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package api
import (
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
2015-02-05 03:37:13 -06:00
2015-02-05 03:37:13 -06:00
2015-02-05 03:37:13 -06:00
Fix goconst issues See, $ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=goconst --disable=gotype --deadline=6m ./... build.go:113:15:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:119:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst) build.go:119:15:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst) build.go:491:34:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:119:15 (goconst) build.go:381:21:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:423:13 build.go:487:13 (goconst) build.go:423:13:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:487:13 (goconst) build.go:487:13:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:423:13 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/folder.go:98:22:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/folder.go:98:35:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:63:47:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:91:22 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:91:22:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:93:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:91:22 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:85:11:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:162:14 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:162:14:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:197:11:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:162:14 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 (goconst)
2018-09-22 03:50:00 -05:00
const (
anonString = "Anonymous"
func isDashboardStarredByUser(c *models.ReqContext, dashID int64) (bool, error) {
if !c.IsSignedIn {
return false, nil
query := models.IsStarredByUserQuery{UserId: c.UserId, DashboardId: dashID}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
return false, err
return query.Result, nil
func dashboardGuardianResponse(err error) response.Response {
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking dashboard permissions", err)
return response.Error(403, "Access denied to this dashboard", nil)
func (hs *HTTPServer) TrimDashboard(c *models.ReqContext, cmd models.TrimDashboardCommand) response.Response {
var err error
dash := cmd.Dashboard
meta := cmd.Meta
trimedResult := *dash
if !hs.LoadSchemaService.IsDisabled() {
trimedResult, err = hs.LoadSchemaService.DashboardTrimDefaults(*dash)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while exporting with default values removed", err)
dto := dtos.TrimDashboardFullWithMeta{
Dashboard: &trimedResult,
Meta: meta,
return response.JSON(200, dto)
func (hs *HTTPServer) GetDashboard(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
uid := c.Params(":uid")
dash, rsp := getDashboardHelper(c.OrgId, 0, uid)
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
if rsp != nil {
return rsp
// When dash contains only keys id, uid that means dashboard data is not valid and json decode failed.
if dash.Data != nil {
isEmptyData := true
for k := range dash.Data.MustMap() {
if k != "id" && k != "uid" {
isEmptyData = false
if isEmptyData {
return response.Error(500, "Error while loading dashboard, dashboard data is invalid", nil)
Shouldn't be able to overwrite a dashboard if you don't have permissions (#10900) * dashboards: new command for validating dashboard before update Removes validation logic from saveDashboard and later on use the new command for validating dashboard before saving a dashboard. This due to the fact that we need to validate permissions for overwriting other dashboards by uid and title. * dashboards: use the new command for validating dashboard before saving Had to refactor dashboard provisioning a bit to be able to sidetrack the permission validation in a somewhat reasonable way. Adds some initial tests of the dashboard repository, but needs to be extended later. At least now you can mock the dashboard guardian * dashboards: removes validation logic in the save dashboard api layer Use the dashboard repository solely for create/update dashboards and let it do all the validation. One exception regarding quota validation which still is in api layer since that logic is in a macaron middleware. Need to move out-commented api tests later. * dashboards: fix database tests for validate and saving dashboards * dashboards: rename dashboard repository to dashboard service Split the old dashboard repository interface in two new interfaces, IDashboardService and IDashboardProvisioningService. Makes it more explicit when using it from the provisioning package and there's no possibility of calling an incorrect method for saving a dashboard. * database: make the InitTestDB function available to use from other packages * dashboards: rename ValidateDashboardForUpdateCommand and some refactoring * dashboards: integration tests of dashboard service * dashboard: fix sqlstore test due to folder exist validation * dashboards: move dashboard service integration tests to sqlstore package Had to move it to the sqlstore package due to concurrency problems when running against mysql and postgres. Using InitTestDB from two packages added conflicts when clearing and running migrations on the test database * dashboards: refactor how to find id to be used for save permission check * dashboards: remove duplicated dashboard tests * dashboards: cleanup dashboard service integration tests * dashboards: handle save dashboard errors and return correct http status * fix: remove log statement * dashboards: import dashboard should use dashboard service Had to move alerting commands to models package due to problems with import cycles of packages. * dashboards: cleanup dashboard api tests and add some tests for post dashboard * dashboards: rename dashboard service interfaces * dashboards: rename dashboard guardian interface
2018-02-19 04:12:56 -06:00
guardian := guardian.New(dash.Id, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canView, err := guardian.CanView(); err != nil || !canView {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
canEdit, _ := guardian.CanEdit()
canSave, _ := guardian.CanSave()
canAdmin, _ := guardian.CanAdmin()
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
isStarred, err := isDashboardStarredByUser(c, dash.Id)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking if dashboard was starred by user", err)
2016-01-28 11:53:19 -06:00
// Finding creator and last updater of the dashboard
Fix goconst issues See, $ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=goconst --disable=gotype --deadline=6m ./... build.go:113:15:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:119:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst) build.go:119:15:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst) build.go:491:34:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:119:15 (goconst) build.go:381:21:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:423:13 build.go:487:13 (goconst) build.go:423:13:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:487:13 (goconst) build.go:487:13:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:423:13 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/folder.go:98:22:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/folder.go:98:35:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:63:47:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:91:22 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:91:22:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:93:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:91:22 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:85:11:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:162:14 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:162:14:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:197:11:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:162:14 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 (goconst)
2018-09-22 03:50:00 -05:00
updater, creator := anonString, anonString
2016-01-27 23:55:54 -06:00
if dash.UpdatedBy > 0 {
2016-01-28 00:00:24 -06:00
updater = getUserLogin(dash.UpdatedBy)
if dash.CreatedBy > 0 {
creator = getUserLogin(dash.CreatedBy)
meta := dtos.DashboardMeta{
IsStarred: isStarred,
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
Slug: dash.Slug,
Type: models.DashTypeDB,
CanStar: c.IsSignedIn,
CanSave: canSave,
CanEdit: canEdit,
CanAdmin: canAdmin,
Created: dash.Created,
Updated: dash.Updated,
UpdatedBy: updater,
CreatedBy: creator,
Version: dash.Version,
HasAcl: dash.HasAcl,
IsFolder: dash.IsFolder,
2017-06-23 15:00:26 -05:00
FolderId: dash.FolderId,
Url: dash.GetUrl(),
FolderTitle: "General",
// lookup folder title
2017-06-23 15:00:26 -05:00
if dash.FolderId > 0 {
query := models.GetDashboardQuery{Id: dash.FolderId, OrgId: c.OrgId}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrFolderNotFound) {
return response.Error(404, "Folder not found", err)
return response.Error(500, "Dashboard folder could not be read", err)
meta.FolderUid = query.Result.Uid
meta.FolderTitle = query.Result.Title
meta.FolderUrl = query.Result.GetUrl()
PluginManager: Make Plugins, Renderer and DataSources non-global (#31866) * PluginManager: Make Plugins and DataSources non-global Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Replace outdated command Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix build Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove FocusConvey Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Undo interface changes Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Backend: Move tsdbifaces.RequestHandler to plugins.DataRequestHandler Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Rename to DataSourceCount Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Consolidate dashboard interfaces into one Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix dashboard integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-03-17 10:06:10 -05:00
svc := dashboards.NewProvisioningService(hs.SQLStore)
provisioningData, err := svc.GetProvisionedDashboardDataByDashboardID(dash.Id)
2018-04-10 02:31:35 -05:00
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking if dashboard is provisioned", err)
2018-04-10 02:31:35 -05:00
if provisioningData != nil {
allowUIUpdate := hs.ProvisioningService.GetAllowUIUpdatesFromConfig(provisioningData.Name)
if !allowUIUpdate {
meta.Provisioned = true
meta.ProvisionedExternalId, err = filepath.Rel(
if err != nil {
// Not sure when this could happen so not sure how to better handle this. Right now ProvisionedExternalId
// is for better UX, showing in Save/Delete dialogs and so it won't break anything if it is empty.
hs.log.Warn("Failed to create ProvisionedExternalId", "err", err)
// make sure db version is in sync with json model version
dash.Data.Set("version", dash.Version)
LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle (#33839) * WIP: intial structure * Refactor: adds create library element endpoint * Feature: adds delete library element * wip * Refactor: adds get api * Refactor: adds get all api * Refactor: adds patch api * Refactor: changes to library_element_connection * Refactor: add get connections api * wip: in the middle of refactor * wip * Refactor: consolidating both api:s * Refactor: points front end to library elements api * Tests: Fixes broken test * LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle * Fix: fixes delete library elements in folder and adds tests * Tests: fixes snapshot * Refactor: adds service interfaces so they can be easily mocked * Refactor: changes order of tabs in manage folder * Refactor: fixes so link does not cover whole card * Refactor: fixes index string name * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements_permissions_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/database.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Chore: changes after PR comments * Update libraryelements.go * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: updates after PR comments * Chore: trying to fix build error * Refactor: fixed stupid mistake * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: tries to fix build errors * Refactor: trying to fix MySQL key length * Update libraryelements.go * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Tests: fixes tests * Refactor: renames connections to connectedDashboards Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-05-12 01:48:17 -05:00
// load library panels JSON for this dashboard
err = hs.LibraryPanelService.LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard(c, dash)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while loading library panels", err)
PanelLibrary: adding library panels to Dashboard Api (#30278) * Wip: First naive impl * Chore: fix after merge * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: removes unused types * Chore: adds feature toggle * Refactor: adds library panels cleanup and connect when storing dashboards * Refactor: adds feature toggle * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: adds disconnect library panels when deleting a dashboard * Chore: changes after PR comments * Tests: adds tests for LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard and small refactor * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: deletes all connections in one call and connects all in the same transaction * Chore: adds better comments * Chore: changes after PR comments Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-01-20 02:28:10 -06:00
LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle (#33839) * WIP: intial structure * Refactor: adds create library element endpoint * Feature: adds delete library element * wip * Refactor: adds get api * Refactor: adds get all api * Refactor: adds patch api * Refactor: changes to library_element_connection * Refactor: add get connections api * wip: in the middle of refactor * wip * Refactor: consolidating both api:s * Refactor: points front end to library elements api * Tests: Fixes broken test * LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle * Fix: fixes delete library elements in folder and adds tests * Tests: fixes snapshot * Refactor: adds service interfaces so they can be easily mocked * Refactor: changes order of tabs in manage folder * Refactor: fixes so link does not cover whole card * Refactor: fixes index string name * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements_permissions_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/database.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Chore: changes after PR comments * Update libraryelements.go * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: updates after PR comments * Chore: trying to fix build error * Refactor: fixed stupid mistake * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: tries to fix build errors * Refactor: trying to fix MySQL key length * Update libraryelements.go * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Tests: fixes tests * Refactor: renames connections to connectedDashboards Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-05-12 01:48:17 -05:00
dto := dtos.DashboardFullWithMeta{
Dashboard: dash.Data,
Meta: meta,
return response.JSON(200, dto)
2018-03-22 06:37:35 -05:00
func getUserLogin(userID int64) string {
query := models.GetUserByIdQuery{Id: userID}
2016-01-28 00:00:24 -06:00
err := bus.Dispatch(&query)
if err != nil {
Fix goconst issues See, $ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=goconst --disable=gotype --deadline=6m ./... build.go:113:15:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:119:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst) build.go:119:15:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst) build.go:491:34:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:119:15 (goconst) build.go:381:21:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:423:13 build.go:487:13 (goconst) build.go:423:13:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:487:13 (goconst) build.go:487:13:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:423:13 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/folder.go:98:22:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/folder.go:98:35:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:63:47:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:91:22 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:91:22:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:93:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:91:22 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:85:11:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:162:14 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:162:14:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:197:11:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:162:14 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 (goconst)
2018-09-22 03:50:00 -05:00
return anonString
2016-01-28 00:00:24 -06:00
2018-03-22 06:37:35 -05:00
return query.Result.Login
2016-01-27 23:55:54 -06:00
func getDashboardHelper(orgID int64, id int64, uid string) (*models.Dashboard, response.Response) {
var query models.GetDashboardQuery
if len(uid) > 0 {
query = models.GetDashboardQuery{Uid: uid, Id: id, OrgId: orgID}
} else {
query = models.GetDashboardQuery{Id: id, OrgId: orgID}
2015-01-08 02:00:00 -06:00
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
return nil, response.Error(404, "Dashboard not found", err)
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
2018-01-29 06:51:01 -06:00
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
return query.Result, nil
PanelLibrary: adding library panels to Dashboard Api (#30278) * Wip: First naive impl * Chore: fix after merge * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: removes unused types * Chore: adds feature toggle * Refactor: adds library panels cleanup and connect when storing dashboards * Refactor: adds feature toggle * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: adds disconnect library panels when deleting a dashboard * Chore: changes after PR comments * Tests: adds tests for LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard and small refactor * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: deletes all connections in one call and connects all in the same transaction * Chore: adds better comments * Chore: changes after PR comments Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-01-20 02:28:10 -06:00
func (hs *HTTPServer) DeleteDashboardBySlug(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
query := models.GetDashboardsBySlugQuery{OrgId: c.OrgId, Slug: c.Params(":slug")}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Failed to retrieve dashboards by slug", err)
if len(query.Result) > 1 {
return response.JSON(412, util.DynMap{"status": "multiple-slugs-exists", "message": models.ErrDashboardsWithSameSlugExists.Error()})
PanelLibrary: adding library panels to Dashboard Api (#30278) * Wip: First naive impl * Chore: fix after merge * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: removes unused types * Chore: adds feature toggle * Refactor: adds library panels cleanup and connect when storing dashboards * Refactor: adds feature toggle * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: adds disconnect library panels when deleting a dashboard * Chore: changes after PR comments * Tests: adds tests for LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard and small refactor * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: deletes all connections in one call and connects all in the same transaction * Chore: adds better comments * Chore: changes after PR comments Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-01-20 02:28:10 -06:00
return hs.deleteDashboard(c)
PanelLibrary: adding library panels to Dashboard Api (#30278) * Wip: First naive impl * Chore: fix after merge * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: removes unused types * Chore: adds feature toggle * Refactor: adds library panels cleanup and connect when storing dashboards * Refactor: adds feature toggle * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: adds disconnect library panels when deleting a dashboard * Chore: changes after PR comments * Tests: adds tests for LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard and small refactor * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: deletes all connections in one call and connects all in the same transaction * Chore: adds better comments * Chore: changes after PR comments Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-01-20 02:28:10 -06:00
func (hs *HTTPServer) DeleteDashboardByUID(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
return hs.deleteDashboard(c)
PanelLibrary: adding library panels to Dashboard Api (#30278) * Wip: First naive impl * Chore: fix after merge * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: removes unused types * Chore: adds feature toggle * Refactor: adds library panels cleanup and connect when storing dashboards * Refactor: adds feature toggle * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: adds disconnect library panels when deleting a dashboard * Chore: changes after PR comments * Tests: adds tests for LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard and small refactor * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: deletes all connections in one call and connects all in the same transaction * Chore: adds better comments * Chore: changes after PR comments Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-01-20 02:28:10 -06:00
func (hs *HTTPServer) deleteDashboard(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
dash, rsp := getDashboardHelper(c.OrgId, 0, c.Params(":uid"))
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
if rsp != nil {
return rsp
Shouldn't be able to overwrite a dashboard if you don't have permissions (#10900) * dashboards: new command for validating dashboard before update Removes validation logic from saveDashboard and later on use the new command for validating dashboard before saving a dashboard. This due to the fact that we need to validate permissions for overwriting other dashboards by uid and title. * dashboards: use the new command for validating dashboard before saving Had to refactor dashboard provisioning a bit to be able to sidetrack the permission validation in a somewhat reasonable way. Adds some initial tests of the dashboard repository, but needs to be extended later. At least now you can mock the dashboard guardian * dashboards: removes validation logic in the save dashboard api layer Use the dashboard repository solely for create/update dashboards and let it do all the validation. One exception regarding quota validation which still is in api layer since that logic is in a macaron middleware. Need to move out-commented api tests later. * dashboards: fix database tests for validate and saving dashboards * dashboards: rename dashboard repository to dashboard service Split the old dashboard repository interface in two new interfaces, IDashboardService and IDashboardProvisioningService. Makes it more explicit when using it from the provisioning package and there's no possibility of calling an incorrect method for saving a dashboard. * database: make the InitTestDB function available to use from other packages * dashboards: rename ValidateDashboardForUpdateCommand and some refactoring * dashboards: integration tests of dashboard service * dashboard: fix sqlstore test due to folder exist validation * dashboards: move dashboard service integration tests to sqlstore package Had to move it to the sqlstore package due to concurrency problems when running against mysql and postgres. Using InitTestDB from two packages added conflicts when clearing and running migrations on the test database * dashboards: refactor how to find id to be used for save permission check * dashboards: remove duplicated dashboard tests * dashboards: cleanup dashboard service integration tests * dashboards: handle save dashboard errors and return correct http status * fix: remove log statement * dashboards: import dashboard should use dashboard service Had to move alerting commands to models package due to problems with import cycles of packages. * dashboards: cleanup dashboard api tests and add some tests for post dashboard * dashboards: rename dashboard service interfaces * dashboards: rename dashboard guardian interface
2018-02-19 04:12:56 -06:00
guardian := guardian.New(dash.Id, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardian.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle (#33839) * WIP: intial structure * Refactor: adds create library element endpoint * Feature: adds delete library element * wip * Refactor: adds get api * Refactor: adds get all api * Refactor: adds patch api * Refactor: changes to library_element_connection * Refactor: add get connections api * wip: in the middle of refactor * wip * Refactor: consolidating both api:s * Refactor: points front end to library elements api * Tests: Fixes broken test * LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle * Fix: fixes delete library elements in folder and adds tests * Tests: fixes snapshot * Refactor: adds service interfaces so they can be easily mocked * Refactor: changes order of tabs in manage folder * Refactor: fixes so link does not cover whole card * Refactor: fixes index string name * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements_permissions_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/database.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Chore: changes after PR comments * Update libraryelements.go * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: updates after PR comments * Chore: trying to fix build error * Refactor: fixed stupid mistake * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: tries to fix build errors * Refactor: trying to fix MySQL key length * Update libraryelements.go * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Tests: fixes tests * Refactor: renames connections to connectedDashboards Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-05-12 01:48:17 -05:00
// disconnect all library elements for this dashboard
err := hs.LibraryElementService.DisconnectElementsFromDashboard(c, dash.Id)
if err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Failed to disconnect library elements", "dashboard", dash.Id, "user", c.SignedInUser.UserId, "error", err)
PanelLibrary: adding library panels to Dashboard Api (#30278) * Wip: First naive impl * Chore: fix after merge * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: removes unused types * Chore: adds feature toggle * Refactor: adds library panels cleanup and connect when storing dashboards * Refactor: adds feature toggle * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: adds disconnect library panels when deleting a dashboard * Chore: changes after PR comments * Tests: adds tests for LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard and small refactor * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: deletes all connections in one call and connects all in the same transaction * Chore: adds better comments * Chore: changes after PR comments Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-01-20 02:28:10 -06:00
PluginManager: Make Plugins, Renderer and DataSources non-global (#31866) * PluginManager: Make Plugins and DataSources non-global Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Replace outdated command Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix build Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove FocusConvey Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Undo interface changes Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Backend: Move tsdbifaces.RequestHandler to plugins.DataRequestHandler Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Rename to DataSourceCount Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Consolidate dashboard interfaces into one Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix dashboard integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-03-17 10:06:10 -05:00
svc := dashboards.NewService(hs.SQLStore)
LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle (#33839) * WIP: intial structure * Refactor: adds create library element endpoint * Feature: adds delete library element * wip * Refactor: adds get api * Refactor: adds get all api * Refactor: adds patch api * Refactor: changes to library_element_connection * Refactor: add get connections api * wip: in the middle of refactor * wip * Refactor: consolidating both api:s * Refactor: points front end to library elements api * Tests: Fixes broken test * LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle * Fix: fixes delete library elements in folder and adds tests * Tests: fixes snapshot * Refactor: adds service interfaces so they can be easily mocked * Refactor: changes order of tabs in manage folder * Refactor: fixes so link does not cover whole card * Refactor: fixes index string name * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements_permissions_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/database.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Chore: changes after PR comments * Update libraryelements.go * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: updates after PR comments * Chore: trying to fix build error * Refactor: fixed stupid mistake * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: tries to fix build errors * Refactor: trying to fix MySQL key length * Update libraryelements.go * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Tests: fixes tests * Refactor: renames connections to connectedDashboards Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-05-12 01:48:17 -05:00
err = svc.DeleteDashboard(dash.Id, c.OrgId)
if err != nil {
var dashboardErr models.DashboardErr
if ok := errors.As(err, &dashboardErr); ok {
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrDashboardCannotDeleteProvisionedDashboard) {
return response.Error(dashboardErr.StatusCode, dashboardErr.Error(), err)
return response.Error(500, "Failed to delete dashboard", err)
if hs.Live != nil {
err := hs.Live.GrafanaScope.Dashboards.DashboardDeleted(c.OrgId, c.ToUserDisplayDTO(), dash.Uid)
if err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Failed to broadcast delete info", "dashboard", dash.Uid, "error", err)
return response.JSON(200, util.DynMap{
"title": dash.Title,
"message": fmt.Sprintf("Dashboard %s deleted", dash.Title),
2020-07-31 01:22:09 -05:00
"id": dash.Id,
func (hs *HTTPServer) PostDashboard(c *models.ReqContext, cmd models.SaveDashboardCommand) response.Response {
var err error
cmd.OrgId = c.OrgId
cmd.UserId = c.UserId
if cmd.FolderUid != "" {
folders := dashboards.NewFolderService(c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser, hs.SQLStore)
folder, err := folders.GetFolderByUID(cmd.FolderUid)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrFolderNotFound) {
return response.Error(400, "Folder not found", err)
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking folder ID", err)
cmd.FolderId = folder.Id
dash := cmd.GetDashboardModel()
newDashboard := dash.Id == 0
if newDashboard {
limitReached, err := hs.QuotaService.QuotaReached(c, "dashboard")
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "failed to get quota", err)
if limitReached {
return response.Error(403, "Quota reached", nil)
PluginManager: Make Plugins, Renderer and DataSources non-global (#31866) * PluginManager: Make Plugins and DataSources non-global Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Replace outdated command Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix build Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove FocusConvey Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Undo interface changes Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Backend: Move tsdbifaces.RequestHandler to plugins.DataRequestHandler Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Rename to DataSourceCount Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Consolidate dashboard interfaces into one Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix dashboard integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-03-17 10:06:10 -05:00
svc := dashboards.NewProvisioningService(hs.SQLStore)
provisioningData, err := svc.GetProvisionedDashboardDataByDashboardID(dash.Id)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while checking if dashboard is provisioned", err)
allowUiUpdate := true
if provisioningData != nil {
allowUiUpdate = hs.ProvisioningService.GetAllowUIUpdatesFromConfig(provisioningData.Name)
LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle (#33839) * WIP: intial structure * Refactor: adds create library element endpoint * Feature: adds delete library element * wip * Refactor: adds get api * Refactor: adds get all api * Refactor: adds patch api * Refactor: changes to library_element_connection * Refactor: add get connections api * wip: in the middle of refactor * wip * Refactor: consolidating both api:s * Refactor: points front end to library elements api * Tests: Fixes broken test * LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle * Fix: fixes delete library elements in folder and adds tests * Tests: fixes snapshot * Refactor: adds service interfaces so they can be easily mocked * Refactor: changes order of tabs in manage folder * Refactor: fixes so link does not cover whole card * Refactor: fixes index string name * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements_permissions_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/database.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Chore: changes after PR comments * Update libraryelements.go * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: updates after PR comments * Chore: trying to fix build error * Refactor: fixed stupid mistake * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: tries to fix build errors * Refactor: trying to fix MySQL key length * Update libraryelements.go * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Tests: fixes tests * Refactor: renames connections to connectedDashboards Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-05-12 01:48:17 -05:00
// clean up all unnecessary library panels JSON properties so we store a minimum JSON
err = hs.LibraryPanelService.CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard(dash)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while cleaning library panels", err)
PanelLibrary: adding library panels to Dashboard Api (#30278) * Wip: First naive impl * Chore: fix after merge * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: removes unused types * Chore: adds feature toggle * Refactor: adds library panels cleanup and connect when storing dashboards * Refactor: adds feature toggle * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: adds disconnect library panels when deleting a dashboard * Chore: changes after PR comments * Tests: adds tests for LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard and small refactor * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: deletes all connections in one call and connects all in the same transaction * Chore: adds better comments * Chore: changes after PR comments Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-01-20 02:28:10 -06:00
dashItem := &dashboards.SaveDashboardDTO{
Dashboard: dash,
Message: cmd.Message,
OrgId: c.OrgId,
Shouldn't be able to overwrite a dashboard if you don't have permissions (#10900) * dashboards: new command for validating dashboard before update Removes validation logic from saveDashboard and later on use the new command for validating dashboard before saving a dashboard. This due to the fact that we need to validate permissions for overwriting other dashboards by uid and title. * dashboards: use the new command for validating dashboard before saving Had to refactor dashboard provisioning a bit to be able to sidetrack the permission validation in a somewhat reasonable way. Adds some initial tests of the dashboard repository, but needs to be extended later. At least now you can mock the dashboard guardian * dashboards: removes validation logic in the save dashboard api layer Use the dashboard repository solely for create/update dashboards and let it do all the validation. One exception regarding quota validation which still is in api layer since that logic is in a macaron middleware. Need to move out-commented api tests later. * dashboards: fix database tests for validate and saving dashboards * dashboards: rename dashboard repository to dashboard service Split the old dashboard repository interface in two new interfaces, IDashboardService and IDashboardProvisioningService. Makes it more explicit when using it from the provisioning package and there's no possibility of calling an incorrect method for saving a dashboard. * database: make the InitTestDB function available to use from other packages * dashboards: rename ValidateDashboardForUpdateCommand and some refactoring * dashboards: integration tests of dashboard service * dashboard: fix sqlstore test due to folder exist validation * dashboards: move dashboard service integration tests to sqlstore package Had to move it to the sqlstore package due to concurrency problems when running against mysql and postgres. Using InitTestDB from two packages added conflicts when clearing and running migrations on the test database * dashboards: refactor how to find id to be used for save permission check * dashboards: remove duplicated dashboard tests * dashboards: cleanup dashboard service integration tests * dashboards: handle save dashboard errors and return correct http status * fix: remove log statement * dashboards: import dashboard should use dashboard service Had to move alerting commands to models package due to problems with import cycles of packages. * dashboards: cleanup dashboard api tests and add some tests for post dashboard * dashboards: rename dashboard service interfaces * dashboards: rename dashboard guardian interface
2018-02-19 04:12:56 -06:00
User: c.SignedInUser,
2017-12-12 06:18:00 -06:00
Overwrite: cmd.Overwrite,
PluginManager: Make Plugins, Renderer and DataSources non-global (#31866) * PluginManager: Make Plugins and DataSources non-global Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Replace outdated command Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix build Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove FocusConvey Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Undo interface changes Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Backend: Move tsdbifaces.RequestHandler to plugins.DataRequestHandler Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Rename to DataSourceCount Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Consolidate dashboard interfaces into one Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix dashboard integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-03-17 10:06:10 -05:00
dashSvc := dashboards.NewService(hs.SQLStore)
dashboard, err := dashSvc.SaveDashboard(dashItem, allowUiUpdate)
if hs.Live != nil {
// Tell everyone listening that the dashboard changed
if dashboard == nil {
dashboard = dash // the original request
// This will broadcast all save requets only if a `gitops` observer exists.
// gitops is useful when trying to save dashboards in an environment where the user can not save
channel := hs.Live.GrafanaScope.Dashboards
liveerr := channel.DashboardSaved(c.SignedInUser.OrgId, c.SignedInUser.ToUserDisplayDTO(), cmd.Message, dashboard, err)
// When an error exists, but the value broadcast to a gitops listener return 202
if liveerr == nil && err != nil && channel.HasGitOpsObserver(c.SignedInUser.OrgId) {
return response.JSON(202, util.DynMap{
"status": "pending",
"message": "changes were broadcast to the gitops listener",
if liveerr != nil {
hs.log.Warn("unable to broadcast save event", "uid", dashboard.Uid, "error", err)
if err != nil {
PluginManager: Make Plugins, Renderer and DataSources non-global (#31866) * PluginManager: Make Plugins and DataSources non-global Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Replace outdated command Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix build Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove FocusConvey Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Undo interface changes Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Backend: Move tsdbifaces.RequestHandler to plugins.DataRequestHandler Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Rename to DataSourceCount Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Consolidate dashboard interfaces into one Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix dashboard integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-03-17 10:06:10 -05:00
return hs.dashboardSaveErrorToApiResponse(err)
if hs.Cfg.EditorsCanAdmin && newDashboard {
inFolder := cmd.FolderId > 0
PluginManager: Make Plugins, Renderer and DataSources non-global (#31866) * PluginManager: Make Plugins and DataSources non-global Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Replace outdated command Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix build Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove FocusConvey Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Undo interface changes Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Backend: Move tsdbifaces.RequestHandler to plugins.DataRequestHandler Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Rename to DataSourceCount Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Consolidate dashboard interfaces into one Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix dashboard integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-03-17 10:06:10 -05:00
err := dashSvc.MakeUserAdmin(cmd.OrgId, cmd.UserId, dashboard.Id, !inFolder)
if err != nil {
hs.log.Error("Could not make user admin", "dashboard", dashboard.Title, "user", c.SignedInUser.UserId, "error", err)
LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle (#33839) * WIP: intial structure * Refactor: adds create library element endpoint * Feature: adds delete library element * wip * Refactor: adds get api * Refactor: adds get all api * Refactor: adds patch api * Refactor: changes to library_element_connection * Refactor: add get connections api * wip: in the middle of refactor * wip * Refactor: consolidating both api:s * Refactor: points front end to library elements api * Tests: Fixes broken test * LibraryPanels: removes feature toggle * Fix: fixes delete library elements in folder and adds tests * Tests: fixes snapshot * Refactor: adds service interfaces so they can be easily mocked * Refactor: changes order of tabs in manage folder * Refactor: fixes so link does not cover whole card * Refactor: fixes index string name * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements_permissions_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/database.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Chore: changes after PR comments * Update libraryelements.go * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: updates after PR comments * Chore: trying to fix build error * Refactor: fixed stupid mistake * Update libraryelements.go * Chore: tries to fix build errors * Refactor: trying to fix MySQL key length * Update libraryelements.go * Update pkg/services/libraryelements/libraryelements.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Refactor: changes after PR comments * Tests: fixes tests * Refactor: renames connections to connectedDashboards Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-05-12 01:48:17 -05:00
// connect library panels for this dashboard after the dashboard is stored and has an ID
err = hs.LibraryPanelService.ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard(c, dashboard)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Error while connecting library panels", err)
PanelLibrary: adding library panels to Dashboard Api (#30278) * Wip: First naive impl * Chore: fix after merge * Chore: changes after PR comments * Chore: removes unused types * Chore: adds feature toggle * Refactor: adds library panels cleanup and connect when storing dashboards * Refactor: adds feature toggle * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: adds disconnect library panels when deleting a dashboard * Chore: changes after PR comments * Tests: adds tests for LoadLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for CleanLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for ConnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard * Tests: adds tests for DisconnectLibraryPanelsForDashboard and small refactor * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Update pkg/services/librarypanels/librarypanels_test.go Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Refactor: deletes all connections in one call and connects all in the same transaction * Chore: adds better comments * Chore: changes after PR comments Co-authored-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-01-20 02:28:10 -06:00
return response.JSON(200, util.DynMap{
"status": "success",
"slug": dashboard.Slug,
"version": dashboard.Version,
"id": dashboard.Id,
"uid": dashboard.Uid,
"url": dashboard.GetUrl(),
PluginManager: Make Plugins, Renderer and DataSources non-global (#31866) * PluginManager: Make Plugins and DataSources non-global Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Replace outdated command Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix build Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove FocusConvey Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Undo interface changes Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Backend: Move tsdbifaces.RequestHandler to plugins.DataRequestHandler Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Rename to DataSourceCount Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Consolidate dashboard interfaces into one Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix dashboard integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-03-17 10:06:10 -05:00
func (hs *HTTPServer) dashboardSaveErrorToApiResponse(err error) response.Response {
var dashboardErr models.DashboardErr
if ok := errors.As(err, &dashboardErr); ok {
if body := dashboardErr.Body(); body != nil {
return response.JSON(dashboardErr.StatusCode, body)
if errors.Is(dashboardErr, models.ErrDashboardUpdateAccessDenied) {
return response.Error(dashboardErr.StatusCode, dashboardErr.Error(), err)
return response.Error(dashboardErr.StatusCode, dashboardErr.Error(), nil)
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrFolderNotFound) {
return response.Error(400, err.Error(), nil)
Shouldn't be able to overwrite a dashboard if you don't have permissions (#10900) * dashboards: new command for validating dashboard before update Removes validation logic from saveDashboard and later on use the new command for validating dashboard before saving a dashboard. This due to the fact that we need to validate permissions for overwriting other dashboards by uid and title. * dashboards: use the new command for validating dashboard before saving Had to refactor dashboard provisioning a bit to be able to sidetrack the permission validation in a somewhat reasonable way. Adds some initial tests of the dashboard repository, but needs to be extended later. At least now you can mock the dashboard guardian * dashboards: removes validation logic in the save dashboard api layer Use the dashboard repository solely for create/update dashboards and let it do all the validation. One exception regarding quota validation which still is in api layer since that logic is in a macaron middleware. Need to move out-commented api tests later. * dashboards: fix database tests for validate and saving dashboards * dashboards: rename dashboard repository to dashboard service Split the old dashboard repository interface in two new interfaces, IDashboardService and IDashboardProvisioningService. Makes it more explicit when using it from the provisioning package and there's no possibility of calling an incorrect method for saving a dashboard. * database: make the InitTestDB function available to use from other packages * dashboards: rename ValidateDashboardForUpdateCommand and some refactoring * dashboards: integration tests of dashboard service * dashboard: fix sqlstore test due to folder exist validation * dashboards: move dashboard service integration tests to sqlstore package Had to move it to the sqlstore package due to concurrency problems when running against mysql and postgres. Using InitTestDB from two packages added conflicts when clearing and running migrations on the test database * dashboards: refactor how to find id to be used for save permission check * dashboards: remove duplicated dashboard tests * dashboards: cleanup dashboard service integration tests * dashboards: handle save dashboard errors and return correct http status * fix: remove log statement * dashboards: import dashboard should use dashboard service Had to move alerting commands to models package due to problems with import cycles of packages. * dashboards: cleanup dashboard api tests and add some tests for post dashboard * dashboards: rename dashboard service interfaces * dashboards: rename dashboard guardian interface
2018-02-19 04:12:56 -06:00
var validationErr alerting.ValidationError
if ok := errors.As(err, &validationErr); ok {
return response.Error(422, validationErr.Error(), nil)
var pluginErr models.UpdatePluginDashboardError
if ok := errors.As(err, &pluginErr); ok {
message := fmt.Sprintf("The dashboard belongs to plugin %s.", pluginErr.PluginId)
// look up plugin name
PluginManager: Make Plugins, Renderer and DataSources non-global (#31866) * PluginManager: Make Plugins and DataSources non-global Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Replace outdated command Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix build Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * DashboardService: Ensure it gets constructed with necessary parameters Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove FocusConvey Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Remove dead code Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Undo interface changes Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Backend: Move tsdbifaces.RequestHandler to plugins.DataRequestHandler Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Rename to DataSourceCount Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Consolidate dashboard interfaces into one Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix test Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * Fix dashboard integration tests Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <>
2021-03-17 10:06:10 -05:00
if pluginDef := hs.PluginManager.GetPlugin(pluginErr.PluginId); pluginDef != nil {
message = fmt.Sprintf("The dashboard belongs to plugin %s.", pluginDef.Name)
return response.JSON(412, util.DynMap{"status": "plugin-dashboard", "message": message})
return response.Error(500, "Failed to save dashboard", err)
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
// GetHomeDashboard returns the home dashboard.
func (hs *HTTPServer) GetHomeDashboard(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
prefsQuery := models.GetPreferencesWithDefaultsQuery{User: c.SignedInUser}
homePage := hs.Cfg.HomePage
if err := hs.Bus.Dispatch(&prefsQuery); err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Failed to get preferences", err)
if prefsQuery.Result.HomeDashboardId == 0 && len(homePage) > 0 {
homePageRedirect := dtos.DashboardRedirect{RedirectUri: homePage}
return response.JSON(200, &homePageRedirect)
if prefsQuery.Result.HomeDashboardId != 0 {
slugQuery := models.GetDashboardRefByIdQuery{Id: prefsQuery.Result.HomeDashboardId}
err := hs.Bus.Dispatch(&slugQuery)
if err == nil {
url := models.GetDashboardUrl(slugQuery.Result.Uid, slugQuery.Result.Slug)
dashRedirect := dtos.DashboardRedirect{RedirectUri: url}
return response.JSON(200, &dashRedirect)
hs.log.Warn("Failed to get slug from database", "err", err)
filePath := hs.Cfg.DefaultHomeDashboardPath
if filePath == "" {
filePath = filepath.Join(hs.Cfg.StaticRootPath, "dashboards/home.json")
Security: Add gosec G304 auditing annotations (#29578) * Security: Add gosec G304 auditing annotations Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * Add gosec annotations Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * Add gosec annotations Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * add G304 auditing comment Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * Add gosec annotations Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> * space Signed-off-by: bergquist <> * Add gosec annotations Signed-off-by: Arve Knudsen <> Co-authored-by: bergquist <>
2020-12-03 15:13:06 -06:00
// It's safe to ignore gosec warning G304 since the variable part of the file path comes from a configuration
// variable
// nolint:gosec
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Failed to load home dashboard", err)
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
defer func() {
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
hs.log.Warn("Failed to close dashboard file", "path", filePath, "err", err)
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
dash := dtos.DashboardFullWithMeta{}
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
dash.Meta.IsHome = true
dash.Meta.CanEdit = c.SignedInUser.HasRole(models.ROLE_EDITOR)
dash.Meta.FolderTitle = "General"
2017-06-16 20:25:24 -05:00
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
jsonParser := json.NewDecoder(file)
if err := jsonParser.Decode(&dash.Dashboard); err != nil {
return response.Error(500, "Failed to load home dashboard", err)
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
hs.addGettingStartedPanelToHomeDashboard(c, dash.Dashboard)
return response.JSON(200, &dash)
2015-02-03 08:04:35 -06:00
func (hs *HTTPServer) addGettingStartedPanelToHomeDashboard(c *models.ReqContext, dash *simplejson.Json) {
// We only add this getting started panel for Admins who have not dismissed it,
// and if a custom default home dashboard hasn't been configured
if !c.HasUserRole(models.ROLE_ADMIN) ||
c.HasHelpFlag(models.HelpFlagGettingStartedPanelDismissed) ||
hs.Cfg.DefaultHomeDashboardPath != "" {
panels := dash.Get("panels").MustArray()
newpanel := simplejson.NewFromAny(map[string]interface{}{
2017-10-10 12:48:06 -05:00
"type": "gettingstarted",
"id": 123123,
"gridPos": map[string]interface{}{
"x": 0,
"y": 3,
"w": 24,
"h": 9,
2017-10-10 12:48:06 -05:00
panels = append(panels, newpanel)
dash.Set("panels", panels)
2017-06-01 16:57:09 -05:00
// GetDashboardVersions returns all dashboard versions as JSON
func GetDashboardVersions(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
2018-03-22 06:37:35 -05:00
dashID := c.ParamsInt64(":dashboardId")
2018-03-22 06:37:35 -05:00
guardian := guardian.New(dashID, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardian.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
query := models.GetDashboardVersionsQuery{
OrgId: c.OrgId,
2018-03-22 06:37:35 -05:00
DashboardId: dashID,
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
Limit: c.QueryInt("limit"),
Start: c.QueryInt("start"),
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
return response.Error(404, fmt.Sprintf("No versions found for dashboardId %d", dashID), err)
2017-06-01 16:57:09 -05:00
for _, version := range query.Result {
if version.RestoredFrom == version.Version {
version.Message = "Initial save (created by migration)"
if version.RestoredFrom > 0 {
version.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Restored from version %d", version.RestoredFrom)
if version.ParentVersion == 0 {
version.Message = "Initial save"
return response.JSON(200, query.Result)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
// GetDashboardVersion returns the dashboard version with the given ID.
func GetDashboardVersion(c *models.ReqContext) response.Response {
2018-03-22 06:37:35 -05:00
dashID := c.ParamsInt64(":dashboardId")
2018-03-22 06:37:35 -05:00
guardian := guardian.New(dashID, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardian.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
query := models.GetDashboardVersionQuery{
OrgId: c.OrgId,
2018-03-22 06:37:35 -05:00
DashboardId: dashID,
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
Version: c.ParamsInt(":id"),
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
if err := bus.Dispatch(&query); err != nil {
return response.Error(500, fmt.Sprintf("Dashboard version %d not found for dashboardId %d", query.Version, dashID), err)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
Fix goconst issues See, $ gometalinter --vendor --disable-all --enable=goconst --disable=gotype --deadline=6m ./... build.go:113:15:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:119:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst) build.go:119:15:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:491:34 (goconst) build.go:491:34:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "linux" found in: build.go:113:15 build.go:119:15 (goconst) build.go:381:21:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:423:13 build.go:487:13 (goconst) build.go:423:13:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:487:13 (goconst) build.go:487:13:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "windows" found in: build.go:381:21 build.go:423:13 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/folder.go:98:22:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:35 (goconst) pkg/api/folder.go:98:35:warning: 5 other occurrence(s) of "Anonymous" found in: pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:22 pkg/api/dashboard.go:67:35 pkg/api/dashboard.go:131:10 pkg/api/dashboard.go:406:13 pkg/api/folder.go:98:22 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:63:47:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:91:22 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:91:22:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:93:16 (goconst) pkg/api/index.go:93:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "light" found in: pkg/api/index.go:63:47 pkg/api/index.go:91:22 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10 (goconst) pkg/components/null/float.go:112:10:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "null" found in: pkg/components/null/float.go:71:25 pkg/components/null/float.go:103:10 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16 (goconst) pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/opsgenie.go:98:16:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "Triggered metrics:\n\n" found in: pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/pagerduty.go:79:16 pkg/services/alerting/notifiers/kafka.go:64:16 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:85:11:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:162:14 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:162:14:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:197:11 (goconst) pkg/social/social.go:197:11:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "grafana_com" found in: pkg/social/social.go:85:11 pkg/social/social.go:162:14 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:315:9:warning: 3 other occurrence(s) of "count" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:92:17 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:152:8 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:167:31 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24 (goconst) pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:369:24:warning: 2 other occurrence(s) of "date_histogram" found in: pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/time_series_query.go:78:9 pkg/tsdb/elasticsearch/response_parser.go:84:22 (goconst)
2018-09-22 03:50:00 -05:00
creator := anonString
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
if query.Result.CreatedBy > 0 {
creator = getUserLogin(query.Result.CreatedBy)
dashVersionMeta := &models.DashboardVersionMeta{
Id: query.Result.Id,
DashboardId: query.Result.DashboardId,
Data: query.Result.Data,
ParentVersion: query.Result.ParentVersion,
RestoredFrom: query.Result.RestoredFrom,
Version: query.Result.Version,
Created: query.Result.Created,
Message: query.Result.Message,
CreatedBy: creator,
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
return response.JSON(200, dashVersionMeta)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
// POST /api/dashboards/calculate-diff performs diffs on two dashboards
func CalculateDashboardDiff(c *models.ReqContext, apiOptions dtos.CalculateDiffOptions) response.Response {
guardianBase := guardian.New(apiOptions.Base.DashboardId, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardianBase.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
if apiOptions.Base.DashboardId != apiOptions.New.DashboardId {
guardianNew := guardian.New(apiOptions.New.DashboardId, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardianNew.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
options := dashdiffs.Options{
OrgId: c.OrgId,
DiffType: dashdiffs.ParseDiffType(apiOptions.DiffType),
Base: dashdiffs.DiffTarget{
DashboardId: apiOptions.Base.DashboardId,
Version: apiOptions.Base.Version,
UnsavedDashboard: apiOptions.Base.UnsavedDashboard,
New: dashdiffs.DiffTarget{
DashboardId: apiOptions.New.DashboardId,
Version: apiOptions.New.Version,
UnsavedDashboard: apiOptions.New.UnsavedDashboard,
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
result, err := dashdiffs.CalculateDiff(&options)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, models.ErrDashboardVersionNotFound) {
return response.Error(404, "Dashboard version not found", err)
return response.Error(500, "Unable to compute diff", err)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
if options.DiffType == dashdiffs.DiffDelta {
return response.Respond(200, result.Delta).SetHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
return response.Respond(200, result.Delta).SetHeader("Content-Type", "text/html")
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
// RestoreDashboardVersion restores a dashboard to the given version.
func (hs *HTTPServer) RestoreDashboardVersion(c *models.ReqContext, apiCmd dtos.RestoreDashboardVersionCommand) response.Response {
dash, rsp := getDashboardHelper(c.OrgId, c.ParamsInt64(":dashboardId"), "")
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
if rsp != nil {
return rsp
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
Shouldn't be able to overwrite a dashboard if you don't have permissions (#10900) * dashboards: new command for validating dashboard before update Removes validation logic from saveDashboard and later on use the new command for validating dashboard before saving a dashboard. This due to the fact that we need to validate permissions for overwriting other dashboards by uid and title. * dashboards: use the new command for validating dashboard before saving Had to refactor dashboard provisioning a bit to be able to sidetrack the permission validation in a somewhat reasonable way. Adds some initial tests of the dashboard repository, but needs to be extended later. At least now you can mock the dashboard guardian * dashboards: removes validation logic in the save dashboard api layer Use the dashboard repository solely for create/update dashboards and let it do all the validation. One exception regarding quota validation which still is in api layer since that logic is in a macaron middleware. Need to move out-commented api tests later. * dashboards: fix database tests for validate and saving dashboards * dashboards: rename dashboard repository to dashboard service Split the old dashboard repository interface in two new interfaces, IDashboardService and IDashboardProvisioningService. Makes it more explicit when using it from the provisioning package and there's no possibility of calling an incorrect method for saving a dashboard. * database: make the InitTestDB function available to use from other packages * dashboards: rename ValidateDashboardForUpdateCommand and some refactoring * dashboards: integration tests of dashboard service * dashboard: fix sqlstore test due to folder exist validation * dashboards: move dashboard service integration tests to sqlstore package Had to move it to the sqlstore package due to concurrency problems when running against mysql and postgres. Using InitTestDB from two packages added conflicts when clearing and running migrations on the test database * dashboards: refactor how to find id to be used for save permission check * dashboards: remove duplicated dashboard tests * dashboards: cleanup dashboard service integration tests * dashboards: handle save dashboard errors and return correct http status * fix: remove log statement * dashboards: import dashboard should use dashboard service Had to move alerting commands to models package due to problems with import cycles of packages. * dashboards: cleanup dashboard api tests and add some tests for post dashboard * dashboards: rename dashboard service interfaces * dashboards: rename dashboard guardian interface
2018-02-19 04:12:56 -06:00
guardian := guardian.New(dash.Id, c.OrgId, c.SignedInUser)
if canSave, err := guardian.CanSave(); err != nil || !canSave {
return dashboardGuardianResponse(err)
versionQuery := models.GetDashboardVersionQuery{DashboardId: dash.Id, Version: apiCmd.Version, OrgId: c.OrgId}
if err := bus.Dispatch(&versionQuery); err != nil {
return response.Error(404, "Dashboard version not found", nil)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
version := versionQuery.Result
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
saveCmd := models.SaveDashboardCommand{}
saveCmd.RestoredFrom = version.Version
saveCmd.OrgId = c.OrgId
saveCmd.UserId = c.UserId
saveCmd.Dashboard = version.Data
2017-06-17 17:24:38 -05:00
saveCmd.Dashboard.Set("version", dash.Version)
saveCmd.Dashboard.Set("uid", dash.Uid)
saveCmd.Message = fmt.Sprintf("Restored from version %d", version.Version)
saveCmd.FolderId = dash.FolderId
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
return hs.PostDashboard(c, saveCmd)
History and Version Control for Dashboard Updates A simple version control system for dashboards. Closes #1504. Goals 1. To create a new dashboard version every time a dashboard is saved. 2. To allow users to view all versions of a given dashboard. 3. To allow users to rollback to a previous version of a dashboard. 4. To allow users to compare two versions of a dashboard. Usage Navigate to a dashboard, and click the settings cog. From there, click the "Changelog" button to be brought to the Changelog view. In this view, a table containing each version of a dashboard can be seen. Each entry in the table represents a dashboard version. A selectable checkbox, the version number, date created, name of the user who created that version, and commit message is shown in the table, along with a button that allows a user to restore to a previous version of that dashboard. If a user wants to restore to a previous version of their dashboard, they can do so by clicking the previously mentioned button. If a user wants to compare two different versions of a dashboard, they can do so by clicking the checkbox of two different dashboard versions, then clicking the "Compare versions" button located below the dashboard. From there, the user is brought to a view showing a summary of the dashboard differences. Each summarized change contains a link that can be clicked to take the user a JSON diff highlighting the changes line by line. Overview of Changes Backend Changes - A `dashboard_version` table was created to store each dashboard version, along with a dashboard version model and structs to represent the queries and commands necessary for the dashboard version API methods. - API endpoints were created to support working with dashboard versions. - Methods were added to create, update, read, and destroy dashboard versions in the database. - Logic was added to compute the diff between two versions, and display it to the user. - The dashboard migration logic was updated to save a "Version 1" of each existing dashboard in the database. Frontend Changes - New views - Methods to pull JSON and HTML from endpoints New API Endpoints Each endpoint requires the authorization header to be sent in the format, ``` Authorization: Bearer <jwt> ``` where `<jwt>` is a JSON web token obtained from the Grafana admin panel. `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions?orderBy=<string>&limit=<int>&start=<int>"` Get all dashboard versions for the given dashboard ID. Accepts three URL parameters: - `orderBy` String to order the results by. Possible values are `version`, `created`, `created_by`, `message`. Default is `versions`. Ordering is always in descending order. - `limit` Maximum number of results to return - `start` Position in results to start from `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/versions/:id"` Get an individual dashboard version by ID, for the given dashboard ID. `POST "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/restore"` Restore to the given dashboard version. Post body is of content-type `application/json`, and must contain. ```json { "dashboardId": <int>, "version": <int> } ``` `GET "/api/dashboards/db/:dashboardId/compare/:versionA...:versionB"` Compare two dashboard versions by ID for the given dashboard ID, returning a JSON delta formatted representation of the diff. The URL format follows what GitHub does. For example, visiting [/api/dashboards/db/18/compare/22...33]( will return the diff between versions 22 and 33 for the dashboard ID 18. Dependencies Added - The Go package [gojsondiff]( was added and vendored.
2017-05-24 18:14:39 -05:00
func GetDashboardTags(c *models.ReqContext) {
query := models.GetDashboardTagsQuery{OrgId: c.OrgId}
err := bus.Dispatch(&query)
if err != nil {
c.JsonApiErr(500, "Failed to get tags from database", err)
c.JSON(200, query.Result)