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/datasources/permissions @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/datasources/permissions/accesscontrol.go @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/guardian @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/ldap @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/login @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/multildap @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/oauthtoken @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/teamguardian @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/serviceaccounts @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/loginattempt @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
/pkg/services/authn @grafana/grafana-authnz-team
# Grafana Partnerships Team
/pkg/infra/httpclient/httpclientprovider/sigv4_middleware.go @grafana/grafana-partnerships-team
Reconcile coremodels, entities, objects under new kind framework (#56492) * Update thema to latest * Deal with s/Library/*Runtime/ * Commit new, working results of codegen * We like pointers now * Always take runtime arg for NewBase() * Sketchy handwavy pass at entity meta framework * Little nibbles * Update pkg/framework/coremodel/entityframework.cue Co-authored-by: Artur Wierzbicki <> * Move file into new framework location * Introduce loaders, Go code * Complete rename to kind * Flesh out framework, add svg/dashboard examples * Cruft removal * Remove generated kind go files from gitignore * Refine maturity concept, add SlotKind * Update embed and go deps * Export PrefixWithGrafanaCUE * Make the loader actually work, holy crap * Many small tweaks to type.cue * Add Apache 2 licensing exceptions for kinds * Add new kinds dir, start of generator * Roll back to earlier oapi-codegen * Introduce new grafana-specific CUE loaders * Introduce new tidy code generators framework * Catch up kind framework with tinkering * Add slices for the generators * Add write/verify step to main generator * Many renames * Split up kind framework cue files * Use kind.Decl within generated kinds * Create kind.SomeDecl wrapper type to cache lineages * Better names again * Get one generated implemented, hopefully * Copy dashboard schema into new kind.cue * Small fixes to make the initial gen work * Put svg kind in its new home * Add generated Go dashboard type * More renames and cleanups * Add base kind registry and generator * Stop blacklisting *_gen.go files This is not the Go best practice, anyway. All we actually want to ignore for enterprise is generated wire files. * Change codegen output directories pkg/kind -> pkg/kinds pkg/registry/kindreg -> pkg/registry/corekind * Rename pkg/framework/kind to pkg/kindsys * Add core structured kind generator * Add plural and machine names to kind spec * Copy playlist over to kind system * Consolidate kindsys files * Add raw kind generator * Update CODEOWNERS for kind framework * Touch up comments a bit * More docs tweaks * Remove generated types to reduce noise for review * Split each generator into its own file * Rename Slot kind to Composable kind * Add handwavy types for customkind loading * Guard against init calls to framework loader * First pass at doc on extending the kind system * Improve attribute example in docs * Fix wire imports * Add basic TS types generator * Fix composable kind category def * No need for a separate file with generate directive * Catch dashboard schema up * Rename generator types to something saner and generic * Make version configurable in ts/go generators * Add CommonMeta to ease property access * Add kindsys prop indicating whether lineage is group * Put all kind categories back in a single file * Finish with kindsys group props * Refactor maturity progression per discussion - Replace "committed" with "merged" - All kindcats can use all maturity levels, at least for now * Convert ts veneer index generator to modular system * Move over to new jennywrites framework * Strip down old coremodel generator * Use public version of jennywrites * Pull latest thema * Commit generated Go types * Add header injection postprocessor * Move sdboyer/jennywrites to grafana/codejen * Tweak header output * Remove dashboard and playlist coremodels * Fix up backend dashboards devenv test * Fix TS import patterns to new gen filename * Update internal imports, remove coremodel registry * Fix compilation errors, wire generation * Export and replace the prefix dropper * More Go struct and field name changes * Last name fixes, hopefully * Fix lint errors * Last lint error Co-authored-by: Artur Wierzbicki <>
2022-11-10 14:36:40 -06:00
# Kind system and code generation
embed.go @grafana/grafana-as-code
/kinds/ @grafana/grafana-as-code
/pkg/codegen @grafana/grafana-as-code
Reconcile coremodels, entities, objects under new kind framework (#56492) * Update thema to latest * Deal with s/Library/*Runtime/ * Commit new, working results of codegen * We like pointers now * Always take runtime arg for NewBase() * Sketchy handwavy pass at entity meta framework * Little nibbles * Update pkg/framework/coremodel/entityframework.cue Co-authored-by: Artur Wierzbicki <> * Move file into new framework location * Introduce loaders, Go code * Complete rename to kind * Flesh out framework, add svg/dashboard examples * Cruft removal * Remove generated kind go files from gitignore * Refine maturity concept, add SlotKind * Update embed and go deps * Export PrefixWithGrafanaCUE * Make the loader actually work, holy crap * Many small tweaks to type.cue * Add Apache 2 licensing exceptions for kinds * Add new kinds dir, start of generator * Roll back to earlier oapi-codegen * Introduce new grafana-specific CUE loaders * Introduce new tidy code generators framework * Catch up kind framework with tinkering * Add slices for the generators * Add write/verify step to main generator * Many renames * Split up kind framework cue files * Use kind.Decl within generated kinds * Create kind.SomeDecl wrapper type to cache lineages * Better names again * Get one generated implemented, hopefully * Copy dashboard schema into new kind.cue * Small fixes to make the initial gen work * Put svg kind in its new home * Add generated Go dashboard type * More renames and cleanups * Add base kind registry and generator * Stop blacklisting *_gen.go files This is not the Go best practice, anyway. All we actually want to ignore for enterprise is generated wire files. * Change codegen output directories pkg/kind -> pkg/kinds pkg/registry/kindreg -> pkg/registry/corekind * Rename pkg/framework/kind to pkg/kindsys * Add core structured kind generator * Add plural and machine names to kind spec * Copy playlist over to kind system * Consolidate kindsys files * Add raw kind generator * Update CODEOWNERS for kind framework * Touch up comments a bit * More docs tweaks * Remove generated types to reduce noise for review * Split each generator into its own file * Rename Slot kind to Composable kind * Add handwavy types for customkind loading * Guard against init calls to framework loader * First pass at doc on extending the kind system * Improve attribute example in docs * Fix wire imports * Add basic TS types generator * Fix composable kind category def * No need for a separate file with generate directive * Catch dashboard schema up * Rename generator types to something saner and generic * Make version configurable in ts/go generators * Add CommonMeta to ease property access * Add kindsys prop indicating whether lineage is group * Put all kind categories back in a single file * Finish with kindsys group props * Refactor maturity progression per discussion - Replace "committed" with "merged" - All kindcats can use all maturity levels, at least for now * Convert ts veneer index generator to modular system * Move over to new jennywrites framework * Strip down old coremodel generator * Use public version of jennywrites * Pull latest thema * Commit generated Go types * Add header injection postprocessor * Move sdboyer/jennywrites to grafana/codejen * Tweak header output * Remove dashboard and playlist coremodels * Fix up backend dashboards devenv test * Fix TS import patterns to new gen filename * Update internal imports, remove coremodel registry * Fix compilation errors, wire generation * Export and replace the prefix dropper * More Go struct and field name changes * Last name fixes, hopefully * Fix lint errors * Last lint error Co-authored-by: Artur Wierzbicki <>
2022-11-10 14:36:40 -06:00
/pkg/kindsys @grafana/grafana-as-code
/pkg/kinds/*/*_gen.go @grafana/grafana-as-code
/pkg/registry/corekind @grafana/grafana-as-code
/public/app/plugins/*gen.go @grafana/grafana-as-code
Reconcile coremodels, entities, objects under new kind framework (#56492) * Update thema to latest * Deal with s/Library/*Runtime/ * Commit new, working results of codegen * We like pointers now * Always take runtime arg for NewBase() * Sketchy handwavy pass at entity meta framework * Little nibbles * Update pkg/framework/coremodel/entityframework.cue Co-authored-by: Artur Wierzbicki <> * Move file into new framework location * Introduce loaders, Go code * Complete rename to kind * Flesh out framework, add svg/dashboard examples * Cruft removal * Remove generated kind go files from gitignore * Refine maturity concept, add SlotKind * Update embed and go deps * Export PrefixWithGrafanaCUE * Make the loader actually work, holy crap * Many small tweaks to type.cue * Add Apache 2 licensing exceptions for kinds * Add new kinds dir, start of generator * Roll back to earlier oapi-codegen * Introduce new grafana-specific CUE loaders * Introduce new tidy code generators framework * Catch up kind framework with tinkering * Add slices for the generators * Add write/verify step to main generator * Many renames * Split up kind framework cue files * Use kind.Decl within generated kinds * Create kind.SomeDecl wrapper type to cache lineages * Better names again * Get one generated implemented, hopefully * Copy dashboard schema into new kind.cue * Small fixes to make the initial gen work * Put svg kind in its new home * Add generated Go dashboard type * More renames and cleanups * Add base kind registry and generator * Stop blacklisting *_gen.go files This is not the Go best practice, anyway. All we actually want to ignore for enterprise is generated wire files. * Change codegen output directories pkg/kind -> pkg/kinds pkg/registry/kindreg -> pkg/registry/corekind * Rename pkg/framework/kind to pkg/kindsys * Add core structured kind generator * Add plural and machine names to kind spec * Copy playlist over to kind system * Consolidate kindsys files * Add raw kind generator * Update CODEOWNERS for kind framework * Touch up comments a bit * More docs tweaks * Remove generated types to reduce noise for review * Split each generator into its own file * Rename Slot kind to Composable kind * Add handwavy types for customkind loading * Guard against init calls to framework loader * First pass at doc on extending the kind system * Improve attribute example in docs * Fix wire imports * Add basic TS types generator * Fix composable kind category def * No need for a separate file with generate directive * Catch dashboard schema up * Rename generator types to something saner and generic * Make version configurable in ts/go generators * Add CommonMeta to ease property access * Add kindsys prop indicating whether lineage is group * Put all kind categories back in a single file * Finish with kindsys group props * Refactor maturity progression per discussion - Replace "committed" with "merged" - All kindcats can use all maturity levels, at least for now * Convert ts veneer index generator to modular system * Move over to new jennywrites framework * Strip down old coremodel generator * Use public version of jennywrites * Pull latest thema * Commit generated Go types * Add header injection postprocessor * Move sdboyer/jennywrites to grafana/codejen * Tweak header output * Remove dashboard and playlist coremodels * Fix up backend dashboards devenv test * Fix TS import patterns to new gen filename * Update internal imports, remove coremodel registry * Fix compilation errors, wire generation * Export and replace the prefix dropper * More Go struct and field name changes * Last name fixes, hopefully * Fix lint errors * Last lint error Co-authored-by: Artur Wierzbicki <>
2022-11-10 14:36:40 -06:00
# Specific core kinds
/kinds/raw/ @grafana/grafana-edge-squad
/kinds/structured/dashboard @grafana/dashboards-squad