2023-04-12 11:24:34 -05:00
package expr
import (
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func shouldUseDataplane(frames data.Frames, logger *log.ConcreteLogger, disable bool) (dt data.FrameType, b bool, e error) {
if disable {
dt = data.FrameTypeUnknown
if len(frames) == 0 {
return data.FrameTypeUnknown, true, nil
firstFrame := frames[0]
if firstFrame == nil {
if firstFrame.Meta == nil {
if firstFrame.Meta.Type == "" {
if firstFrame.Meta.TypeVersion.IsZero() {
dt, err := reader.CanReadBasedOnMeta(frames)
if err != nil {
var vw *sdata.VersionWarning
if errors.As(err, &vw) {
logger.Warn("Attempting to read mismatched version dataplane data", "error", err, "datatype", dt)
return dt, true, nil
// TODO: Remove as more confidence is gained in dataplane data handling and return the error
logger.Warn("Dataplane data detected but falling back to old processing due to error",
"error", err)
return dt, false, err
return dt, true, nil
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func handleDataplaneFrames(ctx context.Context, tracer tracing.Tracer, t data.FrameType, frames data.Frames) (mathexp.Results, error) {
_, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "SSE.HandleDataPlaneData")
defer span.End()
span.SetAttributes("dataplane.type", t, attribute.Key("dataplane.type").String(string(t)))
switch t.Kind() {
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case data.KindUnknown:
return mathexp.Results{Values: mathexp.Values{mathexp.NoData{}.New()}}, nil
case data.KindTimeSeries:
return handleDataplaneTimeseries(frames)
case data.KindNumeric:
return handleDataplaneNumeric(frames)
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return mathexp.Results{}, fmt.Errorf("kind %s (type %s) not supported by server side expressions", t.Kind(), t)
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func handleDataplaneTimeseries(frames data.Frames) (mathexp.Results, error) {
dps, err := timeseries.CollectionReaderFromFrames(frames)
if err != nil {
return mathexp.Results{}, err
sc, err := dps.GetCollection(false)
if err != nil {
return mathexp.Results{}, err
if sc.NoData() {
noData := mathexp.NoData{}.New()
if len(dps.Frames()) == 1 {
// If single frame form of nodata, copy the frame to pass through metadata
noData.Frame = dps.Frames()[0]
return mathexp.Results{Values: mathexp.Values{noData}}, nil
res := mathexp.Results{}
res.Values = make([]mathexp.Value, 0, len(sc.Refs))
for _, s := range sc.Refs {
newSeries, err := mathexp.NewSeriesFromRef(sc.RefID, s)
if err != nil {
return res, err
res.Values = append(res.Values, newSeries)
return res, nil
func handleDataplaneNumeric(frames data.Frames) (mathexp.Results, error) {
dn, err := numeric.CollectionReaderFromFrames(frames)
if err != nil {
return mathexp.Results{}, err
nc, err := dn.GetCollection(false)
if err != nil {
return mathexp.Results{}, err
if nc.NoData() {
noData := mathexp.NoData{}.New()
if len(dn.Frames()) == 1 {
// If single frame form of nodata, copy the frame to pass through metadata
noData.Frame = dn.Frames()[0]
return mathexp.Results{Values: mathexp.Values{noData}}, nil
res := mathexp.Results{}
res.Values = make([]mathexp.Value, 0, len(nc.Refs))
for _, n := range nc.Refs {
newNum, err := mathexp.NumberFromRef(nc.RefID, n)
if err != nil {
return res, err
res.Values = append(res.Values, newNum)
return res, nil