This guide explains how to conduct end-to-end tests for the [Grafana repository]( Ensure that you've read the [generalized E2E document](
-`yarn e2e`: Creates an isolated `grafana-server` home under `\<repo-root>/e2e/tmp` with provisioned data sources and dashboards. This makes a local copy of the build binary and frontend assets from your repository root so you need to have a built backend and frontend. The server starts on port `3001` so it does not conflict with your normal dev server.
-`yarn e2e:debug`: Same as previous but runs the tests in Chrome and doesn't shut down after completion.
-`yarn e2e:dev`: Same as previous but does not run any tests on startup. It lets you pick a test first.
-`./scripts/grafana-server/start-server`: This creates a new Grafana server working directory, sets up configuration. and starts the server. It also kills any previously started server that is still running using the `pid` file at `\<repo-root>/scripts/grafana-server/tmp/pid`.
-`./scripts/grafana-server/wait-for-grafana`: waits for `$HOST` and `$PORT` to be available. Per default `localhost` and `3001`.
-`./e2e/run-suite <debug|dev|noarg>`: Starts Cypress in different modes.