Grafana supports a wide variety of internal and external ways for users to authenticate themselves. These include from its own integrated database, from an external SQL server, or from an external LDAP server.
This admin flag makes user a `Super Admin`. This means they can access the `Server Admin` views where all users and organizations can be administrated.
in that organization. Grafana supports multiple *organizations* in order to support a wide variety of deployment models, including using a single Grafana instance to provide service to multiple potentially untrusted organizations.
In most cases, Grafana is deployed with a single organization.
Each organization can have one or more data sources.
All dashboards are owned by a particular organization.
> Note: Most metric databases do not provide per-user series authentication. This means that organization data sources and dashboards are available to all users in a particular organization.
Refer to [Organization roles]({{< relref "../permissions/" >}}) for more information.
Dashboard and folder permissions allow you to remove the default role based permissions for Editors and Viewers and assign permissions to specific **Users** and **Teams**. Learn more about [Dashboard and Folder Permissions]({{< relref "" >}}).
Data source permissions allows you to change the default permissions for data sources and restrict query permissions to specific **Users** and **Teams**. Read more about [data source permissions]({{< relref "../enterprise/" >}}).