- [Node.js (Long Term Support)](https://nodejs.org), with [corepack enabled](https://nodejs.org/api/corepack.html#enabling-the-feature). See [.nvmrc](../.nvmrc) for supported version. It's recommend you use a version manager such as [nvm](https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm), [fnm](https://github.com/Schniz/fnm), or similar.
If you are running Grafana on Windows 10, we recommend installing the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). For installation instructions, refer to our [Grafana setup guide for Windows environment](https://grafana.com/blog/2021/03/03/how-to-set-up-a-grafana-development-environment-on-a-windows-pc-using-wsl/).
1. Open a terminal and run `git clone https://github.com/grafana/grafana.git`. This command downloads Grafana to a new `grafana` directory in your current directory.
1. Open the `grafana` directory in your favorite code editor.
For alternative ways of cloning the Grafana repository, please refer to [GitHub's cloning a repository](https://docs.github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/cloning-a-repository) documentation.
**Warning:** Do not use `go get` to download Grafana. Recent versions of Go have added behavior which isn't compatible with the way the Grafana repository is structured.
We use pre-commit hooks (via [lefthook](https://github.com/evilmartians/lefthook)) to lint, fix, and format code as you commit your changes. Previously the Grafana repository automatically installed these hook when you did `yarn install`, but they are now opt in for all contributors
> Contributors working on the frontend are highly encouraged to install the precommit hooks, even if your IDE formats on save, so the `.betterer.results` file is kept up to sync.
> Troubleshooting: if you get the error `The remote archive doesn't match the expected checksum` for a dependency pulled from a link (e.g. `"tether-drop": "https://github.com/torkelo/drop"`): this is a temporary mismatch. To work around it (while someone corrects the issue), you can prefix your `yarn install --immutable` command with [`YARN_CHECKSUM_BEHAVIOR=update`](https://yarnpkg.com/advanced/error-codes#yn0018---cache_checksum_mismatch)
Once `yarn start` has built the assets, it will continue to do so whenever any of the files change. This means you don't have to manually build the assets every time you change the code.
> Troubleshooting: if your first build works, but after pulling updates you see unexpected errors in the "Type-checking in progress..." stage, these can be caused by the [tsbuildinfo cache supporting incremental builds](https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig#incremental). You can `rm tsconfig.tsbuildinfo` and re-try.
Next, we'll build & run the web server that will serve the frontend assets we just built.
Build and run the backend by running `make run` in the root directory of the repository. This command compiles the Go source code and starts a web server.
The Grafana backend includes SQLite which requires GCC to compile. So in order to compile Grafana on Windows you need to install GCC. We recommend [TDM-GCC](http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download). Eventually, if you use [Scoop](https://scoop.sh), you can install GCC through that.
Alternately, if you wish to use the `make` command, install [Make for Windows](http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/make.htm) and use it in a Unix shell (f.ex. Git Bash).
To run PostgreSQL and MySQL integration tests locally, you need to start the docker blocks for MySQL and/or PostgreSQL test data sources by running `make devenv sources=mysql_tests,postgres_tests`. When your test data sources are running, you can execute integration tests by running:
Grafana uses [Cypress](https://www.cypress.io/) to end-to-end test core features. Core plugins use [Playwright](https://playwright.dev/) to run automated end-to-end tests. You can find more information on how to add end-to-end tests to your core plugin [here](./style-guides/e2e-plugins.md)
By default, the end-to-end tests start a Grafana instance listening on `localhost:3001`. To use a different URL, set the `BASE_URL` environment variable:
**Note:** If you're using VS Code as your development editor, it's recommended to install the [Playwright test extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-playwright.playwright). It allows you to run, debug and generate Playwright tests from within the editor. For more information about the extension and how to install it, refer to the [Playwright documentation](https://playwright.dev/docs/getting-started-vscode).
Each version of Playwright needs specific versions of browser binaries to operate. You will need to use the Playwright CLI to install these browsers.
yarn playwright install chromium
To run all tests in a headless Chromium browser and display results in the terminal.
yarn e2e:playwright
For a better developer experience, open the Playwright UI where you can easily walk through each step of the test and visually see what was happening before, during and after each step.
yarn e2e:playwright:ui
To open the HTML reporter for the last test run session.
By now, you should be able to build and test a change you've made to the Grafana source code. In most cases, you'll need to add at least one data source to verify the change.
Run the `setup.sh` script to set up a set of data sources and dashboards in your local Grafana instance. The script creates a set of data sources called **gdev-\<type\>**, and a set of dashboards located in a folder called **gdev dashboards**.
Some of the data sources require databases to run in the background.
Installing and configuring databases can be a tricky business. Grafana uses [Docker](https://docker.com) to make the task of setting up databases a little easier. Make sure you [install Docker](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/) before proceeding to the next step.
In the root directory of your Grafana repository, run the following command:
make devenv sources=influxdb,loki
The script generates a Docker Compose file with the databases you specify as `sources`, and runs them in the background.
See the repository for all the [available data sources](/devenv/docker/blocks). Note that some data sources have specific Docker images for macOS, e.g. `nginx_proxy_mac`.
**Note:** If you are using Docker for macOS, be sure to set the memory limit to be larger than 2 GiB. Otherwise, `grunt build` may fail. The memory limit settings are available under **Docker Desktop** -> **Preferences** -> **Advanced**.
Configure your IDE to use the Typescript version from the Grafana repository. The version should match the Typescript version in the package.json file, and is typically at the path `node_modules/.bin/tsc`.
Previously Grafana used Yarn PnP to install frontend dependencies, which required additional special IDE configuration. This is no longer the case. If you have custom paths in your IDE for ESLint, Prettier, or Typescript, you can now remove them and use the defaults from node_modules.
Depending on your environment, you may have to increase the maximum number of open files allowed. For the rest of this section, we will assume you are on a Unix like OS (e.g. Linux/macOS), where you can control the maximum number of open files through the [ulimit](https://ss64.com/bash/ulimit.html) shell command.
Another alternative is to limit the files being watched. The directories that are watched for changes are listed in the `.bra.toml` file in the root directory.
To retain your `ulimit` configuration, i.e. so it will be remembered for future sessions, you need to commit it to your command line shell initialization file. Which file this will be depends on the shell you are using, here are some examples:
Commit your ulimit configuration to your shell initialization file as follows ($LIMIT being your chosen limit and $INIT_FILE being the initialization file for your shell):
If that happens to you, chances are you've already set a lower limit and your shell won't let you set a higher one. Try looking in your shell initialization files (~/.bashrc typically), if there's already an ulimit command that you can tweak.