Data source permissions allow you to restrict access for users to query a data source. For each data source there is a permission page that allows you to enable permissions and restrict query permissions to specific **Users** and **Teams**.
By default, data sources in an organization can be queried by any user in that organization. For example, a user with the `Viewer` role can issue any possible query to a data source, not just
queries that exist on dashboards they have access to.
When permissions are enabled for a data source in an organization, you restrict admin and query access for that data source to [admin users]({{< relref "../permissions/organization_roles/#admin-role" >}}) in that organization.
After you have enabled permissions for a data source you can assign query permissions to users and teams which will allow access to query the data source.
If you have enabled permissions for a data source and want to return data source permissions to the default, then you can disable permissions with a click of a button.
Note that *all* existing permissions created for the data source will be deleted.