The state timeline panel visualization shows discrete state changes over time. Each field or series is rendered as its unique horizontal band. State regions can either be rendered with or without values. This panel works well with string or boolean states but can also be used with time series. When used with time series, the thresholds are used to turn the numerical values into discrete state regions.
The panel can be used with time series data as well. In this case, the thresholds are used to turn the time series into discrete colored state regions.
When the legend option is enabled it can show either the value mappings or the threshold brackets. To show the value mappings in the legend, it's important that the `Color scheme` as referenced in [Apply color to a series and fields]({{< relref "../panels/working-with-panels/" >}}) is set to `Single color` or `Classic palette`. To see the threshold brackets in the legend set the `Color scheme` to `From thresholds`.