Grafana can emit Jaeger or OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) traces for its HTTP API endpoints and propagate Jaeger and [w3c Trace Context]( trace information to compatible data sources.
Refer to [Configuration's OpenTelemetry section]({{< relref "./configure-grafana#tracingopentelemetry" >}}) for a reference of tracing options available in Grafana.
For more information about configuration options related to Grafana metrics, refer to [metrics]({{< relref "./configure-grafana#metrics" >}}) and [metrics.graphite]({{< relref "./configure-grafana#metricsgraphite" >}}) in [Configuration]({{< relref "./configure-grafana" >}}).
1. Enable Prometheus to scrape metrics from Grafana. In your configuration file (`grafana.ini` or `custom.ini` depending on your operating system) remove the semicolon to enable the following configuration options:
1. Enable sending metrics to Graphite. In your configuration file (`grafana.ini` or `custom.ini` depending on your operating system) remove the semicolon to enable the following configuration options:
Any installed [backend plugin]({{< relref "../developers/plugins/backend" >}}) exposes a metrics endpoint through Grafana that you can configure Prometheus to scrape.
These instructions assume you have already added Prometheus as a data source in Grafana.
1. Enable Prometheus to scrape backend plugin metrics from Grafana. In your configuration file (`grafana.ini` or `custom.ini` depending on your operating system) remove the semicolon to enable the following configuration options:
# Metrics available at HTTP URL /metrics and /metrics/plugins/:pluginId
# Disable / Enable internal metrics
enabled = true
# Disable total stats (stat_totals_*) metrics to be generated
disable_total_stats = false
1. (optional) If you want to require authorization to view the metrics endpoints, then uncomment and set the following options:
1. Restart Grafana. Grafana now exposes metrics at `http://localhost:3000/metrics/plugins/<plugin id>`, e.g. http://localhost:3000/metrics/plugins/grafana-github-datasource if you have the [Grafana GitHub datasource](/grafana/plugins/grafana-github-datasource/) installed.