1. Click share in the panel menu to open the Share Panel dialog.
Here you have access to a link that will take you to exactly this panel with the current time range and selected template variables. Here are some of the ways you can share a panel.
## Publish snapshots
You can publish snapshots to your local instance or to [snapshot.raintank.io](http://snapshot.raintank.io). The latter is a free service provided by [Raintank](http://raintank.io), that allows you to publish dashboard snapshots to an external Grafana instance.
Anyone with the link can view it. You can optionally set an expiration time if you want the snapshot to be removed after a certain time period.
You also get a link to render a PNG image of the panel. Useful if you want to share an image of the panel. For more information about the requirements and how to configure image rendering, refer to [image rendering](/administration/image_rendering/).
> **Note:** This sharing requires [allow_embedding]({{< relref "../administration/configuration.md#allow-embedding" >}}) enabled and anonymous access, or proper configuration of the [cookie_samesite]({{< relref "../administration/configuration.md#cookie-samesite" >}}) setting.