
364 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

package screenshot
import (
gocache ""
const (
namespace = "grafana"
subsystem = "screenshot"
var (
DefaultTheme = models.ThemeDark
DefaultTimeout = 15 * time.Second
DefaultHeight = 500
DefaultWidth = 1000
var (
ErrScreenshotsUnavailable = errors.New("screenshots unavailable")
// Screenshot represents a screenshot of a dashboard in Grafana.
// A screenshot can have a Path and an URL if the screenshot is stored on disk
// and uploaded to a cloud storage service or made accessible via the Grafana
// HTTP server.
type Screenshot struct {
Path string
URL string
// ScreenshotOptions are the options for taking a screenshot.
type ScreenshotOptions struct {
DashboardUID string
PanelID int64
Width int
Height int
Theme models.Theme
Timeout time.Duration
// SetDefaults sets default values for missing or invalid options.
func (s ScreenshotOptions) SetDefaults() ScreenshotOptions {
if s.Width <= 0 {
s.Width = DefaultWidth
if s.Height <= 0 {
s.Height = DefaultHeight
switch s.Theme {
case models.ThemeDark, models.ThemeLight:
s.Theme = DefaultTheme
if s.Timeout <= 0 {
s.Timeout = DefaultTimeout
return s
// ScreenshotService is an interface for taking screenshots.
//go:generate mockgen -destination=mock.go -package=screenshot ScreenshotService
type ScreenshotService interface {
Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error)
// CachableScreenshotService caches screenshots.
type CachableScreenshotService struct {
cache *gocache.Cache
service ScreenshotService
cacheHits prometheus.Counter
cacheMisses prometheus.Counter
func NewCachableScreenshotService(r prometheus.Registerer, expiration time.Duration, service ScreenshotService) ScreenshotService {
return &CachableScreenshotService{
cache: gocache.New(expiration, time.Minute),
service: service,
cacheHits: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "cache_hits_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
cacheMisses: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "cache_misses_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
// Take returns the screenshot from the cache or asks the service to take a
// new screenshot and cache it before returning it.
func (s *CachableScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
k := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%s", opts.DashboardUID, opts.PanelID, opts.Theme)
if v, ok := s.cache.Get(k); ok {
defer s.cacheHits.Inc()
return v.(*Screenshot), nil
defer s.cacheMisses.Inc()
screenshot, err := s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.cache.Set(k, screenshot, 0)
return screenshot, nil
// NoopScreenshotService is a service that takes no-op screenshots.
type NoopScreenshotService struct{}
func (s *NoopScreenshotService) Take(_ context.Context, _ ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
return &Screenshot{}, nil
// ObservableScreenshotService is a service that records metrics about screenshots.
type ObservableScreenshotService struct {
service ScreenshotService
duration prometheus.Histogram
failures *prometheus.CounterVec
successes prometheus.Counter
func NewObservableScreenshotService(r prometheus.Registerer, service ScreenshotService) ScreenshotService {
return &ObservableScreenshotService{
service: service,
duration: promauto.With(r).NewHistogram(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Name: "duration_seconds",
Buckets: []float64{0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15},
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
failures: promauto.With(r).NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "failures_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
}, []string{"reason"}),
successes: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "successes_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
func (s *ObservableScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
start := time.Now()
defer func() { s.duration.Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds()) }()
screenshot, err := s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, dashboards.ErrDashboardNotFound) {
defer s.failures.With(prometheus.Labels{
"reason": "dashboard_not_found",
} else if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
defer s.failures.With(prometheus.Labels{
"reason": "context_canceled",
} else {
defer s.failures.With(prometheus.Labels{
"reason": "error",
} else {
defer s.successes.Inc()
return screenshot, err
// RemoteRenderScreenshotService takes screenshots using a remote render service.
type RemoteRenderScreenshotService struct {
ds dashboards.DashboardService
rs rendering.Service
func NewRemoteRenderScreenshotService(ds dashboards.DashboardService, rs rendering.Service) ScreenshotService {
return &RemoteRenderScreenshotService{
ds: ds,
rs: rs,
// Take returns a screenshot or an error if either the dashboard does not exist or
// the service failed to screenshot the dashboard. It uses both the context and the
// timeout in ScreenshotOptions, however the context is used in any database queries
// and the request to the remote render service, while the timeout in ScreenshotOptions
// is passed to the remote render service where it is used as a client timeout. It is
// not recommended to pass a context without a deadline.
func (s *RemoteRenderScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
q := models.GetDashboardQuery{Uid: opts.DashboardUID}
if err := s.ds.GetDashboard(ctx, &q); err != nil {
return nil, err
u := url.URL{}
u.Path = path.Join("d-solo", q.Result.Uid, q.Result.Slug)
p := u.Query()
p.Add("orgId", strconv.FormatInt(q.Result.OrgId, 10))
p.Add("panelId", strconv.FormatInt(opts.PanelID, 10))
u.RawQuery = p.Encode()
opts = opts.SetDefaults()
renderOpts := rendering.Opts{
AuthOpts: rendering.AuthOpts{
OrgID: q.Result.OrgId,
OrgRole: models.ROLE_ADMIN,
ErrorOpts: rendering.ErrorOpts{
ErrorConcurrentLimitReached: true,
ErrorRenderUnavailable: true,
TimeoutOpts: rendering.TimeoutOpts{
Timeout: opts.Timeout,
Width: opts.Width,
Height: opts.Height,
Theme: opts.Theme,
ConcurrentLimit: setting.AlertingRenderLimit,
Path: u.String(),
result, err :=, renderOpts, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to take screenshot: %w", err)
screenshot := Screenshot{Path: result.FilePath}
return &screenshot, nil
type ScreenshotUnavailableService struct{}
func (s *ScreenshotUnavailableService) Take(_ context.Context, _ ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
return nil, ErrScreenshotsUnavailable
// SingleFlightScreenshotService prevents duplicate screenshots.
type SingleFlightScreenshotService struct {
f singleflight.Group
service ScreenshotService
func NewSingleFlightScreenshotService(service ScreenshotService) ScreenshotService {
return &SingleFlightScreenshotService{service: service}
// Take returns a screenshot or an error. It ensures that at most one screenshot
// can be taken at a time for the same dashboard and theme. Duplicate screenshots
// wait for the first screenshot to complete and receive the same screenshot.
func (s *SingleFlightScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
k := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%d-%s", opts.DashboardUID, opts.PanelID, opts.Theme)
v, err, _ := s.f.Do(k, func() (interface{}, error) {
return s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
screenshot := v.(*Screenshot)
return screenshot, err
// RateLimitScreenshotService ensures that at most N screenshots can be taken
// at a time.
type RateLimitScreenshotService struct {
service ScreenshotService
tokens chan struct{}
func NewRateLimitScreenshotService(service ScreenshotService, n int64) ScreenshotService {
return &RateLimitScreenshotService{
service: service,
tokens: make(chan struct{}, n),
// Take returns a screenshot or an error. It ensures that at most N screenshots
// can be taken at a time. The service has N tokens such that a token is consumed
// at the start of a screenshot and returned when the screenshot has either
// succeeded or failed. A screenshot can timeout if the context is canceled
// while waiting for a token or while the screenshot is being taken.
func (s *RateLimitScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
select {
// the context is canceled
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ctx.Err()
// there is a token available
case s.tokens <- struct{}{}:
// acquired token must be returned
defer func() {
return s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
// UploadingScreenshotService uploads taken screenshots.
type UploadingScreenshotService struct {
service ScreenshotService
uploader imguploader.ImageUploader
uploadFailures prometheus.Counter
uploadSuccesses prometheus.Counter
func NewUploadingScreenshotService(r prometheus.Registerer, service ScreenshotService, uploader imguploader.ImageUploader) ScreenshotService {
return &UploadingScreenshotService{
service: service,
uploader: uploader,
uploadFailures: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "upload_failures_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
uploadSuccesses: promauto.With(r).NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Name: "upload_successes_total",
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: subsystem,
// Take uploads a screenshot with a path and returns a new screenshot with the
// unmodified path and a URL. It returns the unmodified screenshot on error.
func (s *UploadingScreenshotService) Take(ctx context.Context, opts ScreenshotOptions) (*Screenshot, error) {
screenshot, err := s.service.Take(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
url, err := s.uploader.Upload(ctx, screenshot.Path)
if err != nil {
defer s.uploadFailures.Inc()
return screenshot, fmt.Errorf("failed to upload screenshot: %w", err)
screenshot.URL = url
defer s.uploadSuccesses.Inc()
return screenshot, nil