Click a panel title to open the panel menu, then click share in the panel menu to open the Share Panel dialog. Here you have access to a link that will take you to exactly this panel with the current time range and selected template variables. Below are ways to share a panel.
You also get a link to render a PNG image of the panel. Useful if you want to share an image of the panel. Read more about the requirements and how to configure image rendering [here](/administration/image_rendering/).
- **scale**: numeric value to configure device scale factor. Default is 1. Use a higher value to produce more detailed images (higher DPI). Supported in Grafana v7.0+.
> **Note:** This sharing requires [allow_embedding]({{< relref "../administration/" >}}) enabled and anonymous access, or proper configuration of the [cookie_samesite]({{< relref "../administration/" >}}) setting.