A permission is comprised of an action and a scope. When creating a custom role, consider the actions the user can perform and the resource(s) on which they can perform those actions.
- **Action:** An action describes what tasks a user can perform on a resource.
- **Scope:** A scope describes where an action can be performed, such as reading a specific user profile. In this example, a permission is associated with the scope `users:<userId>` to the relevant role.
| `alert.instances.external:read` | `datasources:*`<br>`datasources:uid:*` | Read alerts and silences in data sources that support alerting. |
| `alert.instances.external:write` | `datasources:*`<br>`datasources:uid:*` | Manage alerts and silences in data sources that support alerting. |
| `alert.instances:create` | n/a | Create silences in the current organization. |
| `alert.instances:read` | n/a | Read alerts and silences in the current organization. |
| `alert.instances:write` | n/a | Update and expire silences in the current organization. |
| `alert.notifications.external:read` | `datasources:*`<br>`datasources:uid:*` | Read templates, contact points, notification policies, and mute timings in data sources that support alerting. |
| `alert.notifications.external:write` | `datasources:*`<br>`datasources:uid:*` | Manage templates, contact points, notification policies, and mute timings in data sources that support alerting. |
| `alert.notifications:write` | n/a | Manage templates, contact points, notification policies, and mute timings in the current organization. |
| `alert.notifications:read` | n/a | Read all templates, contact points, notification policies, and mute timings in the current organization. |
| `alert.rules.external:read` | `datasources:*`<br>`datasources:uid:*` | Read alert rules in data sources that support alerting (Prometheus, Mimir, and Loki) |
| `alert.rules.external:write` | `datasources:*`<br>`datasources:uid:*` | Create, update, and delete alert rules in data sources that support alerting (Mimir and Loki). |
| `alert.rules:create` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Create Grafana alert rules in a folder and its subfolders. Combine this permission with `folders:read` in a scope that includes the folder and `datasources:query` in the scope of data sources the user can query. |
| `alert.rules:delete` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Delete Grafana alert rules in a folder and its subfolders. Combine this permission with `folders:read` in a scope that includes the folder and `datasources:query` in the scope of data sources the user can query. |
| `alert.rules:read` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Read Grafana alert rules in a folder and its subfolders. Combine this permission with `folders:read` in a scope that includes the folder and `datasources:query` in the scope of data sources the user can query. |
| `alert.rules:write` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Update Grafana alert rules in a folder and its subfolders. Combine this permission with `folders:read` in a scope that includes the folder and `datasources:query` in the scope of data sources the user can query. |
| `alert.provisioning:read` | n/a | Read all Grafana alert rules, notification policies, etc via provisioning API. Permissions to folders and datasource are not required. |
| `alert.provisioning.secrets:read` | n/a | Same as `alert.provisioning:read` plus ability to export resources with decrypted secrets. |
| `alert.provisioning:write` | n/a | Update all Grafana alert rules, notification policies, etc via provisioning API. Permissions to folders and datasource are not required. |
| `alert.provisioning.provenance:write` | n/a | Set provisioning status for alerting resources. Cannot be used alone. Requires user to have permissions to access resources |
| `apikeys:read` | `apikeys:*`<br>`apikeys:id:*` | Read API keys. |
| `apikeys:delete` | `apikeys:*`<br>`apikeys:id:*` | Delete API keys. |
| `dashboards:create` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Create dashboards in one or more folders and their subfolders. |
| `dashboards:delete` | `dashboards:*`<br>`dashboards:uid:*`<br>`folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Delete one or more dashboards. |
| `dashboards.insights:read` | n/a | Read dashboard insights data and see presence indicators. |
| `dashboards.permissions:read` | `dashboards:*`<br>`dashboards:uid:*`<br>`folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Read permissions for one or more dashboards. |
| `dashboards.permissions:write` | `dashboards:*`<br>`dashboards:uid:*`<br>`folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Update permissions for one or more dashboards. |
| `dashboards:read` | `dashboards:*`<br>`dashboards:uid:*`<br>`folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Read one or more dashboards. |
| `dashboards:write` | `dashboards:*`<br>`dashboards:uid:*`<br>`folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Update one or more dashboards. |
| `dashboards.public:write` | `dashboards:*`<br>`dashboards:uid:*` | Write public dashboard configuration. |
| `folders.permissions:read` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Read permissions for one or more folders and their subfolders. |
| `folders.permissions:write` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Update permissions for one or more folders and their subfolders. |
| `folders:create` | n/a | Create folders in the root level. If granted together with `folders:write`, also allows creating subfolders under all folders that the user can update. |
| `folders:delete` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Delete one or more folders and their subfolders. |
| `folders:read` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Read one or more folders and their subfolders. |
| `folders:write` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Update one or more folders and their subfolders. If granted together with `folders:create` permission, also allows creating subfolders under these folders. |
| `ldap.config:reload` | n/a | Reload the LDAP configuration. |
| `ldap.status:read` | n/a | Verify the availability of the LDAP server or servers. |
| `ldap.user:read` | n/a | Read users via LDAP. |
| `ldap.user:sync` | n/a | Sync users via LDAP. |
| `library.panels:create` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Create a library panel in one or more folders and their subfolders. |
| `library.panels:read` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*`<br>`library.panels:*`<br>`library.panels:uid:*` | Read one or more library panels. |
| `library.panels:write` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*`<br>`library.panels:*`<br>`library.panels:uid:*` | Update one or more library panels. |
| `library.panels:delete` | `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*`<br>`library.panels:*`<br>`library.panels:uid:*` | Delete one or more library panels. |
| `licensing.reports:read` | n/a | Get custom permission reports. |
| `licensing:delete` | n/a | Delete the license token. |
| `orgs:delete` | n/a | Delete one or more organizations. |
| `orgs:read` | n/a | Read one or more organizations. |
| `orgs:write` | n/a | Update one or more organizations. |
| `plugins.app:access` | `plugins:*`<br>`plugins:id:*` | Access one or more application plugins (still enforcing the organization role) |
| `plugins:install` | n/a | Install and uninstall plugins. |
| `plugins:write` | `plugins:*`<br>`plugins:id:*` | Edit settings for one or more plugins. |
| `provisioning:reload` | `provisioners:*` | Reload provisioning files. To find the exact scope for specific provisioner, see [Scope definitions]({{< relref "#scope-definitions" >}}). |
| `serviceaccounts:write` | `serviceaccounts:*` | Create Grafana service accounts. |
| `serviceaccounts:create` | n/a | Update Grafana service accounts. |
| `serviceaccounts:delete` | `serviceaccounts:*`<br>`serviceaccounts:id:*` | Delete Grafana service accounts. |
| `serviceaccounts:read` | `serviceaccounts:*`<br>`serviceaccounts:id:*` | Read Grafana service accounts. |
| `serviceaccounts.permissions:write` | `serviceaccounts:*`<br>`serviceaccounts:id:*` | Update Grafana service account permissions to control who can do what with the service account. |
| `serviceaccounts.permissions:read` | `serviceaccounts:*`<br>`serviceaccounts:id:*` | Read Grafana service account permissions to see who can do what with the service account. |
| `settings:write` | `settings:*`<br>`settings:auth.saml:*`<br>`settings:auth.saml:enabled` (property level) | Update any Grafana configuration settings that can be [updated at runtime]({{< relref "../../../../setup-grafana/configure-grafana/settings-updates-at-runtime" >}}). |
| `support.bundles:create` | n/a | Create support bundles. |
| `support.bundles:delete` | n/a | Delete support bundles. |
| `support.bundles:read` | n/a | List and download support bundles. |
| `status:accesscontrol` | `services:accesscontrol` | Get access-control enabled status. |
| `teams.permissions:read` | `teams:*`<br>`teams:id:*` | Read members and Team Sync setup for teams. |
| `teams.permissions:write` | `teams:*`<br>`teams:id:*` | Add, remove and update members and manage Team Sync setup for teams. |
| `teams.roles:add` | `permissions:type:delegate` | Assign a role to a team. |
| `teams.roles:read` | `teams:*`<br>`teams:id:*` | List roles assigned directly to a team. |
| `teams.roles:remove` | `permissions:type:delegate` | Unassign a role from a team. |
| `teams:create` | n/a | Create teams. |
| `teams:delete` | `teams:*`<br>`teams:id:*` | Delete one or more teams. |
| `teams:read` | `teams:*`<br>`teams:id:*` | Read one or more teams and team preferences. To list teams through the UI one of the following permissions is required in addition to `teams:read`: `teams:write`, `teams.permissions:read` or `teams.permissions:write`. |
| `teams:write` | `teams:*`<br>`teams:id:*` | Update one or more teams and team preferences. |
| `users.authtoken:read` | `global.users:*`<br>`global.users:id:*` | List authentication tokens that are assigned to a user. |
| `users.authtoken:write` | `global.users:*`<br>`global.users:id:*` | Update authentication tokens that are assigned to a user. |
| `users.password:write` | `global.users:*`<br>`global.users:id:*` | Update a user’s password. |
| `users.permissions:read` | `users:*` | List permissions of a user. |
> **Note:** Available from Grafana 9.4 in early access.
> **Note:** This feature is behind the `accessControlOnCall` feature toggle.
> You can enable feature toggles through configuration file or environment variables. See configuration [docs]({{< relref "../../../../setup-grafana/configure-grafana/#feature_toggles" >}}) for details.
The following list contains role-based access control actions used by Grafana OnCall application plugin.
| `annotations:*`<br>`annotations:type:*` | Restrict an action to a set of annotations. For example, `annotations:*` matches any annotation, `annotations:type:dashboard` matches annotations associated with dashboards and `annotations:type:organization` matches organization annotations. |
| `apikeys:*`<br>`apikeys:id:*` | Restrict an action to a set of API keys. For example, `apikeys:*` matches any API key, `apikey:id:1` matches the API key whose id is `1`. |
| `dashboards:*`<br>`dashboards:uid:*` | Restrict an action to a set of dashboards. For example, `dashboards:*` matches any dashboard, and `dashboards:uid:1` matches the dashboard whose UID is `1`. |
| `datasources:*`<br>`datasources:uid:*` | Restrict an action to a set of data sources. For example, `datasources:*` matches any data source, and `datasources:uid:1` matches the data source whose UID is `1`. |
| `folders:*`<br>`folders:uid:*` | Restrict an action to a set of folders. For example, `folders:*` matches any folder, and `folders:uid:1` matches the folder whose UID is `1`. Note that permissions granted to a folder cascade down to subfolders located under it |
| `global.users:*`<br>`global.users:id:*` | Restrict an action to a set of global users. For example, `global.users:*` matches any user and `global.users:id:1` matches the user whose ID is `1`. |
| `library.panels:*`<br>`library.panels:uid:*` | Restrict an action to a set of library panels. For example, `library.panels:*` matches any library panel, and `library.panel:uid:1` matches the library panel whose UID is `1`. |
| `orgs:*`<br>`orgs:id:*` | Restrict an action to a set of organizations. For example, `orgs:*` matches any organization and `orgs:id:1` matches the organization whose ID is `1`. |
| `permissions:type:delegate` | The scope is only applicable for roles associated with the Access Control itself and indicates that you can delegate your permissions only, or a subset of it, by creating a new role or making an assignment. |
| `permissions:type:escalate` | The scope is required to trigger the reset of basic roles permissions. It indicates that users might acquire additional permissions they did not previously have. |
| `plugins:*`<br>`plugins:id:*` | Restrict an action to a set of plugins. For example, `plugins:id:grafana-oncall-app` matches Grafana OnCall plugin, and `plugins:*` matches all plugins. |
| `provisioners:*` | Restrict an action to a set of provisioners. For example, `provisioners:*` matches any provisioner, and `provisioners:accesscontrol` matches the role-based access control [provisioner]({{< relref "./rbac-grafana-provisioning/" >}}). |
| `reports:*`<br>`reports:id:*` | Restrict an action to a set of reports. For example, `reports:*` matches any report and `reports:id:1` matches the report whose ID is `1`. |
| `roles:*`<br>`roles:uid:*` | Restrict an action to a set of roles. For example, `roles:*` matches any role and `roles:uid:randomuid` matches only the role whose UID is `randomuid`. |
| `services:accesscontrol` | Restrict an action to target only the role-based access control service. You can use this in conjunction with the `status:accesscontrol` actions. |
| `serviceaccounts:*`<br>`serviceaccounts:id:*` | Restrict an action to a set of service account from an organization. For example, `serviceaccounts:*` matches any service account and `serviceaccount:id:1` matches the service account whose ID is `1`. |
| `settings:*` | Restrict an action to a subset of settings. For example, `settings:*` matches all settings, `settings:auth.saml:*` matches all SAML settings, and `settings:auth.saml:enabled` matches the enable property on the SAML settings. |
| `teams:*`<br>`teams:id:*` | Restrict an action to a set of teams from an organization. For example, `teams:*` matches any team and `teams:id:1` matches the team whose ID is `1`. |
| `users:*`<br>`users:id:*` | Restrict an action to a set of users from an organization. For example, `users:*` matches any user and `users:id:1` matches the user whose ID is `1`. |
| `n/a` | `n/a` means not applicable. If an action has `n/a` specified for the scope, then the action does not require a scope. For example, the `teams:create` action does not require a scope and allows users to create teams. |