#### Use [BEM](http://getbem.com/) convention for SASS styles.
_SASS styles are deprecated. Please migrate to Emotion whenever you need to modify SASS styles._
### File and directory naming conventions
Name files according to the primary export:
- When the primary export is a class or React component, use PascalCase.
- When the primary export is a function, use camelCase.
For files exporting multiple utility functions, use the name that describes the responsibility of grouped utilities. For example, a file exporting math utilities should be named `math.ts`.
- Use `constants.ts` for files exporting constants.
- Use `actions.ts` for files exporting Redux actions.
- Use `reducers.ts` Redux reducers.
- Use `*.test.ts(x)` for test files.
### Code organization
Organize your code in a directory that encloses feature code:
- Put Redux state and domain logic code in `state` directory (i.e. `features/my-feature/state/actions.ts`).
- Put React components in `components` directory (i.e. `features/my-feature/components/ButtonPeopleDreamOf.tsx`).
- Put test files next to the test subject.
- Put containers (pages) in feature root (i.e. `features/my-feature/DashboardPage.tsx`).
- Subcomponents can live in the component folders. Small component do not need their own folder.
- Component SASS styles should live in the same folder as component code.
For code that needs to be used by external plugin:
- Put components and types in `@grafana/ui`.
- Put data models and data utilities in `@grafana/data`.
- Put runtime services interfaces in `@grafana/runtime`.
#### Exports
- Use named exports for all code you want to export from a file.
- Use declaration exports (i.e. `export const foo = ...`).
- Export only the code that is meant to be used outside the module.
### Comments
- Use [TSDoc](https://github.com/microsoft/tsdoc) comments to document your code.
- Use [react-docgen](https://github.com/reactjs/react-docgen) comments (`/** ... */`) for props documentation.
- Use inline comments for comments inside functions, classes etc.
- Use helpers `actionCreatorFactory` and `reducerFactory` instead of traditional `switch statement` reducers in Redux. See [Redux framework](redux.md) for more details.
- Use `reducerTester` to test reducers. See [Redux framework](redux.md) for more details.
- Use state selectors to access state instead of accessing state directly.