The Drone pipelines are built with [Starlark](, a similar language to Python. The Starlark files are located in [`scripts/drone`](
1. Set environment variables `DRONE_SERVER` and `DRONE_TOKEN` found in your [Drone account]( These environment variables are used to verify that only Grafana employees can make changes to the pipelines.
1. Install [buildifier](, and use it to format the Starlark files you want to edit.
1. Open a pull request where you can do test runs for your changes. If you need to experiment with secrets, create a pull request in the [`grafana-ci-sandbox repo`]( before opening a pull request in the main repo.
1. Run `make drone` after making changes to the Starlark files. This builds the `.drone.yml` file.
For further questions, reach out to the `grafana-release-guild` squad.