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History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
package migrations
import . ""
func addDashboardVersionMigration(mg *Migrator) {
dashboardVersionV1 := Table{
Name: "dashboard_version",
Columns: []*Column{
{Name: "id", Type: DB_BigInt, IsPrimaryKey: true, IsAutoIncrement: true},
{Name: "dashboard_id", Type: DB_BigInt},
{Name: "parent_version", Type: DB_Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "restored_from", Type: DB_Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "version", Type: DB_Int, Nullable: false},
{Name: "created", Type: DB_DateTime, Nullable: false},
{Name: "created_by", Type: DB_BigInt, Nullable: false},
{Name: "message", Type: DB_Text, Nullable: false},
{Name: "data", Type: DB_Text, Nullable: false},
Indices: []*Index{
{Cols: []string{"dashboard_id"}},
{Cols: []string{"dashboard_id", "version"}, Type: UniqueIndex},
mg.AddMigration("create dashboard_version table v1", NewAddTableMigration(dashboardVersionV1))
mg.AddMigration("add index dashboard_version.dashboard_id", NewAddIndexMigration(dashboardVersionV1, dashboardVersionV1.Indices[0]))
mg.AddMigration("add unique index dashboard_version.dashboard_id and dashboard_version.version", NewAddIndexMigration(dashboardVersionV1, dashboardVersionV1.Indices[1]))
// before new dashboards where created with version 0, now they are always inserted with version 1
const setVersionTo1WhereZeroSQL = `UPDATE dashboard SET version = 1 WHERE version = 0`
mg.AddMigration("Set dashboard version to 1 where 0", new(RawSqlMigration).
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
const rawSQL = `INSERT INTO dashboard_version
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
FROM dashboard;`
mg.AddMigration("save existing dashboard data in dashboard_version table v1", new(RawSqlMigration).