2016-12-30 06:57:12 -06:00
package notifiers
import (
m "github.com/grafana/grafana/pkg/models"
2018-03-05 09:26:35 -06:00
2016-12-30 06:57:12 -06:00
. "github.com/smartystreets/goconvey/convey"
func TestTelegramNotifier ( t * testing . T ) {
Convey ( "Telegram notifier tests" , t , func ( ) {
Convey ( "Parsing alert notification from settings" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "empty settings should return error" , func ( ) {
json := ` { } `
settingsJSON , _ := simplejson . NewJson ( [ ] byte ( json ) )
model := & m . AlertNotification {
Name : "telegram_testing" ,
Type : "telegram" ,
Settings : settingsJSON ,
_ , err := NewTelegramNotifier ( model )
So ( err , ShouldNotBeNil )
} )
Convey ( "settings should trigger incident" , func ( ) {
json := `
"bottoken" : "abcdefgh0123456789" ,
"chatid" : "-1234567890"
} `
settingsJSON , _ := simplejson . NewJson ( [ ] byte ( json ) )
model := & m . AlertNotification {
Name : "telegram_testing" ,
Type : "telegram" ,
Settings : settingsJSON ,
not , err := NewTelegramNotifier ( model )
telegramNotifier := not . ( * TelegramNotifier )
So ( err , ShouldBeNil )
So ( telegramNotifier . Name , ShouldEqual , "telegram_testing" )
So ( telegramNotifier . Type , ShouldEqual , "telegram" )
So ( telegramNotifier . BotToken , ShouldEqual , "abcdefgh0123456789" )
So ( telegramNotifier . ChatID , ShouldEqual , "-1234567890" )
} )
2018-03-05 09:26:35 -06:00
Convey ( "generateCaption should generate a message with all pertinent details" , func ( ) {
evalContext := alerting . NewEvalContext ( nil , & alerting . Rule {
Name : "This is an alarm" ,
Message : "Some kind of message." ,
State : m . AlertStateOK ,
} )
caption := generateImageCaption ( evalContext , "http://grafa.url/abcdef" , "" )
So ( len ( caption ) , ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo , 200 )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "Some kind of message." )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "[OK] This is an alarm" )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "http://grafa.url/abcdef" )
} )
Convey ( "When generating a message" , func ( ) {
Convey ( "URL should be skipped if it's too long" , func ( ) {
evalContext := alerting . NewEvalContext ( nil , & alerting . Rule {
Name : "This is an alarm" ,
Message : "Some kind of message." ,
State : m . AlertStateOK ,
} )
caption := generateImageCaption ( evalContext ,
"http://grafa.url/abcdefaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ,
"foo bar" )
So ( len ( caption ) , ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo , 200 )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "Some kind of message." )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "[OK] This is an alarm" )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "foo bar" )
So ( caption , ShouldNotContainSubstring , "http" )
} )
Convey ( "Message should be trimmed if it's too long" , func ( ) {
evalContext := alerting . NewEvalContext ( nil , & alerting . Rule {
Name : "This is an alarm" ,
Message : "Some kind of message that is too long for appending to our pretty little message, this line is actually exactly 197 chars long and I will get there in the end I promise I will. Yes siree that's it." ,
State : m . AlertStateOK ,
} )
caption := generateImageCaption ( evalContext ,
"http://grafa.url/foo" ,
"" )
So ( len ( caption ) , ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo , 200 )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "[OK] This is an alarm" )
So ( caption , ShouldNotContainSubstring , "http" )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "Some kind of message that is too long for appending to our pretty little message, this line is actually exactly 197 chars long and I will get there in the end I promise " )
} )
2018-04-13 11:40:14 -05:00
Convey ( "Metrics should be skipped if they don't fit" , func ( ) {
2018-03-05 09:26:35 -06:00
evalContext := alerting . NewEvalContext ( nil , & alerting . Rule {
Name : "This is an alarm" ,
Message : "Some kind of message that is too long for appending to our pretty little message, this line is actually exactly 197 chars long and I will get there in the end I " ,
State : m . AlertStateOK ,
} )
caption := generateImageCaption ( evalContext ,
"http://grafa.url/foo" ,
"foo bar long song" )
So ( len ( caption ) , ShouldBeLessThanOrEqualTo , 200 )
So ( caption , ShouldContainSubstring , "[OK] This is an alarm" )
So ( caption , ShouldNotContainSubstring , "http" )
So ( caption , ShouldNotContainSubstring , "foo bar" )
} )
} )
2016-12-30 06:57:12 -06:00
} )
} )