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2018-08-30 03:32:45 -05:00
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2018-08-30 03:32:45 -05:00
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.preloader__text {
margin-top: 16px;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 14px;
font-family: Sans-serif;
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animation-name: preloader-fade-in;
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animation-delay: 1.8s;
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color: #52545c;
.theme-dark .preloader__text {
color: #d8d9da;
@keyframes preloader-fade-in {
0% {
opacity: 0;
/*animation-timing-function: linear;*/
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.5, 1);
100% {
opacity: 1;
@keyframes preloader-bounce {
to {
transform: translateY(0px);
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.3, 0, 0.1, 1);
50% {
transform: translateY(-50px);
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.9, 0, 0.7, 1);
@keyframes preloader-squash {
0% {
transform: scaleX(1.3) scaleY(0.8);
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.3, 0, 0.1, 1);
transform-origin: bottom center;
15% {
transform: scaleX(0.75) scaleY(1.25);
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.7, 0.75);
transform-origin: bottom center;
55% {
transform: scaleX(1.05) scaleY(0.95);
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.9, 0, 1, 1);
transform-origin: top center;
95% {
transform: scaleX(0.75) scaleY(1.25);
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 1);
transform-origin: bottom center;
100% {
transform: scaleX(1.3) scaleY(0.8);
transform-origin: bottom center;
animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.7, 1);
/* Fail info */
.preloader__text--fail {
display: none;
/* stop logo animation */
.preloader--done .preloader__bounce,
.preloader--done .preloader__logo {
animation-name: none;
display: none;
.preloader--done .preloader__logo,
.preloader--done .preloader__text {
display: none;
color: #ff5705 !important;
font-size: 15px;
.preloader--done .preloader__text--fail {
display: block;
.ng-cloak {
display: none !important;
<div class="preloader">
<div class="preloader__enter">
<div class="preloader__bounce">
<div class="preloader__logo"></div>
<div class="preloader__text">Loading Grafana</div>
<div class="preloader__text preloader__text--fail">
<strong>If you're seeing this Grafana has failed to load its application files</strong>
<br />
<br />
1. This could be caused by your reverse proxy settings.<br /><br />
2. If you host grafana under subpath make sure your grafana.ini root_url setting includes subpath. If not
using a reverse proxy make sure to set serve_from_sub_path to true.<br />
<br />
3. If you have a local dev build make sure you build frontend using: yarn start, yarn start:hot, or yarn
build<br />
<br />
4. Sometimes restarting grafana-server can help<br />
<br />
Routing NG: Replace Angular routing with react-router (#31463) * Add router packages * Get react app root work instead of Angular one * Logger util * Patch Angular routing ($routeProvider, $routeParamsProvider) * Use react-router-dom history instead of separate dependency * Add test routes * Sidemenu - use Link instead of anchors * Patch Angular $location service (stub) * WIP: geting rid of $location provider from TimeSrv * Intercept anchor clicks to use history under the hood * Sync Redux location slice with history state * Make login/logout work * Debug routes for testing * Make force login work * Make sure query param change does not recreate page components * Hide side menu in specified locations * Make the dashboar route query parameters work, make panel edit menu work * Enable more routes * Fix side menu * Handle view modes * Disable playlist routes * Make SafeDynamicImport work again * Bring back router-debug * Separate redux location sync from route rendering * Refactor updateLocation to thunk and move force refresh(login) to it * Fixing init dashboard issue * Support switching between dashboards without an unmount of DashboardPage * More fixes for init dashboard and panel edit * More type fixes * Moving angular location wrapper out of main LocationService, and fixing typescript issues * Fixed last typescript errors * LocationService: Move to runtime and remove getLocationService and export singleston const instead (#31523) * Moving location service implementation to runtime and removing get function and making it a package const singleton * Added test that used locationService directly * removed unused import * AngularApp: Moving angular dependencies and the app boot out of the main app into it's own file (#31525) * Fixes angular panels by calling the monkey patch * Moving angular stuff to to it's own files * udpated * Fixing clicking on divs and spans inside anchor * Moving app notifications out of angular app and removing angular directive wrapper * Moving search from angular to react and removing angular search wrapper * Clean up, tried to remove the redux location wrapper but requires a big update for DashboardPage, so adding it back * Moving AppWrapper to root to limit circular dependencies (app/core -> app/routing and back) * Open and close search now works * Hide sidemenu when in kiosk mode * Restoring some keybindings like ESC key * Removed kiosk events and simplified it, just handled through updating URL * Fixing typescript errors * Simplified GrafanaRouteComponentProps and renamed to ContainerProps * renamed back * Changed AlertRuleList to use GrafanaRouteComponentProps and passed to it * Removing the reloadOnSearch property, this is not needed now for react as react by default does not unmount components when only url match or query parmas change * SafeDynamicImport causing unmount un every search update, not sure how to fix yet * Fix signature for SafeDynamicImport so we do not create new route components on every route render * Removing the redux location wrapper as it was causing errors, and making dashboard page work with RouteProps (location, match) etc * Updating DashboardPage and SoloPanelPage to use match params and history location * Fixed DashboardPage tests * Fixing solo route tests * LocationService: Rename getCurrentLocation to just getLocation * do not intercept link clicks with target blank or self * Experimental useUrlParams hook * Update DataSourceSettingsPage to use router match params * fix links with urls that have no starting / to work like before * Fix forceLogin * Add queryParams to GrafanaRouteComponentProps * PanelEditor get rid of updateLocation and location state * Improve grafana route query params typing * Add getSearchObject to LocationService * Use DashboardPAge queryParams instead of parsing * Fix DashboardPage typing * Fix some tests weirdness * Bring back KeyboardSrv * Fixes typescript issues * Team pages now use router match params * Get rid of from GrafanaRouteComponent props * Removed unnessary calls to getSearchObject when calling locationService.partial * Updated DashboardPage tests after queryParams was added * Fixing dashboard settings back * GrafanaRoute: Adding tests and remove use of global locationService * Fixing tests and typescript errors * Bring back kiosk modes and add tests * Fix TimeSrv tests * Fix typecheck errors * Fixing tests * Updated SideMenu test to react-testing and wrapped component in Router, and fixed issue importing createMemoryHistory * Get rid of routeChange event from TimeSrv from * Fixed TopSectionItem test * Trying to make basename work but failing * Update TopSectionItem snapshot * Fix TopSectionItem snapshot test * Fix API keys creation * Remove Angular dependencies from KeybindingSrv (#31617) * Remove Angular dependency from KeybindingsSrv * Fix tests and typecheck issues * basename is starting to work * Make dashboard save work * KeybindingSrv: Remove as angular service and no usage angular scope * So long bridge_srv, we won't miss you * Update snapshots * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular (#31653) * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular * Updated * Removed logging * fixed unit tests * updated snapshots * Mechanism for force reloading routes (#31683) * e2e: Fixes various things in e2e scenarios after router migration (#31685) * Explore: Update reading query params from router props and updating location via locationService (ReactRouter) (#31688) * RoutingNG: Initial explore redux location to router location migration * Updated explore Wrapper tests * Fixing more tests * remove loggin * rename back to make naming consistent * Fixing return to dashboard button * fixing navigation to explore from dashboard * updated routeProps * Updated tests * Make DashboardListPage work * Fixing navigation after add new data source, and fixes explore e2e * Fixing solo panel page * PluginsPage now works * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preseve old logic of handling booleans and arrays (#31725) * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preserve old logic of handling booleans and arrays * Fixed test * Make snapshots list work * fixed alert notification channel edit page * Simplify LocationService, did not need special handling for login or forceLogin as target _self on link already handles that * fixed UserAdminPage * fixed edit orgs page * Fixing LdapPage * fixing dashboard import * Fixed new folder page * Fixed data source dashboards page * fixing Folder permissions and folder settings page * fixing snapshot list page nav model * remove unused file * Added placeholder page for playlist * Moved browser compatability to index-template * Restored 404/default page * Fixed reset password page * Fixed SignUpInvited page * Fixing CreateTeam, Create user page, add panel widget * Restore browwser file to make tests happy * Fixed unit tests * Removed unused import * Replacing usage of updateLocation * Fixed test * Updating search filters to use history / location service for filters * remove unused file * AppRootPage fixed * Fixing test and search issue * Changes to support enterprise extensions * remove console.log * Removing more use of redux location * Fixed signup page * removed unused old angular controllers * Fixing bugs * one final bugfix * Removed location from redux state * Fixing ts issues and tests * Fixing test issue * fixing tests * Fixing tests * removed unused stuff * Fixed search test * Adding some doc comments * Routing NG: Angular location provider patch (#31773) * Patch Angulars $location provider * Update public/app/angular/bridgeReactAngularRouting.ts * Remove only test * Update tests, disable loggers in test env * Routing NG: remove $location provider usage (#31816) * Remove dashboard_loaders * Remove $location from Analytics service, track page views form GrafanaRoute * Remove NotificationsEditCtrl * Remove Angular dependencies from uploadDashboardDirective * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove unused test helpers (#31831) * Playlist react (#31829) * playlist list in react * Playlist start * Things started to work * Updated * Handle empty list * Fix ts * Fixes and kiosk mode stuff * Removed unused events * fixing ts issue * Another ts issue * Fixing tests Co-authored-by: Dominik Prokop <> * fixed test * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove Angular dependency from DashboardLoaderSrv (#31863) Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>
2021-03-10 11:03:36 -06:00
5. Check if you are using a non-supported browser. For more information, refer to the list of
<a href="">
supported browsers</a
<script nonce="[[.Nonce]]">
Routing NG: Replace Angular routing with react-router (#31463) * Add router packages * Get react app root work instead of Angular one * Logger util * Patch Angular routing ($routeProvider, $routeParamsProvider) * Use react-router-dom history instead of separate dependency * Add test routes * Sidemenu - use Link instead of anchors * Patch Angular $location service (stub) * WIP: geting rid of $location provider from TimeSrv * Intercept anchor clicks to use history under the hood * Sync Redux location slice with history state * Make login/logout work * Debug routes for testing * Make force login work * Make sure query param change does not recreate page components * Hide side menu in specified locations * Make the dashboar route query parameters work, make panel edit menu work * Enable more routes * Fix side menu * Handle view modes * Disable playlist routes * Make SafeDynamicImport work again * Bring back router-debug * Separate redux location sync from route rendering * Refactor updateLocation to thunk and move force refresh(login) to it * Fixing init dashboard issue * Support switching between dashboards without an unmount of DashboardPage * More fixes for init dashboard and panel edit * More type fixes * Moving angular location wrapper out of main LocationService, and fixing typescript issues * Fixed last typescript errors * LocationService: Move to runtime and remove getLocationService and export singleston const instead (#31523) * Moving location service implementation to runtime and removing get function and making it a package const singleton * Added test that used locationService directly * removed unused import * AngularApp: Moving angular dependencies and the app boot out of the main app into it's own file (#31525) * Fixes angular panels by calling the monkey patch * Moving angular stuff to to it's own files * udpated * Fixing clicking on divs and spans inside anchor * Moving app notifications out of angular app and removing angular directive wrapper * Moving search from angular to react and removing angular search wrapper * Clean up, tried to remove the redux location wrapper but requires a big update for DashboardPage, so adding it back * Moving AppWrapper to root to limit circular dependencies (app/core -> app/routing and back) * Open and close search now works * Hide sidemenu when in kiosk mode * Restoring some keybindings like ESC key * Removed kiosk events and simplified it, just handled through updating URL * Fixing typescript errors * Simplified GrafanaRouteComponentProps and renamed to ContainerProps * renamed back * Changed AlertRuleList to use GrafanaRouteComponentProps and passed to it * Removing the reloadOnSearch property, this is not needed now for react as react by default does not unmount components when only url match or query parmas change * SafeDynamicImport causing unmount un every search update, not sure how to fix yet * Fix signature for SafeDynamicImport so we do not create new route components on every route render * Removing the redux location wrapper as it was causing errors, and making dashboard page work with RouteProps (location, match) etc * Updating DashboardPage and SoloPanelPage to use match params and history location * Fixed DashboardPage tests * Fixing solo route tests * LocationService: Rename getCurrentLocation to just getLocation * do not intercept link clicks with target blank or self * Experimental useUrlParams hook * Update DataSourceSettingsPage to use router match params * fix links with urls that have no starting / to work like before * Fix forceLogin * Add queryParams to GrafanaRouteComponentProps * PanelEditor get rid of updateLocation and location state * Improve grafana route query params typing * Add getSearchObject to LocationService * Use DashboardPAge queryParams instead of parsing * Fix DashboardPage typing * Fix some tests weirdness * Bring back KeyboardSrv * Fixes typescript issues * Team pages now use router match params * Get rid of from GrafanaRouteComponent props * Removed unnessary calls to getSearchObject when calling locationService.partial * Updated DashboardPage tests after queryParams was added * Fixing dashboard settings back * GrafanaRoute: Adding tests and remove use of global locationService * Fixing tests and typescript errors * Bring back kiosk modes and add tests * Fix TimeSrv tests * Fix typecheck errors * Fixing tests * Updated SideMenu test to react-testing and wrapped component in Router, and fixed issue importing createMemoryHistory * Get rid of routeChange event from TimeSrv from * Fixed TopSectionItem test * Trying to make basename work but failing * Update TopSectionItem snapshot * Fix TopSectionItem snapshot test * Fix API keys creation * Remove Angular dependencies from KeybindingSrv (#31617) * Remove Angular dependency from KeybindingsSrv * Fix tests and typecheck issues * basename is starting to work * Make dashboard save work * KeybindingSrv: Remove as angular service and no usage angular scope * So long bridge_srv, we won't miss you * Update snapshots * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular (#31653) * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular * Updated * Removed logging * fixed unit tests * updated snapshots * Mechanism for force reloading routes (#31683) * e2e: Fixes various things in e2e scenarios after router migration (#31685) * Explore: Update reading query params from router props and updating location via locationService (ReactRouter) (#31688) * RoutingNG: Initial explore redux location to router location migration * Updated explore Wrapper tests * Fixing more tests * remove loggin * rename back to make naming consistent * Fixing return to dashboard button * fixing navigation to explore from dashboard * updated routeProps * Updated tests * Make DashboardListPage work * Fixing navigation after add new data source, and fixes explore e2e * Fixing solo panel page * PluginsPage now works * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preseve old logic of handling booleans and arrays (#31725) * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preserve old logic of handling booleans and arrays * Fixed test * Make snapshots list work * fixed alert notification channel edit page * Simplify LocationService, did not need special handling for login or forceLogin as target _self on link already handles that * fixed UserAdminPage * fixed edit orgs page * Fixing LdapPage * fixing dashboard import * Fixed new folder page * Fixed data source dashboards page * fixing Folder permissions and folder settings page * fixing snapshot list page nav model * remove unused file * Added placeholder page for playlist * Moved browser compatability to index-template * Restored 404/default page * Fixed reset password page * Fixed SignUpInvited page * Fixing CreateTeam, Create user page, add panel widget * Restore browwser file to make tests happy * Fixed unit tests * Removed unused import * Replacing usage of updateLocation * Fixed test * Updating search filters to use history / location service for filters * remove unused file * AppRootPage fixed * Fixing test and search issue * Changes to support enterprise extensions * remove console.log * Removing more use of redux location * Fixed signup page * removed unused old angular controllers * Fixing bugs * one final bugfix * Removed location from redux state * Fixing ts issues and tests * Fixing test issue * fixing tests * Fixing tests * removed unused stuff * Fixed search test * Adding some doc comments * Routing NG: Angular location provider patch (#31773) * Patch Angulars $location provider * Update public/app/angular/bridgeReactAngularRouting.ts * Remove only test * Update tests, disable loggers in test env * Routing NG: remove $location provider usage (#31816) * Remove dashboard_loaders * Remove $location from Analytics service, track page views form GrafanaRoute * Remove NotificationsEditCtrl * Remove Angular dependencies from uploadDashboardDirective * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove unused test helpers (#31831) * Playlist react (#31829) * playlist list in react * Playlist start * Things started to work * Updated * Handle empty list * Fix ts * Fixes and kiosk mode stuff * Removed unused events * fixing ts issue * Another ts issue * Fixing tests Co-authored-by: Dominik Prokop <> * fixed test * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove Angular dependency from DashboardLoaderSrv (#31863) Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>
2021-03-10 11:03:36 -06:00
// Check to see if browser is not supported by Grafana
// Source file in app/core/utils/browser.ts & tests make edits there and copy compiled typescript here
function checkBrowserCompatibility() {
var isIE = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1;
var isEdge = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edge/') > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Edg/') > -1;
var isFirefox = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1;
var isChrome = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor);
Routing NG: Replace Angular routing with react-router (#31463) * Add router packages * Get react app root work instead of Angular one * Logger util * Patch Angular routing ($routeProvider, $routeParamsProvider) * Use react-router-dom history instead of separate dependency * Add test routes * Sidemenu - use Link instead of anchors * Patch Angular $location service (stub) * WIP: geting rid of $location provider from TimeSrv * Intercept anchor clicks to use history under the hood * Sync Redux location slice with history state * Make login/logout work * Debug routes for testing * Make force login work * Make sure query param change does not recreate page components * Hide side menu in specified locations * Make the dashboar route query parameters work, make panel edit menu work * Enable more routes * Fix side menu * Handle view modes * Disable playlist routes * Make SafeDynamicImport work again * Bring back router-debug * Separate redux location sync from route rendering * Refactor updateLocation to thunk and move force refresh(login) to it * Fixing init dashboard issue * Support switching between dashboards without an unmount of DashboardPage * More fixes for init dashboard and panel edit * More type fixes * Moving angular location wrapper out of main LocationService, and fixing typescript issues * Fixed last typescript errors * LocationService: Move to runtime and remove getLocationService and export singleston const instead (#31523) * Moving location service implementation to runtime and removing get function and making it a package const singleton * Added test that used locationService directly * removed unused import * AngularApp: Moving angular dependencies and the app boot out of the main app into it's own file (#31525) * Fixes angular panels by calling the monkey patch * Moving angular stuff to to it's own files * udpated * Fixing clicking on divs and spans inside anchor * Moving app notifications out of angular app and removing angular directive wrapper * Moving search from angular to react and removing angular search wrapper * Clean up, tried to remove the redux location wrapper but requires a big update for DashboardPage, so adding it back * Moving AppWrapper to root to limit circular dependencies (app/core -> app/routing and back) * Open and close search now works * Hide sidemenu when in kiosk mode * Restoring some keybindings like ESC key * Removed kiosk events and simplified it, just handled through updating URL * Fixing typescript errors * Simplified GrafanaRouteComponentProps and renamed to ContainerProps * renamed back * Changed AlertRuleList to use GrafanaRouteComponentProps and passed to it * Removing the reloadOnSearch property, this is not needed now for react as react by default does not unmount components when only url match or query parmas change * SafeDynamicImport causing unmount un every search update, not sure how to fix yet * Fix signature for SafeDynamicImport so we do not create new route components on every route render * Removing the redux location wrapper as it was causing errors, and making dashboard page work with RouteProps (location, match) etc * Updating DashboardPage and SoloPanelPage to use match params and history location * Fixed DashboardPage tests * Fixing solo route tests * LocationService: Rename getCurrentLocation to just getLocation * do not intercept link clicks with target blank or self * Experimental useUrlParams hook * Update DataSourceSettingsPage to use router match params * fix links with urls that have no starting / to work like before * Fix forceLogin * Add queryParams to GrafanaRouteComponentProps * PanelEditor get rid of updateLocation and location state * Improve grafana route query params typing * Add getSearchObject to LocationService * Use DashboardPAge queryParams instead of parsing * Fix DashboardPage typing * Fix some tests weirdness * Bring back KeyboardSrv * Fixes typescript issues * Team pages now use router match params * Get rid of from GrafanaRouteComponent props * Removed unnessary calls to getSearchObject when calling locationService.partial * Updated DashboardPage tests after queryParams was added * Fixing dashboard settings back * GrafanaRoute: Adding tests and remove use of global locationService * Fixing tests and typescript errors * Bring back kiosk modes and add tests * Fix TimeSrv tests * Fix typecheck errors * Fixing tests * Updated SideMenu test to react-testing and wrapped component in Router, and fixed issue importing createMemoryHistory * Get rid of routeChange event from TimeSrv from * Fixed TopSectionItem test * Trying to make basename work but failing * Update TopSectionItem snapshot * Fix TopSectionItem snapshot test * Fix API keys creation * Remove Angular dependencies from KeybindingSrv (#31617) * Remove Angular dependency from KeybindingsSrv * Fix tests and typecheck issues * basename is starting to work * Make dashboard save work * KeybindingSrv: Remove as angular service and no usage angular scope * So long bridge_srv, we won't miss you * Update snapshots * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular (#31653) * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular * Updated * Removed logging * fixed unit tests * updated snapshots * Mechanism for force reloading routes (#31683) * e2e: Fixes various things in e2e scenarios after router migration (#31685) * Explore: Update reading query params from router props and updating location via locationService (ReactRouter) (#31688) * RoutingNG: Initial explore redux location to router location migration * Updated explore Wrapper tests * Fixing more tests * remove loggin * rename back to make naming consistent * Fixing return to dashboard button * fixing navigation to explore from dashboard * updated routeProps * Updated tests * Make DashboardListPage work * Fixing navigation after add new data source, and fixes explore e2e * Fixing solo panel page * PluginsPage now works * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preseve old logic of handling booleans and arrays (#31725) * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preserve old logic of handling booleans and arrays * Fixed test * Make snapshots list work * fixed alert notification channel edit page * Simplify LocationService, did not need special handling for login or forceLogin as target _self on link already handles that * fixed UserAdminPage * fixed edit orgs page * Fixing LdapPage * fixing dashboard import * Fixed new folder page * Fixed data source dashboards page * fixing Folder permissions and folder settings page * fixing snapshot list page nav model * remove unused file * Added placeholder page for playlist * Moved browser compatability to index-template * Restored 404/default page * Fixed reset password page * Fixed SignUpInvited page * Fixing CreateTeam, Create user page, add panel widget * Restore browwser file to make tests happy * Fixed unit tests * Removed unused import * Replacing usage of updateLocation * Fixed test * Updating search filters to use history / location service for filters * remove unused file * AppRootPage fixed * Fixing test and search issue * Changes to support enterprise extensions * remove console.log * Removing more use of redux location * Fixed signup page * removed unused old angular controllers * Fixing bugs * one final bugfix * Removed location from redux state * Fixing ts issues and tests * Fixing test issue * fixing tests * Fixing tests * removed unused stuff * Fixed search test * Adding some doc comments * Routing NG: Angular location provider patch (#31773) * Patch Angulars $location provider * Update public/app/angular/bridgeReactAngularRouting.ts * Remove only test * Update tests, disable loggers in test env * Routing NG: remove $location provider usage (#31816) * Remove dashboard_loaders * Remove $location from Analytics service, track page views form GrafanaRoute * Remove NotificationsEditCtrl * Remove Angular dependencies from uploadDashboardDirective * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove unused test helpers (#31831) * Playlist react (#31829) * playlist list in react * Playlist start * Things started to work * Updated * Handle empty list * Fix ts * Fixes and kiosk mode stuff * Removed unused events * fixing ts issue * Another ts issue * Fixing tests Co-authored-by: Dominik Prokop <> * fixed test * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove Angular dependency from DashboardLoaderSrv (#31863) Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>
2021-03-10 11:03:36 -06:00
/* Check for
<= IE11 (Trident 7)
Edge <= 16
Firefox <= 64
Chrome <= 54
var isEdgeVersion = /Edge\/([0-9.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
Routing NG: Replace Angular routing with react-router (#31463) * Add router packages * Get react app root work instead of Angular one * Logger util * Patch Angular routing ($routeProvider, $routeParamsProvider) * Use react-router-dom history instead of separate dependency * Add test routes * Sidemenu - use Link instead of anchors * Patch Angular $location service (stub) * WIP: geting rid of $location provider from TimeSrv * Intercept anchor clicks to use history under the hood * Sync Redux location slice with history state * Make login/logout work * Debug routes for testing * Make force login work * Make sure query param change does not recreate page components * Hide side menu in specified locations * Make the dashboar route query parameters work, make panel edit menu work * Enable more routes * Fix side menu * Handle view modes * Disable playlist routes * Make SafeDynamicImport work again * Bring back router-debug * Separate redux location sync from route rendering * Refactor updateLocation to thunk and move force refresh(login) to it * Fixing init dashboard issue * Support switching between dashboards without an unmount of DashboardPage * More fixes for init dashboard and panel edit * More type fixes * Moving angular location wrapper out of main LocationService, and fixing typescript issues * Fixed last typescript errors * LocationService: Move to runtime and remove getLocationService and export singleston const instead (#31523) * Moving location service implementation to runtime and removing get function and making it a package const singleton * Added test that used locationService directly * removed unused import * AngularApp: Moving angular dependencies and the app boot out of the main app into it's own file (#31525) * Fixes angular panels by calling the monkey patch * Moving angular stuff to to it's own files * udpated * Fixing clicking on divs and spans inside anchor * Moving app notifications out of angular app and removing angular directive wrapper * Moving search from angular to react and removing angular search wrapper * Clean up, tried to remove the redux location wrapper but requires a big update for DashboardPage, so adding it back * Moving AppWrapper to root to limit circular dependencies (app/core -> app/routing and back) * Open and close search now works * Hide sidemenu when in kiosk mode * Restoring some keybindings like ESC key * Removed kiosk events and simplified it, just handled through updating URL * Fixing typescript errors * Simplified GrafanaRouteComponentProps and renamed to ContainerProps * renamed back * Changed AlertRuleList to use GrafanaRouteComponentProps and passed to it * Removing the reloadOnSearch property, this is not needed now for react as react by default does not unmount components when only url match or query parmas change * SafeDynamicImport causing unmount un every search update, not sure how to fix yet * Fix signature for SafeDynamicImport so we do not create new route components on every route render * Removing the redux location wrapper as it was causing errors, and making dashboard page work with RouteProps (location, match) etc * Updating DashboardPage and SoloPanelPage to use match params and history location * Fixed DashboardPage tests * Fixing solo route tests * LocationService: Rename getCurrentLocation to just getLocation * do not intercept link clicks with target blank or self * Experimental useUrlParams hook * Update DataSourceSettingsPage to use router match params * fix links with urls that have no starting / to work like before * Fix forceLogin * Add queryParams to GrafanaRouteComponentProps * PanelEditor get rid of updateLocation and location state * Improve grafana route query params typing * Add getSearchObject to LocationService * Use DashboardPAge queryParams instead of parsing * Fix DashboardPage typing * Fix some tests weirdness * Bring back KeyboardSrv * Fixes typescript issues * Team pages now use router match params * Get rid of from GrafanaRouteComponent props * Removed unnessary calls to getSearchObject when calling locationService.partial * Updated DashboardPage tests after queryParams was added * Fixing dashboard settings back * GrafanaRoute: Adding tests and remove use of global locationService * Fixing tests and typescript errors * Bring back kiosk modes and add tests * Fix TimeSrv tests * Fix typecheck errors * Fixing tests * Updated SideMenu test to react-testing and wrapped component in Router, and fixed issue importing createMemoryHistory * Get rid of routeChange event from TimeSrv from * Fixed TopSectionItem test * Trying to make basename work but failing * Update TopSectionItem snapshot * Fix TopSectionItem snapshot test * Fix API keys creation * Remove Angular dependencies from KeybindingSrv (#31617) * Remove Angular dependency from KeybindingsSrv * Fix tests and typecheck issues * basename is starting to work * Make dashboard save work * KeybindingSrv: Remove as angular service and no usage angular scope * So long bridge_srv, we won't miss you * Update snapshots * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular (#31653) * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular * Updated * Removed logging * fixed unit tests * updated snapshots * Mechanism for force reloading routes (#31683) * e2e: Fixes various things in e2e scenarios after router migration (#31685) * Explore: Update reading query params from router props and updating location via locationService (ReactRouter) (#31688) * RoutingNG: Initial explore redux location to router location migration * Updated explore Wrapper tests * Fixing more tests * remove loggin * rename back to make naming consistent * Fixing return to dashboard button * fixing navigation to explore from dashboard * updated routeProps * Updated tests * Make DashboardListPage work * Fixing navigation after add new data source, and fixes explore e2e * Fixing solo panel page * PluginsPage now works * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preseve old logic of handling booleans and arrays (#31725) * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preserve old logic of handling booleans and arrays * Fixed test * Make snapshots list work * fixed alert notification channel edit page * Simplify LocationService, did not need special handling for login or forceLogin as target _self on link already handles that * fixed UserAdminPage * fixed edit orgs page * Fixing LdapPage * fixing dashboard import * Fixed new folder page * Fixed data source dashboards page * fixing Folder permissions and folder settings page * fixing snapshot list page nav model * remove unused file * Added placeholder page for playlist * Moved browser compatability to index-template * Restored 404/default page * Fixed reset password page * Fixed SignUpInvited page * Fixing CreateTeam, Create user page, add panel widget * Restore browwser file to make tests happy * Fixed unit tests * Removed unused import * Replacing usage of updateLocation * Fixed test * Updating search filters to use history / location service for filters * remove unused file * AppRootPage fixed * Fixing test and search issue * Changes to support enterprise extensions * remove console.log * Removing more use of redux location * Fixed signup page * removed unused old angular controllers * Fixing bugs * one final bugfix * Removed location from redux state * Fixing ts issues and tests * Fixing test issue * fixing tests * Fixing tests * removed unused stuff * Fixed search test * Adding some doc comments * Routing NG: Angular location provider patch (#31773) * Patch Angulars $location provider * Update public/app/angular/bridgeReactAngularRouting.ts * Remove only test * Update tests, disable loggers in test env * Routing NG: remove $location provider usage (#31816) * Remove dashboard_loaders * Remove $location from Analytics service, track page views form GrafanaRoute * Remove NotificationsEditCtrl * Remove Angular dependencies from uploadDashboardDirective * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove unused test helpers (#31831) * Playlist react (#31829) * playlist list in react * Playlist start * Things started to work * Updated * Handle empty list * Fix ts * Fixes and kiosk mode stuff * Removed unused events * fixing ts issue * Another ts issue * Fixing tests Co-authored-by: Dominik Prokop <> * fixed test * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove Angular dependency from DashboardLoaderSrv (#31863) Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>
2021-03-10 11:03:36 -06:00
if (isIE && parseFloat(/Trident\/([0-9.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1]) <= 7) {
return false;
} else if (
isEdge &&
((isEdgeVersion && parseFloat(isEdgeVersion[1]) <= 16) ||
parseFloat(/Edg\/([0-9.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1]) <= 16)
) {
return false;
} else if (isFirefox && parseFloat(/Firefox\/([0-9.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1]) <= 64) {
return false;
} else if (isChrome && parseFloat(/Chrome\/([0-9.]+)/.exec(navigator.userAgent)[1]) <= 54) {
return false;
return true;
if (!checkBrowserCompatibility()) {
alert('Your browser is not fully supported, please try newer version.');
<div id="reactRoot"></div>
2018-08-31 01:50:34 -05:00
<script nonce="[[.Nonce]]">
window.grafanaBootData = {
user: [[.User]],
settings: [[.Settings]],
navTree: [[.NavTree]],
themePaths: {
light: '[[.ContentDeliveryURL]]public/build/grafana.light.<%= webpack.hash %>.css',
dark: '[[.ContentDeliveryURL]]public/build/grafana.dark.<%= webpack.hash %>.css'
// In case the js files fails to load the code below will show an info message.
window.onload = function() {
var preloader = document.getElementsByClassName("preloader");
if (preloader.length) {
preloader[0].className = "preloader preloader--done";
Routing NG: Replace Angular routing with react-router (#31463) * Add router packages * Get react app root work instead of Angular one * Logger util * Patch Angular routing ($routeProvider, $routeParamsProvider) * Use react-router-dom history instead of separate dependency * Add test routes * Sidemenu - use Link instead of anchors * Patch Angular $location service (stub) * WIP: geting rid of $location provider from TimeSrv * Intercept anchor clicks to use history under the hood * Sync Redux location slice with history state * Make login/logout work * Debug routes for testing * Make force login work * Make sure query param change does not recreate page components * Hide side menu in specified locations * Make the dashboar route query parameters work, make panel edit menu work * Enable more routes * Fix side menu * Handle view modes * Disable playlist routes * Make SafeDynamicImport work again * Bring back router-debug * Separate redux location sync from route rendering * Refactor updateLocation to thunk and move force refresh(login) to it * Fixing init dashboard issue * Support switching between dashboards without an unmount of DashboardPage * More fixes for init dashboard and panel edit * More type fixes * Moving angular location wrapper out of main LocationService, and fixing typescript issues * Fixed last typescript errors * LocationService: Move to runtime and remove getLocationService and export singleston const instead (#31523) * Moving location service implementation to runtime and removing get function and making it a package const singleton * Added test that used locationService directly * removed unused import * AngularApp: Moving angular dependencies and the app boot out of the main app into it's own file (#31525) * Fixes angular panels by calling the monkey patch * Moving angular stuff to to it's own files * udpated * Fixing clicking on divs and spans inside anchor * Moving app notifications out of angular app and removing angular directive wrapper * Moving search from angular to react and removing angular search wrapper * Clean up, tried to remove the redux location wrapper but requires a big update for DashboardPage, so adding it back * Moving AppWrapper to root to limit circular dependencies (app/core -> app/routing and back) * Open and close search now works * Hide sidemenu when in kiosk mode * Restoring some keybindings like ESC key * Removed kiosk events and simplified it, just handled through updating URL * Fixing typescript errors * Simplified GrafanaRouteComponentProps and renamed to ContainerProps * renamed back * Changed AlertRuleList to use GrafanaRouteComponentProps and passed to it * Removing the reloadOnSearch property, this is not needed now for react as react by default does not unmount components when only url match or query parmas change * SafeDynamicImport causing unmount un every search update, not sure how to fix yet * Fix signature for SafeDynamicImport so we do not create new route components on every route render * Removing the redux location wrapper as it was causing errors, and making dashboard page work with RouteProps (location, match) etc * Updating DashboardPage and SoloPanelPage to use match params and history location * Fixed DashboardPage tests * Fixing solo route tests * LocationService: Rename getCurrentLocation to just getLocation * do not intercept link clicks with target blank or self * Experimental useUrlParams hook * Update DataSourceSettingsPage to use router match params * fix links with urls that have no starting / to work like before * Fix forceLogin * Add queryParams to GrafanaRouteComponentProps * PanelEditor get rid of updateLocation and location state * Improve grafana route query params typing * Add getSearchObject to LocationService * Use DashboardPAge queryParams instead of parsing * Fix DashboardPage typing * Fix some tests weirdness * Bring back KeyboardSrv * Fixes typescript issues * Team pages now use router match params * Get rid of from GrafanaRouteComponent props * Removed unnessary calls to getSearchObject when calling locationService.partial * Updated DashboardPage tests after queryParams was added * Fixing dashboard settings back * GrafanaRoute: Adding tests and remove use of global locationService * Fixing tests and typescript errors * Bring back kiosk modes and add tests * Fix TimeSrv tests * Fix typecheck errors * Fixing tests * Updated SideMenu test to react-testing and wrapped component in Router, and fixed issue importing createMemoryHistory * Get rid of routeChange event from TimeSrv from * Fixed TopSectionItem test * Trying to make basename work but failing * Update TopSectionItem snapshot * Fix TopSectionItem snapshot test * Fix API keys creation * Remove Angular dependencies from KeybindingSrv (#31617) * Remove Angular dependency from KeybindingsSrv * Fix tests and typecheck issues * basename is starting to work * Make dashboard save work * KeybindingSrv: Remove as angular service and no usage angular scope * So long bridge_srv, we won't miss you * Update snapshots * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular (#31653) * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular * Updated * Removed logging * fixed unit tests * updated snapshots * Mechanism for force reloading routes (#31683) * e2e: Fixes various things in e2e scenarios after router migration (#31685) * Explore: Update reading query params from router props and updating location via locationService (ReactRouter) (#31688) * RoutingNG: Initial explore redux location to router location migration * Updated explore Wrapper tests * Fixing more tests * remove loggin * rename back to make naming consistent * Fixing return to dashboard button * fixing navigation to explore from dashboard * updated routeProps * Updated tests * Make DashboardListPage work * Fixing navigation after add new data source, and fixes explore e2e * Fixing solo panel page * PluginsPage now works * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preseve old logic of handling booleans and arrays (#31725) * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preserve old logic of handling booleans and arrays * Fixed test * Make snapshots list work * fixed alert notification channel edit page * Simplify LocationService, did not need special handling for login or forceLogin as target _self on link already handles that * fixed UserAdminPage * fixed edit orgs page * Fixing LdapPage * fixing dashboard import * Fixed new folder page * Fixed data source dashboards page * fixing Folder permissions and folder settings page * fixing snapshot list page nav model * remove unused file * Added placeholder page for playlist * Moved browser compatability to index-template * Restored 404/default page * Fixed reset password page * Fixed SignUpInvited page * Fixing CreateTeam, Create user page, add panel widget * Restore browwser file to make tests happy * Fixed unit tests * Removed unused import * Replacing usage of updateLocation * Fixed test * Updating search filters to use history / location service for filters * remove unused file * AppRootPage fixed * Fixing test and search issue * Changes to support enterprise extensions * remove console.log * Removing more use of redux location * Fixed signup page * removed unused old angular controllers * Fixing bugs * one final bugfix * Removed location from redux state * Fixing ts issues and tests * Fixing test issue * fixing tests * Fixing tests * removed unused stuff * Fixed search test * Adding some doc comments * Routing NG: Angular location provider patch (#31773) * Patch Angulars $location provider * Update public/app/angular/bridgeReactAngularRouting.ts * Remove only test * Update tests, disable loggers in test env * Routing NG: remove $location provider usage (#31816) * Remove dashboard_loaders * Remove $location from Analytics service, track page views form GrafanaRoute * Remove NotificationsEditCtrl * Remove Angular dependencies from uploadDashboardDirective * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove unused test helpers (#31831) * Playlist react (#31829) * playlist list in react * Playlist start * Things started to work * Updated * Handle empty list * Fix ts * Fixes and kiosk mode stuff * Removed unused events * fixing ts issue * Another ts issue * Fixing tests Co-authored-by: Dominik Prokop <> * fixed test * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove Angular dependency from DashboardLoaderSrv (#31863) Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>
2021-03-10 11:03:36 -06:00
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2015-12-15 10:54:16 -06:00
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Routing NG: Replace Angular routing with react-router (#31463) * Add router packages * Get react app root work instead of Angular one * Logger util * Patch Angular routing ($routeProvider, $routeParamsProvider) * Use react-router-dom history instead of separate dependency * Add test routes * Sidemenu - use Link instead of anchors * Patch Angular $location service (stub) * WIP: geting rid of $location provider from TimeSrv * Intercept anchor clicks to use history under the hood * Sync Redux location slice with history state * Make login/logout work * Debug routes for testing * Make force login work * Make sure query param change does not recreate page components * Hide side menu in specified locations * Make the dashboar route query parameters work, make panel edit menu work * Enable more routes * Fix side menu * Handle view modes * Disable playlist routes * Make SafeDynamicImport work again * Bring back router-debug * Separate redux location sync from route rendering * Refactor updateLocation to thunk and move force refresh(login) to it * Fixing init dashboard issue * Support switching between dashboards without an unmount of DashboardPage * More fixes for init dashboard and panel edit * More type fixes * Moving angular location wrapper out of main LocationService, and fixing typescript issues * Fixed last typescript errors * LocationService: Move to runtime and remove getLocationService and export singleston const instead (#31523) * Moving location service implementation to runtime and removing get function and making it a package const singleton * Added test that used locationService directly * removed unused import * AngularApp: Moving angular dependencies and the app boot out of the main app into it's own file (#31525) * Fixes angular panels by calling the monkey patch * Moving angular stuff to to it's own files * udpated * Fixing clicking on divs and spans inside anchor * Moving app notifications out of angular app and removing angular directive wrapper * Moving search from angular to react and removing angular search wrapper * Clean up, tried to remove the redux location wrapper but requires a big update for DashboardPage, so adding it back * Moving AppWrapper to root to limit circular dependencies (app/core -> app/routing and back) * Open and close search now works * Hide sidemenu when in kiosk mode * Restoring some keybindings like ESC key * Removed kiosk events and simplified it, just handled through updating URL * Fixing typescript errors * Simplified GrafanaRouteComponentProps and renamed to ContainerProps * renamed back * Changed AlertRuleList to use GrafanaRouteComponentProps and passed to it * Removing the reloadOnSearch property, this is not needed now for react as react by default does not unmount components when only url match or query parmas change * SafeDynamicImport causing unmount un every search update, not sure how to fix yet * Fix signature for SafeDynamicImport so we do not create new route components on every route render * Removing the redux location wrapper as it was causing errors, and making dashboard page work with RouteProps (location, match) etc * Updating DashboardPage and SoloPanelPage to use match params and history location * Fixed DashboardPage tests * Fixing solo route tests * LocationService: Rename getCurrentLocation to just getLocation * do not intercept link clicks with target blank or self * Experimental useUrlParams hook * Update DataSourceSettingsPage to use router match params * fix links with urls that have no starting / to work like before * Fix forceLogin * Add queryParams to GrafanaRouteComponentProps * PanelEditor get rid of updateLocation and location state * Improve grafana route query params typing * Add getSearchObject to LocationService * Use DashboardPAge queryParams instead of parsing * Fix DashboardPage typing * Fix some tests weirdness * Bring back KeyboardSrv * Fixes typescript issues * Team pages now use router match params * Get rid of from GrafanaRouteComponent props * Removed unnessary calls to getSearchObject when calling locationService.partial * Updated DashboardPage tests after queryParams was added * Fixing dashboard settings back * GrafanaRoute: Adding tests and remove use of global locationService * Fixing tests and typescript errors * Bring back kiosk modes and add tests * Fix TimeSrv tests * Fix typecheck errors * Fixing tests * Updated SideMenu test to react-testing and wrapped component in Router, and fixed issue importing createMemoryHistory * Get rid of routeChange event from TimeSrv from * Fixed TopSectionItem test * Trying to make basename work but failing * Update TopSectionItem snapshot * Fix TopSectionItem snapshot test * Fix API keys creation * Remove Angular dependencies from KeybindingSrv (#31617) * Remove Angular dependency from KeybindingsSrv * Fix tests and typecheck issues * basename is starting to work * Make dashboard save work * KeybindingSrv: Remove as angular service and no usage angular scope * So long bridge_srv, we won't miss you * Update snapshots * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular (#31653) * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular * Updated * Removed logging * fixed unit tests * updated snapshots * Mechanism for force reloading routes (#31683) * e2e: Fixes various things in e2e scenarios after router migration (#31685) * Explore: Update reading query params from router props and updating location via locationService (ReactRouter) (#31688) * RoutingNG: Initial explore redux location to router location migration * Updated explore Wrapper tests * Fixing more tests * remove loggin * rename back to make naming consistent * Fixing return to dashboard button * fixing navigation to explore from dashboard * updated routeProps * Updated tests * Make DashboardListPage work * Fixing navigation after add new data source, and fixes explore e2e * Fixing solo panel page * PluginsPage now works * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preseve old logic of handling booleans and arrays (#31725) * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preserve old logic of handling booleans and arrays * Fixed test * Make snapshots list work * fixed alert notification channel edit page * Simplify LocationService, did not need special handling for login or forceLogin as target _self on link already handles that * fixed UserAdminPage * fixed edit orgs page * Fixing LdapPage * fixing dashboard import * Fixed new folder page * Fixed data source dashboards page * fixing Folder permissions and folder settings page * fixing snapshot list page nav model * remove unused file * Added placeholder page for playlist * Moved browser compatability to index-template * Restored 404/default page * Fixed reset password page * Fixed SignUpInvited page * Fixing CreateTeam, Create user page, add panel widget * Restore browwser file to make tests happy * Fixed unit tests * Removed unused import * Replacing usage of updateLocation * Fixed test * Updating search filters to use history / location service for filters * remove unused file * AppRootPage fixed * Fixing test and search issue * Changes to support enterprise extensions * remove console.log * Removing more use of redux location * Fixed signup page * removed unused old angular controllers * Fixing bugs * one final bugfix * Removed location from redux state * Fixing ts issues and tests * Fixing test issue * fixing tests * Fixing tests * removed unused stuff * Fixed search test * Adding some doc comments * Routing NG: Angular location provider patch (#31773) * Patch Angulars $location provider * Update public/app/angular/bridgeReactAngularRouting.ts * Remove only test * Update tests, disable loggers in test env * Routing NG: remove $location provider usage (#31816) * Remove dashboard_loaders * Remove $location from Analytics service, track page views form GrafanaRoute * Remove NotificationsEditCtrl * Remove Angular dependencies from uploadDashboardDirective * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove unused test helpers (#31831) * Playlist react (#31829) * playlist list in react * Playlist start * Things started to work * Updated * Handle empty list * Fix ts * Fixes and kiosk mode stuff * Removed unused events * fixing ts issue * Another ts issue * Fixing tests Co-authored-by: Dominik Prokop <> * fixed test * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove Angular dependency from DashboardLoaderSrv (#31863) Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>
2021-03-10 11:03:36 -06:00
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Routing NG: Replace Angular routing with react-router (#31463) * Add router packages * Get react app root work instead of Angular one * Logger util * Patch Angular routing ($routeProvider, $routeParamsProvider) * Use react-router-dom history instead of separate dependency * Add test routes * Sidemenu - use Link instead of anchors * Patch Angular $location service (stub) * WIP: geting rid of $location provider from TimeSrv * Intercept anchor clicks to use history under the hood * Sync Redux location slice with history state * Make login/logout work * Debug routes for testing * Make force login work * Make sure query param change does not recreate page components * Hide side menu in specified locations * Make the dashboar route query parameters work, make panel edit menu work * Enable more routes * Fix side menu * Handle view modes * Disable playlist routes * Make SafeDynamicImport work again * Bring back router-debug * Separate redux location sync from route rendering * Refactor updateLocation to thunk and move force refresh(login) to it * Fixing init dashboard issue * Support switching between dashboards without an unmount of DashboardPage * More fixes for init dashboard and panel edit * More type fixes * Moving angular location wrapper out of main LocationService, and fixing typescript issues * Fixed last typescript errors * LocationService: Move to runtime and remove getLocationService and export singleston const instead (#31523) * Moving location service implementation to runtime and removing get function and making it a package const singleton * Added test that used locationService directly * removed unused import * AngularApp: Moving angular dependencies and the app boot out of the main app into it's own file (#31525) * Fixes angular panels by calling the monkey patch * Moving angular stuff to to it's own files * udpated * Fixing clicking on divs and spans inside anchor * Moving app notifications out of angular app and removing angular directive wrapper * Moving search from angular to react and removing angular search wrapper * Clean up, tried to remove the redux location wrapper but requires a big update for DashboardPage, so adding it back * Moving AppWrapper to root to limit circular dependencies (app/core -> app/routing and back) * Open and close search now works * Hide sidemenu when in kiosk mode * Restoring some keybindings like ESC key * Removed kiosk events and simplified it, just handled through updating URL * Fixing typescript errors * Simplified GrafanaRouteComponentProps and renamed to ContainerProps * renamed back * Changed AlertRuleList to use GrafanaRouteComponentProps and passed to it * Removing the reloadOnSearch property, this is not needed now for react as react by default does not unmount components when only url match or query parmas change * SafeDynamicImport causing unmount un every search update, not sure how to fix yet * Fix signature for SafeDynamicImport so we do not create new route components on every route render * Removing the redux location wrapper as it was causing errors, and making dashboard page work with RouteProps (location, match) etc * Updating DashboardPage and SoloPanelPage to use match params and history location * Fixed DashboardPage tests * Fixing solo route tests * LocationService: Rename getCurrentLocation to just getLocation * do not intercept link clicks with target blank or self * Experimental useUrlParams hook * Update DataSourceSettingsPage to use router match params * fix links with urls that have no starting / to work like before * Fix forceLogin * Add queryParams to GrafanaRouteComponentProps * PanelEditor get rid of updateLocation and location state * Improve grafana route query params typing * Add getSearchObject to LocationService * Use DashboardPAge queryParams instead of parsing * Fix DashboardPage typing * Fix some tests weirdness * Bring back KeyboardSrv * Fixes typescript issues * Team pages now use router match params * Get rid of from GrafanaRouteComponent props * Removed unnessary calls to getSearchObject when calling locationService.partial * Updated DashboardPage tests after queryParams was added * Fixing dashboard settings back * GrafanaRoute: Adding tests and remove use of global locationService * Fixing tests and typescript errors * Bring back kiosk modes and add tests * Fix TimeSrv tests * Fix typecheck errors * Fixing tests * Updated SideMenu test to react-testing and wrapped component in Router, and fixed issue importing createMemoryHistory * Get rid of routeChange event from TimeSrv from * Fixed TopSectionItem test * Trying to make basename work but failing * Update TopSectionItem snapshot * Fix TopSectionItem snapshot test * Fix API keys creation * Remove Angular dependencies from KeybindingSrv (#31617) * Remove Angular dependency from KeybindingsSrv * Fix tests and typecheck issues * basename is starting to work * Make dashboard save work * KeybindingSrv: Remove as angular service and no usage angular scope * So long bridge_srv, we won't miss you * Update snapshots * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular (#31653) * Dashboard: Refactoring ChangeTracker to use History api and no angular * Updated * Removed logging * fixed unit tests * updated snapshots * Mechanism for force reloading routes (#31683) * e2e: Fixes various things in e2e scenarios after router migration (#31685) * Explore: Update reading query params from router props and updating location via locationService (ReactRouter) (#31688) * RoutingNG: Initial explore redux location to router location migration * Updated explore Wrapper tests * Fixing more tests * remove loggin * rename back to make naming consistent * Fixing return to dashboard button * fixing navigation to explore from dashboard * updated routeProps * Updated tests * Make DashboardListPage work * Fixing navigation after add new data source, and fixes explore e2e * Fixing solo panel page * PluginsPage now works * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preseve old logic of handling booleans and arrays (#31725) * RoutingNG: When parsing and rendering url search/query params preserve old logic of handling booleans and arrays * Fixed test * Make snapshots list work * fixed alert notification channel edit page * Simplify LocationService, did not need special handling for login or forceLogin as target _self on link already handles that * fixed UserAdminPage * fixed edit orgs page * Fixing LdapPage * fixing dashboard import * Fixed new folder page * Fixed data source dashboards page * fixing Folder permissions and folder settings page * fixing snapshot list page nav model * remove unused file * Added placeholder page for playlist * Moved browser compatability to index-template * Restored 404/default page * Fixed reset password page * Fixed SignUpInvited page * Fixing CreateTeam, Create user page, add panel widget * Restore browwser file to make tests happy * Fixed unit tests * Removed unused import * Replacing usage of updateLocation * Fixed test * Updating search filters to use history / location service for filters * remove unused file * AppRootPage fixed * Fixing test and search issue * Changes to support enterprise extensions * remove console.log * Removing more use of redux location * Fixed signup page * removed unused old angular controllers * Fixing bugs * one final bugfix * Removed location from redux state * Fixing ts issues and tests * Fixing test issue * fixing tests * Fixing tests * removed unused stuff * Fixed search test * Adding some doc comments * Routing NG: Angular location provider patch (#31773) * Patch Angulars $location provider * Update public/app/angular/bridgeReactAngularRouting.ts * Remove only test * Update tests, disable loggers in test env * Routing NG: remove $location provider usage (#31816) * Remove dashboard_loaders * Remove $location from Analytics service, track page views form GrafanaRoute * Remove NotificationsEditCtrl * Remove Angular dependencies from uploadDashboardDirective * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/features/dashboard/containers/DashboardPage.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove unused test helpers (#31831) * Playlist react (#31829) * playlist list in react * Playlist start * Things started to work * Updated * Handle empty list * Fix ts * Fixes and kiosk mode stuff * Removed unused events * fixing ts issue * Another ts issue * Fixing tests Co-authored-by: Dominik Prokop <> * fixed test * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Update public/app/AppWrapper.tsx Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <> * Remove Angular dependency from DashboardLoaderSrv (#31863) Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Torkel Ödegaard <> Co-authored-by: Hugo Häggmark <> Co-authored-by: Alex Khomenko <>
2021-03-10 11:03:36 -06:00